btrfs-progs: tests: add helper to compare kernel versions

Return succcess if runnning kernel >= parameter. Most callers will want
to skip the test.

Signed-off-by: David Sterba <>
This commit is contained in:
David Sterba 2019-07-02 13:36:53 +02:00
parent a66d9aa2e3
commit 3a1e12abdc

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@ -550,6 +550,28 @@ check_min_kernel_version()
return 0
# compare running kernel version to the given parameter, return success
# if running is newer than requested (let caller decide if to fail or skip)
# $1: minimum version of running kernel in major.minor format (eg. 4.19)
local unamemajor
local unameminor
local argmajor
local argminor
# 4.19.1-1-default
uname=$(uname -r)
# 4.19.1
IFS=. read unamemajor unameminor tmp <<< "$uname"
IFS=. read argmajor argminor tmp <<< "$1"
# "compare versions: ${unamemajor}.${unameminor} ? ${argmajor}.${argminor}"
[ "$unamemajor" -ge "$argmajor" ] || return 1
[ "$unameminor" -ge "$argminor" ] || return 1
return 0
# how many files to create.