start of JSON Patch implementation. cJSON gained a cJSON_InsertItemToArray which pushes elements up by one.

This is needed for JSON Patch. Everything but Test is implemented for ApplyPatches.

git-svn-id: svn:// e3330c51-1366-4df0-8b21-3ccf24e3d50e
This commit is contained in:
Dave Gamble 2015-02-10 14:17:59 +00:00
parent 858671cc7f
commit 3c6b3cc617
5 changed files with 158 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -691,6 +691,8 @@ cJSON *cJSON_DetachItemFromObject(cJSON *object,const char *string) {int i=0;cJS
void cJSON_DeleteItemFromObject(cJSON *object,const char *string) {cJSON_Delete(cJSON_DetachItemFromObject(object,string));}
/* Replace array/object items with new ones. */
void cJSON_InsertItemInArray(cJSON *array,int which,cJSON *newitem) {cJSON *c=array->child;while (c && which>0) c=c->next,which--;if (!c) {cJSON_AddItemToArray(array,newitem);return;}
newitem->next=c;newitem->prev=c->prev;c->prev=newitem;if (c==array->child) array->child=newitem; else newitem->prev->next=newitem;}
void cJSON_ReplaceItemInArray(cJSON *array,int which,cJSON *newitem) {cJSON *c=array->child;while (c && which>0) c=c->next,which--;if (!c) return;
newitem->next=c->next;newitem->prev=c->prev;if (newitem->next) newitem->next->prev=newitem;
if (c==array->child) array->child=newitem; else newitem->prev->next=newitem;c->next=c->prev=0;cJSON_Delete(c);}

View File

@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ extern cJSON *cJSON_DetachItemFromObject(cJSON *object,const char *string);
extern void cJSON_DeleteItemFromObject(cJSON *object,const char *string);
/* Update array items. */
extern void cJSON_InsertItemInArray(cJSON *array,int which,cJSON *newitem); // Shifts pre-existing items to the right.
extern void cJSON_ReplaceItemInArray(cJSON *array,int which,cJSON *newitem);
extern void cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(cJSON *object,const char *string,cJSON *newitem);

View File

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "cJSON_Utils.h"
// JSON Pointer implementation:
static int cJSONUtils_Pstrcasecmp(const char *a,const char *e)
if (!a || !e) return (a==e)?0:1;
@ -12,7 +15,6 @@ static int cJSONUtils_Pstrcasecmp(const char *a,const char *e)
return 0;
cJSON *cJSONUtils_GetPointer(cJSON *object,const char *pointer)
cJSON *target=object;int which=0;const char *element=0;
@ -36,4 +38,107 @@ cJSON *cJSONUtils_GetPointer(cJSON *object,const char *pointer)
return object;
// JSON Patch implementation.
static void cJSONUtils_InplaceDecodePointerString(char *string)
char *s2=string;
for (;*string;s2++,string++)
static cJSON *cJSONUtils_PatchDetach(cJSON *object,const char *path)
char *parentptr=0,*childptr=0;cJSON *parent=0;
parentptr=strdup(path); childptr=strrchr(parentptr,'/'); if (childptr) *childptr++=0;
cJSON *ret=0;
if (!parent) ret=0; // Couldn't find object to remove child from.
else if (parent->type==cJSON_Array) ret=cJSON_DetachItemFromArray(parent,atoi(childptr));
else if (parent->type==cJSON_Object) ret=cJSON_DetachItemFromObject(parent,childptr);
return ret;
static int cJSONUtils_ApplyPatch(cJSON *object,cJSON *patch)
cJSON *op=0,*path=0,*value=0;int opcode=0;
if (!op || !path) return 2; // malformed patch.
if (!strcmp(op->valuestring,"add")) opcode=0;
else if (!strcmp(op->valuestring,"remove")) opcode=1;
else if (!strcmp(op->valuestring,"replace"))opcode=2;
else if (!strcmp(op->valuestring,"move")) opcode=3;
else if (!strcmp(op->valuestring,"copy")) opcode=4;
else if (!strcmp(op->valuestring,"test")) opcode=5;
else return 3; // unknown opcode.
if (opcode==5) return 10; // TEST IS CURRENTLY UNIMPLEMENTED.
if (opcode==1 || opcode==2) // Remove/Replace
cJSON_Delete(cJSONUtils_PatchDetach(object,path->valuestring)); // Get rid of old.
if (opcode==1) return 0; // For Remove, this is job done.
if (opcode==3 || opcode==4) // Copy/Move uses "from".
cJSON *from=cJSON_GetObjectItem(patch,"from"); if (!from) return 4; // missing "from" for copy/move.
if (opcode==3) value=cJSONUtils_PatchDetach(object,from->valuestring);
if (opcode==4) value=cJSONUtils_GetPointer(object,from->valuestring);
if (!value) return 5; // missing "from" for copy/move.
if (opcode==4) value=cJSON_Duplicate(value,1);
if (!value) return 6; // out of memory for copy/move.
else // Add/Replace uses "value".
if (!value) return 7; // missing "value" for add/replace.
if (!value) return 8; // out of memory for add/replace.
// Now, just add "value" to "path".
char *parentptr=0,*childptr=0;cJSON *parent=0;
parentptr=strdup(path->valuestring); childptr=strrchr(parentptr,'/'); if (childptr) *childptr++=0;
// add, remove, replace, move, copy, test.
if (!parent) {free(parentptr); return 9;} // Couldn't find object to add to.
else if (parent->type==cJSON_Array)
if (!strcmp(childptr,"-")) cJSON_AddItemToArray(parent,value);
else cJSON_InsertItemInArray(parent,atoi(childptr),value);
else if (parent->type==cJSON_Object)
return 0;
int cJSONUtils_ApplyPatches(cJSON *object,cJSON *patches)
int err;
if (!patches->type==cJSON_Array) return 1; // malformed patches.
if (patches) patches=patches->child;
while (patches)
if ((err=cJSONUtils_ApplyPatch(object,patches))) return err;
return 0;

View File

@ -3,3 +3,17 @@
// Implement RFC6901 ( JSON Pointer spec.
cJSON *cJSONUtils_GetPointer(cJSON *object,const char *pointer);
// Implement RFC6902 ( JSON Patch spec.
//cJSON* cJSONUtils_GeneratePatches(cJSON *from,cJSON *to); // Not yet implemented.
int cJSONUtils_ApplyPatches(cJSON *object,cJSON *patches); // Returns 0 for success.
// Note that ApplyPatches is NOT atomic on failure. To implement an atomic ApplyPatches, use:
//int cJSONUtils_AtomicApplyPatches(cJSON **object, cJSON *patches)
// cJSON *modme=cJSON_Duplicate(*object,1);
// int error=cJSONUtils_ApplyPatches(modme,patches);
// if (!error) {cJSON_Delete(*object);*object=modme;}
// else cJSON_Delete(modme);
// return error;
// Code not added to library since this strategy is a LOT slower.

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
int main()
// JSON Pointer tests:
const char *json="{"
"\"foo\": [\"bar\", \"baz\"],"
"\"\": 0,"
@ -23,8 +24,40 @@ int main()
cJSON *root=cJSON_Parse(json);
for (int i=0;i<12;i++)
printf("Test %d:\n%s\n\n",i+1,cJSON_Print(cJSONUtils_GetPointer(root,tests[i])));
char *output=cJSON_Print(cJSONUtils_GetPointer(root,tests[i]));
printf("Test %d:\n%s\n\n",i+1,output);
// JSON Patch tests:
const char *patches[15][2]={
{"{ \"foo\": \"bar\"}", "[{ \"op\": \"add\", \"path\": \"/baz\", \"value\": \"qux\" }]"},
{"{ \"foo\": [ \"bar\", \"baz\" ] }", "[{ \"op\": \"add\", \"path\": \"/foo/1\", \"value\": \"qux\" }]"},
{"{\"baz\": \"qux\",\"foo\": \"bar\"}"," [{ \"op\": \"remove\", \"path\": \"/baz\" }]"},
{"{ \"foo\": [ \"bar\", \"qux\", \"baz\" ] }","[{ \"op\": \"remove\", \"path\": \"/foo/1\" }]"},
{"{ \"baz\": \"qux\",\"foo\": \"bar\"}","[{ \"op\": \"replace\", \"path\": \"/baz\", \"value\": \"boo\" }]"},
{"{\"foo\": {\"bar\": \"baz\",\"waldo\": \"fred\"},\"qux\": {\"corge\": \"grault\"}}","[{ \"op\": \"move\", \"from\": \"/foo/waldo\", \"path\": \"/qux/thud\" }]"},
{"{ \"foo\": [ \"all\", \"grass\", \"cows\", \"eat\" ] }","[ { \"op\": \"move\", \"from\": \"/foo/1\", \"path\": \"/foo/3\" }]"},
{"{\"baz\": \"qux\",\"foo\": [ \"a\", 2, \"c\" ]}","[{ \"op\": \"test\", \"path\": \"/baz\", \"value\": \"qux\" },{ \"op\": \"test\", \"path\": \"/foo/1\", \"value\": 2 }]"},
{"{ \"baz\": \"qux\" }","[ { \"op\": \"test\", \"path\": \"/baz\", \"value\": \"bar\" }]"},
{"{ \"foo\": \"bar\" }","[{ \"op\": \"add\", \"path\": \"/child\", \"value\": { \"grandchild\": { } } }]"},
{"{ \"foo\": \"bar\" }","[{ \"op\": \"add\", \"path\": \"/baz\", \"value\": \"qux\", \"xyz\": 123 }]"},
{"{ \"foo\": \"bar\" }","[{ \"op\": \"add\", \"path\": \"/baz/bat\", \"value\": \"qux\" }]"},
{"{\"/\": 9,\"~1\": 10}","[{\"op\": \"test\", \"path\": \"/~01\", \"value\": 10}]"},
{"{\"/\": 9,\"~1\": 10}","[{\"op\": \"test\", \"path\": \"/~01\", \"value\": \"10\"}]"},
{"{ \"foo\": [\"bar\"] }","[ { \"op\": \"add\", \"path\": \"/foo/-\", \"value\": [\"abc\", \"def\"] }]"}};
printf("JSON Patch Tests\n");
for (int i=0;i<15;i++)
cJSON *object=cJSON_Parse(patches[i][0]);
cJSON *patch=cJSON_Parse(patches[i][1]);
int err=cJSONUtils_ApplyPatches(object,patch);
char *output=cJSON_Print(object);
printf("Test %d (err %d):\n%s\n\n",i+1,err,output);