fabric with volder-mappings, soo close to working

This commit is contained in:
wagyourtail 2021-01-19 23:03:03 -07:00
parent 6e78384bcf
commit d6cbb58e7e
4 changed files with 53916 additions and 85 deletions

View File

@ -28,12 +28,20 @@ buildscript {
name = 'impactdevelopment-repo'
url = 'https://impactdevelopment.github.io/maven/'
maven {
url = 'https://maven.fabricmc.net/'
maven {
url = 'https://libraries.minecraft.net/'
dependencies {
classpath group: 'com.github.ImpactDevelopment', name: 'ForgeGradle', version: '3.0.115'
classpath group: 'com.github.ImpactDevelopment', name: 'MixinGradle', version: '0.6.2'
classpath group: 'net.fabricmc', name: 'fabric-loom', version: '0.5-SNAPSHOT'
@ -44,9 +52,17 @@ import net.minecraftforge.gradle.userdev.tasks.GenerateSRG
import net.minecraftforge.gradle.userdev.tasks.RenameJarInPlace
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.condition.Os
def isMCP = false
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle'
apply plugin: 'org.spongepowered.mixin'
if (isMCP) {
apply plugin: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle'
apply plugin: 'org.spongepowered.mixin'
} else {
apply plugin: 'fabric-loom'
sourceCompatibility = targetCompatibility = '1.8'
compileJava {
@ -54,6 +70,7 @@ compileJava {
options.encoding = "UTF-8" // allow emoji in comments :^)
sourceSets {
api {
compileClasspath += main.compileClasspath
@ -83,51 +100,57 @@ task sourceJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: classes) {
classifier = 'sources'
from sourceSets.api.allSource
if (isMCP) {
minecraft {
mappings channel: 'snapshot', version: '20201028-1.16.3'
minecraft {
mappings channel: 'snapshot', version: '20200515-1.15.1'
if (getProject().hasProperty("baritone.forge_build")) {
reobfMappings 'searge'
} else {
reobfMappings 'notch'
if (getProject().hasProperty("baritone.forge_build")) {
reobfMappings 'searge'
} else {
reobfMappings 'notch'
runs {
client {
workingDirectory project.file('run')
source sourceSets.launch
main 'baritone.launch.LaunchTesting'
environment 'assetIndex', '{asset_index}'
environment 'assetDirectory', downloadAssets.output
environment 'nativesDirectory', extractNatives.output
environment 'tweakClass', 'baritone.launch.BaritoneTweaker'
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_MAC)) {
jvmArgs "-XstartOnFirstThread"
autoTest {
workingDirectory project.file('autotest')
source sourceSets.launch
main 'baritone.launch.LaunchTesting'
environment 'assetIndex', '{asset_index}'
environment 'assetDirectory', downloadAssets.output
environment 'nativesDirectory', extractNatives.output
environment 'tweakClass', 'baritone.launch.BaritoneTweaker'
environment 'BARITONE_AUTO_TEST', 'true'
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_MAC)) {
jvmArgs "-XstartOnFirstThread"
runs {
client {
workingDirectory project.file('run')
source sourceSets.launch
main 'baritone.launch.LaunchTesting'
environment 'assetIndex', '{asset_index}'
environment 'assetDirectory', downloadAssets.output
environment 'nativesDirectory', extractNatives.output
environment 'tweakClass', 'baritone.launch.BaritoneTweaker'
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_MAC)) {
jvmArgs "-XstartOnFirstThread"
autoTest {
workingDirectory project.file('autotest')
source sourceSets.launch
main 'baritone.launch.LaunchTesting'
environment 'assetIndex', '{asset_index}'
environment 'assetDirectory', downloadAssets.output
environment 'nativesDirectory', extractNatives.output
environment 'tweakClass', 'baritone.launch.BaritoneTweaker'
environment 'BARITONE_AUTO_TEST', 'true'
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_MAC)) {
jvmArgs "-XstartOnFirstThread"
mixin {
defaultObfuscationEnv searge
add sourceSets.launch, 'mixins.baritone.refmap.json'
@ -146,30 +169,37 @@ repositories {
dependencies {
if (isMCP) {
minecraft 'com.github.ImpactDevelopment:Vanilla:1.15.2'
runtime launchCompile('net.minecraft:launchwrapper:1.12') {
exclude module: 'lwjgl'
runtime launchCompile('org.ow2.asm:asm-debug-all:5.2')
runtime launchCompile('com.github.ImpactDevelopment:SimpleTweaker:1.2')
runtime launchCompile('org.spongepowered:mixin:0.8.+') {
// Mixin includes a lot of dependencies that are too up-to-date
exclude module: 'launchwrapper'
exclude module: 'guava'
exclude module: 'gson'
exclude module: 'commons-io'
exclude module: 'log4j-core'
runtime launchCompile('net.minecraft:launchwrapper:1.12') {
exclude module: 'lwjgl'
runtime launchCompile('org.ow2.asm:asm-debug-all:5.2')
runtime launchCompile('com.github.ImpactDevelopment:SimpleTweaker:1.2')
runtime launchCompile('org.spongepowered:mixin:0.8.+') {
// Mixin includes a lot of dependencies that are too up-to-date
exclude module: 'launchwrapper'
exclude module: 'guava'
exclude module: 'gson'
exclude module: 'commons-io'
exclude module: 'log4j-core'
} else {
minecraft "com.mojang:minecraft:1.16.4"
mappings fileTree(dir: "volderyarn", include: "**.jar")
modImplementation "net.fabricmc:fabric-loader:0.9.1+build.205"
// this makes it compile with the forge tweak stuff
implementation 'com.github.ImpactDevelopment:SimpleTweaker:1.2'
implementation 'net.minecraft:launchwrapper:1.12'
implementation 'com.google.code.findbugs:jsr305:3.0.2'
testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
mixin {
defaultObfuscationEnv searge
add sourceSets.launch, 'mixins.baritone.refmap.json'
javadoc {
options.addStringOption('Xwerror', '-quiet') // makes the build fail on travis when there is a javadoc error
options.linkSource true
@ -178,11 +208,34 @@ javadoc {
classpath += sourceSets.api.compileClasspath
if (!isMCP) {
tasks.withType(JavaCompile).configureEach {
// ensure that the encoding is set to UTF-8, no matter what the system default is
// this fixes some edge cases with special characters not displaying correctly
// see http://yodaconditions.net/blog/fix-for-java-file-encoding-problems-with-gradle.html
// If Javadoc is generated, this must be specified in that task too.
it.options.encoding = "UTF-8"
// The Minecraft launcher currently installs Java 8 for users, so your mod probably wants to target Java 8 too
// JDK 9 introduced a new way of specifying this that will make sure no newer classes or methods are used.
// We'll use that if it's available, but otherwise we'll use the older option.
def targetVersion = 8
if (JavaVersion.current().isJava9Compatible()) {
it.options.release = targetVersion
jar {
from sourceSets.launch.output, sourceSets.api.output
preserveFileTimestamps = false
reproducibleFileOrder = true
filesMatching("fabric.mod.json") {
expand "version": version
manifest {
'MixinConfigs': 'mixins.baritone.json',
@ -204,33 +257,36 @@ File getClientJar() {
task copyMcJar(type: Copy) {
def mcJar = {getClientJar()}
if (isMCP) {
task copyMcJar(type: Copy) {
def mcJar = {getClientJar()}
from mcJar
into 'build/createMcSrgJar/'
rename {'client-srg.jar'}
from mcJar
into 'build/createMcSrgJar/'
rename {'client-srg.jar'}
task createSrgMc(type: RenameJarInPlace) {
setInput(new File(copyMcJar.getOutputs().getFiles().getSingleFile(), "client-srg.jar"))
// fork
setJarTask('trans alaska pipeline')
task createSrgMc(type: RenameJarInPlace) {
setInput(new File(copyMcJar.getOutputs().getFiles().getSingleFile(), "client-srg.jar"))
project.afterEvaluate {
createSrgMc.dependsOn(extractSrg, copyMcJar)
// fork
setJarTask('trans alaska pipeline')
task proguard(type: ProguardTask, dependsOn: createSrgMc) { // TODO: dont need to create srg mc if doing notch build
url 'https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/proguard/proguard/6.0/proguard6.0.3.zip'
extract 'proguard6.0.3/lib/proguard.jar'
task createDist(type: CreateDistTask, dependsOn: proguard)
project.afterEvaluate {
createSrgMc.dependsOn(extractSrg, copyMcJar)
task proguard(type: ProguardTask, dependsOn: createSrgMc) { // TODO: dont need to create srg mc if doing notch build
url 'https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/proguard/proguard/6.0/proguard6.0.3.zip'
extract 'proguard6.0.3/lib/proguard.jar'
task createDist(type: CreateDistTask, dependsOn: proguard)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
"schemaVersion": 1,
"id": "baritone",
"version": "${version}",
"name": "Baritone",
"description": "Google Maps for Blockgame",
"authors": [
"contact": {
"homepage": "https://github.com/cabaletta/baritone",
"sources": "https://github.com/cabaletta/baritone"
"license": "LGPL-3.0",
"icon": "assets/modid/icon.png",
"environment": "*",
"entrypoints": {
"mixins": [
"depends": {
"fabricloader": ">=0.7.4",
"minecraft": "1.16.x"
"suggests": {
"another-mod": "*"

volderyarn/mappings.tiny Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

volderyarn/volderyarn.jar Normal file

Binary file not shown.