
92 lines
3.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import json
import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple, Union
from termcolor import cprint
UNITS = ['ms', 's', 'm', 'h', 'd', 'w', 'y']
def resolve_time_and_unit(time: str) -> Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[None, None]]:
Divide time with its unit and return a tuple like (10, 'm')
Return None if its and invalid prometheus time
Valid units are inside UNITS.
if time[-1] in UNITS:
return int(time[:-1]), time[-1]
if time[-2:] in UNITS:
return int(time[:-2]), time[-2:]
return None, None
def get_dashboards_data() -> Dict[str, Any]:
data: Dict[str, Any] = {'queries': {}, 'variables': {}, 'stats': {}}
for file in Path(__file__).parent.parent.glob('*.json'):
with open(file, 'r') as f:
dashboard_data = json.load(f)
data['stats'][str(file)] = {'total': 0, 'tested': 0}
add_dashboard_queries(data, dashboard_data, str(file))
add_dashboard_variables(data, dashboard_data)
return data
def add_dashboard_queries(data: Dict[str, Any], dashboard_data: Dict[str, Any], path: str) -> None:
Grafana panels can have more than one target/query, in order to identify each
query in the panel we append the "legendFormat" of the target to the panel name.
format: panel_name-legendFormat
if 'panels' not in dashboard_data:
for panel in dashboard_data['panels']:
if (
'title' in panel
and 'targets' in panel
and len(panel['targets']) > 0
and 'expr' in panel['targets'][0]
for target in panel['targets']:
title = panel['title']
legend_format = target['legendFormat'] if 'legendFormat' in target else ""
query_id = title + '-' + legend_format
if query_id in data['queries']:
# NOTE: If two or more panels have the same name and legend it
# might suggest a refactoring is needed or add something else
# to identify each query.
cprint((f'WARNING: Query in panel "{title}" with legend "{legend_format}"'
' already exists'), 'yellow')
data['queries'][query_id] = {'query': target['expr'], 'path': path}
data['stats'][path]['total'] += 1
def add_dashboard_variables(data: Dict[str, Any], dashboard_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
if 'templating' not in dashboard_data or 'list' not in dashboard_data['templating']:
for variable in dashboard_data['templating']['list']:
if 'name' in variable:
data['variables'][variable['name']] = 'UNSET VARIABLE'
def replace_grafana_expr_variables(expr: str, variable: str, value: Any) -> str:
""" Replace grafana variables in expression with a value
It should match the whole word, 'osd' musn't match with the 'osd' prefix in 'osd_hosts'
>>> replace_grafana_expr_variables('metric{name~="$osd_hosts|$other|$osd"}', \
'osd', 'replacement')
>>> replace_grafana_expr_variables('metric{name~="$osd_hosts|$other|$osd"}', \
'other', 'replacement')
It replaces words with dollar prefix
>>> replace_grafana_expr_variables('metric{name~="no_dollar|$other|$osd"}', \
'no_dollar', 'replacement')
regex = fr'\${variable}(?=\W)'
new_expr = re.sub(regex, fr'{str(value)}', expr)
return new_expr