Catppuccin Palettes

## Usage ### Node Get the [NPM package](https://www.npmjs.org/package/@catppuccin/palette): ```console npm install @catppuccin/palette ``` ```ts import { flavors, flavorEntries } from "@catppuccin/palette"; import chalk from "chalk"; // an object containing all catppuccin flavors console.log(flavors); // typed helper when iterating flavors flavorEntries.map(([_, flavor]) => { console.log(`${flavor.name} is a ${flavor.dark ? "dark" : "light"} theme.`); console.log(`It has ${flavor.colorEntries.length} colors:`); // same for the colors flavor.colorEntries.map(([colorName, { hex, rgb, accent }]) => { console.log( chalk.bgRgb(rgb.r, rgb.b, rgb.g)(` ${hex} `), colorName, accent ); }); console.log("\n"); }); ``` ### Deno The library gets published to [`deno.land/x/catppuccin`](https://deno.land/x/catppuccin). ```ts import { flavors, flavorEntries } from "https://deno.land/x/catppuccin/mod.ts"; import { bgRgb24 } from "https://deno.land/std/fmt/colors.ts"; // an object containing all catppuccin flavors console.log(flavors); // typed helper when iterating flavors flavorEntries.map(([_, flavor]) => { console.log(`${flavor.name} is a ${flavor.dark ? "dark" : "light"} theme.`); console.log(`It has ${flavor.colorEntries.length} colors:`); // same for the colors flavor.colorEntries.map(([colorName, { hex, rgb, accent }]) => { console.log(bgRgb24(` ${hex} `, { ...rgb }), colorName, accent); }); console.log("\n"); }); ``` ## Other available formats - Web development - [CSS](docs/css.md) - [Sass](docs/sass.md) - Ports of this library - [Flutter](https://github.com/catppuccin/flutter) - [Gleam](https://github.com/catppuccin/gleam) - [Go](https://github.com/catppuccin/go) - [Java](https://github.com/catppuccin/java) - [Lua](https://github.com/catppuccin/lua) - [Nim](https://github.com/catppuccin/nim) - [Python](https://github.com/catppuccin/python) - [Rust](https://github.com/catppuccin/rust) - [Tailwind CSS](https://github.com/catppuccin/tailwindcss) - [V](https://github.com/catppuccin/v) ## Graphics editors Please use the respective files in [the latest GitHub Release](https://github.com/catppuccin/palette/releases/latest): | Programs | Directory | | -------------------------------- | ------------ | | Adobe Suite, Affinity Suite, Sip | `ase/` | | Aseprite, Gimp, Inkscape, Krita | `gimp/` | | Procreate | `procreate/` |  

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