/* * This file is part of Baritone. * * Baritone is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Baritone is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Baritone. If not, see . */ package baritone.process; import baritone.Baritone; import baritone.api.pathing.goals.Goal; import baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalBlock; import baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalComposite; import baritone.api.process.IFarmProcess; import baritone.api.process.PathingCommand; import baritone.api.process.PathingCommandType; import baritone.api.utils.RayTraceUtils; import baritone.api.utils.Rotation; import baritone.api.utils.RotationUtils; import baritone.api.utils.input.Input; import baritone.cache.WorldScanner; import baritone.pathing.movement.MovementHelper; import baritone.utils.BaritoneProcessHelper; import baritone.utils.NotificationHelper; import net.minecraft.block.*; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.math.RayTraceResult; import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d; import net.minecraft.world.World; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.function.Predicate; public final class FarmProcess extends BaritoneProcessHelper implements IFarmProcess { private boolean active; private List locations; private int tickCount; private static final List FARMLAND_PLANTABLE = Arrays.asList( Items.BEETROOT_SEEDS, Items.MELON_SEEDS, Items.WHEAT_SEEDS, Items.PUMPKIN_SEEDS, Items.POTATO, Items.CARROT ); private static final List PICKUP_DROPPED = Arrays.asList( Items.BEETROOT_SEEDS, Items.BEETROOT, Items.MELON_SEEDS, Items.MELON_SLICE, Blocks.MELON.asItem(), Items.WHEAT_SEEDS, Items.WHEAT, Items.PUMPKIN_SEEDS, Blocks.PUMPKIN.asItem(), Items.POTATO, Items.CARROT, Items.NETHER_WART, Blocks.SUGAR_CANE.asItem(), Blocks.CACTUS.asItem() ); public FarmProcess(Baritone baritone) { super(baritone); } @Override public boolean isActive() { return active; } @Override public void farm() { active = true; locations = null; } private enum Harvest { WHEAT((BlockCrops) Blocks.WHEAT), CARROTS((BlockCrops) Blocks.CARROTS), POTATOES((BlockCrops) Blocks.POTATOES), BEETROOT((BlockCrops) Blocks.BEETROOTS), PUMPKIN(Blocks.PUMPKIN, state -> true), MELON(Blocks.MELON, state -> true), NETHERWART(Blocks.NETHER_WART, state -> state.get(BlockNetherWart.AGE) >= 3), SUGARCANE(Blocks.SUGAR_CANE, null) { @Override public boolean readyToHarvest(World world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state) { if (Baritone.settings().replantCrops.value) { return world.getBlockState(pos.down()).getBlock() instanceof BlockReed; } return true; } }, CACTUS(Blocks.CACTUS, null) { @Override public boolean readyToHarvest(World world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state) { if (Baritone.settings().replantCrops.value) { return world.getBlockState(pos.down()).getBlock() instanceof BlockCactus; } return true; } }; public final Block block; public final Predicate readyToHarvest; Harvest(BlockCrops blockCrops) { this(blockCrops, blockCrops::isMaxAge); // max age is 7 for wheat, carrots, and potatoes, but 3 for beetroot } Harvest(Block block, Predicate readyToHarvest) { this.block = block; this.readyToHarvest = readyToHarvest; } public boolean readyToHarvest(World world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state) { return readyToHarvest.test(state); } } private boolean readyForHarvest(World world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state) { for (Harvest harvest : Harvest.values()) { if (harvest.block == state.getBlock()) { return harvest.readyToHarvest(world, pos, state); } } return false; } private boolean isPlantable(ItemStack stack) { return FARMLAND_PLANTABLE.contains(stack.getItem()); } private boolean isBoneMeal(ItemStack stack) { return !stack.isEmpty() && stack.getItem().equals(Items.BONE_MEAL); } private boolean isNetherWart(ItemStack stack) { return !stack.isEmpty() && stack.getItem().equals(Items.NETHER_WART); } @Override public PathingCommand onTick(boolean calcFailed, boolean isSafeToCancel) { ArrayList scan = new ArrayList<>(); for (Harvest harvest : Harvest.values()) { scan.add(harvest.block); } if (Baritone.settings().replantCrops.value) { scan.add(Blocks.FARMLAND); if (Baritone.settings().replantNetherWart.value) { scan.add(Blocks.SOUL_SAND); } } if (Baritone.settings().mineGoalUpdateInterval.value != 0 && tickCount++ % Baritone.settings().mineGoalUpdateInterval.value == 0) { Baritone.getExecutor().execute(() -> locations = WorldScanner.INSTANCE.scanChunkRadius(ctx, scan, 256, 10, 10)); } if (locations == null) { return new PathingCommand(null, PathingCommandType.REQUEST_PAUSE); } List toBreak = new ArrayList<>(); List openFarmland = new ArrayList<>(); List bonemealable = new ArrayList<>(); List openSoulsand = new ArrayList<>(); for (BlockPos pos : locations) { IBlockState state = ctx.world().getBlockState(pos); boolean airAbove = ctx.world().getBlockState(pos.up()).getBlock() instanceof BlockAir; if (state.getBlock() == Blocks.FARMLAND) { if (airAbove) { openFarmland.add(pos); } continue; } if (state.getBlock() == Blocks.SOUL_SAND) { if (airAbove) { openSoulsand.add(pos); } continue; } if (readyForHarvest(ctx.world(), pos, state)) { toBreak.add(pos); continue; } if (state.getBlock() instanceof IGrowable) { IGrowable ig = (IGrowable) state.getBlock(); if (ig.canGrow(ctx.world(), pos, state, true) && ig.canUseBonemeal(ctx.world(), ctx.world().rand, pos, state)) { bonemealable.add(pos); } } } baritone.getInputOverrideHandler().clearAllKeys(); for (BlockPos pos : toBreak) { Optional rot = RotationUtils.reachable(ctx, pos); if (rot.isPresent() && isSafeToCancel) { baritone.getLookBehavior().updateTarget(rot.get(), true); MovementHelper.switchToBestToolFor(ctx, ctx.world().getBlockState(pos)); if (ctx.isLookingAt(pos)) { baritone.getInputOverrideHandler().setInputForceState(Input.CLICK_LEFT, true); } return new PathingCommand(null, PathingCommandType.REQUEST_PAUSE); } } ArrayList both = new ArrayList<>(openFarmland); both.addAll(openSoulsand); for (BlockPos pos : both) { boolean soulsand = openSoulsand.contains(pos); Optional rot = RotationUtils.reachableOffset(ctx.player(), pos, new Vec3d(pos.getX() + 0.5, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 0.5), ctx.playerController().getBlockReachDistance(), false); if (rot.isPresent() && isSafeToCancel && baritone.getInventoryBehavior().throwaway(true, soulsand ? this::isNetherWart : this::isPlantable)) { RayTraceResult result = RayTraceUtils.rayTraceTowards(ctx.player(), rot.get(), ctx.playerController().getBlockReachDistance()); if (result.type == RayTraceResult.Type.BLOCK && result.sideHit == EnumFacing.UP) { baritone.getLookBehavior().updateTarget(rot.get(), true); if (ctx.isLookingAt(pos)) { baritone.getInputOverrideHandler().setInputForceState(Input.CLICK_RIGHT, true); } return new PathingCommand(null, PathingCommandType.REQUEST_PAUSE); } } } for (BlockPos pos : bonemealable) { Optional rot = RotationUtils.reachable(ctx, pos); if (rot.isPresent() && isSafeToCancel && baritone.getInventoryBehavior().throwaway(true, this::isBoneMeal)) { baritone.getLookBehavior().updateTarget(rot.get(), true); if (ctx.isLookingAt(pos)) { baritone.getInputOverrideHandler().setInputForceState(Input.CLICK_RIGHT, true); } return new PathingCommand(null, PathingCommandType.REQUEST_PAUSE); } } if (calcFailed) { logDirect("Farm failed"); if (Baritone.settings().desktopNotifications.value && Baritone.settings().notificationOnFarmFail.value) { NotificationHelper.notify("Farm failed", true); } onLostControl(); return new PathingCommand(null, PathingCommandType.REQUEST_PAUSE); } List goalz = new ArrayList<>(); for (BlockPos pos : toBreak) { goalz.add(new BuilderProcess.GoalBreak(pos)); } if (baritone.getInventoryBehavior().throwaway(false, this::isPlantable)) { for (BlockPos pos : openFarmland) { goalz.add(new GoalBlock(pos.up())); } } if (baritone.getInventoryBehavior().throwaway(false, this::isNetherWart)) { for (BlockPos pos : openSoulsand) { goalz.add(new GoalBlock(pos.up())); } } if (baritone.getInventoryBehavior().throwaway(false, this::isBoneMeal)) { for (BlockPos pos : bonemealable) { goalz.add(new GoalBlock(pos)); } } for (Entity entity : ctx.world().loadedEntityList) { if (entity instanceof EntityItem && entity.onGround) { EntityItem ei = (EntityItem) entity; if (PICKUP_DROPPED.contains(ei.getItem().getItem())) { // +0.1 because of farmland's 0.9375 dummy height lol goalz.add(new GoalBlock(new BlockPos(entity.posX, entity.posY + 0.1, entity.posZ))); } } } return new PathingCommand(new GoalComposite(goalz.toArray(new Goal[0])), PathingCommandType.SET_GOAL_AND_PATH); } @Override public void onLostControl() { active = false; } @Override public String displayName0() { return "Farming"; } }