refactor game

This commit is contained in:
Protryon 2019-09-07 16:26:41 -07:00
parent 12986b6784
commit 693351f566
2 changed files with 71 additions and 77 deletions

View File

@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ void sendMessageToPlayer(struct player* player, char* text, char* color);
void sendMsgToPlayerf(struct player* player, char* color, char* fmt, ...);
void broadcast(char* text, char* color);
void broadcast(struct hashmap* players, char* text, char* color);
void broadcastf(char* color, char* fmt, ...);
void broadcastf(struct hashmap* players, char* color, char* fmt, ...);
#define BEGIN_BROADCAST(players) pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&(players)->rwlock); ITER_MAP(players) { struct player* bc_player = (struct player*)value; {
#define BEGIN_BROADCAST_DIST(distfrom, dist) pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&(distfrom->world->players)->rwlock); ITER_MAP(distfrom->world->players) { struct player* bc_player = (struct player*)value; if(entity_distsq(bc_player->entity, distfrom) < dist * dist) {

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ void game_load_player(struct player* to, struct player* from) {
packet->data.play_client.spawnplayer.z = from->entity->z;
packet->data.play_client.spawnplayer.yaw = (uint8_t) ((from->entity->yaw / 360.) * 256.);
packet->data.play_client.spawnplayer.pitch = (uint8_t) ((from->entity->pitch / 360.) * 256.);
entitymeta_write(from->entity, &packet->data.play_client.spawnplayer.metadata.metadata, &packet->data.play_client.spawnplayer.metadata.metadata_size);
entitymeta_write(from->entity, &packet->data.play_client.spawnplayer.metadata.metadata, &packet->data.play_client.spawnplayer.metadata.metadata_size, packet->pool);
queue_push(to->outgoing_packets, packet);
game_entity_equipment(to, from->entity, 0, from->inventory->slots[from->currentItem + 36]);
game_entity_equipment(to, from->entity, 5, from->inventory->slots[5]);
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ void game_load_entity(struct player* to, struct entity* from) {
queue_push(to->outgoing_packets, packet);
packet = packet_new(mempool_new(), PKT_PLAY_CLIENT_ENTITYMETADATA);
packet->data.play_client.entitymetadata.entity_id = from->id;
entitymeta_write(from, &packet->data.play_client.entitymetadata.metadata.metadata, &packet->data.play_client.entitymetadata.metadata.metadata_size);
entitymeta_write(from, &packet->data.play_client.entitymetadata.metadata.metadata, &packet->data.play_client.entitymetadata.metadata.metadata_size, packet->pool);
queue_push(to->outgoing_packets, packet);
} else if (from->type == ENT_PLAYER) {
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ void game_load_entity(struct player* to, struct entity* from) {
packet->data.play_client.spawnmob.velocity_x = (int16_t)(from->motX * 8000.);
packet->data.play_client.spawnmob.velocity_y = (int16_t)(from->motY * 8000.);
packet->data.play_client.spawnmob.velocity_z = (int16_t)(from->motZ * 8000.);
entitymeta_write(from, &packet->data.play_client.spawnmob.metadata.metadata, &packet->data.play_client.spawnmob.metadata.metadata_size);
entitymeta_write(from, &packet->data.play_client.spawnmob.metadata.metadata, &packet->data.play_client.spawnmob.metadata.metadata_size, packet->pool);
queue_push(to->outgoing_packets, packet);
hashmap_putint(to->loaded_entities, (uint64_t) from->id, from);
@ -170,69 +170,68 @@ float game_rand_float() {
void game_drop_block(struct world* world, struct slot* slot, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t z) {
struct entity* item = entity_new(world->server->next_entity_id++, (double) x + .5, (double) y + .5, (double) z + .5, ENT_ITEM, game_rand_float() * 360., 0.);
item->data.itemstack.slot = xmalloc(sizeof(struct slot));
struct entity* item = entity_new(world, world->server->next_entity_id++, (double) x + .5, (double) y + .5, (double) z + .5, ENT_ITEM, game_rand_float() * 360., 0.);
item->data.itemstack.slot = pmalloc(item->pool, sizeof(struct slot));
item->objectData = 1;
item->motX = game_rand_float() * .2 - .1;
item->motY = .2;
item->motZ = game_rand_float() * .2 - .1;
item->data.itemstack.delayBeforeCanPickup = 0;
slot_duplicate(slot, item->data.itemstack.slot);
slot_duplicate(item->pool, slot, item->data.itemstack.slot);
world_spawn_entity(world, item);
game_load_entity(bc_player, item);
game_load_entity(bc_player, item);
void dropPlayerItem(struct player* player, struct slot* drop) {
struct entity* item = entity_new(nextEntityID++, player->entity->x, player->entity->y + 1.32, player->entity->z, ENT_ITEM, 0., 0.);
item->data.itemstack.slot = xmalloc(sizeof(struct slot));
struct entity* item = entity_new(player->world, player->world->server->next_entity_id++, player->entity->x, player->entity->y + 1.32, player->entity->z, ENT_ITEM, 0., 0.);
item->data.itemstack.slot = pmalloc(item->pool, sizeof(struct slot));
item->objectData = 1;
item->motX = -sin(player->entity->yaw * M_PI / 180.) * cos(player->entity->pitch * M_PI / 180.) * .3;
item->motZ = cos(player->entity->yaw * M_PI / 180.) * cos(player->entity->pitch * M_PI / 180.) * .3;
item->motY = -sin(player->entity->pitch * M_PI / 180.) * .3 + .1;
float nos = game_rand_float() * M_PI * 2.;
float mag = .02 * game_rand_float();
item->motX += cos(nos) * mag;
float noise = game_rand_float() * M_PI * 2.;
float magnitude = .02 * game_rand_float();
item->motX += cosf(noise) * magnitude;
item->motY += (game_rand_float() - game_rand_float()) * .1;
item->motZ += sin(nos) * mag;
item->motZ += sinf(noise) * magnitude;
item->data.itemstack.delayBeforeCanPickup = 20;
slot_duplicate(drop, item->data.itemstack.slot);
slot_duplicate(item->pool, drop, item->data.itemstack.slot);
world_spawn_entity(player->world, item);
BEGIN_BROADCAST_DIST(player->entity, 128.)
game_load_entity(bc_player, item);
game_load_entity(bc_player, item);
void playSound(struct world* world, int32_t soundID, int32_t soundCategory, double x, double y, double z, float volume, float pitch) {
BEGIN_BROADCAST_DISTXYZ(x, y, z, world->players, 64.)
struct packet* pkt = xmalloc(sizeof(struct packet));
pkt->data.play_client.soundeffect.sound_id = 316;
pkt->data.play_client.soundeffect.sound_category = 8; //?
pkt->data.play_client.soundeffect.effect_position_x = (int32_t)(x * 8.);
pkt->data.play_client.soundeffect.effect_position_y = (int32_t)(y * 8.);
pkt->data.play_client.soundeffect.effect_position_z = (int32_t)(z * 8.);
pkt->data.play_client.soundeffect.volume = 1.;
pkt->data.play_client.soundeffect.pitch = 1.;
add_queue(bc_player->outgoing_packets, pkt);
struct packet* pkt = packet_new(mempool_new(), PKT_PLAY_CLIENT_SOUNDEFFECT);
pkt->data.play_client.soundeffect.sound_id = 316;
pkt->data.play_client.soundeffect.sound_category = 8; //?
pkt->data.play_client.soundeffect.effect_position_x = (int32_t)(x * 8.);
pkt->data.play_client.soundeffect.effect_position_y = (int32_t)(y * 8.);
pkt->data.play_client.soundeffect.effect_position_z = (int32_t)(z * 8.);
pkt->data.play_client.soundeffect.volume = 1.;
pkt->data.play_client.soundeffect.pitch = 1.;
queue_push(bc_player->outgoing_packets, pkt);
void dropEntityItem_explode(struct entity* entity, struct slot* drop) {
struct entity* item = entity_new(nextEntityID++, entity->x, entity->y + 1.32, entity->z, ENT_ITEM, 0., 0.);
item->data.itemstack.slot = xmalloc(sizeof(struct slot));
struct entity* item = entity_new(entity->world, entity->world->server->next_entity_id++, entity->x, entity->y + 1.32, entity->z, ENT_ITEM, 0., 0.);
item->data.itemstack.slot = pmalloc(item->pool, sizeof(struct slot));
item->objectData = 1;
float f1 = game_rand_float() * .5;
float f2 = game_rand_float() * M_PI * 2.;
item->motX = -sin(f2) * f1;
item->motZ = cos(f2) * f1;
item->motX = -sinf(f2) * f1;
item->motZ = cosf(f2) * f1;
item->motY = .2;
item->data.itemstack.delayBeforeCanPickup = 20;
slot_duplicate(drop, item->data.itemstack.slot);
slot_duplicate(item->pool, drop, item->data.itemstack.slot);
world_spawn_entity(entity->world, item);
game_load_entity(bc_player, item);
game_load_entity(bc_player, item);
@ -259,8 +258,7 @@ void dropBlockDrops(struct world* world, block blk, struct player* breaker, int3
void player_openInventory(struct player* player, struct inventory* inv) {
struct packet* pkt = xmalloc(sizeof(struct packet));
struct packet* pkt = packet_new(mempool_new(), PKT_PLAY_CLIENT_OPENWINDOW);
pkt->data.play_client.openwindow.window_id = inv->window;
char* type = "";
if (inv->type == INVTYPE_WORKBENCH) {
@ -270,23 +268,25 @@ void player_openInventory(struct player* player, struct inventory* inv) {
} else if (inv->type == INVTYPE_FURNACE) {
type = "minecraft:furnace";
pkt->data.play_client.openwindow.window_type = xstrdup(type, 0);
pkt->data.play_client.openwindow.window_title = xstrdup(inv->title, 0);
pkt->data.play_client.openwindow.window_type = str_dup(type, 0, pkt->pool);
pkt->data.play_client.openwindow.window_title = str_dup(inv->title, 0, pkt->pool);
pkt->data.play_client.openwindow.number_of_slots = inv->type == INVTYPE_WORKBENCH ? 0 : inv->slot_count;
if (inv->type == INVTYPE_HORSE) pkt->data.play_client.openwindow.entity_id = 0; //TODO
add_queue(player->outgoing_packets, pkt);
if (inv->type == INVTYPE_HORSE) {
pkt->data.play_client.openwindow.entity_id = 0; //TODO
queue_push(player->outgoing_packets, pkt);
player->open_inventory = inv;
put_hashmap(inv->watching_players, player->entity->id, player);
hashmap_putint(inv->watching_players, player->entity->id, player);
if (inv->slot_count > 0) {
pkt = xmalloc(sizeof(struct packet));
pkt = packet_new(mempool_new(), PKT_PLAY_CLIENT_WINDOWITEMS);
pkt->data.play_client.windowitems.window_id = inv->window;
pkt->data.play_client.windowitems.count = inv->slot_count;
pkt->data.play_client.windowitems.slot_data = xmalloc(sizeof(struct slot) * inv->slot_count);
pkt->data.play_client.windowitems.slot_data = pmalloc(pkt->pool, sizeof(struct slot) * inv->slot_count);
for (size_t i = 0; i < inv->slot_count; i++) {
slot_duplicate(inv->slots[i], &pkt->data.play_client.windowitems.slot_data[i]);
slot_duplicate(pkt->pool, inv->slots[i], &pkt->data.play_client.windowitems.slot_data[i]);
add_queue(player->outgoing_packets, pkt);
queue_push(player->outgoing_packets, pkt);
@ -294,55 +294,49 @@ void sendMessageToPlayer(struct player* player, char* text, char* color) {
if (player == NULL) {
printf("%s\n", text);
} else {
size_t s = strlen(text) + 512;
char* rsx = xstrdup(text, 512);
char* rs = xmalloc(s);
snprintf(rs, s, "{\"text\": \"%s\", \"color\": \"%s\"}", replace(replace(rsx, "\\", "\\\\"), "\"", "\\\""), color);
//printf("<CHAT> %s\n", text);
struct packet* pkt = xmalloc(sizeof(struct packet));
struct mempool* pool = mempool_new();
size_t length = strlen(text);
char* text_modified = str_dup(text, 0, pool);
text_modified = str_replace(str_replace(text_modified, "\\", "\\\\", pool), "\"", "\\\"", pool);
char* jsonified = pmalloc(pool, strlen(text_modified) + 128);
snprintf(jsonified, length, "{\"text\": \"%s\", \"color\": \"%s\"}", text_modified, color);
struct packet* pkt = packet_new(pool, PKT_PLAY_CLIENT_CHATMESSAGE);
pkt->data.play_client.chatmessage.position = 0;
pkt->data.play_client.chatmessage.json_data = xstrdup(rs, 0);
add_queue(player->outgoing_packets, pkt);
pkt->data.play_client.chatmessage.json_data = jsonified;
queue_push(player->outgoing_packets, pkt);
void sendMsgToPlayerf(struct player* player, char* color, char* fmt, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
size_t len = varstrlen(fmt, args);
char* bct = xmalloc(len);
vsnprintf(bct, len, fmt, args);
char buffer[4096];
vsnprintf(buffer, 4096, fmt, args);
sendMessageToPlayer(player, bct, color);
sendMessageToPlayer(player, buffer, color);
void broadcast(char* text, char* color) {
size_t s = strlen(text) + 512;
char* rsx = xstrdup(text, 512);
char* rs = xmalloc(s);
snprintf(rs, s, "{\"text\": \"%s\", \"color\": \"%s\"}", replace(replace(rsx, "\\", "\\\\"), "\"", "\\\""), color);
void broadcast(struct hashmap* players, char* text, char* color) {
struct mempool* pool = mempool_new();
size_t length = strlen(text);
char* text_modified = str_dup(text, 0, pool);
text_modified = str_replace(str_replace(text_modified, "\\", "\\\\", pool), "\"", "\\\"", pool);
char* jsonified = pmalloc(pool, strlen(text_modified) + 128);
printf("<CHAT> %s\n", text);
struct packet* pkt = xmalloc(sizeof(struct packet));
pkt->data.play_client.chatmessage.position = 0;
pkt->data.play_client.chatmessage.json_data = xstrdup(rs, 0);
add_queue(bc_player->outgoing_packets, pkt);
struct packet* pkt = packet_new(mempool_new(), PKT_PLAY_CLIENT_CHATMESSAGE);
pkt->data.play_client.chatmessage.position = 0;
pkt->data.play_client.chatmessage.json_data = str_dup(jsonified, 0, pkt->pool);
queue_push(bc_player->outgoing_packets, pkt);
void broadcastf(char* color, char* fmt, ...) {
void broadcastf(struct hashmap* players, char* color, char* fmt, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
size_t len = varstrlen(fmt, args);
char* bct = xmalloc(len);
vsnprintf(bct, len, fmt, args);
char buffer[4096];
vsnprintf(buffer, 4096, fmt, args);
broadcast(bct, color);
broadcast(players, buffer, color);