/* * This file is part of Baritone. * * Baritone is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Baritone is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Baritone. If not, see . */ package baritone.process.elytra; import baritone.Baritone; import baritone.api.Settings; import baritone.api.behavior.look.IAimProcessor; import baritone.api.behavior.look.ITickableAimProcessor; import baritone.api.event.events.*; import baritone.api.pathing.goals.GoalBlock; import baritone.api.utils.*; import baritone.process.ElytraProcess; import baritone.utils.BlockStateInterface; import baritone.utils.IRenderer; import baritone.utils.PathRenderer; import baritone.utils.accessor.IChunkProviderClient; import baritone.utils.accessor.IEntityFireworkRocket; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.floats.FloatArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.floats.FloatIterator; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ReferenceOpenHashMap; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityFireworkRocket; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.inventory.ClickType; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.network.play.server.SPacketPlayerPosLook; import net.minecraft.util.EnumHand; import net.minecraft.util.NonNullList; import net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper; import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d; import net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk; import java.awt.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.function.UnaryOperator; import static baritone.utils.BaritoneMath.fastCeil; import static baritone.utils.BaritoneMath.fastFloor; public final class ElytraBehavior implements Helper { private final Baritone baritone; private final IPlayerContext ctx; // Render stuff private final List> clearLines; private final List> blockedLines; private List simulationLine; private BlockPos aimPos; private List visiblePath; // :sunglasses: public final NetherPathfinderContext context; public final PathManager pathManager; private final ElytraProcess process; /** * Remaining cool-down ticks between firework usage */ private int remainingFireworkTicks; /** * Remaining cool-down ticks after the player's position and rotation are reset by the server */ private int remainingSetBackTicks; public boolean landingMode; /** * The most recent minimum number of firework boost ticks, equivalent to {@code 10 * (1 + Flight)} *

* Updated every time a firework is automatically used */ private int minimumBoostTicks; private boolean deployedFireworkLastTick; private final int[] nextTickBoostCounter; private BlockStateInterface bsi; private final BlockStateOctreeInterface boi; public final BlockPos destination; private final boolean appendDestination; private final ExecutorService solverExecutor; private Future solver; private Solution pendingSolution; private boolean solveNextTick; private long timeLastCacheCull = 0L; // auto swap private int invTickCountdown = 0; private final Queue invTransactionQueue = new LinkedList<>(); public ElytraBehavior(Baritone baritone, ElytraProcess process, BlockPos destination, boolean appendDestination) { this.baritone = baritone; this.ctx = baritone.getPlayerContext(); this.clearLines = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); this.blockedLines = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); this.pathManager = this.new PathManager(); this.process = process; this.destination = destination; this.appendDestination = appendDestination; this.solverExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); this.nextTickBoostCounter = new int[2]; this.context = new NetherPathfinderContext(Baritone.settings().elytraNetherSeed.value); this.boi = new BlockStateOctreeInterface(context); } public final class PathManager { public NetherPath path; private boolean completePath; private boolean recalculating; private int maxPlayerNear; private int ticksNearUnchanged; private int playerNear; public PathManager() { // lol imagine initializing fields normally this.clear(); } public void tick() { // Recalculate closest path node this.updatePlayerNear(); final int prevMaxNear = this.maxPlayerNear; this.maxPlayerNear = Math.max(this.maxPlayerNear, this.playerNear); if (this.maxPlayerNear == prevMaxNear && ctx.player().isElytraFlying()) { this.ticksNearUnchanged++; } else { this.ticksNearUnchanged = 0; } // Obstacles are more important than an incomplete path, handle those first. this.pathfindAroundObstacles(); this.attemptNextSegment(); } public CompletableFuture pathToDestination() { return this.pathToDestination(ctx.playerFeet()); } public CompletableFuture pathToDestination(final BlockPos from) { final long start = System.nanoTime(); return this.path0(from, ElytraBehavior.this.destination, UnaryOperator.identity()) .thenRun(() -> { final double distance = this.path.get(0).distanceTo(this.path.get(this.path.size() - 1)); if (this.completePath) { logDirect(String.format("Computed path (%.1f blocks in %.4f seconds)", distance, (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1e9d)); } else { logDirect(String.format("Computed segment (Next %.1f blocks in %.4f seconds)", distance, (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1e9d)); } }) .whenComplete((result, ex) -> { this.recalculating = false; if (ex != null) { final Throwable cause = ex.getCause(); if (cause instanceof PathCalculationException) { logDirect("Failed to compute path to destination"); } else { logUnhandledException(cause); } } }); } public CompletableFuture pathRecalcSegment(final int upToIncl) { if (this.recalculating) { throw new IllegalStateException("already recalculating"); } this.recalculating = true; final List after = this.path.subList(upToIncl + 1, this.path.size()); final boolean complete = this.completePath; return this.path0(ctx.playerFeet(), this.path.get(upToIncl), segment -> segment.append(after.stream(), complete)) .whenComplete((result, ex) -> { this.recalculating = false; if (ex != null) { final Throwable cause = ex.getCause(); if (cause instanceof PathCalculationException) { logDirect("Failed to recompute segment"); } else { logUnhandledException(cause); } } }); } public void pathNextSegment(final int afterIncl) { if (this.recalculating) { return; } this.recalculating = true; final List before = this.path.subList(0, afterIncl + 1); final long start = System.nanoTime(); final BetterBlockPos pathStart = this.path.get(afterIncl); this.path0(pathStart, ElytraBehavior.this.destination, segment -> segment.prepend(before.stream())) .thenRun(() -> { final int recompute = this.path.size() - before.size() - 1; final double distance = this.path.get(0).distanceTo(this.path.get(recompute)); if (this.completePath) { logDirect(String.format("Computed path (%.1f blocks in %.4f seconds)", distance, (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1e9d)); } else { logDirect(String.format("Computed segment (Next %.1f blocks in %.4f seconds)", distance, (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1e9d)); } }) .whenComplete((result, ex) -> { this.recalculating = false; if (ex != null) { final Throwable cause = ex.getCause(); if (cause instanceof PathCalculationException) { logDirect("Failed to compute next segment"); if (ctx.player().getDistanceSq(pathStart) < 16 * 16) { logDirect("Player is near the segment start, therefore repeating this calculation is pointless. Marking as complete"); completePath = true; } } else { logUnhandledException(cause); } } }); } public void clear() { this.path = NetherPath.emptyPath(); this.completePath = true; this.recalculating = false; this.playerNear = 0; this.ticksNearUnchanged = 0; this.maxPlayerNear = 0; } private void setPath(final UnpackedSegment segment) { List path = segment.collect(); if (ElytraBehavior.this.appendDestination) { BlockPos dest = ElytraBehavior.this.destination; BlockPos last = !path.isEmpty() ? path.get(path.size() - 1) : null; if (last != null && ElytraBehavior.this.clearView(new Vec3d(dest), new Vec3d(last), false)) { path.add(new BetterBlockPos(dest)); } else { logDirect("unable to land at " + ElytraBehavior.this.destination); process.landingSpotIsBad(new BetterBlockPos(ElytraBehavior.this.destination)); } } this.path = new NetherPath(path); this.completePath = segment.isFinished(); this.playerNear = 0; this.ticksNearUnchanged = 0; this.maxPlayerNear = 0; } public NetherPath getPath() { return this.path; } public int getNear() { return this.playerNear; } // mickey resigned private CompletableFuture path0(BlockPos src, BlockPos dst, UnaryOperator operator) { return ElytraBehavior.this.context.pathFindAsync(src, dst) .thenApply(UnpackedSegment::from) .thenApply(operator) .thenAcceptAsync(this::setPath, ctx.minecraft()::addScheduledTask); } private void pathfindAroundObstacles() { if (this.recalculating) { return; } int rangeStartIncl = playerNear; int rangeEndExcl = playerNear; while (rangeEndExcl < path.size() && ctx.world().isBlockLoaded(path.get(rangeEndExcl), false)) { rangeEndExcl++; } // rangeEndExcl now represents an index either not in the path, or just outside render distance if (rangeStartIncl >= rangeEndExcl) { // not loaded yet? return; } final BetterBlockPos rangeStart = path.get(rangeStartIncl); if (!ElytraBehavior.this.passable(rangeStart.x, rangeStart.y, rangeStart.z, false)) { // we're in a wall return; // previous iterations of this function SHOULD have fixed this by now :rage_cat: } if (ElytraBehavior.this.process.state != ElytraProcess.State.LANDING && this.ticksNearUnchanged > 100) { this.pathRecalcSegment(rangeEndExcl - 1) .thenRun(() -> { logDirect("Recalculating segment, no progress in last 100 ticks"); }); this.ticksNearUnchanged = 0; return; } boolean canSeeAny = false; for (int i = rangeStartIncl; i < rangeEndExcl - 1; i++) { if (ElytraBehavior.this.clearView(ctx.playerFeetAsVec(), this.path.getVec(i), false) || ElytraBehavior.this.clearView(ctx.playerHead(), this.path.getVec(i), false)) { canSeeAny = true; } if (!ElytraBehavior.this.clearView(this.path.getVec(i), this.path.getVec(i + 1), false)) { // obstacle. where do we return to pathing? // find the next valid segment final BetterBlockPos blockage = this.path.get(i); final double distance = ctx.playerFeet().distanceTo(this.path.get(rangeEndExcl - 1)); final long start = System.nanoTime(); this.pathRecalcSegment(rangeEndExcl - 1) .thenRun(() -> { logDirect(String.format("Recalculated segment around path blockage near %s %s %s (next %.1f blocks in %.4f seconds)", SettingsUtil.maybeCensor(blockage.x), SettingsUtil.maybeCensor(blockage.y), SettingsUtil.maybeCensor(blockage.z), distance, (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1e9d )); }); return; } } if (!canSeeAny && rangeStartIncl < rangeEndExcl - 2 && process.state != ElytraProcess.State.GET_TO_JUMP) { this.pathRecalcSegment(rangeEndExcl - 1).thenRun(() -> logDirect("Recalculated segment since no path points were visible")); } } private void attemptNextSegment() { if (this.recalculating) { return; } final int last = this.path.size() - 1; if (!this.completePath && ctx.world().isBlockLoaded(this.path.get(last), false)) { this.pathNextSegment(last); } } public void updatePlayerNear() { if (this.path.isEmpty()) { return; } int index = this.playerNear; final BetterBlockPos pos = ctx.playerFeet(); for (int i = index; i >= Math.max(index - 1000, 0); i -= 10) { if (path.get(i).distanceSq(pos) < path.get(index).distanceSq(pos)) { index = i; // intentional: this changes the bound of the loop } } for (int i = index; i < Math.min(index + 1000, path.size()); i += 10) { if (path.get(i).distanceSq(pos) < path.get(index).distanceSq(pos)) { index = i; // intentional: this changes the bound of the loop } } for (int i = index; i >= Math.max(index - 50, 0); i--) { if (path.get(i).distanceSq(pos) < path.get(index).distanceSq(pos)) { index = i; // intentional: this changes the bound of the loop } } for (int i = index; i < Math.min(index + 50, path.size()); i++) { if (path.get(i).distanceSq(pos) < path.get(index).distanceSq(pos)) { index = i; // intentional: this changes the bound of the loop } } this.playerNear = index; } public boolean isComplete() { return this.completePath; } } public void onRenderPass(RenderEvent event) { final Settings settings = Baritone.settings(); if (this.visiblePath != null) { PathRenderer.drawPath(this.visiblePath, 0, Color.RED, false, 0, 0, 0.0D); } if (this.aimPos != null) { PathRenderer.drawGoal(ctx.player(), new GoalBlock(this.aimPos), event.getPartialTicks(), Color.GREEN); } if (!this.clearLines.isEmpty() && settings.elytraRenderRaytraces.value) { IRenderer.startLines(Color.GREEN, settings.pathRenderLineWidthPixels.value, settings.renderPathIgnoreDepth.value); for (Pair line : this.clearLines) { IRenderer.emitLine(line.first(), line.second()); } IRenderer.endLines(settings.renderPathIgnoreDepth.value); } if (!this.blockedLines.isEmpty() && Baritone.settings().elytraRenderRaytraces.value) { IRenderer.startLines(Color.BLUE, settings.pathRenderLineWidthPixels.value, settings.renderPathIgnoreDepth.value); for (Pair line : this.blockedLines) { IRenderer.emitLine(line.first(), line.second()); } IRenderer.endLines(settings.renderPathIgnoreDepth.value); } if (this.simulationLine != null && Baritone.settings().elytraRenderSimulation.value) { IRenderer.startLines(new Color(0x36CCDC), settings.pathRenderLineWidthPixels.value, settings.renderPathIgnoreDepth.value); final Vec3d offset = new Vec3d( ctx.player().prevPosX + (ctx.player().posX - ctx.player().prevPosX) * event.getPartialTicks(), ctx.player().prevPosY + (ctx.player().posY - ctx.player().prevPosY) * event.getPartialTicks(), ctx.player().prevPosZ + (ctx.player().posZ - ctx.player().prevPosZ) * event.getPartialTicks() ); for (int i = 0; i < this.simulationLine.size() - 1; i++) { final Vec3d src = this.simulationLine.get(i).add(offset); final Vec3d dst = this.simulationLine.get(i + 1).add(offset); IRenderer.emitLine(src, dst); } IRenderer.endLines(settings.renderPathIgnoreDepth.value); } } public void onChunkEvent(ChunkEvent event) { if (event.isPostPopulate() && this.context != null) { final Chunk chunk = ctx.world().getChunk(event.getX(), event.getZ()); this.context.queueForPacking(chunk); } } public void onBlockChange(BlockChangeEvent event) { this.context.queueBlockUpdate(event); } public void onReceivePacket(PacketEvent event) { if (event.getPacket() instanceof SPacketPlayerPosLook) { ctx.minecraft().addScheduledTask(() -> { this.remainingSetBackTicks = Baritone.settings().elytraFireworkSetbackUseDelay.value; }); } } public void pathTo() { if (!Baritone.settings().elytraAutoJump.value || ctx.player().isElytraFlying()) { this.pathManager.pathToDestination(); } } public void destroy() { if (this.solver != null) { this.solver.cancel(true); } this.solverExecutor.shutdown(); try { while (!this.solverExecutor.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)) {} } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } this.context.destroy(); } public void repackChunks() { ((IChunkProviderClient) ctx.world().getChunkProvider()).loadedChunks().values() .forEach(this.context::queueForPacking); } public void onTick() { synchronized (this.context.cullingLock) { this.onTick0(); } final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((now - this.timeLastCacheCull) / 1000 > Baritone.settings().elytraTimeBetweenCacheCullSecs.value) { this.context.queueCacheCulling(ctx.player().chunkCoordX, ctx.player().chunkCoordZ, Baritone.settings().elytraCacheCullDistance.value, this.boi); this.timeLastCacheCull = now; } } private void onTick0() { // Fetch the previous solution, regardless of if it's going to be used this.pendingSolution = null; if (this.solver != null) { try { this.pendingSolution = this.solver.get(); } catch (Exception ignored) { // it doesn't matter if get() fails since the solution can just be recalculated synchronously } finally { this.solver = null; } } tickInventoryTransactions(); // Certified mojang employee incident if (this.remainingFireworkTicks > 0) { this.remainingFireworkTicks--; } if (this.remainingSetBackTicks > 0) { this.remainingSetBackTicks--; } if (!this.getAttachedFirework().isPresent()) { this.minimumBoostTicks = 0; } // lol MC_1_12_Collision_Fix.clear(); // Reset rendered elements this.clearLines.clear(); this.blockedLines.clear(); this.visiblePath = null; this.simulationLine = null; this.aimPos = null; final List path = this.pathManager.getPath(); if (path.isEmpty()) { return; } else if (this.destination == null) { this.pathManager.clear(); return; } // ctx AND context???? :DDD this.bsi = new BlockStateInterface(ctx); this.pathManager.tick(); final int playerNear = this.pathManager.getNear(); this.visiblePath = path.subList( Math.max(playerNear - 30, 0), Math.min(playerNear + 100, path.size()) ); } /** * Called by {@link baritone.process.ElytraProcess#onTick(boolean, boolean)} when the process is in control and the player is flying */ public void tick() { if (this.pathManager.getPath().isEmpty()) { return; } trySwapElytra(); if (ctx.player().collidedHorizontally) { logDirect("hbonk"); } if (ctx.player().collidedVertically) { logDirect("vbonk"); } final SolverContext solverContext = this.new SolverContext(false); this.solveNextTick = true; // If there's no previously calculated solution to use, or the context used at the end of last tick doesn't match this tick final Solution solution; if (this.pendingSolution == null || !this.pendingSolution.context.equals(solverContext)) { solution = this.solveAngles(solverContext); } else { solution = this.pendingSolution; } if (this.deployedFireworkLastTick) { this.nextTickBoostCounter[solverContext.boost.isBoosted() ? 1 : 0]++; this.deployedFireworkLastTick = false; } if (solution == null) { logDirect("no solution"); return; } baritone.getLookBehavior().updateTarget(solution.rotation, false); if (!solution.solvedPitch) { logDirect("no pitch solution, probably gonna crash in a few ticks LOL!!!"); return; } else { this.aimPos = new BetterBlockPos(solution.goingTo.x, solution.goingTo.y, solution.goingTo.z); } this.tickUseFireworks( solution.context.start, solution.goingTo, solution.context.boost.isBoosted(), solution.forceUseFirework ); } public void onPostTick(TickEvent event) { if (event.getType() == TickEvent.Type.IN && this.solveNextTick) { // We're at the end of the tick, the player's position likely updated and the closest path node could've // changed. Updating it now will avoid unnecessary recalculation on the main thread. this.pathManager.updatePlayerNear(); final SolverContext context = this.new SolverContext(true); this.solver = this.solverExecutor.submit(() -> this.solveAngles(context)); this.solveNextTick = false; } } private Solution solveAngles(final SolverContext context) { final NetherPath path = context.path; final int playerNear = landingMode ? path.size() - 1 : context.playerNear; final Vec3d start = context.start; Solution solution = null; for (int relaxation = 0; relaxation < 3; relaxation++) { // try for a strict solution first, then relax more and more (if we're in a corner or near some blocks, it will have to relax its constraints a bit) int[] heights = context.boost.isBoosted() ? new int[]{20, 10, 5, 0} : new int[]{0}; // attempt to gain height, if we can, so as not to waste the boost int lookahead = relaxation == 0 ? 2 : 3; // ideally this would be expressed as a distance in blocks, rather than a number of voxel steps //int minStep = Math.max(0, playerNear - relaxation); int minStep = playerNear; for (int i = Math.min(playerNear + 20, path.size() - 1); i >= minStep; i--) { final List> candidates = new ArrayList<>(); for (int dy : heights) { if (relaxation == 0 || i == minStep) { // no interp candidates.add(new Pair<>(path.getVec(i), dy)); } else if (relaxation == 1) { final double[] interps = new double[]{1.0, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25}; for (double interp : interps) { final Vec3d dest = interp == 1.0 ? path.getVec(i) : path.getVec(i).scale(interp).add(path.getVec(i - 1).scale(1.0 - interp)); candidates.add(new Pair<>(dest, dy)); } } else { // Create a point along the segment every block final Vec3d delta = path.getVec(i).subtract(path.getVec(i - 1)); final int steps = fastFloor(delta.length()); final Vec3d step = delta.normalize(); Vec3d stepped = path.getVec(i); for (int interp = 0; interp < steps; interp++) { candidates.add(new Pair<>(stepped, dy)); stepped = stepped.subtract(step); } } } for (final Pair candidate : candidates) { final Integer augment = candidate.second(); Vec3d dest = candidate.first().add(0, augment, 0); if (landingMode) { dest = dest.add(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); } if (augment != 0) { if (i + lookahead >= path.size()) { continue; } if (start.distanceTo(dest) < 40) { if (!this.clearView(dest, path.getVec(i + lookahead).add(0, augment, 0), false) || !this.clearView(dest, path.getVec(i + lookahead), false)) { // aka: don't go upwards if doing so would prevent us from being able to see the next position **OR** the modified next position continue; } } else { // but if it's far away, allow gaining altitude if we could lose it again by the time we get there if (!this.clearView(dest, path.getVec(i), false)) { continue; } } } final double minAvoidance = Baritone.settings().elytraMinimumAvoidance.value; final Double growth = relaxation == 2 ? null : relaxation == 0 ? 2 * minAvoidance : minAvoidance; if (this.isHitboxClear(context, dest, growth)) { // Yaw is trivial, just calculate the rotation required to face the destination final float yaw = RotationUtils.calcRotationFromVec3d(start, dest, ctx.playerRotations()).getYaw(); final Pair pitch = this.solvePitch(context, dest, relaxation); if (pitch == null) { solution = new Solution(context, new Rotation(yaw, ctx.playerRotations().getPitch()), null, false, false); continue; } // A solution was found with yaw AND pitch, so just immediately return it. return new Solution(context, new Rotation(yaw, pitch.first()), dest, true, pitch.second()); } } } } return solution; } private void tickUseFireworks(final Vec3d start, final Vec3d goingTo, final boolean isBoosted, final boolean forceUseFirework) { if (this.remainingSetBackTicks > 0) { logDebug("waiting for elytraFireworkSetbackUseDelay: " + this.remainingSetBackTicks); return; } if (this.landingMode) { return; } final boolean useOnDescend = !Baritone.settings().elytraConserveFireworks.value || ctx.player().posY < goingTo.y + 5; final double currentSpeed = new Vec3d( ctx.player().motionX, // ignore y component if we are BOTH below where we want to be AND descending ctx.player().posY < goingTo.y ? Math.max(0, ctx.player().motionY) : ctx.player().motionY, ctx.player().motionZ ).lengthSquared(); final double elytraFireworkSpeed = Baritone.settings().elytraFireworkSpeed.value; if (this.remainingFireworkTicks <= 0 && (forceUseFirework || (!isBoosted && useOnDescend && (ctx.player().posY < goingTo.y - 5 || start.distanceTo(new Vec3d(goingTo.x + 0.5, ctx.player().posY, goingTo.z + 0.5)) > 5) // UGH!!!!!!! && currentSpeed < elytraFireworkSpeed * elytraFireworkSpeed)) ) { // Prioritize boosting fireworks over regular ones // TODO: Take the minimum boost time into account? if (!baritone.getInventoryBehavior().throwaway(true, ElytraBehavior::isBoostingFireworks) && !baritone.getInventoryBehavior().throwaway(true, ElytraBehavior::isFireworks)) { logDirect("no fireworks"); return; } logDirect("attempting to use firework" + (forceUseFirework ? " (forced)" : "")); ctx.playerController().processRightClick(ctx.player(), ctx.world(), EnumHand.MAIN_HAND); this.minimumBoostTicks = 10 * (1 + getFireworkBoost(ctx.player().getHeldItemMainhand()).orElse(0)); this.remainingFireworkTicks = 10; this.deployedFireworkLastTick = true; } } private final class SolverContext { public final NetherPath path; public final int playerNear; public final Vec3d start; public final Vec3d motion; public final AxisAlignedBB boundingBox; public final boolean ignoreLava; public final FireworkBoost boost; public final IAimProcessor aimProcessor; /** * Creates a new SolverContext using the current state of the path, player, and firework boost at the time of * construction. * * @param async Whether the computation is being done asynchronously at the end of a game tick. */ public SolverContext(boolean async) { this.path = ElytraBehavior.this.pathManager.getPath(); this.playerNear = ElytraBehavior.this.pathManager.getNear(); this.start = ctx.playerFeetAsVec(); this.motion = ctx.playerMotion(); this.boundingBox = ctx.player().getEntityBoundingBox(); this.ignoreLava = ctx.player().isInLava(); final Integer fireworkTicksExisted; if (async && ElytraBehavior.this.deployedFireworkLastTick) { final int[] counter = ElytraBehavior.this.nextTickBoostCounter; fireworkTicksExisted = counter[1] > counter[0] ? 0 : null; } else { fireworkTicksExisted = ElytraBehavior.this.getAttachedFirework().map(e -> e.ticksExisted).orElse(null); } this.boost = new FireworkBoost(fireworkTicksExisted, ElytraBehavior.this.minimumBoostTicks); ITickableAimProcessor aim = ElytraBehavior.this.baritone.getLookBehavior().getAimProcessor().fork(); if (async) { // async computation is done at the end of a tick, advance by 1 to prepare for the next tick aim.advance(1); } this.aimProcessor = aim; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || o.getClass() != SolverContext.class) { return false; } SolverContext other = (SolverContext) o; return this.path == other.path // Contents aren't modified, just compare by reference && this.playerNear == other.playerNear && Objects.equals(this.start, other.start) && Objects.equals(this.motion, other.motion) && Objects.equals(this.boundingBox, other.boundingBox) && this.ignoreLava == other.ignoreLava && Objects.equals(this.boost, other.boost); } } private static final class FireworkBoost { private final Integer fireworkTicksExisted; private final int minimumBoostTicks; private final int maximumBoostTicks; /** * @param fireworkTicksExisted The ticksExisted of the attached firework entity, or {@code null} if no entity. * @param minimumBoostTicks The minimum number of boost ticks that the attached firework entity, if any, will * provide. */ public FireworkBoost(final Integer fireworkTicksExisted, final int minimumBoostTicks) { this.fireworkTicksExisted = fireworkTicksExisted; // this.lifetime = 10 * i + this.rand.nextInt(6) + this.rand.nextInt(7); this.minimumBoostTicks = minimumBoostTicks; this.maximumBoostTicks = minimumBoostTicks + 11; } public boolean isBoosted() { return this.fireworkTicksExisted != null; } /** * @return The guaranteed number of remaining ticks with boost */ public int getGuaranteedBoostTicks() { return this.isBoosted() ? Math.max(0, this.minimumBoostTicks - this.fireworkTicksExisted) : 0; } /** * @return The maximum number of remaining ticks with boost */ public int getMaximumBoostTicks() { return this.isBoosted() ? Math.max(0, this.maximumBoostTicks - this.fireworkTicksExisted) : 0; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || o.getClass() != FireworkBoost.class) { return false; } FireworkBoost other = (FireworkBoost) o; if (!this.isBoosted() && !other.isBoosted()) { return true; } return Objects.equals(this.fireworkTicksExisted, other.fireworkTicksExisted) && this.minimumBoostTicks == other.minimumBoostTicks && this.maximumBoostTicks == other.maximumBoostTicks; } } private static final class PitchResult { public final float pitch; public final double dot; public final List steps; public PitchResult(float pitch, double dot, List steps) { this.pitch = pitch; this.dot = dot; this.steps = steps; } } private static final class Solution { public final SolverContext context; public final Rotation rotation; public final Vec3d goingTo; public final boolean solvedPitch; public final boolean forceUseFirework; public Solution(SolverContext context, Rotation rotation, Vec3d goingTo, boolean solvedPitch, boolean forceUseFirework) { this.context = context; this.rotation = rotation; this.goingTo = goingTo; this.solvedPitch = solvedPitch; this.forceUseFirework = forceUseFirework; } } public static boolean isFireworks(final ItemStack itemStack) { if (itemStack.getItem() != Items.FIREWORKS) { return false; } // If it has NBT data, make sure it won't cause us to explode. final NBTTagCompound compound = itemStack.getSubCompound("Fireworks"); return compound == null || !compound.hasKey("Explosions"); } private static boolean isBoostingFireworks(final ItemStack itemStack) { return getFireworkBoost(itemStack).isPresent(); } private static OptionalInt getFireworkBoost(final ItemStack itemStack) { if (isFireworks(itemStack)) { final NBTTagCompound compound = itemStack.getSubCompound("Fireworks"); if (compound != null && compound.hasKey("Flight")) { return OptionalInt.of(compound.getByte("Flight")); } } return OptionalInt.empty(); } private Optional getAttachedFirework() { return ctx.world().loadedEntityList.stream() .filter(x -> x instanceof EntityFireworkRocket) .filter(x -> Objects.equals(((IEntityFireworkRocket) x).getBoostedEntity(), ctx.player())) .map(x -> (EntityFireworkRocket) x) .findFirst(); } private boolean isHitboxClear(final SolverContext context, final Vec3d dest, final Double growAmount) { final Vec3d start = context.start; final boolean ignoreLava = context.ignoreLava; if (!this.clearView(start, dest, ignoreLava)) { return false; } if (growAmount == null) { return true; } final AxisAlignedBB bb = context.boundingBox.grow(growAmount); final double ox = dest.x - start.x; final double oy = dest.y - start.y; final double oz = dest.z - start.z; final double[] src = new double[]{ bb.minX, bb.minY, bb.minZ, bb.minX, bb.minY, bb.maxZ, bb.minX, bb.maxY, bb.minZ, bb.minX, bb.maxY, bb.maxZ, bb.maxX, bb.minY, bb.minZ, bb.maxX, bb.minY, bb.maxZ, bb.maxX, bb.maxY, bb.minZ, bb.maxX, bb.maxY, bb.maxZ, }; final double[] dst = new double[]{ bb.minX + ox, bb.minY + oy, bb.minZ + oz, bb.minX + ox, bb.minY + oy, bb.maxZ + oz, bb.minX + ox, bb.maxY + oy, bb.minZ + oz, bb.minX + ox, bb.maxY + oy, bb.maxZ + oz, bb.maxX + ox, bb.minY + oy, bb.minZ + oz, bb.maxX + ox, bb.minY + oy, bb.maxZ + oz, bb.maxX + ox, bb.maxY + oy, bb.minZ + oz, bb.maxX + ox, bb.maxY + oy, bb.maxZ + oz, }; // Use non-batching method without early failure if (Baritone.settings().elytraRenderHitboxRaytraces.value) { boolean clear = true; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { final Vec3d s = new Vec3d(src[i * 3], src[i * 3 + 1], src[i * 3 + 2]); final Vec3d d = new Vec3d(dst[i * 3], dst[i * 3 + 1], dst[i * 3 + 2]); // Don't forward ignoreLava since the batch call doesn't care about it if (!this.clearView(s, d, false)) { clear = false; } } return clear; } return this.context.raytrace(8, src, dst, NetherPathfinderContext.Visibility.ALL); } public boolean clearView(Vec3d start, Vec3d dest, boolean ignoreLava) { final boolean clear; if (!ignoreLava) { // if start == dest then the cpp raytracer dies clear = start.equals(dest) || this.context.raytrace(start, dest); } else { clear = ctx.world().rayTraceBlocks(start, dest, false, false, false) == null; } if (Baritone.settings().elytraRenderRaytraces.value) { (clear ? this.clearLines : this.blockedLines).add(new Pair<>(start, dest)); } return clear; } private static FloatArrayList pitchesToSolveFor(final float goodPitch, final boolean desperate) { final float minPitch = desperate ? -90 : Math.max(goodPitch - Baritone.settings().elytraPitchRange.value, -89); final float maxPitch = desperate ? 90 : Math.min(goodPitch + Baritone.settings().elytraPitchRange.value, 89); final FloatArrayList pitchValues = new FloatArrayList(fastCeil(maxPitch - minPitch) + 1); for (float pitch = goodPitch; pitch <= maxPitch; pitch++) { pitchValues.add(pitch); } for (float pitch = goodPitch - 1; pitch >= minPitch; pitch--) { pitchValues.add(pitch); } return pitchValues; } @FunctionalInterface private interface IntTriFunction { T apply(int first, int second, int third); } private static final class IntTriple { public final int first; public final int second; public final int third; public IntTriple(int first, int second, int third) { this.first = first; this.second = second; this.third = third; } } private Pair solvePitch(final SolverContext context, final Vec3d goal, final int relaxation) { final boolean desperate = relaxation == 2; final float goodPitch = RotationUtils.calcRotationFromVec3d(context.start, goal, ctx.playerRotations()).getPitch(); final FloatArrayList pitches = pitchesToSolveFor(goodPitch, desperate); final IntTriFunction solve = (ticks, ticksBoosted, ticksBoostDelay) -> this.solvePitch(context, goal, relaxation, pitches.iterator(), ticks, ticksBoosted, ticksBoostDelay); final List tests = new ArrayList<>(); if (context.boost.isBoosted()) { final int guaranteed = context.boost.getGuaranteedBoostTicks(); if (guaranteed == 0) { // uncertain when boost will run out final int lookahead = Math.max(4, 10 - context.boost.getMaximumBoostTicks()); tests.add(new IntTriple(lookahead, 1, 0)); } else if (guaranteed <= 5) { // boost will run out within 5 ticks tests.add(new IntTriple(guaranteed + 5, guaranteed, 0)); } else { // there's plenty of guaranteed boost tests.add(new IntTriple(guaranteed + 1, guaranteed, 0)); } } // Standard test, assume (not) boosted for entire duration final int ticks = desperate ? 3 : context.boost.isBoosted() ? Math.max(5, context.boost.getGuaranteedBoostTicks()) : Baritone.settings().elytraSimulationTicks.value; tests.add(new IntTriple(ticks, context.boost.isBoosted() ? ticks : 0, 0)); final Optional result = tests.stream() .map(i -> solve.apply(i.first, i.second, i.third)) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .findFirst(); if (result.isPresent()) { return new Pair<>(result.get().pitch, false); } // If we used a firework would we be able to get out of the current situation??? perhaps if (desperate) { final List testsBoost = new ArrayList<>(); testsBoost.add(new IntTriple(ticks, 10, 3)); testsBoost.add(new IntTriple(ticks, 10, 2)); testsBoost.add(new IntTriple(ticks, 10, 1)); final Optional resultBoost = testsBoost.stream() .map(i -> solve.apply(i.first, i.second, i.third)) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .findFirst(); if (resultBoost.isPresent()) { return new Pair<>(resultBoost.get().pitch, true); } } return null; } private PitchResult solvePitch(final SolverContext context, final Vec3d goal, final int relaxation, final FloatIterator pitches, final int ticks, final int ticksBoosted, final int ticksBoostDelay) { // we are at a certain velocity, but we have a target velocity // what pitch would get us closest to our target velocity? // yaw is easy so we only care about pitch final Vec3d goalDelta = goal.subtract(context.start); final Vec3d goalDirection = goalDelta.normalize(); final Deque bestResults = new ArrayDeque<>(); while (pitches.hasNext()) { final float pitch = pitches.nextFloat(); final List displacement = this.simulate( context, goalDelta, pitch, ticks, ticksBoosted, ticksBoostDelay ); if (displacement == null) { continue; } final Vec3d last = displacement.get(displacement.size() - 1); double goodness = goalDirection.dotProduct(last.normalize()); if (landingMode) { goodness = -goalDelta.subtract(last).length(); } final PitchResult bestSoFar = bestResults.peek(); if (bestSoFar == null || goodness > bestSoFar.dot) { bestResults.push(new PitchResult(pitch, goodness, displacement)); } } outer: for (final PitchResult result : bestResults) { if (relaxation < 2) { // Ensure that the goal is visible along the entire simulated path // Reverse order iteration since the last position is most likely to fail for (int i = result.steps.size() - 1; i >= 1; i--) { if (!clearView(context.start.add(result.steps.get(i)), goal, context.ignoreLava)) { continue outer; } } } else { // Ensure that the goal is visible from the final position if (!clearView(context.start.add(result.steps.get(result.steps.size() - 1)), goal, context.ignoreLava)) { continue; } } this.simulationLine = result.steps; return result; } return null; } private List simulate(final SolverContext context, final Vec3d goalDelta, final float pitch, final int ticks, final int ticksBoosted, final int ticksBoostDelay) { final ITickableAimProcessor aimProcessor = context.aimProcessor.fork(); Vec3d delta = goalDelta; Vec3d motion = context.motion; AxisAlignedBB hitbox = context.boundingBox; List displacement = new ArrayList<>(ticks + 1); displacement.add(Vec3d.ZERO); int remainingTicksBoosted = ticksBoosted; for (int i = 0; i < ticks; i++) { final double cx = hitbox.minX + (hitbox.maxX - hitbox.minX) * 0.5D; final double cz = hitbox.minZ + (hitbox.maxZ - hitbox.minZ) * 0.5D; if (MC_1_12_Collision_Fix.bonk(this.bsi, cx, hitbox.minY, cz)) { return null; } if (delta.lengthSquared() < 1) { break; } final Rotation rotation = aimProcessor.nextRotation( RotationUtils.calcRotationFromVec3d(Vec3d.ZERO, delta, ctx.playerRotations()).withPitch(pitch) ); final Vec3d lookDirection = RotationUtils.calcLookDirectionFromRotation(rotation); motion = step(motion, lookDirection, rotation.getPitch()); delta = delta.subtract(motion); // Collision box while the player is in motion, with additional padding for safety final AxisAlignedBB inMotion = hitbox.expand(motion.x, motion.y, motion.z).grow(0.01); int xmin = fastFloor(inMotion.minX); int xmax = fastCeil(inMotion.maxX); int ymin = fastFloor(inMotion.minY); int ymax = fastCeil(inMotion.maxY); int zmin = fastFloor(inMotion.minZ); int zmax = fastCeil(inMotion.maxZ); for (int x = xmin; x < xmax; x++) { for (int y = ymin; y < ymax; y++) { for (int z = zmin; z < zmax; z++) { if (!this.passable(x, y, z, context.ignoreLava)) { return null; } } } } hitbox = hitbox.offset(motion); displacement.add(displacement.get(displacement.size() - 1).add(motion)); if (i >= ticksBoostDelay && remainingTicksBoosted-- > 0) { // See EntityFireworkRocket motion = motion.add( lookDirection.x * 0.1 + (lookDirection.x * 1.5 - motion.x) * 0.5, lookDirection.y * 0.1 + (lookDirection.y * 1.5 - motion.y) * 0.5, lookDirection.z * 0.1 + (lookDirection.z * 1.5 - motion.z) * 0.5 ); } } return displacement; } private static Vec3d step(final Vec3d motion, final Vec3d lookDirection, final float pitch) { double motionX = motion.x; double motionY = motion.y; double motionZ = motion.z; float pitchRadians = pitch * RotationUtils.DEG_TO_RAD_F; double pitchBase2 = Math.sqrt(lookDirection.x * lookDirection.x + lookDirection.z * lookDirection.z); double flatMotion = Math.sqrt(motionX * motionX + motionZ * motionZ); double thisIsAlwaysOne = lookDirection.length(); float pitchBase3 = MathHelper.cos(pitchRadians); //System.out.println("always the same lol " + -pitchBase + " " + pitchBase3); //System.out.println("always the same lol " + Math.abs(pitchBase3) + " " + pitchBase2); //System.out.println("always 1 lol " + thisIsAlwaysOne); pitchBase3 = (float) ((double) pitchBase3 * (double) pitchBase3 * Math.min(1, thisIsAlwaysOne / 0.4)); motionY += -0.08 + (double) pitchBase3 * 0.06; if (motionY < 0 && pitchBase2 > 0) { double speedModifier = motionY * -0.1 * (double) pitchBase3; motionY += speedModifier; motionX += lookDirection.x * speedModifier / pitchBase2; motionZ += lookDirection.z * speedModifier / pitchBase2; } if (pitchRadians < 0) { // if you are looking down (below level) double anotherSpeedModifier = flatMotion * (double) (-MathHelper.sin(pitchRadians)) * 0.04; motionY += anotherSpeedModifier * 3.2; motionX -= lookDirection.x * anotherSpeedModifier / pitchBase2; motionZ -= lookDirection.z * anotherSpeedModifier / pitchBase2; } if (pitchBase2 > 0) { // this is always true unless you are looking literally straight up (let's just say the bot will never do that) motionX += (lookDirection.x / pitchBase2 * flatMotion - motionX) * 0.1; motionZ += (lookDirection.z / pitchBase2 * flatMotion - motionZ) * 0.1; } motionX *= 0.99f; motionY *= 0.98f; motionZ *= 0.99f; //System.out.println(motionX + " " + motionY + " " + motionZ); return new Vec3d(motionX, motionY, motionZ); } private boolean passable(int x, int y, int z, boolean ignoreLava) { if (ignoreLava) { final Material mat = this.bsi.get0(x, y, z).getMaterial(); return mat == Material.AIR || mat == Material.LAVA; } else { return !this.boi.get0(x, y, z); } } private void tickInventoryTransactions() { if (invTickCountdown <= 0) { Runnable r = invTransactionQueue.poll(); if (r != null) { r.run(); invTickCountdown = Baritone.settings().ticksBetweenInventoryMoves.value; } } if (invTickCountdown > 0) invTickCountdown--; } private void queueWindowClick(int windowId, int slotId, int button, ClickType type) { invTransactionQueue.add(() -> ctx.playerController().windowClick(windowId, slotId, button, type, ctx.player())); } private int findGoodElytra() { NonNullList invy = ctx.player().inventory.mainInventory; for (int i = 0; i < invy.size(); i++) { ItemStack slot = invy.get(i); if (slot.getItem() == Items.ELYTRA && (slot.getItem().getMaxDamage() - slot.getItemDamage()) > Baritone.settings().elytraMinimumDurability.value) { return i; } } return -1; } private void trySwapElytra() { if (!Baritone.settings().elytraAutoSwap.value || !invTransactionQueue.isEmpty()) { return; } ItemStack chest = ctx.player().inventory.armorInventory.get(2); if (chest.getItem() != Items.ELYTRA || chest.getItem().getMaxDamage() - chest.getItemDamage() > Baritone.settings().elytraMinimumDurability.value) { return; } int goodElytraSlot = findGoodElytra(); if (goodElytraSlot != -1) { final int CHEST_SLOT = 6; final int slotId = goodElytraSlot < 9 ? goodElytraSlot + 36 : goodElytraSlot; queueWindowClick(ctx.player().inventoryContainer.windowId, slotId, 0, ClickType.PICKUP); queueWindowClick(ctx.player().inventoryContainer.windowId, CHEST_SLOT, 0, ClickType.PICKUP); queueWindowClick(ctx.player().inventoryContainer.windowId, slotId, 0, ClickType.PICKUP); } } /** * Minecraft 1.12's pushOutOfBlocks logic doesn't account for players being able to fit under single block spaces, * so whenever the edge of a ceiling is encountered while elytra flying it tries to push the player out. */ private static final class MC_1_12_Collision_Fix { private static final Long2ReferenceOpenHashMap PUSH_OUT_CACHE = new Long2ReferenceOpenHashMap<>(); private static final Long2ReferenceOpenHashMap IS_OPEN_CACHE = new Long2ReferenceOpenHashMap<>(); private static final double WIDTH = 0.35D * 0.6F; public static void clear() { // TODO: I don't like this.... if (PUSH_OUT_CACHE.size() > 4096) { PUSH_OUT_CACHE.clear(); } if (IS_OPEN_CACHE.size() > 4096) { IS_OPEN_CACHE.clear(); } } public static boolean bonk(final BlockStateInterface bsi, final double xIn, final double yIn, final double zIn) { final int y = fastFloor(yIn + 0.5D); final int minX = fastFloor(xIn - WIDTH); final int minZ = fastFloor(zIn - WIDTH); final int maxX = fastFloor(xIn + WIDTH); final int maxZ = fastFloor(zIn + WIDTH); if (minX == maxX && minZ == maxZ) { return pushOutOfBlocks(bsi, minX, y, minZ); } else if (minX == maxX) { return pushOutOfBlocks(bsi, minX, y, minZ) || pushOutOfBlocks(bsi, minX, y, maxZ); } else if (minZ == maxZ) { return pushOutOfBlocks(bsi, minX, y, minZ) || pushOutOfBlocks(bsi, maxX, y, minZ); } return pushOutOfBlocks(bsi, minX, y, maxZ) || pushOutOfBlocks(bsi, minX, y, minZ) || pushOutOfBlocks(bsi, maxX, y, minZ) || pushOutOfBlocks(bsi, maxX, y, maxZ); } private static boolean pushOutOfBlocks(final BlockStateInterface bsi, final int x, final int y, final int z) { final long hash = BetterBlockPos.serializeToLong(x, y, z); Boolean result = PUSH_OUT_CACHE.get(hash); if (result == null) { PUSH_OUT_CACHE.put(hash, result = !isOpenBlockSpace(bsi, x, y, z) && ( isOpenBlockSpace(bsi, x - 1, y, z) || isOpenBlockSpace(bsi, x + 1, y, z) || isOpenBlockSpace(bsi, x, y, z - 1) || isOpenBlockSpace(bsi, x, y, z + 1)) ); } return result; } private static boolean isOpenBlockSpace(final BlockStateInterface bsi, final int x, final int y, final int z) { final long hash = BetterBlockPos.serializeToLong(x, y, z); Boolean result = IS_OPEN_CACHE.get(hash); if (result == null) { IS_OPEN_CACHE.put(hash, result = !bsi.get0(x, y, z).isNormalCube() && !bsi.get0(x, y + 1, z).isNormalCube()); } return result; } } }