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* This file is part of Baritone.
* Baritone is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Baritone is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Baritone. If not, see <>.
package baritone.pathing.movement.movements;
import baritone.api.pathing.movement.MovementStatus;
import baritone.api.utils.BetterBlockPos;
import baritone.api.utils.Rotation;
import baritone.api.utils.RotationUtils;
import baritone.api.utils.VecUtils;
import baritone.pathing.movement.CalculationContext;
import baritone.pathing.movement.Movement;
import baritone.pathing.movement.MovementHelper;
import baritone.pathing.movement.MovementState;
import baritone.utils.BlockStateInterface;
import baritone.utils.InputOverrideHandler;
import net.minecraft.block.*;
import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d;
public class MovementPillar extends Movement {
public MovementPillar(BetterBlockPos start, BetterBlockPos end) {
super(start, end, new BetterBlockPos[]{start.up(2)}, start);
protected double calculateCost(CalculationContext context) {
return cost(context, src.x, src.y, src.z);
public static double cost(CalculationContext context, int x, int y, int z) {
Block fromDown = context.get(x, y, z).getBlock();
boolean ladder = fromDown instanceof BlockLadder || fromDown instanceof BlockVine;
IBlockState fromDownDown = context.get(x, y - 1, z);
if (!ladder) {
if (fromDownDown.getBlock() instanceof BlockLadder || fromDownDown.getBlock() instanceof BlockVine) {
return COST_INF;
if (fromDownDown.getBlock() instanceof BlockSlab && !((BlockSlab) fromDownDown.getBlock()).isDouble() && fromDownDown.getValue(BlockSlab.HALF) == BlockSlab.EnumBlockHalf.BOTTOM) {
return COST_INF; // can't pillar up from a bottom slab onto a non ladder
if (fromDown instanceof BlockVine && !hasAgainst(context, x, y, z)) {
return COST_INF;
IBlockState toBreak = context.get(x, y + 2, z);
Block toBreakBlock = toBreak.getBlock();
if (toBreakBlock instanceof BlockFenceGate) {
return COST_INF;
Block srcUp = null;
if (MovementHelper.isWater(toBreakBlock) && MovementHelper.isWater(fromDown)) {
srcUp = context.get(x, y + 1, z).getBlock();
if (MovementHelper.isWater(srcUp)) {
if (!ladder && !context.canPlaceThrowawayAt(x, y, z)) {
return COST_INF;
double hardness = MovementHelper.getMiningDurationTicks(context, x, y + 2, z, toBreak, true);
if (hardness >= COST_INF) {
return COST_INF;
if (hardness != 0) {
if (toBreakBlock instanceof BlockLadder || toBreakBlock instanceof BlockVine) {
hardness = 0; // we won't actually need to break the ladder / vine because we're going to use it
} else {
IBlockState check = context.get(x, y + 3, z);
if (check.getBlock() instanceof BlockFalling) {
// see MovementAscend's identical check for breaking a falling block above our head
if (srcUp == null) {
srcUp = context.get(x, y + 1, z).getBlock();
if (!(toBreakBlock instanceof BlockFalling) || !(srcUp instanceof BlockFalling)) {
return COST_INF;
// this is commented because it may have had a purpose, but it's very unclear what it was. it's from the minebot era.
//if (!MovementHelper.canWalkOn(chkPos, check) || MovementHelper.canWalkThrough(chkPos, check)) {//if the block above where we want to break is not a full block, don't do it
// TODO why does canWalkThrough mean this action is COST_INF?
// BlockFalling makes sense, and !canWalkOn deals with weird cases like if it were lava
// but I don't understand why canWalkThrough makes it impossible
// return COST_INF;
if (fromDown instanceof BlockLiquid || fromDownDown.getBlock() instanceof BlockLiquid) {//can't pillar on water or in water
return COST_INF;
if (ladder) {
return LADDER_UP_ONE_COST + hardness * 5;
} else {
return JUMP_ONE_BLOCK_COST + context.placeBlockCost() + hardness;
public static boolean hasAgainst(CalculationContext context, int x, int y, int z) {
return context.get(x + 1, y, z).isBlockNormalCube() ||
context.get(x - 1, y, z).isBlockNormalCube() ||
context.get(x, y, z + 1).isBlockNormalCube() ||
context.get(x, y, z - 1).isBlockNormalCube();
public static BlockPos getAgainst(CalculationContext context, BetterBlockPos vine) {
if (context.get(vine.north()).isBlockNormalCube()) {
return vine.north();
if (context.get(vine.south()).isBlockNormalCube()) {
return vine.south();
if (context.get(vine.east()).isBlockNormalCube()) {
return vine.east();
if (context.get(vine.west()).isBlockNormalCube()) {
return vine.west();
return null;
public MovementState updateState(MovementState state) {
if (state.getStatus() != MovementStatus.RUNNING) {
return state;
IBlockState fromDown = BlockStateInterface.get(src);
if (MovementHelper.isWater(fromDown.getBlock()) && MovementHelper.isWater(dest)) {
// stay centered while swimming up a water column
state.setTarget(new MovementState.MovementTarget(RotationUtils.calcRotationFromVec3d(playerHead(), VecUtils.getBlockPosCenter(dest)), false));
Vec3d destCenter = VecUtils.getBlockPosCenter(dest);
if (Math.abs(player().posX - destCenter.x) > 0.2 || Math.abs(player().posZ - destCenter.z) > 0.2) {
state.setInput(InputOverrideHandler.Input.MOVE_FORWARD, true);
if (playerFeet().equals(dest)) {
return state.setStatus(MovementStatus.SUCCESS);
return state;
boolean ladder = fromDown.getBlock() instanceof BlockLadder || fromDown.getBlock() instanceof BlockVine;
boolean vine = fromDown.getBlock() instanceof BlockVine;
Rotation rotation = RotationUtils.calcRotationFromVec3d(player().getPositionEyes(1.0F),
new Rotation(player().rotationYaw, player().rotationPitch));
if (!ladder) {
state.setTarget(new MovementState.MovementTarget(new Rotation(player().rotationYaw, rotation.getPitch()), true));
boolean blockIsThere = MovementHelper.canWalkOn(src) || ladder;
if (ladder) {
BlockPos against = vine ? getAgainst(new CalculationContext(), src) : src.offset(fromDown.getValue(BlockLadder.FACING).getOpposite());
if (against == null) {
logDebug("Unable to climb vines");
return state.setStatus(MovementStatus.UNREACHABLE);
if (playerFeet().equals(against.up()) || playerFeet().equals(dest)) {
return state.setStatus(MovementStatus.SUCCESS);
if (MovementHelper.isBottomSlab(BlockStateInterface.get(src.down()))) {
state.setInput(InputOverrideHandler.Input.JUMP, true);
if (thePlayer.getPosition0().getX() != from.getX() || thePlayer.getPosition0().getZ() != from.getZ()) {
MovementHelper.moveTowards(state, against);
return state;
} else {
// Get ready to place a throwaway block
if (!MovementHelper.throwaway(true)) {
return state.setStatus(MovementStatus.UNREACHABLE);
// If our Y coordinate is above our goal, stop jumping
state.setInput(InputOverrideHandler.Input.JUMP, player().posY < dest.getY());
state.setInput(InputOverrideHandler.Input.SNEAK, player().posY > dest.getY()); // delay placement by 1 tick for ncp compatibility
// since (lower down) we only right click once player.isSneaking, and that happens the tick after we request to sneak
double diffX = player().posX - (dest.getX() + 0.5);
double diffZ = player().posZ - (dest.getZ() + 0.5);
double dist = Math.sqrt(diffX * diffX + diffZ * diffZ);
if (dist > 0.17) {//why 0.17? because it seemed like a good number, that's why
//[explanation added after baritone port lol] also because it needs to be less than 0.2 because of the 0.3 sneak limit
//and 0.17 is reasonably less than 0.2
// If it's been more than forty ticks of trying to jump and we aren't done yet, go forward, maybe we are stuck
state.setInput(InputOverrideHandler.Input.MOVE_FORWARD, true);
// revise our target to both yaw and pitch if we're going to be moving forward
state.setTarget(new MovementState.MovementTarget(rotation, true));
if (!blockIsThere) {
Block fr = BlockStateInterface.get(src).getBlock();
if (!(fr instanceof BlockAir || fr.isReplaceable(world(), src))) {
state.setInput(InputOverrideHandler.Input.CLICK_LEFT, true);
blockIsThere = false;
} else if (player().isSneaking()) { // 1 tick after we're able to place
state.setInput(InputOverrideHandler.Input.CLICK_RIGHT, true);
// If we are at our goal and the block below us is placed
if (playerFeet().equals(dest) && blockIsThere) {
return state.setStatus(MovementStatus.SUCCESS);
return state;
protected boolean prepared(MovementState state) {
if (playerFeet().equals(src) || playerFeet().equals(src.down())) {
Block block = BlockStateInterface.getBlock(src.down());
if (block == Blocks.LADDER || block == Blocks.VINE) {
state.setInput(InputOverrideHandler.Input.SNEAK, true);
if (MovementHelper.isWater(dest.up())) {
return true;
return super.prepared(state);