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418 lines
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Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# autorandr.py
# Copyright (c) 2015, Phillip Berndt
# Experimental autorandr rewrite in Python
# This script aims to be fully compatible with the original autorandr.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# TODO Add virtual profiles common, horizontal, vertical
# This also requires to load all resolutions into the XrandrOutputs
from __future__ import print_function
import getopt
import binascii
import hashlib
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from itertools import chain
help_text = """
Usage: autorandr [options]
-h, --help get this small help
-c, --change reload current setup
-s, --save <profile> save your current setup to profile <profile>
-l, --load <profile> load profile <profile>
-d, --default <profile> make profile <profile> the default profile
--force force (re)loading of a profile
--fingerprint fingerprint your current hardware setup
--config dump your current xrandr setup
--dry-run don't change anything, only print the xrandr commands
To prevent a profile from being loaded, place a script call "block" in its
directory. The script is evaluated before the screen setup is inspected, and
in case of it returning a value of 0 the profile is skipped. This can be used
to query the status of a docking station you are about to leave.
If no suitable profile can be identified, the current configuration is kept.
To change this behaviour and switch to a fallback configuration, specify
--default <profile>.
Another script called "postswitch "can be placed in the directory
~/.autorandr as well as in any profile directories: The scripts are executed
after a mode switch has taken place and can notify window managers.
The following virtual configurations are available:
class XrandrOutput(object):
"Represents an XRandR output"
# This regular expression is used to parse an output in `xrandr --verbose'
^(?P<output>[^ ]+)\s+ # Line starts with output name
(?: # Differentiate disconnected and connected in first line
disconnected |
unknown\ connection |
(?P<connected>connected)\s+ # If connected:
(?P<primary>primary\ )? # Might be primary screen
(?P<width>[0-9]+)x(?P<height>[0-9]+) # Resolution
\+(?P<x>[0-9]+)\+(?P<y>[0-9]+)\s+ # Position
(?:\(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+\)\s+)? # XID
(?P<rotate>(?:normal|left|right|inverted))\s+ # Rotation
(?:(?P<reflect>X\ and\ Y|X|Y)\ axis)? # Reflection
(?:\s*(?: # Properties of the output
Gamma: (?P<gamma>[0-9\.:\s]+) | # Gamma value
Transform: (?P<transform>[0-9\.\s]+) | # Transformation matrix
EDID: (?P<edid>[0-9a-f\s]+) | # EDID of the output
(?![0-9])[^:\s][^:\n]+:.*(?:\s\\t[\\t ].+)* # Other properties
[0-9]+x[0-9]+.+?\*current.+\s+h:.+\s+v:.+clock\s+(?P<rate>[0-9\.]+)Hz\s* | # Interesting (current) resolution: Extract rate
[0-9]+x[0-9]+.+\s+h:.+\s+v:.+\s* # Other resolutions
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s%s %s>" % (self.output, (" %s..%s" % (self.edid[:5], self.edid[-5:])) if self.edid else "", " ".join(self.option_vector))
def option_vector(self):
"Return the command line parameters for XRandR for this instance"
return sum([["--%s" % option[0], option[1]] if option[1] else ["--%s" % option[0]] for option in chain((("output", self.output),), self.options.items())], [])
def option_string(self):
"Return the command line parameters in the configuration file format"
return "\n".join([ " ".join(option) if option[1] else option[0] for option in chain((("output", self.output),), self.options.items())])
def sort_key(self):
"Return a key to sort the outputs for xrandr invocation"
if not self.edid:
return -1
if "pos" in self.options:
x, y = map(float, self.options["pos"].split("x"))
x, y = 0, 0
return x + 10000 * y
def __init__(self, output, edid, options):
"Instanciate using output name, edid and a dictionary of XRandR command line parameters"
self.output = output
self.edid = edid
self.options = options
def from_xrandr_output(cls, xrandr_output):
"""Instanciate an XrandrOutput from the output of `xrandr --verbose'
This method also returns a list of modes supported by the output.
match_object = re.search(XrandrOutput.XRANDR_OUTPUT_REGEXP, xrandr_output)
raise RuntimeError("Parsing XRandR output failed, there is an error in the regular expression.")
if not match_object:
raise RuntimeError("Parsing XRandR output failed, the regular expression did not match.")
remainder = xrandr_output[len(match_object.group(0)):]
if remainder:
raise RuntimeError("Parsing XRandR output failed, %d bytes left unmatched after regular expression." % len(remainder))
match = match_object.groupdict()
modes = []
if match["modes"]:
modes = [ x.groupdict() for x in re.finditer(XrandrOutput.XRANDR_OUTPUT_MODES_REGEXP, match["modes"]) ]
options = {}
if not match["connected"]:
options["off"] = None
edid = None
if match["rotate"] not in ("left", "right"):
options["mode"] = "%sx%s" % (match["width"], match["height"])
options["mode"] = "%sx%s" % (match["height"], match["width"])
options["rotate"] = match["rotate"]
options["reflect"] = "normal"
if "reflect" in match:
if match["reflect"] == "X":
options["reflect"] = "x"
elif match["reflect"] == "Y":
options["reflect"] = "y"
elif match["reflect"] == "X and Y":
options["reflect"] = "xy"
options["pos"] = "%sx%s" % (match["x"], match["y"])
if match["transform"]:
transformation = ",".join(match["transform"].strip().split())
if transformation != "1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,1.000000":
options["transform"] = transformation
options["transform"] = "none"
if match["gamma"]:
gamma = match["gamma"].strip()
if gamma != "1.0:1.0:1.0":
options["gamma"] = gamma
if match["rate"]:
options["rate"] = match["rate"]
edid = "".join(match["edid"].strip().split())
return XrandrOutput(match["output"], edid, options), modes
def from_config_file(cls, edid_map, configuration):
"Instanciate an XrandrOutput from the contents of a configuration file"
options = {}
for line in configuration.split("\n"):
if line:
line = line.split(None, 1)
options[line[0]] = line[1] if len(line) > 1 else None
if "off" in options:
edid = None
if options["output"] in edid_map:
edid = edid_map[options["output"]]
fuzzy_edid_map = [ re.sub("(card[0-9]+|-)", "", x) for x in edid_map.keys() ]
fuzzy_output = re.sub("(card[0-9]+|-)", "", options["output"])
if fuzzy_output not in fuzzy_edid_map:
raise RuntimeError("Failed to find a corresponding output in config/setup for output `%s'" % options["output"])
edid = edid_map[edid_map.keys()[fuzzy_edid_map.index(fuzzy_output)]]
output = options["output"]
del options["output"]
return XrandrOutput(output, edid, options)
def edid_equals(self, other):
"Compare to another XrandrOutput's edid and on/off-state, taking legacy autorandr behaviour (md5sum'ing) into account"
if self.edid and other.edid:
if len(self.edid) == 32 and len(other.edid) != 32:
return hashlib.md5(binascii.unhexlify(other.edid)).hexdigest() == self.edid
if len(self.edid) != 32 and len(other.edid) == 32:
return hashlib.md5(binascii.unhexlify(self.edid)).hexdigest() == other.edid
return self.edid == other.edid
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.edid == other.edid and self.output == other.output and self.options == other.options
def parse_xrandr_output():
"Parse the output of `xrandr --verbose' into a list of outputs"
xrandr_output = os.popen("xrandr -q --verbose").read()
if not xrandr_output:
raise RuntimeError("Failed to run xrandr")
# We are not interested in screens
xrandr_output = re.sub("(?m)^Screen [0-9].+", "", xrandr_output).strip()
# Split at output boundaries and instanciate an XrandrOutput per output
split_xrandr_output = re.split("(?m)^([^ ]+ (?:(?:dis)?connected|unknown connection).*)$", xrandr_output)
outputs = {}
modes = {}
for i in range(1, len(split_xrandr_output), 2):
output_name = split_xrandr_output[i].split()[0]
output, output_modes = XrandrOutput.from_xrandr_output("".join(split_xrandr_output[i:i+2]))
outputs[output_name] = output
modes[output_name] = output_modes
return outputs, modes
def load_profiles(profile_path):
"Load the stored profiles"
profiles = {}
for profile in os.listdir(profile_path):
config_name = os.path.join(profile_path, profile, "config")
setup_name = os.path.join(profile_path, profile, "setup")
if not os.path.isfile(config_name) or not os.path.isfile(setup_name):
edids = dict([ x.strip().split() for x in open(setup_name).readlines() ])
config = {}
buffer = []
for line in chain(open(config_name).readlines(), ["output"]):
if line[:6] == "output" and buffer:
config[buffer[0].strip().split()[-1]] = XrandrOutput.from_config_file(edids, "".join(buffer))
buffer = [ line ]
profiles[profile] = config
return profiles
def find_profile(current_config, profiles):
"Find a profile matching the currently connected outputs"
for profile_name, profile in profiles.items():
matches = True
for name, output in profile.items():
if not output.edid:
if name not in current_config or not output.edid_equals(current_config[name]):
matches = False
if not matches or any(( name not in profile.keys() for name in current_config.keys() if current_config[name].edid )):
if matches:
return profile_name
def profile_blocked(profile_path):
"Check if a profile is blocked"
script = os.path.join(profile_path, "blocked")
if not os.access(script, os.X_OK | os.F_OK):
return False
return subprocess.call(script) == 0
def output_configuration(configuration, config):
"Write a configuration file"
outputs = sorted(configuration.keys(), key=lambda x: configuration[x].sort_key)
for output in outputs:
print(configuration[output].option_string, file=config)
def output_setup(configuration, setup):
"Write a setup (fingerprint) file"
outputs = sorted(configuration.keys())
for output in outputs:
if configuration[output].edid:
print(output, configuration[output].edid, file=setup)
def save_configuration(profile_path, configuration):
"Save a configuration into a profile"
if not os.path.isdir(profile_path):
outputs = sorted(configuration.keys(), key=lambda x: configuration[x].sort_key)
with open(os.path.join(profile_path, "config"), "w") as config:
output_configuration(configuration, config)
with open(os.path.join(profile_path, "setup"), "w") as setup:
output_setup(configuration, setup)
def apply_configuration(configuration, dry_run=False):
"Apply a configuration"
outputs = sorted(configuration.keys(), key=lambda x: configuration[x].sort_key)
if dry_run:
base_argv = [ "echo", "xrandr" ]
base_argv = [ "xrandr" ]
# Disable all unused outputs
argv = base_argv[:]
for output in outputs:
if not configuration[output].edid:
argv += configuration[output].option_vector
if subprocess.call(argv) != 0:
return False
# Enable remaining outputs in pairs of two
remaining_outputs = [ x for x in outputs if configuration[x].edid ]
for index in range(0, len(remaining_outputs), 2):
if subprocess.call((base_argv[:] + configuration[remaining_outputs[index]].option_vector + (configuration[remaining_outputs[index + 1]].option_vector if index < len(remaining_outputs) - 1 else []))) != 0:
return False
def exit_help():
"Print help and exit"
def exec_scripts(profile_path, script_name):
"Run userscripts"
for script in (os.path.join(profile_path, script_name), os.path.join(os.path.dirname(profile_path), script_name)):
if os.access(script, os.X_OK | os.F_OK):
def main(argv):
options = dict(getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "s:l:d:cfh", [ "dry-run", "change", "default=", "save=", "load=", "force", "fingerprint", "config", "help" ])[0])
profile_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.autorandr")
profiles = load_profiles(profile_path)
config, modes = parse_xrandr_output()
if "--fingerprint" in options:
output_setup(config, sys.stdout)
if "--config" in options:
output_configuration(config, sys.stdout)
if "-s" in options:
options["--save"] = options["-s"]
if "--save" in options:
save_configuration(os.path.join(profile_path, options["--save"]), config)
print("Saved current configuration as profile '%s'" % options["--save"])
if "-h" in options or "--help" in options:
detected_profile = find_profile(config, profiles)
load_profile = False
if "-l" in options:
options["--load"] = options["-l"]
if "--load" in options:
load_profile = options["--load"]
for profile_name in profiles.keys():
if profile_blocked(os.path.join(profile_path, profile_name)):
print("%s (blocked)" % profile_name)
if detected_profile == profile_name:
print("%s (detected)" % profile_name)
if "-c" in options or "--change" in options:
load_profile = detected_profile
if "-d" in options:
options["--default"] = options["-d"]
if not load_profile and "--default" in options:
load_profile = options["--default"]
if load_profile:
profile = profiles[load_profile]
if profile == config and not "-f" in options and not "--force" in options:
print("Config already loaded")
exec_scripts(os.path.join(profile_path, load_profile), "preswitch")
apply_configuration(profile, "--dry-run" in options)
exec_scripts(os.path.join(profile_path, load_profile), "postswitch")
if __name__ == '__main__':