
267 lines
12 KiB

// Created by p on 4/17/19.
#include <basin/globals.h>
#include <basin/region.h>
#include <basin/chunk.h>
#include <basin/tileentity.h>
#include <basin/nbt.h>
#include <avuna/pmem.h>
#include <avuna/string.h>
#include <avuna/log.h>
#include <avuna/llist.h>
#include <avuna/pmem_hooks.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <zlib.h>
#include <math.h>
void _region_unmap(struct region* region) {
if (region->mapping != NULL) {
munmap(region->mapping, 67108864);
if (region->fd >= 0) {
struct region* region_new(struct mempool* parent, char* path, int16_t x, int16_t z) {
struct mempool* pool = mempool_new();
pchild(parent, pool);
struct region* region = pcalloc(pool, sizeof(struct region));
region->pool = pool;
region->x = x;
region->z = z;
region->file = str_dup(path, 0, pool);
region->fd = -1;
return region;
struct chunk* region_load_chunk(struct region* region, int8_t local_chunk_x, int8_t local_chunk_z) {
if (region->fd < 0) {
region->fd = open(region->file, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0664);
if (region->fd < 0) {
errlog(delog, "Error opening region: %s", region->file);
return NULL;
phook(region->pool, (void (*)(void*)) _region_unmap, region);
region->mapping = mmap(NULL, 67108864, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, region->fd, 0); // 64 MB is the theoretical limit of an uncompressed region file
if (region->mapping == NULL || region->mapping == (void*) -1) {
errlog(delog, "Error mapping region: %s", region->file);
return NULL;
uint32_t* chunk_offset_ptr = region->mapping + 4 * ((local_chunk_x & 31) + (local_chunk_z & 31) * 32);
uint32_t chunk_offset = *chunk_offset_ptr;
swapEndian(&chunk_offset, 4);
uint32_t offset = ((chunk_offset & 0xFFFFFF00) >> 8) * 4096;
uint32_t size = ((chunk_offset & 0x000000FF)) * 4096;
if (offset == 0 || size == 0) return NULL;
void* chunk_ptr = region->mapping + offset;
uint32_t chunk_size = ((uint32_t*) chunk_ptr)[0];
swapEndian(&chunk_size, 4);
uint8_t compression_type = ((uint8_t*) chunk_ptr)[4];
chunk_ptr += 5;
struct mempool* chunk_pool = mempool_new();
pchild(region->pool, chunk_pool);
void* decompressed_chunk = pmalloc(chunk_pool, 65536);
size_t decompressed_chunk_capacity = 65536;
z_stream strm;
strm.zalloc = Z_NULL;
strm.zfree = Z_NULL;
strm.opaque = Z_NULL;
int inflate_result = 0;
if ((inflate_result = inflateInit2(&strm, (32 + MAX_WBITS))) != Z_OK) { //
errlog(delog, "Compression initialization error for region: %s", region->file);
return NULL;
strm.avail_in = chunk_size;
strm.next_in = chunk_ptr;
strm.avail_out = (uInt) decompressed_chunk_capacity;
strm.next_out = decompressed_chunk;
do {
if (decompressed_chunk_capacity >= strm.total_out) {
decompressed_chunk_capacity *= 2;
decompressed_chunk = prealloc(chunk_pool, decompressed_chunk_capacity);
strm.avail_out = (uInt) (decompressed_chunk_capacity - strm.total_out);
strm.next_out = decompressed_chunk + strm.total_out;
inflate_result = inflate(&strm, Z_FINISH);
if (inflate_result == Z_STREAM_ERROR) {
errlog(delog, "Compression Read Error for region: %s", region->file);
return NULL;
} while (strm.avail_out == 0);
size_t rts = strm.total_out;
struct nbt_tag* nbt = NULL;
if (nbt_read(chunk_pool, &nbt, decompressed_chunk, rts) < 0 || nbt == NULL) {
return NULL;
pprefree(chunk_pool, decompressed_chunk);
struct nbt_tag* level = nbt_get(nbt, "Level");
if (level == NULL || level->id != NBT_TAG_COMPOUND) goto region_error;
struct nbt_tag* tmp = nbt_get(level, "xPos");
if (tmp == NULL || tmp->id != NBT_TAG_INT) goto region_error;
int32_t xPos = tmp->data.nbt_int;
tmp = nbt_get(level, "zPos");
if (tmp == NULL || tmp->id != NBT_TAG_INT) goto region_error;
int32_t zPos = tmp->data.nbt_int;
struct chunk* chunk = chunk_new(chunk_pool, (int16_t) xPos, (int16_t) zPos);
tmp = nbt_get(level, "LightPopulated");
if (tmp == NULL || tmp->id != NBT_TAG_BYTE) goto region_error;
chunk->lightpopulated = tmp->data.nbt_byte;
tmp = nbt_get(level, "TerrainPopulated");
if (tmp == NULL || tmp->id != NBT_TAG_BYTE) goto region_error;
chunk->terrainpopulated = tmp->data.nbt_byte;
tmp = nbt_get(level, "InhabitedTime");
if (tmp == NULL || tmp->id != NBT_TAG_LONG) goto region_error;
chunk->inhabitedticks = (uint64_t) tmp->data.nbt_long;
tmp = nbt_get(level, "Biomes");
if (tmp == NULL || tmp->id != NBT_TAG_BYTEARRAY) goto region_error;
if (tmp->data.nbt_bytearray.len == 256) memcpy(chunk->biomes, tmp->, 256);
tmp = nbt_get(level, "HeightMap");
if (tmp == NULL || tmp->id != NBT_TAG_INTARRAY) goto region_error;
if (tmp->data.nbt_intarray.count == 256) for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
chunk->heightMap[i >> 4][i & 0x0F] = (uint16_t) tmp->data.nbt_intarray.ints[i];
tmp = nbt_get(level, "TileEntities");
if (tmp == NULL || tmp->id != NBT_TAG_LIST) goto region_error;
ITER_LLIST(tmp->children_list, value) {
struct nbt_tag* child = value;
if (child == NULL || child->id != NBT_TAG_COMPOUND) continue;
struct tile_entity* tile = tile_parse(chunk->pool, child);
uint64_t key = (uint64_t) (tile->x & 0x0f) << 16 | (uint64_t) tile->y << 8 | (uint64_t) (tile->z & 0x0f);
hashmap_putint(chunk->tileEntities, key, tile);
//TODO: tileticks
struct nbt_tag* sections = nbt_get(level, "Sections");
if (sections == NULL || sections->id != NBT_TAG_LIST) goto region_error;
ITER_LLIST(sections->children_list, value) {
struct nbt_tag* nbt_section = value;
tmp = nbt_get(nbt_section, "Y");
if (tmp == NULL || tmp->id != NBT_TAG_BYTE) continue;
uint8_t y = (uint8_t) tmp->data.nbt_byte;
tmp = nbt_get(nbt_section, "Blocks");
if (tmp == NULL || tmp->id != NBT_TAG_BYTEARRAY || tmp->data.nbt_bytearray.len != 4096) continue;
int hna = 0;
block* blocks = pmalloc(chunk->pool, sizeof(block) * 4096);
for (int i = 0; i < 4096; i++) {
blocks[i] = ((block) tmp->[i]) << 4; // [i >> 8][(i & 0xf0) >> 4][i & 0x0f]
if (((block) tmp->[i]) != 0) hna = 1;
//if (hna) chunk->empty[y] = 0;
tmp = nbt_get(nbt_section, "Add");
if (tmp != NULL) {
if (tmp->id != NBT_TAG_BYTEARRAY || tmp->data.nbt_bytearray.len != 2048) continue;
for (int i = 0; i < 4096; i++) {
block block = tmp->[i / 2];
if (i % 2 == 0) {
block &= 0xf0;
block >>= 4;
} else block &= 0x0f;
block <<= 8;
blocks[i] |= block;
if (blocks[i] != 0) hna = 1;
if (hna) {
tmp = nbt_get(nbt_section, "Data");
if (tmp == NULL || tmp->id != NBT_TAG_BYTEARRAY || tmp->data.nbt_bytearray.len != 2048) continue;
for (int i = 0; i < 4096; i++) {
block block = tmp->[i / 2];
if (i % 2 == 1) {
block &= 0xf0;
block >>= 4;
} else block &= 0x0f;
blocks[i] |= block;
struct chunk_section* section = pcalloc(chunk->pool, sizeof(struct chunk_section));
section->palette = pcalloc(chunk->pool, 256 * sizeof(block));
section->palette_count = 0;
block inverse_palette[getBlockSize()];
block last = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4096; i++) {
if (blocks[i] != last) {
for (size_t x = section->palette_count - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
if (section->palette[x] == blocks[i]) goto cx;
inverse_palette[blocks[i]] = (block) section->palette_count;
section->palette[section->palette_count++] = blocks[i]; // TODO: if only a few blocks of a certain type and on a palette boundary, use a MBC to reduce size?
if (section->palette_count >= 256) {
pprefree(chunk->pool, section->palette);
section->palette = NULL;
section->bits_per_block = 13;
section->palette_count = 0;
last = blocks[i];
cx: ;
if (section->palette != NULL) {
section->bits_per_block = (uint8_t) ceil(log2(section->palette_count));
if (section->bits_per_block < 4) section->bits_per_block = 4;
section->palette = prealloc(chunk->pool, section->palette, section->palette_count * sizeof(block));
int32_t bi = 0;
section->blocks = pmalloc(chunk->pool, (size_t) (512 * section->bits_per_block + 4));
section->block_size = (size_t) (512 * section->bits_per_block);
section->block_mask = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < section->bits_per_block; i++)
section->block_mask |= 1 << i;
for (int i = 0; i < 4096; i++) { // [i >> 8][(i & 0xf0) >> 4][i & 0x0f]
int32_t block_bytes = (int32_t)((section->bits_per_block == 13 ? blocks[i] : inverse_palette[blocks[i]]) & section->block_mask);
int32_t block_byte_offset = *((int32_t*) (&section->blocks[bi / 8]));
int32_t bit_index = bi % 8;
block_byte_offset = (block_byte_offset & ~(section->block_mask << bit_index)) | (block_bytes << bit_index);
*((int32_t*) &section->blocks[bi / 8]) = block_byte_offset;
bi += section->bits_per_block;
tmp = nbt_get(nbt_section, "BlockLight");
if (tmp != NULL) {
if (tmp->id != NBT_TAG_BYTEARRAY || tmp->data.nbt_bytearray.len != 2048) continue;
memcpy(section->blockLight, tmp->, 2048);
tmp = nbt_get(nbt_section, "SkyLight");
if (tmp != NULL) {
if (tmp->id != NBT_TAG_BYTEARRAY || tmp->data.nbt_bytearray.len != 2048) continue;
section->skyLight = pmalloc(chunk->pool, 2048);
memcpy(section->skyLight, tmp->, 2048);
chunk->sections[y] = section;
pprefree(chunk->pool, blocks);
for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) {
for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
if (chunk->heightMap[z][x] <= 0) {
for (int y = 255; y >= 0; y--) {
block b = chunk_get_block(chunk, x, y, z);
struct block_info* bi = getBlockInfo(b);
if (bi == NULL || bi->lightOpacity <= 0) continue;
chunk->heightMap[z][x] = (uint16_t) (y + 1);
//TODO: entities and tileticks.
if (nbt != NULL) {
return chunk;
region_error: ;
return NULL;