/* * work.c * * Created on: Nov 18, 2015 * Author: root */ #include "work.h" #include "accept.h" #include "packet.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void closeConn(struct work_param* param, struct conn* conn) { close(conn->fd); if (rem_collection(param->conns, conn)) { errlog(param->logsess, "Failed to delete connection properly! This is bad!"); } if (conn->player != NULL) { broadcastf("yellow", "%s has left the server!", conn->player->name); conn->player->defunct = 1; conn->player->conn = NULL; } if (conn->aes_ctx_enc != NULL) { char final[256]; int csl2 = 0; EVP_EncryptFinal_ex(conn->aes_ctx_enc, final, &csl2); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(conn->aes_ctx_enc); } if (conn->aes_ctx_dec != NULL) { char final[256]; int csl2 = 0; EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(conn->aes_ctx_dec, final, &csl2); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(conn->aes_ctx_dec); } if (conn->host_ip != NULL) xfree(conn->host_ip); if (conn->readBuffer != NULL) xfree(conn->readBuffer); if (conn->readDecBuffer != NULL) xfree(conn->readDecBuffer); if (conn->writeBuffer != NULL) xfree(conn->writeBuffer); if (conn->onll_username != NULL) xfree(conn->onll_username); xfree(conn); } int work_joinServer(struct conn* conn, char* username, char* uuids) { struct packet rep; rep.id = PKT_LOGIN_CLIENT_LOGINSUCCESS; rep.data.login_client.loginsuccess.username = username; struct uuid uuid; unsigned char* uuidx = (unsigned char*) &uuid; if (uuids == NULL) { if (online_mode) return 1; MD5_CTX context; MD5_Init(&context); MD5_Update(&context, username, strlen(username)); MD5_Final(uuidx, &context); } else { if (strlen(uuids) != 32) return 1; char ups[9]; memcpy(ups, uuids, 8); ups[8] = 0; uuid.uuid1 = ((uint64_t) strtoll(ups, NULL, 16)) << 32; memcpy(ups, uuids + 8, 8); uuid.uuid1 |= ((uint64_t) strtoll(ups, NULL, 16)) & 0xFFFFFFFF; memcpy(ups, uuids + 16, 8); uuid.uuid2 = ((uint64_t) strtoll(ups, NULL, 16)) << 32; memcpy(ups, uuids + 24, 8); uuid.uuid2 |= ((uint64_t) strtoll(ups, NULL, 16)) & 0xFFFFFFFF; } rep.data.login_client.loginsuccess.uuid = xmalloc(38); snprintf(rep.data.login_client.loginsuccess.uuid, 10, "%08X-", ((uint32_t*) uuidx)[0]); snprintf(rep.data.login_client.loginsuccess.uuid + 9, 6, "%04X-", ((uint16_t*) uuidx)[2]); snprintf(rep.data.login_client.loginsuccess.uuid + 14, 6, "%04X-", ((uint16_t*) uuidx)[3]); snprintf(rep.data.login_client.loginsuccess.uuid + 19, 6, "%04X-", ((uint16_t*) uuidx)[4]); snprintf(rep.data.login_client.loginsuccess.uuid + 24, 9, "%08X", ((uint32_t*) (uuidx + 4))[2]); snprintf(rep.data.login_client.loginsuccess.uuid + 32, 5, "%04X", ((uint16_t*) uuidx)[7]); if (writePacket(conn, &rep) < 0) return 1; xfree(rep.data.login_client.loginsuccess.uuid); conn->state = STATE_PLAY; struct entity* ep = newEntity(nextEntityID++, (double) overworld->spawnpos.x + .5, (double) overworld->spawnpos.y, (double) overworld->spawnpos.z + .5, ENT_PLAYER, 0., 0.); struct player* player = newPlayer(ep, xstrdup(rep.data.login_client.loginsuccess.username, 1), uuid, conn, 0); // TODO default gamemode player->protocolVersion = conn->protocolVersion; conn->player = player; put_hashmap(players, player->entity->id, player); rep.id = PKT_PLAY_CLIENT_JOINGAME; rep.data.play_client.joingame.entity_id = ep->id; rep.data.play_client.joingame.gamemode = player->gamemode; rep.data.play_client.joingame.dimension = overworld->dimension; rep.data.play_client.joingame.difficulty = difficulty; rep.data.play_client.joingame.max_players = max_players; rep.data.play_client.joingame.level_type = overworld->levelType; rep.data.play_client.joingame.reduced_debug_info = 0; // TODO if (writePacket(conn, &rep) < 0) return 1; rep.id = PKT_PLAY_CLIENT_PLUGINMESSAGE; rep.data.play_client.pluginmessage.channel = "MC|Brand"; rep.data.play_client.pluginmessage.data = xmalloc(16); int rx2 = writeVarInt(5, rep.data.play_client.pluginmessage.data); memcpy(rep.data.play_client.pluginmessage.data + rx2, "Basin", 5); rep.data.play_client.pluginmessage.data_size = rx2 + 5; if (writePacket(conn, &rep) < 0) return 1; xfree(rep.data.play_client.pluginmessage.data); rep.id = PKT_PLAY_CLIENT_SERVERDIFFICULTY; rep.data.play_client.serverdifficulty.difficulty = difficulty; if (writePacket(conn, &rep) < 0) return 1; rep.id = PKT_PLAY_CLIENT_SPAWNPOSITION; memcpy(&rep.data.play_client.spawnposition.location, &overworld->spawnpos, sizeof(struct encpos)); if (writePacket(conn, &rep) < 0) return 1; rep.id = PKT_PLAY_CLIENT_PLAYERABILITIES; rep.data.play_client.playerabilities.flags = 0; // TODO: allows flying, remove rep.data.play_client.playerabilities.flying_speed = 0.05; rep.data.play_client.playerabilities.field_of_view_modifier = .1; if (writePacket(conn, &rep) < 0) return 1; rep.id = PKT_PLAY_CLIENT_PLAYERPOSITIONANDLOOK; rep.data.play_client.playerpositionandlook.x = ep->x; rep.data.play_client.playerpositionandlook.y = ep->y; rep.data.play_client.playerpositionandlook.z = ep->z; rep.data.play_client.playerpositionandlook.yaw = ep->yaw; rep.data.play_client.playerpositionandlook.pitch = ep->pitch; rep.data.play_client.playerpositionandlook.flags = 0x0; rep.data.play_client.playerpositionandlook.teleport_id = 0; if (writePacket(conn, &rep) < 0) return 1; rep.id = PKT_PLAY_CLIENT_PLAYERLISTITEM; pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&players->data_mutex); rep.data.play_client.playerlistitem.action_id = 0; rep.data.play_client.playerlistitem.number_of_players = players->entry_count + 1; rep.data.play_client.playerlistitem.players = xmalloc(rep.data.play_client.playerlistitem.number_of_players * sizeof(struct listitem_player)); size_t px = 0; BEGIN_HASHMAP_ITERATION (players) struct player* plx = (struct player*) value; if (px < rep.data.play_client.playerlistitem.number_of_players) { memcpy(&rep.data.play_client.playerlistitem.players[px].uuid, &plx->uuid, sizeof(struct uuid)); rep.data.play_client.playerlistitem.players[px].action.addplayer.name = xstrdup(plx->name, 0); rep.data.play_client.playerlistitem.players[px].action.addplayer.number_of_properties = 0; rep.data.play_client.playerlistitem.players[px].action.addplayer.properties = NULL; rep.data.play_client.playerlistitem.players[px].action.addplayer.gamemode = plx->gamemode; rep.data.play_client.playerlistitem.players[px].action.addplayer.ping = 0; // TODO rep.data.play_client.playerlistitem.players[px].action.addplayer.has_display_name = 0; rep.data.play_client.playerlistitem.players[px].action.addplayer.display_name = NULL; px++; } if (player == plx) continue; struct packet* pkt = xmalloc(sizeof(struct packet)); pkt->id = PKT_PLAY_CLIENT_PLAYERLISTITEM; pkt->data.play_client.playerlistitem.action_id = 0; pkt->data.play_client.playerlistitem.number_of_players = 1; pkt->data.play_client.playerlistitem.players = xmalloc(sizeof(struct listitem_player)); memcpy(&pkt->data.play_client.playerlistitem.players->uuid, &player->uuid, sizeof(struct uuid)); pkt->data.play_client.playerlistitem.players->action.addplayer.name = xstrdup(player->name, 0); pkt->data.play_client.playerlistitem.players->action.addplayer.number_of_properties = 0; pkt->data.play_client.playerlistitem.players->action.addplayer.properties = NULL; pkt->data.play_client.playerlistitem.players->action.addplayer.gamemode = player->gamemode; pkt->data.play_client.playerlistitem.players->action.addplayer.ping = 0; // TODO pkt->data.play_client.playerlistitem.players->action.addplayer.has_display_name = 0; pkt->data.play_client.playerlistitem.players->action.addplayer.display_name = NULL; add_queue(plx->outgoingPacket, pkt); flush_outgoing(plx); END_HASHMAP_ITERATION (players) pthread_rwlock_unlock(&players->data_mutex); memcpy(&rep.data.play_client.playerlistitem.players[px].uuid, &player->uuid, sizeof(struct uuid)); rep.data.play_client.playerlistitem.players[px].action.addplayer.name = xstrdup(player->name, 0); rep.data.play_client.playerlistitem.players[px].action.addplayer.number_of_properties = 0; rep.data.play_client.playerlistitem.players[px].action.addplayer.properties = NULL; rep.data.play_client.playerlistitem.players[px].action.addplayer.gamemode = player->gamemode; rep.data.play_client.playerlistitem.players[px].action.addplayer.ping = 0; // TODO rep.data.play_client.playerlistitem.players[px].action.addplayer.has_display_name = 0; rep.data.play_client.playerlistitem.players[px].action.addplayer.display_name = NULL; px++; if (writePacket(conn, &rep) < 0) return 1; rep.id = PKT_PLAY_CLIENT_TIMEUPDATE; rep.data.play_client.timeupdate.time_of_day = overworld->time; rep.data.play_client.timeupdate.world_age = overworld->age; if (writePacket(conn, &rep) < 0) return 1; add_collection(playersToLoad, player); broadcastf("yellow", "%s has joined the server!", player->name); const char* mip = NULL; char tip[48]; if (conn->addr.sin6_family == AF_INET) { struct sockaddr_in *sip4 = (struct sockaddr_in*) &conn->addr; mip = inet_ntop(AF_INET, &sip4->sin_addr, tip, 48); } else if (conn->addr.sin6_family == AF_INET6) { struct sockaddr_in6 *sip6 = (struct sockaddr_in6*) &conn->addr; if (memseq((unsigned char*) &sip6->sin6_addr, 10, 0) && memseq((unsigned char*) &sip6->sin6_addr + 10, 2, 0xff)) { mip = inet_ntop(AF_INET, ((unsigned char*) &sip6->sin6_addr) + 12, tip, 48); } else mip = inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &sip6->sin6_addr, tip, 48); } else if (conn->addr.sin6_family == AF_LOCAL) { mip = "UNIX"; } else { mip = "UNKNOWN"; } printf("Player '%s' has joined with IP '%s'\n", player->name, mip); return 0; } int handleRead(struct conn* conn, struct work_param* param, int fd) { if (conn->disconnect) return 0; void* abuf; size_t asze; if (conn->aes_ctx_dec != NULL) { int csl = conn->readBuffer_size + 32; // 16 extra just in case void* edata = xmalloc(csl); if (EVP_DecryptUpdate(conn->aes_ctx_dec, edata, &csl, conn->readBuffer, conn->readBuffer_size) != 1) { xfree(edata); return -1; } if (csl == 0) return 0; if (conn->readDecBuffer == NULL) { conn->readDecBuffer = xmalloc(csl); conn->readDecBuffer_size = 0; } else { conn->readDecBuffer = xrealloc(conn->readDecBuffer, csl + conn->readDecBuffer_size); } memcpy(conn->readDecBuffer + conn->readDecBuffer_size, edata, csl); conn->readDecBuffer_size += csl; abuf = conn->readDecBuffer; asze = conn->readDecBuffer_size; xfree(conn->readBuffer); conn->readBuffer = NULL; conn->readBuffer_size = 0; } else { abuf = conn->readBuffer; asze = conn->readBuffer_size; } while (abuf != NULL && asze > 0) { int32_t length = 0; if (!readVarInt(&length, abuf, asze)) { return 0; } int ls = getVarIntSize(length); if (asze - ls < length) { return 0; } struct packet* inp = xmalloc(sizeof(struct packet)); ssize_t rx = readPacket(conn, abuf + ls, length, inp); if (rx == -1) goto rete; //printf("State = %i, ID = %i, Data = ", conn->state, inp->id); //for (size_t i = 0; i < length + ls; i++) { // uint8_t ch = ((uint8_t*) conn->readBuffer)[i]; // printf("%02X", ch); //} //printf("\n"); int os = conn->state; struct packet rep; int df = 0; if (conn->state == STATE_HANDSHAKE && inp->id == PKT_HANDSHAKE_SERVER_HANDSHAKE) { conn->host_ip = xstrdup(inp->data.handshake_server.handshake.server_address, 0); conn->host_port = inp->data.handshake_server.handshake.server_port; conn->protocolVersion = inp->data.handshake_server.handshake.protocol_version; if ((inp->data.handshake_server.handshake.protocol_version < MC_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MIN || inp->data.handshake_server.handshake.protocol_version > MC_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MAX) && inp->data.handshake_server.handshake.next_state != STATE_STATUS) return -2; if (inp->data.handshake_server.handshake.next_state == STATE_STATUS) { conn->state = STATE_STATUS; } else if (inp->data.handshake_server.handshake.next_state == STATE_LOGIN) { conn->state = STATE_LOGIN; } else goto rete; } else if (conn->state == STATE_STATUS) { if (inp->id == PKT_STATUS_SERVER_REQUEST) { rep.id = PKT_STATUS_CLIENT_RESPONSE; rep.data.status_client.response.json_response = xmalloc(1000); rep.data.status_client.response.json_response[999] = 0; snprintf(rep.data.status_client.response.json_response, 999, "{\"version\":{\"name\":\"1.11.2\",\"protocol\":%i},\"players\":{\"max\":%i,\"online\":%i},\"description\":{\"text\":\"%s\"}}", MC_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MIN, max_players, players->entry_count, motd); if (writePacket(conn, &rep) < 0) goto rete; xfree(rep.data.status_client.response.json_response); } else if (inp->id == PKT_STATUS_SERVER_PING) { rep.id = PKT_STATUS_CLIENT_PONG; if (writePacket(conn, &rep) < 0) goto rete; conn->state = -1; } else goto rete; } else if (conn->state == STATE_LOGIN) { if (inp->id == PKT_LOGIN_SERVER_ENCRYPTIONRESPONSE) { if (conn->verifyToken == 0 || inp->data.login_server.encryptionresponse.shared_secret_length > 162 || inp->data.login_server.encryptionresponse.verify_token_length > 162) goto rete; unsigned char decSecret[162]; int secLen = RSA_private_decrypt(inp->data.login_server.encryptionresponse.shared_secret_length, inp->data.login_server.encryptionresponse.shared_secret, decSecret, public_rsa, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING); if (secLen != 16) goto rete; unsigned char decVerifyToken[162]; int vtLen = RSA_private_decrypt(inp->data.login_server.encryptionresponse.verify_token_length, inp->data.login_server.encryptionresponse.verify_token, decVerifyToken, public_rsa, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING); if (vtLen != 4) goto rete; uint32_t vt = *((uint32_t*) decVerifyToken); if (vt != conn->verifyToken) goto rete; memcpy(conn->sharedSecret, decSecret, 16); uint8_t pubkey[162]; memcpy(pubkey, public_rsa_publickey, 162); uint8_t hash[20]; SHA_CTX context; SHA1_Init(&context); SHA1_Update(&context, decSecret, 16); SHA1_Update(&context, pubkey, 162); SHA1_Final(hash, &context); int m = 0; if (hash[0] & 0x80) { m = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { hash[i] = ~hash[i]; } (hash[19])++; } char fhash[32]; char* fhash2 = fhash + 1; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { snprintf(fhash + 1 + (i * 2), 3, "%02X", hash[i]); } for (int i = 1; i < 41; i++) { if (fhash[i] == '0') fhash2++; else break; } fhash2--; if (m) fhash2[0] = '-'; else fhash2++; struct sockaddr_in sin; struct hostent *host = gethostbyname("sessionserver.mojang.com"); if (host != NULL) { struct in_addr **adl = (struct in_addr **) host->h_addr_list; if (adl[0] != NULL) { sin.sin_addr.s_addr = adl[0]->s_addr; } else goto merr; } else goto merr; sin.sin_port = htons(443); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; int mfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); SSL* sct = NULL; int initssl = 0; int val = 0; if (mfd < 0) goto merr; if (connect(mfd, (struct sockaddr*) &sin, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))) goto merr; sct = SSL_new(mojang_ctx); SSL_set_connect_state(sct); SSL_set_fd(sct, mfd); if (SSL_connect(sct) != 1) goto merr; else initssl = 1; char cbuf[4096]; int tl = snprintf(cbuf, 1024, "GET /session/minecraft/hasJoined?username=%s&serverId=%s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: sessionserver.mojang.com\r\nUser-Agent: Basin " VERSION "\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n", conn->onll_username, fhash2); int tw = 0; while (tw < tl) { int r = SSL_write(sct, cbuf, tl); if (r <= 0) goto merr; else tw += r; } tw = 0; int r = 0; while ((r = SSL_read(sct, cbuf + tw, 4095 - tw)) > 0) { tw += r; } cbuf[tw] = 0; char* data = strstr(cbuf, "\r\n\r\n"); if (data == NULL) goto merr; data += 4; struct json_object json; json_parse(&json, data); struct json_object* tmp = json_get(&json, "id"); if (tmp == NULL || tmp->type != JSON_STRING) { freeJSON(&json); goto merr; } char* id = trim(tmp->data.string); tmp = json_get(&json, "name"); if (tmp == NULL || tmp->type != JSON_STRING) { freeJSON(&json); goto merr; } char* name = trim(tmp->data.string); size_t sl = strlen(name); if (sl < 2 || sl > 16) { freeJSON(&json); goto merr; } BEGIN_HASHMAP_ITERATION (players) struct player* player = (struct player*) value; if (streq_nocase(name, player->name)) { kickPlayer(player, "You have logged in from another location!"); goto pbn2; } END_HASHMAP_ITERATION (players) pbn2: ; val = 1; conn->aes_ctx_enc = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new(); if (conn->aes_ctx_enc == NULL) goto rete; //EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding(conn->aes_ctx_enc, 0); if (EVP_EncryptInit_ex(conn->aes_ctx_enc, EVP_aes_128_cfb8(), NULL, conn->sharedSecret, conn->sharedSecret) != 1) goto rete; conn->aes_ctx_dec = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new(); if (conn->aes_ctx_dec == NULL) goto rete; //EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding(conn->aes_ctx_dec, 0); if (EVP_DecryptInit_ex(conn->aes_ctx_dec, EVP_aes_128_cfb8(), NULL, conn->sharedSecret, conn->sharedSecret) != 1) goto rete; if (work_joinServer(conn, name, id)) { freeJSON(&json); if (initssl) SSL_shutdown(sct); if (mfd >= 0) close(mfd); if (sct != NULL) SSL_free(sct); goto rete; } freeJSON(&json); merr: ; if (initssl) SSL_shutdown(sct); if (mfd >= 0) close(mfd); if (sct != NULL) SSL_free(sct); if (!val) { rep.id = PKT_LOGIN_CLIENT_DISCONNECT; rep.data.login_client.disconnect.reason = xstrdup("{\"text\": \"There was an unresolvable issue with the Mojang sessionserver! Please try again.\"}", 0); if (writePacket(conn, &rep) < 0) goto rete; conn->disconnect = 1; goto ret; } } else if (inp->id == PKT_LOGIN_SERVER_LOGINSTART) { if (online_mode) { if (conn->verifyToken) goto rete; conn->onll_username = xstrdup(inp->data.login_server.loginstart.name, 0); rep.id = PKT_LOGIN_CLIENT_ENCRYPTIONREQUEST; rep.data.login_client.encryptionrequest.server_id = ""; rep.data.login_client.encryptionrequest.public_key = public_rsa_publickey; rep.data.login_client.encryptionrequest.public_key_length = 162; conn->verifyToken = rand(); if (conn->verifyToken == 0) conn->verifyToken = 1; rep.data.login_client.encryptionrequest.verify_token = (uint8_t*) &conn->verifyToken; rep.data.login_client.encryptionrequest.verify_token_length = 4; if (writePacket(conn, &rep) < 0) goto rete; } else { int bn = 0; char* rna = trim(inp->data.login_server.loginstart.name); size_t rnal = strlen(rna); if (rnal > 16 || rnal < 2) bn = 2; if (!bn) { BEGIN_HASHMAP_ITERATION (players) struct player* player = (struct player*) value; if (streq_nocase(rna, player->name)) { bn = 1; goto pbn; } END_HASHMAP_ITERATION (players) pbn: ; } if (bn) { rep.id = PKT_LOGIN_CLIENT_DISCONNECT; rep.data.login_client.disconnect.reason = xstrdup(bn == 2 ? "{\"text\": \"Invalid name!\"}" : "{\"text\", \"You are already in the server!\"}", 0); if (writePacket(conn, &rep) < 0) goto rete; conn->disconnect = 1; goto ret; } if (work_joinServer(conn, rna, NULL)) goto rete; } } } else if (conn->state == STATE_PLAY) { add_queue(conn->player->incomingPacket, inp); df = 1; } beginProfilerSection("movebuf"); memmove(abuf, abuf + length + ls, asze - length - ls); asze -= length + ls; if (abuf == conn->readBuffer) conn->readBuffer_size = asze; else if (abuf == conn->readDecBuffer) conn->readDecBuffer_size = asze; endProfilerSection("movebuf"); goto ret; rete: ; if (!df) { freePacket(os, 0, inp); xfree(inp); } return -1; ret: ; if (!df) { freePacket(os, 0, inp); xfree(inp); } } return 0; } void run_work(struct work_param* param) { if (pipe(param->pipes) != 0) { printf("Failed to create pipe! %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } unsigned char wb; unsigned char* mbuf = xmalloc(1024); while (1) { pthread_rwlock_rdlock(¶m->conns->data_mutex); size_t cc = param->conns->count; struct pollfd fds[cc + 1]; struct conn* conns[cc]; int fdi = 0; for (int i = 0; i < param->conns->size; i++) { if (param->conns->data[i] != NULL) { conns[fdi] = (param->conns->data[i]); struct conn* conn = conns[fdi]; fds[fdi].fd = conns[fdi]->fd; fds[fdi].events = POLLIN | ((conn->writeBuffer_size > 0 || (conn->player != NULL && conn->player->outgoingPacket->size > 0)) ? POLLOUT : 0); fds[fdi++].revents = 0; if (fdi == cc) break; } } pthread_rwlock_unlock(¶m->conns->data_mutex); fds[cc].fd = param->pipes[0]; fds[cc].events = POLLIN; fds[cc].revents = 0; int cp = poll(fds, cc + 1, -1); if (cp < 0) { printf("Poll error in worker thread! %s\n", strerror(errno)); } else if (cp == 0) continue; else if ((fds[cc].revents & POLLIN) == POLLIN) { if (read(param->pipes[0], &wb, 1) < 1) printf("Error reading from pipe, infinite loop COULD happen here.\n"); if (cp-- == 1) continue; } for (int i = 0; i < cc; i++) { int re = fds[i].revents; struct conn* conn = conns[i]; if ((re & POLLERR) == POLLERR) { //printf("POLLERR in worker poll! This is bad!\n"); closeConn(param, conn); conn = NULL; goto cont; } if ((re & POLLHUP) == POLLHUP) { closeConn(param, conn); conn = NULL; goto cont; } if ((re & POLLNVAL) == POLLNVAL) { printf("Invalid FD in worker poll! This is bad!\n"); closeConn(param, conn); conn = NULL; goto cont; } if ((re & POLLIN) == POLLIN) { size_t tr = 0; ioctl(fds[i].fd, FIONREAD, &tr); unsigned char* loc; if (conn->readBuffer == NULL) { conn->readBuffer = xmalloc(tr); // TODO: max upload? conn->readBuffer_size = tr; loc = conn->readBuffer; } else { conn->readBuffer_size += tr; conn->readBuffer = xrealloc(conn->readBuffer, conn->readBuffer_size); loc = conn->readBuffer + conn->readBuffer_size - tr; } ssize_t r = 0; if (r == 0 && tr == 0) { // nothing to read, but wont block. ssize_t x = read(fds[i].fd, loc + r, tr - r); if (x <= 0) { closeConn(param, conn); conn = NULL; goto cont; } r += x; } while (r < tr) { ssize_t x = read(fds[i].fd, loc + r, tr - r); if (x <= 0) { closeConn(param, conn); conn = NULL; goto cont; } r += x; } int p = 0; p = handleRead(conn, param, fds[i].fd); if (p == 1) { goto cont; } } if ((re & POLLOUT) == POLLOUT && conn != NULL) { if (conn->player != NULL) { struct packet* wp = pop_nowait_queue(conn->player->outgoingPacket); while (wp != NULL) { int wr = writePacket(conn, wp); if (wr == -1) { closeConn(param, conn); conn = NULL; goto cont; } freePacket(conn->state, 1, wp); xfree(wp); wp = pop_nowait_queue(conn->player->outgoingPacket); } //printf("%s WBS: %lu\n", conn->player->name, conn->writeBuffer_size); } ssize_t mtr = write(fds[i].fd, conn->writeBuffer, conn->writeBuffer_size); if (mtr < 0 && errno != EAGAIN) { closeConn(param, conn); conn = NULL; goto cont; } else if (mtr < 0) { goto cont; } else if (mtr < conn->writeBuffer_size) { memmove(conn->writeBuffer, conn->writeBuffer + mtr, conn->writeBuffer_size - mtr); conn->writeBuffer_size -= mtr; if (conn->writeBuffer_capacity > conn->writeBuffer_size + 1024 * 1024) { conn->writeBuffer = xrealloc(conn->writeBuffer, conn->writeBuffer_size); conn->writeBuffer_capacity = conn->writeBuffer_size; } } else { conn->writeBuffer_size = 0; conn->writeBuffer_capacity = 0; xfree(conn->writeBuffer); conn->writeBuffer = NULL; } } if (conn->state == -1 && conn->writeBuffer_size == 0) { closeConn(param, conn); conn = NULL; } cont: ; if (conn != NULL && conn->disconnect) { closeConn(param, conn); conn = NULL; } if (--cp == 0) break; } } xfree(mbuf); pthread_cancel (pthread_self());}