From 540dfc7a78ddd0f63d7a4080c209833638ce3b2a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pocco81
- 😸 Catppuccin for AwesomeApp
+ 😸 Catppuccin palette for Gimp
Warm mid-tone dark theme to show off your vibrant self!
+Warm and colorful dark theme to show off your vibrant self!
@@ -15,36 +15,6 @@
3. Select `import theme` and browse to where you cloned Catppuccin
4. Select it
-## 🙋 FAQ (optional)
-- Q: **_"Where can I find the doc?"_**
- A: Run `:help theme`
## 💝 Thanks to
- [Human](
-> **Note:** feel free to remove this section after reading it 😎
-## 🐧 Usage
-There are this things on GitHub called "template repositories" which you can use as blueprints for a new repo. The problem with this is that they leave a _small_ tag under the repos' name that says "generated from ". To avoid this follow these instructions:
-1. Create the repo and leave it empty
-2. Add this template as a remote: `git remote add template`
-3. Pull from it: `git pull template main`
-4. Delete the remote: `git remote remove template`
-## 🤩 Style
-- The name of the repo must be the simplest version of the app's name (e.g `nvim` instead of `NeoVim`)
-- Put the images under `assets/`. If there are a bunch of them consider [creating an empty branch]( (e.g. `assets`) and storing them there.
-- Format repo description as "