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Executable File

* This file is part of Baritone.
* Baritone is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Baritone is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Baritone. If not, see <>.
package baritone.api.utils;
import baritone.api.BaritoneAPI;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.util.text.ITextComponent;
import net.minecraft.util.text.TextComponentString;
import net.minecraft.util.text.TextFormatting;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
* An ease-of-access interface to provide the {@link Minecraft} game instance,
* chat and console logging mechanisms, and the Baritone chat prefix.
* @author Brady
* @since 8/1/2018
public interface Helper {
* Instance of {@link Helper}. Used for static-context reference.
Helper HELPER = new Helper() {};
* The main game instance returned by {@link Minecraft#getMinecraft()}.
* Deprecated since {@link IPlayerContext#minecraft()} should be used instead (In the majority of cases).
Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
static ITextComponent getPrefix() {
// Inner text component
final Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
final boolean xd = now.get(Calendar.MONTH) == Calendar.APRIL && now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) <= 3;
ITextComponent baritone = new TextComponentString(xd ? "Baritoe" : BaritoneAPI.getSettings().shortBaritonePrefix.value ? "B" : "Baritone");
// Outer brackets
ITextComponent prefix = new TextComponentString("");
return prefix;
* Send a message to display as a toast popup
* @param title The title to display in the popup
* @param message The message to display in the popup
default void logToast(ITextComponent title, ITextComponent message) {
Minecraft.getMinecraft().addScheduledTask(() -> BaritoneAPI.getSettings().toaster.value.accept(title, message));
* Send a message to display as a toast popup
* @param title The title to display in the popup
* @param message The message to display in the popup
default void logToast(String title, String message) {
logToast(new TextComponentString(title), new TextComponentString(message));
* Send a message to display as a toast popup
* @param message The message to display in the popup
default void logToast(String message) {
logToast(Helper.getPrefix(), new TextComponentString(message));
* Send a message as a desktop notification
* @param message The message to display in the notification
default void logNotification(String message) {
logNotification(message, false);
* Send a message as a desktop notification
* @param message The message to display in the notification
* @param error Whether to log as an error
default void logNotification(String message, boolean error) {
if (BaritoneAPI.getSettings().desktopNotifications.value) {
logNotificationDirect(message, error);
* Send a message as a desktop notification regardless of desktopNotifications
* (should only be used for critically important messages)
* @param message The message to display in the notification
default void logNotificationDirect(String message) {
logNotificationDirect(message, false);
* Send a message as a desktop notification regardless of desktopNotifications
* (should only be used for critically important messages)
* @param message The message to display in the notification
* @param error Whether to log as an error
default void logNotificationDirect(String message, boolean error) {
Minecraft.getMinecraft().addScheduledTask(() -> BaritoneAPI.getSettings().notifier.value.accept(message, error));
* Send a message to chat only if chatDebug is on
* @param message The message to display in chat
default void logDebug(String message) {
if (!BaritoneAPI.getSettings().chatDebug.value) {
//System.out.println("Suppressed debug message:");
// We won't log debug chat into toasts
// Because only a madman would want that extreme spam -_-
logDirect(message, false);
* Send components to chat with the [Baritone] prefix
* @param logAsToast Whether to log as a toast notification
* @param components The components to send
default void logDirect(boolean logAsToast, ITextComponent... components) {
ITextComponent component = new TextComponentString("");
if (!logAsToast) {
// If we are not logging as a Toast
// Append the prefix to the base component line
component.appendSibling(new TextComponentString(" "));
if (logAsToast) {
logToast(getPrefix(), component);
} else {
Minecraft.getMinecraft().addScheduledTask(() -> BaritoneAPI.getSettings().logger.value.accept(component));
* Send components to chat with the [Baritone] prefix
* @param components The components to send
default void logDirect(ITextComponent... components) {
logDirect(BaritoneAPI.getSettings().logAsToast.value, components);
* Send a message to chat regardless of chatDebug (should only be used for critically important messages, or as a
* direct response to a chat command)
* @param message The message to display in chat
* @param color The color to print that message in
* @param logAsToast Whether to log as a toast notification
default void logDirect(String message, TextFormatting color, boolean logAsToast) {
Stream.of(message.split("\n")).forEach(line -> {
ITextComponent component = new TextComponentString(line.replace("\t", " "));
logDirect(logAsToast, component);
* Send a message to chat regardless of chatDebug (should only be used for critically important messages, or as a
* direct response to a chat command)
* @param message The message to display in chat
* @param color The color to print that message in
default void logDirect(String message, TextFormatting color) {
logDirect(message, color, BaritoneAPI.getSettings().logAsToast.value);
* Send a message to chat regardless of chatDebug (should only be used for critically important messages, or as a
* direct response to a chat command)
* @param message The message to display in chat
* @param logAsToast Whether to log as a toast notification
default void logDirect(String message, boolean logAsToast) {
logDirect(message, TextFormatting.GRAY, logAsToast);
* Send a message to chat regardless of chatDebug (should only be used for critically important messages, or as a
* direct response to a chat command)
* @param message The message to display in chat
default void logDirect(String message) {
logDirect(message, BaritoneAPI.getSettings().logAsToast.value);
default void logUnhandledException(final Throwable exception) {
HELPER.logDirect("An unhandled exception occurred. " +
"The error is in your game's log, please report this at",