#include #include #include #include #include #include #include void onSpawned_minecart(struct world* world, struct entity* entity) { if (entity->type == ENT_MINECARTRIDEABLE) entity->objectData = 0; else if (entity->type == ENT_MINECARTCHEST) entity->objectData = 1; else if (entity->type == ENT_MINECARTFURNACE) entity->objectData = 2; else if (entity->type == ENT_MINECARTTNT) entity->objectData = 3; else if (entity->type == ENT_MINECARTSPAWNER) entity->objectData = 4; else if (entity->type == ENT_MINECARTHOPPER) entity->objectData = 5; else if (entity->type == ENT_MINECARTCOMMANDBLOCK) entity->objectData = 6; } void onTick_tnt(struct world* world, struct entity* entity) { if (entity->data.tnt.fuse-- <= 0) { world_despawn_entity(world, entity); world_explode(world, NULL, entity->x, entity->y + .5, entity->z, 4f); } } void onTick_fallingblock(struct world* world, struct entity* entity) { // TODO: mc has some methods to prevent dupes here, we should see if basin is afflicted if (entity->on_ground && entity->age > 1) { block b = world_get_block(world, (int32_t) floor(entity->x), (int32_t) floor(entity->y), (int32_t) floor(entity->z)); if (!falling_canFallThrough(b)) { struct slot sl; sl.item = entity->data.fallingblock.b >> 4; sl.damage = (int16_t) (entity->data.fallingblock.b & 0x0f); sl.count = 1; sl.nbt = NULL; game_drop_block(world, &sl, (int32_t) floor(entity->x), (int32_t) floor(entity->y - .01), (int32_t) floor(entity->z)); } else { world_set_block(world, entity->data.fallingblock.b, (int32_t) floor(entity->x), (int32_t) floor(entity->y), (int32_t) floor(entity->z)); } //TODO: tile entities world_despawn_entity(world, entity); } } void onInteract_cow(struct world* world, struct entity* entity, struct player* interacter, struct slot* item, int16_t slot_index) { if (item->item == ITM_BUCKET && interacter->gamemode != 1) { // TODO: not child if (item->count == 1) { item->item = ITM_MILK; inventory_set_slot(interacter, interacter->inventory, slot_index, item, 1); } else { item->count--; inventory_set_slot(interacter, interacter->inventory, slot_index, item, 1); struct slot slot; slot.item = ITM_MILK; slot.count = 1; slot.damage = 0; slot.nbt = NULL; if (inventory_add_player(interacter, interacter->inventory, &slot, 1)) { dropPlayerItem(interacter, &slot); } } } } void onInteract_mooshroom(struct world* world, struct entity* entity, struct player* interacter, struct slot* item, int16_t slot_index) { if (item->item == ITM_BOWL && interacter->gamemode != 1) { // TODO: not child if (item->count == 1) { item->item = ITM_MUSHROOMSTEW; inventory_set_slot(interacter, interacter->inventory, slot_index, item, 1); } else { item->count--; inventory_set_slot(interacter, interacter->inventory, slot_index, item, 1); struct slot slot; slot.item = ITM_MUSHROOMSTEW; slot.count = 1; slot.damage = 0; slot.nbt = NULL; if (inventory_add_player(interacter, interacter->inventory, &slot, 1)) { dropPlayerItem(interacter, &slot); } } } else if (item->item == ITM_SHEARS && interacter->gamemode != 1) { // TODO: not child //TODO: explosion struct entity* ent = entity_new(world, world->server->next_entity_id++, entity->x, entity->y, entity->z, ENT_COW, entity->yaw, entity->pitch); ent->health = entity->health; memcpy(&ent->data, &entity->data, sizeof(union entity_data)); world_spawn_entity(world, ent); world_despawn_entity(world, entity); struct item_info* info = getItemInfo(ITM_SHEARS); if (info != NULL && info->onItemAttacked != NULL) (*info->onItemAttacked)(world, interacter, slot_index, item, ent); struct slot slot; slot.item = BLK_MUSHROOM_1; slot.count = 5; slot.damage = 0; slot.nbt = NULL; dropEntityItem_explode(ent, &slot); // TODO: fix? } else onInteract_cow(world, entity, interacter, item, slot_index); } void tick_arrow(struct world* world, struct entity* entity) { if (entity->data.arrow.ticksInGround == 0) { double hx = 0.; double hy = 0.; double hz = 0.; int hf = raytrace(entity->world, entity->x, entity->y, entity->z, entity->x + entity->motX, entity->y + entity->motY, entity->z + entity->motZ, 0, 1, 0, &hx, &hy, &hz); struct entity* ehit = NULL; struct entity* shooter = world_get_entity(world, entity->objectData - 1); double bd = 999.; BEGIN_HASHMAP_ITERATION(world->entities) struct entity* e2 = value; double rd = entity_distsq_block(e2, entity->x + entity->motX, entity->y + entity->motY, entity->z + entity->motZ); if (rd > 4) continue; //printf("4d %f\n", rd); if (e2 != entity && e2 != shooter && hasFlag(getEntityInfo(e2->type), "livingbase")) { //todo: ticksInAir >= 5? struct boundingbox eb; getEntityCollision(e2, &eb); //eb.minX -= .3; //eb.maxX += .3; //eb.minY -= .3; //eb.maxY += .3; //eb.minZ -= .3; //eb.maxZ += .3; double rx = 0.; double ry = 0.; double rz = 0.; int face = raytrace_block(&eb, 0, 0, 0, entity->x, entity->y, entity->z, entity->x + entity->motX, entity->y + entity->motY, entity->z + entity->motZ, &rx, &ry, &rz); if (face >= 0) { double dist = (entity->x + entity->motX - rx) * (entity->x + entity->motX - rx) + (entity->y + entity->motY - ry) * (entity->y + entity->motY - ry) + (entity->z + entity->motZ - rz) * (entity->z + entity->motZ - rz); //entity_distsq_block(entity, rx, ry, rz); //printf("%f\n", dist); if (dist < bd) { bd = dist; ehit = e2; } } } END_HASHMAP_ITERATION(world->entities) if (ehit != NULL) { float speed = sqrtf(entity->motX * entity->motX + entity->motY * entity->motY + entity->motZ * entity->motZ); int damage = ceil(speed * entity->data.arrow.damage); if (entity->data.arrow.isCritical) damage += rand() % (damage / 2 + 2); //TODO: if burning and not enderman, set entity on fire for 5 ticks. if (damageEntity(ehit, damage, 1)) { //TODO: entity arrow count ++; if (entity->data.arrow.knockback > 0.) { float hspeed = sqrtf(entity->motX * entity->motX + entity->motZ * entity->motZ); if (hspeed > 0.) applyVelocity(ehit, entity->motX * entity->data.arrow.knockback * .6 / hspeed, .1, entity->motZ * entity->data.arrow.knockback * .6 / hspeed); } } //TODO: else bounce //TODO: arrow sound if (ehit->type != ENT_ENDERMAN) { world_despawn_entity(world, entity); freeEntity(entity); return 1; } } else if (hf >= 0) { entity->x = hx; entity->y = hy; entity->z = hz; if (hf == YN) entity->y -= .001; if (hf == XN) entity->x -= .001; if (hf == ZN) entity->z -= .001; entity->motX = hx - entity->x; entity->motY = hy - entity->y; entity->motZ = hz - entity->z; //float ds = sqrt(entity->motX * entity->motX + entity->motY * entity->motY + entity->motZ * entity->motZ); //entity->x -= entity->motX / ds * 0.05000000074505806; //entity->y -= entity->motY / ds * 0.05000000074505806; //entity->z -= entity->motZ / ds * 0.05000000074505806; entity->data.arrow.ticksInGround = 1; entity->data.arrow.isCritical = 0; entity->immovable = 1; entity->last_x = 0.; entity->last_y = 0.; entity->last_z = 0.; } } else { if (entity->data.arrow.ticksInGround == 1) { entity->motX = 0.; entity->motY = 0.; entity->motZ = 0.; } entity->data.arrow.ticksInGround++; if (entity->data.arrow.ticksInGround == 1200) { world_despawn_entity(world, entity); freeEntity(entity); return 1; } } if (entity->data.arrow.ticksInGround == 0) { float dhz = sqrtf(entity->motX * entity->motX + entity->motZ * entity->motZ); entity->yaw = atan2f(entity->motX, entity->motZ) * 180. / M_PI; entity->pitch = atan2f(entity->motY, dhz) * 180. / M_PI; if ((entity->last_yaw == 0. && entity->last_pitch == 0.)) { entity->last_yaw = entity->yaw; entity->last_pitch = entity->pitch; } else { while (entity->pitch - entity->last_pitch < -180.) entity->last_pitch -= 360.; while (entity->pitch - entity->last_pitch >= 180.) entity->last_pitch += 360.; while (entity->yaw - entity->last_yaw < -180.) entity->last_yaw -= 360.; while (entity->yaw - entity->last_yaw >= 180.) entity->last_yaw += 360.; entity->pitch = entity->last_pitch + (entity->pitch - entity->last_pitch) * .2; entity->yaw = entity->last_yaw + (entity->yaw - entity->last_yaw) * .2; } } return 0; } void tick_itemstack(struct world* world, struct entity* entity) { if (entity->data.itemstack.delayBeforeCanPickup > 0) { entity->data.itemstack.delayBeforeCanPickup--; return 0; } if (entity->age >= 6000) { world_despawn_entity(world, entity); freeEntity(entity); return 1; } if (tick_counter % 10 != 0) return 0; struct boundingbox cebb; getEntityCollision(entity, &cebb); cebb.minX -= .625; cebb.maxX += .625; cebb.maxY += .75; cebb.minZ -= .625; cebb.maxZ += .625; struct boundingbox oebb; //int32_t chunk_x = ((int32_t) entity->x) >> 4; //int32_t chunk_z = ((int32_t) entity->z) >> 4; //for (int32_t icx = chunk_x - 1; icx <= chunk_x + 1; icx++) //for (int32_t icz = chunk_z - 1; icz <= chunk_z + 1; icz++) { //struct chunk* ch = world_get_chunk(entity->world, icx, icz); //if (ch != NULL) { BEGIN_HASHMAP_ITERATION(entity->world->entities) struct entity* oe = (struct entity*) value; if (oe == entity || entity_distsq(entity, oe) > 16. * 16.) continue; if (oe->type == ENT_PLAYER && oe->health > 0.) { getEntityCollision(oe, &oebb); //printf("%f, %f, %f vs %f, %f, %f\n", entity->x, entity->y, entity->z, oe->x, oe->y, oe->z); if (boundingbox_intersects(&oebb, &cebb)) { int os = entity->data.itemstack.slot->count; pthread_mutex_lock(&oe->data.player.player->inventory->mut); int r = inventory_add_player(oe->data.player.player, oe->data.player.player->inventory, entity->data.itemstack.slot, 1); pthread_mutex_unlock(&oe->data.player.player->inventory->mut); if (r <= 0) { BEGIN_BROADCAST_DIST(entity, 32.) struct packet* pkt = xmalloc(sizeof(struct packet)); pkt->id = PKT_PLAY_CLIENT_COLLECTITEM; pkt->data.play_client.collectitem.collected_entity_id = entity->id; pkt->data.play_client.collectitem.collector_entity_id = oe->id; pkt->data.play_client.collectitem.pickup_item_count = os - r; add_queue(bc_player->outgoing_packets, pkt); END_BROADCAST(entity->world->players) world_despawn_entity(world, entity); freeEntity(entity); return 1; } else { BEGIN_BROADCAST_DIST(entity, 128.) struct packet* pkt = xmalloc(sizeof(struct packet)); pkt->id = PKT_PLAY_CLIENT_ENTITYMETADATA; pkt->data.play_client.entitymetadata.entity_id = entity->id; writeMetadata(entity, &pkt->data.play_client.entitymetadata.metadata.metadata, &pkt->data.play_client.entitymetadata.metadata.metadata_size); add_queue(bc_player->outgoing_packets, pkt); END_BROADCAST(entity->world->players) BREAK_HASHMAP_ITERATION(entity->world->entities) } break; } } else if (oe->type == ENT_ITEM) { if (oe->data.itemstack.slot->item == entity->data.itemstack.slot->item && oe->data.itemstack.slot->damage == entity->data.itemstack.slot->damage && oe->data.itemstack.slot->count + entity->data.itemstack.slot->count <= slot_max_size(entity->data.itemstack.slot)) { getEntityCollision(oe, &oebb); oebb.minX -= .625; oebb.maxX += .625; cebb.maxY += .75; oebb.minZ -= .625; oebb.maxZ += .625; if (boundingbox_intersects(&oebb, &cebb)) { world_despawn_entity(world, entity); oe->data.itemstack.slot->count += entity->data.itemstack.slot->count; freeEntity(entity); BEGIN_BROADCAST_DIST(oe, 128.) struct packet* pkt = xmalloc(sizeof(struct packet)); pkt->id = PKT_PLAY_CLIENT_ENTITYMETADATA; pkt->data.play_client.entitymetadata.entity_id = oe->id; writeMetadata(oe, &pkt->data.play_client.entitymetadata.metadata.metadata, &pkt->data.play_client.entitymetadata.metadata.metadata_size); add_queue(bc_player->outgoing_packets, pkt); END_BROADCAST(oe->world->players) return 1; } } } END_HASHMAP_ITERATION(entity->world->entities) return 0; }