/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License v2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 021110-1307, USA. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "kerncompat.h" #include "btrfs_cmds.h" #include "version.h" typedef int (*CommandFunction)(int argc, char **argv); struct Command { CommandFunction func; /* function which implements the command */ int nargs; /* if == 999, any number of arguments if >= 0, number of arguments, if < 0, _minimum_ number of arguments */ char *verb; /* verb */ char *help; /* help lines; form the 2nd onward they are indented */ /* the following fields are run-time filled by the program */ char **cmds; /* array of subcommands */ int ncmds; /* number of subcommand */ }; static struct Command commands[] = { /* avoid short commands different for the case only */ { do_clone, 2, "subvolume snapshot", "<source> [<dest>/]<name>\n" "Create a writable snapshot of the subvolume <source> with\n" "the name <name> in the <dest> directory." }, { do_delete_subvolume, 1, "subvolume delete", "<subvolume>\n" "Delete the subvolume <subvolume>." }, { do_create_subvol, 1, "subvolume create", "[<dest>/]<name>\n" "Create a subvolume in <dest> (or the current directory if\n" "not passed)." }, { do_subvol_list, 1, "subvolume list", "<path>\n" "List the snapshot/subvolume of a filesystem." }, { do_find_newer, 2, "subvolume find-new", "<path> <last_gen>\n" "List the recently modified files in a filesystem." }, { do_defrag, -1, "filesystem defragment", "[-vcf] [-s start] [-l len] [-t size] <file>|<dir> [<file>|<dir>...]\n" "Defragment a file or a directory." }, { do_set_default_subvol, 2, "subvolume set-default", "<id> <path>\n" "Set the subvolume of the filesystem <path> which will be mounted\n" "as default." }, { do_fssync, 1, "filesystem sync", "<path>\n" "Force a sync on the filesystem <path>." }, { do_resize, 2, "filesystem resize", "[+/-]<newsize>[gkm]|max <filesystem>\n" "Resize the file system. If 'max' is passed, the filesystem\n" "will occupe all available space on the device." }, { do_show_filesystem, 999, "filesystem show", "[<uuid>|<label>]\n" "Show the info of a btrfs filesystem. If no <uuid> or <label>\n" "is passed, info of all the btrfs filesystem are shown." }, { do_df_filesystem, 1, "filesystem df", "<path>\n" "Show space usage information for a mount point\n." }, { do_balance, 1, "filesystem balance", "<path>\n" "Balance the chunks across the device." }, { do_scan, 999, "device scan", "[<device> [<device>..]\n" "Scan all device for or the passed device for a btrfs\n" "filesystem." }, { do_add_volume, -2, "device add", "<dev> [<dev>..] <path>\n" "Add a device to a filesystem." }, { do_remove_volume, -2, "device delete", "<dev> [<dev>..] <path>\n" "Remove a device from a filesystem." }, /* coming soon { 2, "filesystem label", "<label> <path>\n" "Set the label of a filesystem" } */ { 0, 0 , 0 } }; static char *get_prgname(char *programname) { char *np; np = strrchr(programname,'/'); if(!np) np = programname; else np++; return np; } static void print_help(char *programname, struct Command *cmd) { char *pc; printf("\t%s %s ", programname, cmd->verb ); for(pc = cmd->help; *pc; pc++){ putchar(*pc); if(*pc == '\n') printf("\t\t"); } putchar('\n'); } static void help(char *np) { struct Command *cp; printf("Usage:\n"); for( cp = commands; cp->verb; cp++ ) print_help(np, cp); printf("\n\t%s help|--help|-h\n\t\tShow the help.\n",np); printf("\n%s\n", BTRFS_BUILD_VERSION); } static int split_command(char *cmd, char ***commands) { int c, l; char *p, *s; for( *commands = 0, l = c = 0, p = s = cmd ; ; p++, l++ ){ if ( *p && *p != ' ' ) continue; /* c + 2 so that we have room for the null */ (*commands) = realloc( (*commands), sizeof(char *)*(c + 2)); (*commands)[c] = strndup(s, l); c++; l = 0; s = p+1; if( !*p ) break; } (*commands)[c] = 0; return c; } /* This function checks if the passed command is ambiguous */ static int check_ambiguity(struct Command *cmd, char **argv){ int i; struct Command *cp; /* check for ambiguity */ for( i = 0 ; i < cmd->ncmds ; i++ ){ int match; for( match = 0, cp = commands; cp->verb; cp++ ){ int j, skip; char *s1, *s2; if( cp->ncmds < i ) continue; for( skip = 0, j = 0 ; j < i ; j++ ) if( strcmp(cmd->cmds[j], cp->cmds[j])){ skip=1; break; } if(skip) continue; if( !strcmp(cmd->cmds[i], cp->cmds[i])) continue; for(s2 = cp->cmds[i], s1 = argv[i+1]; *s1 == *s2 && *s1; s1++, s2++ ) ; if( !*s1 ) match++; } if(match){ int j; fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: in command '"); for( j = 0 ; j <= i ; j++ ) fprintf(stderr, "%s%s",j?" ":"", argv[j+1]); fprintf(stderr, "', '%s' is ambiguous\n",argv[j]); return -2; } } return 0; } /* * This function, compacts the program name and the command in the first * element of the '*av' array */ static int prepare_args(int *ac, char ***av, char *prgname, struct Command *cmd ){ char **ret; int i; char *newname; ret = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char*)*(*ac+1)); newname = (char*)malloc(strlen(prgname)+strlen(cmd->verb)+2); if( !ret || !newname ){ free(ret); free(newname); return -1; } ret[0] = newname; for(i=0; i < *ac ; i++ ) ret[i+1] = (*av)[i]; strcpy(newname, prgname); strcat(newname, " "); strcat(newname, cmd->verb); (*ac)++; *av = ret; return 0; } /* This function perform the following jobs: - show the help if '--help' or 'help' or '-h' are passed - verify that a command is not ambiguous, otherwise show which part of the command is ambiguous - if after a (even partial) command there is '--help' show the help for all the matching commands - if the command doesn't' match show an error - finally, if a command match, they return which command is matched and the arguments The function return 0 in case of help is requested; <0 in case of uncorrect command; >0 in case of matching commands argc, argv are the arg-counter and arg-vector (input) *nargs_ is the number of the arguments after the command (output) **cmd_ is the invoked command (output) ***args_ are the arguments after the command */ static int parse_args(int argc, char **argv, CommandFunction *func_, int *nargs_, char **cmd_, char ***args_ ) { struct Command *cp; struct Command *matchcmd=0; char *prgname = get_prgname(argv[0]); int i=0, helprequested=0; if( argc < 2 || !strcmp(argv[1], "help") || !strcmp(argv[1], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--help")){ help(prgname); return 0; } for( cp = commands; cp->verb; cp++ ) if( !cp->ncmds) cp->ncmds = split_command(cp->verb, &(cp->cmds)); for( cp = commands; cp->verb; cp++ ){ int match; if( argc-1 < cp->ncmds ) continue; for( match = 1, i = 0 ; i < cp->ncmds ; i++ ){ char *s1, *s2; s1 = cp->cmds[i]; s2 = argv[i+1]; for(s2 = cp->cmds[i], s1 = argv[i+1]; *s1 == *s2 && *s1; s1++, s2++ ) ; if( *s1 ){ match=0; break; } } /* If you understand why this code works ... you are a genious !! */ if(argc>i+1 && !strcmp(argv[i+1],"--help")){ if(!helprequested) printf("Usage:\n"); print_help(prgname, cp); helprequested=1; continue; } if(!match) continue; matchcmd = cp; *nargs_ = argc-matchcmd->ncmds-1; *cmd_ = matchcmd->verb; *args_ = argv+matchcmd->ncmds+1; *func_ = cp->func; break; } if(helprequested){ printf("\n%s\n", BTRFS_BUILD_VERSION); return 0; } if(!matchcmd){ fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: unknown command '%s'\n",argv[1]); help(prgname); return -1; } if(check_ambiguity(matchcmd, argv)) return -2; /* check the number of argument */ if (matchcmd->nargs < 0 && matchcmd->nargs < -*nargs_ ){ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: '%s' requires minimum %d arg(s)\n", matchcmd->verb, -matchcmd->nargs); return -2; } if(matchcmd->nargs >= 0 && matchcmd->nargs != *nargs_ && matchcmd->nargs != 999){ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: '%s' requires %d arg(s)\n", matchcmd->verb, matchcmd->nargs); return -2; } if (prepare_args( nargs_, args_, prgname, matchcmd )){ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: not enough memory\\n"); return -20; } return 1; } int main(int ac, char **av ) { char *cmd=0, **args=0; int nargs=0, r; CommandFunction func=0; r = parse_args(ac, av, &func, &nargs, &cmd, &args); if( r <= 0 ){ /* error or no command to parse*/ exit(-r); } exit(func(nargs, args)); }