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synced 2025-02-03 12:12:18 +00:00
The current Alertmanager API v1 is undocumented and written by hand. This patch introduces a new Alertmanager API - v2. The API is fully generated via an OpenAPI 2.0 [1] specification (see `api/v2/openapi.yaml`) with the exception of the http handlers itself. Pros: - Generated server code - Ability to generate clients in all major languages (Go, Java, JS, Python, Ruby, Haskell, *elm* [3] ...) - Strict contract (OpenAPI spec) between server and clients. - Instant feedback on frontend-breaking changes, due to strictly typed frontend language elm. - Generated documentation (See Alertmanager online Swagger UI [4]) Cons: - Dependency on open api ecosystem including go-swagger [2] In addition this patch includes the following changes. - README.md: Add API section - test: Duplicate acceptance test to API v1 & API v2 version The Alertmanager acceptance test framework has a decent test coverage on the Alertmanager API. Introducing the Alertmanager API v2 does not go hand in hand with deprecating API v1. They should live alongside each other for a couple of minor Alertmanager versions. Instead of porting the acceptance test framework to use the new API v2, this patch duplicates the acceptance tests, one using the API v1, the other API v2. Once API v1 is removed we can simply remove `test/with_api_v1` and bring `test/with_api_v2` to `test/`. [1] https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/2.0.md [2] https://github.com/go-swagger/go-swagger/ [3] https://github.com/ahultgren/swagger-elm [4] http://petstore.swagger.io/?url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mxinden/alertmanager/apiv2/api/v2/openapi.yaml Signed-off-by: Max Leonard Inden <IndenML@gmail.com>
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// Code generated by go-swagger; DO NOT EDIT.
package operations
// This file was generated by the swagger tool.
// Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command
import (
errors "github.com/go-openapi/errors"
loads "github.com/go-openapi/loads"
runtime "github.com/go-openapi/runtime"
middleware "github.com/go-openapi/runtime/middleware"
security "github.com/go-openapi/runtime/security"
spec "github.com/go-openapi/spec"
strfmt "github.com/go-openapi/strfmt"
// NewAlertmanagerAPI creates a new Alertmanager instance
func NewAlertmanagerAPI(spec *loads.Document) *AlertmanagerAPI {
return &AlertmanagerAPI{
handlers: make(map[string]map[string]http.Handler),
formats: strfmt.Default,
defaultConsumes: "application/json",
defaultProduces: "application/json",
customConsumers: make(map[string]runtime.Consumer),
customProducers: make(map[string]runtime.Producer),
ServerShutdown: func() {},
spec: spec,
ServeError: errors.ServeError,
BasicAuthenticator: security.BasicAuth,
APIKeyAuthenticator: security.APIKeyAuth,
BearerAuthenticator: security.BearerAuth,
JSONConsumer: runtime.JSONConsumer(),
JSONProducer: runtime.JSONProducer(),
SilenceDeleteSilenceHandler: silence.DeleteSilenceHandlerFunc(func(params silence.DeleteSilenceParams) middleware.Responder {
return middleware.NotImplemented("operation SilenceDeleteSilence has not yet been implemented")
AlertGetAlertsHandler: alert.GetAlertsHandlerFunc(func(params alert.GetAlertsParams) middleware.Responder {
return middleware.NotImplemented("operation AlertGetAlerts has not yet been implemented")
ReceiverGetReceiversHandler: receiver.GetReceiversHandlerFunc(func(params receiver.GetReceiversParams) middleware.Responder {
return middleware.NotImplemented("operation ReceiverGetReceivers has not yet been implemented")
SilenceGetSilenceHandler: silence.GetSilenceHandlerFunc(func(params silence.GetSilenceParams) middleware.Responder {
return middleware.NotImplemented("operation SilenceGetSilence has not yet been implemented")
SilenceGetSilencesHandler: silence.GetSilencesHandlerFunc(func(params silence.GetSilencesParams) middleware.Responder {
return middleware.NotImplemented("operation SilenceGetSilences has not yet been implemented")
GeneralGetStatusHandler: general.GetStatusHandlerFunc(func(params general.GetStatusParams) middleware.Responder {
return middleware.NotImplemented("operation GeneralGetStatus has not yet been implemented")
AlertPostAlertsHandler: alert.PostAlertsHandlerFunc(func(params alert.PostAlertsParams) middleware.Responder {
return middleware.NotImplemented("operation AlertPostAlerts has not yet been implemented")
SilencePostSilencesHandler: silence.PostSilencesHandlerFunc(func(params silence.PostSilencesParams) middleware.Responder {
return middleware.NotImplemented("operation SilencePostSilences has not yet been implemented")
/*AlertmanagerAPI API of the Prometheus Alertmanager (https://github.com/prometheus/alertmanager) */
type AlertmanagerAPI struct {
spec *loads.Document
context *middleware.Context
handlers map[string]map[string]http.Handler
formats strfmt.Registry
customConsumers map[string]runtime.Consumer
customProducers map[string]runtime.Producer
defaultConsumes string
defaultProduces string
Middleware func(middleware.Builder) http.Handler
// BasicAuthenticator generates a runtime.Authenticator from the supplied basic auth function.
// It has a default implemention in the security package, however you can replace it for your particular usage.
BasicAuthenticator func(security.UserPassAuthentication) runtime.Authenticator
// APIKeyAuthenticator generates a runtime.Authenticator from the supplied token auth function.
// It has a default implemention in the security package, however you can replace it for your particular usage.
APIKeyAuthenticator func(string, string, security.TokenAuthentication) runtime.Authenticator
// BearerAuthenticator generates a runtime.Authenticator from the supplied bearer token auth function.
// It has a default implemention in the security package, however you can replace it for your particular usage.
BearerAuthenticator func(string, security.ScopedTokenAuthentication) runtime.Authenticator
// JSONConsumer registers a consumer for a "application/json" mime type
JSONConsumer runtime.Consumer
// JSONProducer registers a producer for a "application/json" mime type
JSONProducer runtime.Producer
// SilenceDeleteSilenceHandler sets the operation handler for the delete silence operation
SilenceDeleteSilenceHandler silence.DeleteSilenceHandler
// AlertGetAlertsHandler sets the operation handler for the get alerts operation
AlertGetAlertsHandler alert.GetAlertsHandler
// ReceiverGetReceiversHandler sets the operation handler for the get receivers operation
ReceiverGetReceiversHandler receiver.GetReceiversHandler
// SilenceGetSilenceHandler sets the operation handler for the get silence operation
SilenceGetSilenceHandler silence.GetSilenceHandler
// SilenceGetSilencesHandler sets the operation handler for the get silences operation
SilenceGetSilencesHandler silence.GetSilencesHandler
// GeneralGetStatusHandler sets the operation handler for the get status operation
GeneralGetStatusHandler general.GetStatusHandler
// AlertPostAlertsHandler sets the operation handler for the post alerts operation
AlertPostAlertsHandler alert.PostAlertsHandler
// SilencePostSilencesHandler sets the operation handler for the post silences operation
SilencePostSilencesHandler silence.PostSilencesHandler
// ServeError is called when an error is received, there is a default handler
// but you can set your own with this
ServeError func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, error)
// ServerShutdown is called when the HTTP(S) server is shut down and done
// handling all active connections and does not accept connections any more
ServerShutdown func()
// Custom command line argument groups with their descriptions
CommandLineOptionsGroups []swag.CommandLineOptionsGroup
// User defined logger function.
Logger func(string, ...interface{})
// SetDefaultProduces sets the default produces media type
func (o *AlertmanagerAPI) SetDefaultProduces(mediaType string) {
o.defaultProduces = mediaType
// SetDefaultConsumes returns the default consumes media type
func (o *AlertmanagerAPI) SetDefaultConsumes(mediaType string) {
o.defaultConsumes = mediaType
// SetSpec sets a spec that will be served for the clients.
func (o *AlertmanagerAPI) SetSpec(spec *loads.Document) {
o.spec = spec
// DefaultProduces returns the default produces media type
func (o *AlertmanagerAPI) DefaultProduces() string {
return o.defaultProduces
// DefaultConsumes returns the default consumes media type
func (o *AlertmanagerAPI) DefaultConsumes() string {
return o.defaultConsumes
// Formats returns the registered string formats
func (o *AlertmanagerAPI) Formats() strfmt.Registry {
return o.formats
// RegisterFormat registers a custom format validator
func (o *AlertmanagerAPI) RegisterFormat(name string, format strfmt.Format, validator strfmt.Validator) {
o.formats.Add(name, format, validator)
// Validate validates the registrations in the AlertmanagerAPI
func (o *AlertmanagerAPI) Validate() error {
var unregistered []string
if o.JSONConsumer == nil {
unregistered = append(unregistered, "JSONConsumer")
if o.JSONProducer == nil {
unregistered = append(unregistered, "JSONProducer")
if o.SilenceDeleteSilenceHandler == nil {
unregistered = append(unregistered, "silence.DeleteSilenceHandler")
if o.AlertGetAlertsHandler == nil {
unregistered = append(unregistered, "alert.GetAlertsHandler")
if o.ReceiverGetReceiversHandler == nil {
unregistered = append(unregistered, "receiver.GetReceiversHandler")
if o.SilenceGetSilenceHandler == nil {
unregistered = append(unregistered, "silence.GetSilenceHandler")
if o.SilenceGetSilencesHandler == nil {
unregistered = append(unregistered, "silence.GetSilencesHandler")
if o.GeneralGetStatusHandler == nil {
unregistered = append(unregistered, "general.GetStatusHandler")
if o.AlertPostAlertsHandler == nil {
unregistered = append(unregistered, "alert.PostAlertsHandler")
if o.SilencePostSilencesHandler == nil {
unregistered = append(unregistered, "silence.PostSilencesHandler")
if len(unregistered) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("missing registration: %s", strings.Join(unregistered, ", "))
return nil
// ServeErrorFor gets a error handler for a given operation id
func (o *AlertmanagerAPI) ServeErrorFor(operationID string) func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, error) {
return o.ServeError
// AuthenticatorsFor gets the authenticators for the specified security schemes
func (o *AlertmanagerAPI) AuthenticatorsFor(schemes map[string]spec.SecurityScheme) map[string]runtime.Authenticator {
return nil
// Authorizer returns the registered authorizer
func (o *AlertmanagerAPI) Authorizer() runtime.Authorizer {
return nil
// ConsumersFor gets the consumers for the specified media types
func (o *AlertmanagerAPI) ConsumersFor(mediaTypes []string) map[string]runtime.Consumer {
result := make(map[string]runtime.Consumer)
for _, mt := range mediaTypes {
switch mt {
case "application/json":
result["application/json"] = o.JSONConsumer
if c, ok := o.customConsumers[mt]; ok {
result[mt] = c
return result
// ProducersFor gets the producers for the specified media types
func (o *AlertmanagerAPI) ProducersFor(mediaTypes []string) map[string]runtime.Producer {
result := make(map[string]runtime.Producer)
for _, mt := range mediaTypes {
switch mt {
case "application/json":
result["application/json"] = o.JSONProducer
if p, ok := o.customProducers[mt]; ok {
result[mt] = p
return result
// HandlerFor gets a http.Handler for the provided operation method and path
func (o *AlertmanagerAPI) HandlerFor(method, path string) (http.Handler, bool) {
if o.handlers == nil {
return nil, false
um := strings.ToUpper(method)
if _, ok := o.handlers[um]; !ok {
return nil, false
if path == "/" {
path = ""
h, ok := o.handlers[um][path]
return h, ok
// Context returns the middleware context for the alertmanager API
func (o *AlertmanagerAPI) Context() *middleware.Context {
if o.context == nil {
o.context = middleware.NewRoutableContext(o.spec, o, nil)
return o.context
func (o *AlertmanagerAPI) initHandlerCache() {
o.Context() // don't care about the result, just that the initialization happened
if o.handlers == nil {
o.handlers = make(map[string]map[string]http.Handler)
if o.handlers["DELETE"] == nil {
o.handlers["DELETE"] = make(map[string]http.Handler)
o.handlers["DELETE"]["/silence/{silenceID}"] = silence.NewDeleteSilence(o.context, o.SilenceDeleteSilenceHandler)
if o.handlers["GET"] == nil {
o.handlers["GET"] = make(map[string]http.Handler)
o.handlers["GET"]["/alerts"] = alert.NewGetAlerts(o.context, o.AlertGetAlertsHandler)
if o.handlers["GET"] == nil {
o.handlers["GET"] = make(map[string]http.Handler)
o.handlers["GET"]["/receivers"] = receiver.NewGetReceivers(o.context, o.ReceiverGetReceiversHandler)
if o.handlers["GET"] == nil {
o.handlers["GET"] = make(map[string]http.Handler)
o.handlers["GET"]["/silence/{silenceID}"] = silence.NewGetSilence(o.context, o.SilenceGetSilenceHandler)
if o.handlers["GET"] == nil {
o.handlers["GET"] = make(map[string]http.Handler)
o.handlers["GET"]["/silences"] = silence.NewGetSilences(o.context, o.SilenceGetSilencesHandler)
if o.handlers["GET"] == nil {
o.handlers["GET"] = make(map[string]http.Handler)
o.handlers["GET"]["/status"] = general.NewGetStatus(o.context, o.GeneralGetStatusHandler)
if o.handlers["POST"] == nil {
o.handlers["POST"] = make(map[string]http.Handler)
o.handlers["POST"]["/alerts"] = alert.NewPostAlerts(o.context, o.AlertPostAlertsHandler)
if o.handlers["POST"] == nil {
o.handlers["POST"] = make(map[string]http.Handler)
o.handlers["POST"]["/silences"] = silence.NewPostSilences(o.context, o.SilencePostSilencesHandler)
// Serve creates a http handler to serve the API over HTTP
// can be used directly in http.ListenAndServe(":8000", api.Serve(nil))
func (o *AlertmanagerAPI) Serve(builder middleware.Builder) http.Handler {
if o.Middleware != nil {
return o.Middleware(builder)
return o.context.APIHandler(builder)
// Init allows you to just initialize the handler cache, you can then recompose the middleware as you see fit
func (o *AlertmanagerAPI) Init() {
if len(o.handlers) == 0 {
// RegisterConsumer allows you to add (or override) a consumer for a media type.
func (o *AlertmanagerAPI) RegisterConsumer(mediaType string, consumer runtime.Consumer) {
o.customConsumers[mediaType] = consumer
// RegisterProducer allows you to add (or override) a producer for a media type.
func (o *AlertmanagerAPI) RegisterProducer(mediaType string, producer runtime.Producer) {
o.customProducers[mediaType] = producer