berlinsaint 6bab629590 Add notify support for Chinese User wechat (#1059)
* WECHAT support by ybyang2/berlinsaint

* correct the whitespace

* add some TestFile and modify some naming errors by ybyang2/berlinsaint

* modify wechat retry test expect

* template error

* add newline
Signed-off-by: yb_home <>

* fmt some pr code

* use the @stuartnelson3 the test-ci-wechat bingdata.go

* notify go add wechat
2017-12-09 16:20:22 +01:00

184 lines
6.1 KiB

package notify
import (
func TestWebhookRetry(t *testing.T) {
notifier := new(Webhook)
for statusCode, expected := range retryTests(defaultRetryCodes()) {
actual, _ := notifier.retry(statusCode)
require.Equal(t, expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("error on status %d", statusCode))
func TestPagerDutyRetryV1(t *testing.T) {
notifier := new(PagerDuty)
retryCodes := append(defaultRetryCodes(), http.StatusForbidden)
for statusCode, expected := range retryTests(retryCodes) {
actual, _ := notifier.retryV1(statusCode)
require.Equal(t, expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("retryv1 - error on status %d", statusCode))
func TestPagerDutyRetryV2(t *testing.T) {
notifier := new(PagerDuty)
retryCodes := append(defaultRetryCodes(), http.StatusTooManyRequests)
for statusCode, expected := range retryTests(retryCodes) {
actual, _ := notifier.retryV2(statusCode)
require.Equal(t, expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("retryv2 - error on status %d", statusCode))
func TestSlackRetry(t *testing.T) {
notifier := new(Slack)
for statusCode, expected := range retryTests(defaultRetryCodes()) {
actual, _ := notifier.retry(statusCode)
require.Equal(t, expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("error on status %d", statusCode))
func TestHipchatRetry(t *testing.T) {
notifier := new(Hipchat)
retryCodes := append(defaultRetryCodes(), http.StatusTooManyRequests)
for statusCode, expected := range retryTests(retryCodes) {
actual, _ := notifier.retry(statusCode)
require.Equal(t, expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("error on status %d", statusCode))
func TestWechatRetry(t *testing.T) {
notifier := new(Wechat)
retryCodes := append(defaultRetryCodes(), http.StatusTooManyRequests)
for statusCode, expected := range retryTests(retryCodes) {
actual, _ := notifier.retry(statusCode)
require.Equal(t, expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("error on status %d", statusCode))
func TestOpsGenieRetry(t *testing.T) {
notifier := new(OpsGenie)
retryCodes := append(defaultRetryCodes(), http.StatusTooManyRequests)
for statusCode, expected := range retryTests(retryCodes) {
actual, _ := notifier.retry(statusCode)
require.Equal(t, expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("error on status %d", statusCode))
func TestVictorOpsRetry(t *testing.T) {
notifier := new(VictorOps)
for statusCode, expected := range retryTests(defaultRetryCodes()) {
actual, _ := notifier.retry(statusCode)
require.Equal(t, expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("error on status %d", statusCode))
func TestPushoverRetry(t *testing.T) {
notifier := new(Pushover)
for statusCode, expected := range retryTests(defaultRetryCodes()) {
actual, _ := notifier.retry(statusCode)
require.Equal(t, expected, actual, fmt.Sprintf("error on status %d", statusCode))
func retryTests(retryCodes []int) map[int]bool {
tests := map[int]bool{
// 1xx
http.StatusContinue: false,
http.StatusSwitchingProtocols: false,
http.StatusProcessing: false,
// 2xx
http.StatusOK: false,
http.StatusCreated: false,
http.StatusAccepted: false,
http.StatusNonAuthoritativeInfo: false,
http.StatusNoContent: false,
http.StatusResetContent: false,
http.StatusPartialContent: false,
http.StatusMultiStatus: false,
http.StatusAlreadyReported: false,
http.StatusIMUsed: false,
// 3xx
http.StatusMultipleChoices: false,
http.StatusMovedPermanently: false,
http.StatusFound: false,
http.StatusSeeOther: false,
http.StatusNotModified: false,
http.StatusUseProxy: false,
http.StatusTemporaryRedirect: false,
http.StatusPermanentRedirect: false,
// 4xx
http.StatusBadRequest: false,
http.StatusUnauthorized: false,
http.StatusPaymentRequired: false,
http.StatusForbidden: false,
http.StatusNotFound: false,
http.StatusMethodNotAllowed: false,
http.StatusNotAcceptable: false,
http.StatusProxyAuthRequired: false,
http.StatusRequestTimeout: false,
http.StatusConflict: false,
http.StatusGone: false,
http.StatusLengthRequired: false,
http.StatusPreconditionFailed: false,
http.StatusRequestEntityTooLarge: false,
http.StatusRequestURITooLong: false,
http.StatusUnsupportedMediaType: false,
http.StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable: false,
http.StatusExpectationFailed: false,
http.StatusTeapot: false,
http.StatusUnprocessableEntity: false,
http.StatusLocked: false,
http.StatusFailedDependency: false,
http.StatusUpgradeRequired: false,
http.StatusPreconditionRequired: false,
http.StatusTooManyRequests: false,
http.StatusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge: false,
http.StatusUnavailableForLegalReasons: false,
// 5xx
http.StatusInternalServerError: false,
http.StatusNotImplemented: false,
http.StatusBadGateway: false,
http.StatusServiceUnavailable: false,
http.StatusGatewayTimeout: false,
http.StatusHTTPVersionNotSupported: false,
http.StatusVariantAlsoNegotiates: false,
http.StatusInsufficientStorage: false,
http.StatusLoopDetected: false,
http.StatusNotExtended: false,
http.StatusNetworkAuthenticationRequired: false,
for _, statusCode := range retryCodes {
tests[statusCode] = true
return tests
func defaultRetryCodes() []int {
return []int{