DESTDIR=/ PREFIX=/usr/ .PHONY: all install uninstall autorandr bash_completion pmutils systemd udev all: @echo "Call \"make install\" to install this program." @echo "Call \"make uninstall\" to remove this program." @echo @echo "The following components were autodetected and will be installed:" @echo " "$(DEFAULT_TARGETS) @echo "You can use the TARGETS variable to override, e.g. \"make install TAGETS='autorandr pmutils'\"." @echo @echo "The following additional targets are available:" @echo @echo " make deb creates a Debian package" # Rules for autorandr itself DEFAULT_TARGETS=autorandr install_autorandr: install -D -m 755 ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/autorandr uninstall_autorandr: rm -f ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/autorandr # Rules for bash_completion BASH_COMPLETION_DIR=/etc/bash_completion.d HAVE_BASH_COMPLETION=$(shell [ -d /etc/bash_completion.d/ ] && echo "y") ifeq ($(HAVE_BASH_COMPLETION),y) DEFAULT_TARGETS+=bash_completion endif install_bash_completion: install -D -m 644 contrib/bash_completion/autorandr ${DESTDIR}/${BASH_COMPLETION_DIR}/autorandr uninstall_bash_completion: rm -f ${DESTDIR}/${BASH_COMPLETION_DIR}/autorandr # Rules for pmutils PM_UTILS_DIR=/etc/pm/sleep.d HAVE_PMUTILS=$(shell [ -x /usr/sbin/pm-suspend ] && echo "y") ifeq ($(HAVE_PMUTILS),y) DEFAULT_TARGETS+=pmutils endif install_pmutils: install -D -m 755 contrib/pm-utils/40autorandr ${DESTDIR}/${PM_UTILS_DIR}/40autorandr uninstall_pmutils: rm -f ${DESTDIR}/${PM_UTILS_DIR}/40autorandr # Rules for systemd SYSTEMD_UNIT_DIR=/etc/systemd/system/ HAVE_SYSTEMD=$(shell grep -q systemd /proc/1/comm && echo "y") ifeq ($(HAVE_SYSTEMD),y) DEFAULT_TARGETS+=systemd endif install_systemd: install -D -m 644 contrib/systemd/autorandr-resume.service ${DESTDIR}/${SYSTEMD_UNIT_DIR}/autorandr-resume.service uninstall_systemd: rm -f ${DESTDIR}/${SYSTEMD_UNIT_DIR}/autorandr-resume.service # Rules for udev UDEV_RULES_DIR=/etc/udev/rules.d HAVE_UDEV=$(shell [ -d "${UDEV_RULES_DIR}" ] && echo "y") ifeq ($(HAVE_UDEV),y) DEFAULT_TARGETS+=udev endif install_udev: install -D -m 644 contrib/udev/40-monitor-hotplug.rules ${DESTDIR}/${UDEV_RULES_DIR}/40-monitor-hotplug.rules ifeq (${USER},root) udevadm control --reload-rules else @echo "Please run this command as root:" @echo " udevadm control --reload-rules" endif uninstall_udev: rm -f ${DESTDIR}/${UDEV_RULES_DIR}/40-monitor-hotplug.rules TARGETS=$(DEFAULT_TARGETS) install: $(patsubst %,install_%,$(TARGETS)) uninstall: $(patsubst %,uninstall_%,$(TARGETS)) deb: ./contrib/packaging/debian/