George Robinson c4a763c401
#3513: Mark muted alerts (#3793)
* Mark muted groups

This commit updates TimeMuteStage and TimeActiveStage to mark groups
as muted when its alerts are muted by an active or mute time interval,
and remove any existing markers when outside all active and mute
time intervals.

Signed-off-by: George Robinson <>

* Remove unlock to defer

Signed-off-by: George Robinson <>


Signed-off-by: George Robinson <>
2024-05-13 11:16:26 +01:00

763 lines
21 KiB

// Copyright 2018 Prometheus Team
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package dispatch
import (
func TestAggrGroup(t *testing.T) {
lset := model.LabelSet{
"a": "v1",
"b": "v2",
opts := &RouteOpts{
Receiver: "n1",
GroupBy: map[model.LabelName]struct{}{
"a": {},
"b": {},
GroupWait: 1 * time.Second,
GroupInterval: 300 * time.Millisecond,
RepeatInterval: 1 * time.Hour,
route := &Route{
RouteOpts: *opts,
var (
a1 = &types.Alert{
Alert: model.Alert{
Labels: model.LabelSet{
"a": "v1",
"b": "v2",
"c": "v3",
StartsAt: time.Now().Add(time.Minute),
EndsAt: time.Now().Add(time.Hour),
UpdatedAt: time.Now(),
a2 = &types.Alert{
Alert: model.Alert{
Labels: model.LabelSet{
"a": "v1",
"b": "v2",
"c": "v4",
StartsAt: time.Now().Add(-time.Hour),
EndsAt: time.Now().Add(2 * time.Hour),
UpdatedAt: time.Now(),
a3 = &types.Alert{
Alert: model.Alert{
Labels: model.LabelSet{
"a": "v1",
"b": "v2",
"c": "v5",
StartsAt: time.Now().Add(time.Minute),
EndsAt: time.Now().Add(5 * time.Minute),
UpdatedAt: time.Now(),
var (
last = time.Now()
current = time.Now()
lastCurMtx = &sync.Mutex{}
alertsCh = make(chan types.AlertSlice)
ntfy := func(ctx context.Context, alerts ...*types.Alert) bool {
// Validate that the context is properly populated.
if _, ok := notify.Now(ctx); !ok {
t.Errorf("now missing")
if _, ok := notify.GroupKey(ctx); !ok {
t.Errorf("group key missing")
if lbls, ok := notify.GroupLabels(ctx); !ok || !reflect.DeepEqual(lbls, lset) {
t.Errorf("wrong group labels: %q", lbls)
if rcv, ok := notify.ReceiverName(ctx); !ok || rcv != opts.Receiver {
t.Errorf("wrong receiver: %q", rcv)
if ri, ok := notify.RepeatInterval(ctx); !ok || ri != opts.RepeatInterval {
t.Errorf("wrong repeat interval: %q", ri)
last = current
// Subtract a millisecond to allow for races.
current = time.Now().Add(-time.Millisecond)
alertsCh <- types.AlertSlice(alerts)
return true
removeEndsAt := func(as types.AlertSlice) types.AlertSlice {
for i, a := range as {
ac := *a
ac.EndsAt = time.Time{}
as[i] = &ac
return as
// Test regular situation where we wait for group_wait to send out alerts.
ag := newAggrGroup(context.Background(), lset, route, nil, log.NewNopLogger())
select {
case <-time.After(2 * opts.GroupWait):
t.Fatalf("expected initial batch after group_wait")
case batch := <-alertsCh:
s := time.Since(last)
if s < opts.GroupWait {
t.Fatalf("received batch too early after %v", s)
exp := removeEndsAt(types.AlertSlice{a1})
if !reflect.DeepEqual(batch, exp) {
t.Fatalf("expected alerts %v but got %v", exp, batch)
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
// New alert should come in after group interval.
select {
case <-time.After(2 * opts.GroupInterval):
t.Fatalf("expected new batch after group interval but received none")
case batch := <-alertsCh:
s := time.Since(last)
if s < opts.GroupInterval {
t.Fatalf("received batch too early after %v", s)
exp := removeEndsAt(types.AlertSlice{a1, a3})
if !reflect.DeepEqual(batch, exp) {
t.Fatalf("expected alerts %v but got %v", exp, batch)
// Add an alert that started more than group_interval in the past. We expect
// immediate flushing.
// Finally, set all alerts to be resolved. After successful notify the aggregation group
// should empty itself.
ag = newAggrGroup(context.Background(), lset, route, nil, log.NewNopLogger())
// a2 lies way in the past so the initial group_wait should be skipped.
select {
case <-time.After(opts.GroupWait / 2):
t.Fatalf("expected immediate alert but received none")
case batch := <-alertsCh:
exp := removeEndsAt(types.AlertSlice{a1, a2})
if !reflect.DeepEqual(batch, exp) {
t.Fatalf("expected alerts %v but got %v", exp, batch)
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
// New alert should come in after group interval.
select {
case <-time.After(2 * opts.GroupInterval):
t.Fatalf("expected new batch after group interval but received none")
case batch := <-alertsCh:
s := time.Since(last)
if s < opts.GroupInterval {
t.Fatalf("received batch too early after %v", s)
exp := removeEndsAt(types.AlertSlice{a1, a2, a3})
if !reflect.DeepEqual(batch, exp) {
t.Fatalf("expected alerts %v but got %v", exp, batch)
// Resolve an alert, and it should be removed after the next batch was sent.
a1r := *a1
a1r.EndsAt = time.Now()
exp := append(types.AlertSlice{&a1r}, removeEndsAt(types.AlertSlice{a2, a3})...)
select {
case <-time.After(2 * opts.GroupInterval):
t.Fatalf("expected new batch after group interval but received none")
case batch := <-alertsCh:
s := time.Since(last)
if s < opts.GroupInterval {
t.Fatalf("received batch too early after %v", s)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(batch, exp) {
t.Fatalf("expected alerts %v but got %v", exp, batch)
// Resolve all remaining alerts, they should be removed after the next batch was sent.
// Do not add a1r as it should have been deleted following the previous batch.
a2r, a3r := *a2, *a3
resolved := types.AlertSlice{&a2r, &a3r}
for _, a := range resolved {
a.EndsAt = time.Now()
select {
case <-time.After(2 * opts.GroupInterval):
t.Fatalf("expected new batch after group interval but received none")
case batch := <-alertsCh:
s := time.Since(last)
if s < opts.GroupInterval {
t.Fatalf("received batch too early after %v", s)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(batch, resolved) {
t.Fatalf("expected alerts %v but got %v", resolved, batch)
if !ag.empty() {
t.Fatalf("Expected aggregation group to be empty after resolving alerts: %v", ag)
func TestGroupLabels(t *testing.T) {
a := &types.Alert{
Alert: model.Alert{
Labels: model.LabelSet{
"a": "v1",
"b": "v2",
"c": "v3",
route := &Route{
RouteOpts: RouteOpts{
GroupBy: map[model.LabelName]struct{}{
"a": {},
"b": {},
GroupByAll: false,
expLs := model.LabelSet{
"a": "v1",
"b": "v2",
ls := getGroupLabels(a, route)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(ls, expLs) {
t.Fatalf("expected labels are %v, but got %v", expLs, ls)
func TestGroupByAllLabels(t *testing.T) {
a := &types.Alert{
Alert: model.Alert{
Labels: model.LabelSet{
"a": "v1",
"b": "v2",
"c": "v3",
route := &Route{
RouteOpts: RouteOpts{
GroupBy: map[model.LabelName]struct{}{},
GroupByAll: true,
expLs := model.LabelSet{
"a": "v1",
"b": "v2",
"c": "v3",
ls := getGroupLabels(a, route)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(ls, expLs) {
t.Fatalf("expected labels are %v, but got %v", expLs, ls)
func TestGroups(t *testing.T) {
confData := `receivers:
- name: 'kafka'
- name: 'prod'
- name: 'testing'
group_by: ['alertname']
group_wait: 10ms
group_interval: 10ms
receiver: 'prod'
- match:
env: 'testing'
receiver: 'testing'
group_by: ['alertname', 'service']
- match:
env: 'prod'
receiver: 'prod'
group_by: ['alertname', 'service', 'cluster']
continue: true
- match:
kafka: 'yes'
receiver: 'kafka'
group_by: ['alertname', 'service', 'cluster']`
conf, err := config.Load(confData)
if err != nil {
logger := log.NewNopLogger()
route := NewRoute(conf.Route, nil)
marker := types.NewMarker(prometheus.NewRegistry())
alerts, err := mem.NewAlerts(context.Background(), marker, time.Hour, nil, logger, nil)
if err != nil {
defer alerts.Close()
timeout := func(d time.Duration) time.Duration { return time.Duration(0) }
recorder := &recordStage{alerts: make(map[string]map[model.Fingerprint]*types.Alert)}
dispatcher := NewDispatcher(alerts, route, recorder, marker, timeout, nil, logger, NewDispatcherMetrics(false, prometheus.NewRegistry()))
go dispatcher.Run()
defer dispatcher.Stop()
// Create alerts. the dispatcher will automatically create the groups.
inputAlerts := []*types.Alert{
// Matches the parent route.
newAlert(model.LabelSet{"alertname": "OtherAlert", "cluster": "cc", "service": "dd"}),
// Matches the first sub-route.
newAlert(model.LabelSet{"env": "testing", "alertname": "TestingAlert", "service": "api", "instance": "inst1"}),
// Matches the second sub-route.
newAlert(model.LabelSet{"env": "prod", "alertname": "HighErrorRate", "cluster": "aa", "service": "api", "instance": "inst1"}),
newAlert(model.LabelSet{"env": "prod", "alertname": "HighErrorRate", "cluster": "aa", "service": "api", "instance": "inst2"}),
// Matches the second sub-route.
newAlert(model.LabelSet{"env": "prod", "alertname": "HighErrorRate", "cluster": "bb", "service": "api", "instance": "inst1"}),
// Matches the second and third sub-route.
newAlert(model.LabelSet{"env": "prod", "alertname": "HighLatency", "cluster": "bb", "service": "db", "kafka": "yes", "instance": "inst3"}),
// Let alerts get processed.
for i := 0; len(recorder.Alerts()) != 7 && i < 10; i++ {
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
require.Len(t, recorder.Alerts(), 7)
alertGroups, receivers := dispatcher.Groups(
func(*Route) bool {
return true
}, func(*types.Alert, time.Time) bool {
return true
require.Equal(t, AlertGroups{
Alerts: []*types.Alert{inputAlerts[0]},
Labels: model.LabelSet{
"alertname": "OtherAlert",
Receiver: "prod",
Alerts: []*types.Alert{inputAlerts[1]},
Labels: model.LabelSet{
"alertname": "TestingAlert",
"service": "api",
Receiver: "testing",
Alerts: []*types.Alert{inputAlerts[2], inputAlerts[3]},
Labels: model.LabelSet{
"alertname": "HighErrorRate",
"service": "api",
"cluster": "aa",
Receiver: "prod",
Alerts: []*types.Alert{inputAlerts[4]},
Labels: model.LabelSet{
"alertname": "HighErrorRate",
"service": "api",
"cluster": "bb",
Receiver: "prod",
Alerts: []*types.Alert{inputAlerts[5]},
Labels: model.LabelSet{
"alertname": "HighLatency",
"service": "db",
"cluster": "bb",
Receiver: "kafka",
Alerts: []*types.Alert{inputAlerts[5]},
Labels: model.LabelSet{
"alertname": "HighLatency",
"service": "db",
"cluster": "bb",
Receiver: "prod",
}, alertGroups)
require.Equal(t, map[model.Fingerprint][]string{
inputAlerts[0].Fingerprint(): {"prod"},
inputAlerts[1].Fingerprint(): {"testing"},
inputAlerts[2].Fingerprint(): {"prod"},
inputAlerts[3].Fingerprint(): {"prod"},
inputAlerts[4].Fingerprint(): {"prod"},
inputAlerts[5].Fingerprint(): {"kafka", "prod"},
}, receivers)
func TestGroupsWithLimits(t *testing.T) {
confData := `receivers:
- name: 'kafka'
- name: 'prod'
- name: 'testing'
group_by: ['alertname']
group_wait: 10ms
group_interval: 10ms
receiver: 'prod'
- match:
env: 'testing'
receiver: 'testing'
group_by: ['alertname', 'service']
- match:
env: 'prod'
receiver: 'prod'
group_by: ['alertname', 'service', 'cluster']
continue: true
- match:
kafka: 'yes'
receiver: 'kafka'
group_by: ['alertname', 'service', 'cluster']`
conf, err := config.Load(confData)
if err != nil {
logger := log.NewNopLogger()
route := NewRoute(conf.Route, nil)
marker := types.NewMarker(prometheus.NewRegistry())
alerts, err := mem.NewAlerts(context.Background(), marker, time.Hour, nil, logger, nil)
if err != nil {
defer alerts.Close()
timeout := func(d time.Duration) time.Duration { return time.Duration(0) }
recorder := &recordStage{alerts: make(map[string]map[model.Fingerprint]*types.Alert)}
lim := limits{groups: 6}
m := NewDispatcherMetrics(true, prometheus.NewRegistry())
dispatcher := NewDispatcher(alerts, route, recorder, marker, timeout, lim, logger, m)
go dispatcher.Run()
defer dispatcher.Stop()
// Create alerts. the dispatcher will automatically create the groups.
inputAlerts := []*types.Alert{
// Matches the parent route.
newAlert(model.LabelSet{"alertname": "OtherAlert", "cluster": "cc", "service": "dd"}),
// Matches the first sub-route.
newAlert(model.LabelSet{"env": "testing", "alertname": "TestingAlert", "service": "api", "instance": "inst1"}),
// Matches the second sub-route.
newAlert(model.LabelSet{"env": "prod", "alertname": "HighErrorRate", "cluster": "aa", "service": "api", "instance": "inst1"}),
newAlert(model.LabelSet{"env": "prod", "alertname": "HighErrorRate", "cluster": "aa", "service": "api", "instance": "inst2"}),
// Matches the second sub-route.
newAlert(model.LabelSet{"env": "prod", "alertname": "HighErrorRate", "cluster": "bb", "service": "api", "instance": "inst1"}),
// Matches the second and third sub-route.
newAlert(model.LabelSet{"env": "prod", "alertname": "HighLatency", "cluster": "bb", "service": "db", "kafka": "yes", "instance": "inst3"}),
err = alerts.Put(inputAlerts...)
if err != nil {
// Let alerts get processed.
for i := 0; len(recorder.Alerts()) != 7 && i < 10; i++ {
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
require.Len(t, recorder.Alerts(), 7)
routeFilter := func(*Route) bool { return true }
alertFilter := func(*types.Alert, time.Time) bool { return true }
alertGroups, _ := dispatcher.Groups(routeFilter, alertFilter)
require.Len(t, alertGroups, 6)
require.Equal(t, 0.0, testutil.ToFloat64(m.aggrGroupLimitReached))
// Try to store new alert. This time, we will hit limit for number of groups.
err = alerts.Put(newAlert(model.LabelSet{"env": "prod", "alertname": "NewAlert", "cluster": "new-cluster", "service": "db"}))
if err != nil {
// Let alert get processed.
for i := 0; testutil.ToFloat64(m.aggrGroupLimitReached) == 0 && i < 10; i++ {
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
require.Equal(t, 1.0, testutil.ToFloat64(m.aggrGroupLimitReached))
// Verify there are still only 6 groups.
alertGroups, _ = dispatcher.Groups(routeFilter, alertFilter)
require.Len(t, alertGroups, 6)
type recordStage struct {
mtx sync.RWMutex
alerts map[string]map[model.Fingerprint]*types.Alert
func (r *recordStage) Alerts() []*types.Alert {
defer r.mtx.RUnlock()
alerts := make([]*types.Alert, 0)
for k := range r.alerts {
for _, a := range r.alerts[k] {
alerts = append(alerts, a)
return alerts
func (r *recordStage) Exec(ctx context.Context, l log.Logger, alerts ...*types.Alert) (context.Context, []*types.Alert, error) {
defer r.mtx.Unlock()
gk, ok := notify.GroupKey(ctx)
if !ok {
panic("GroupKey not present!")
if _, ok := r.alerts[gk]; !ok {
r.alerts[gk] = make(map[model.Fingerprint]*types.Alert)
for _, a := range alerts {
r.alerts[gk][a.Fingerprint()] = a
return ctx, nil, nil
var (
// Set the start time in the past to trigger a flush immediately.
t0 = time.Now().Add(-time.Minute)
// Set the end time in the future to avoid deleting the alert.
t1 = t0.Add(2 * time.Minute)
func newAlert(labels model.LabelSet) *types.Alert {
return &types.Alert{
Alert: model.Alert{
Labels: labels,
Annotations: model.LabelSet{"foo": "bar"},
StartsAt: t0,
EndsAt: t1,
GeneratorURL: "",
UpdatedAt: t0,
Timeout: false,
func TestDispatcherRace(t *testing.T) {
logger := log.NewNopLogger()
marker := types.NewMarker(prometheus.NewRegistry())
alerts, err := mem.NewAlerts(context.Background(), marker, time.Hour, nil, logger, nil)
if err != nil {
defer alerts.Close()
timeout := func(d time.Duration) time.Duration { return time.Duration(0) }
dispatcher := NewDispatcher(alerts, nil, nil, marker, timeout, nil, logger, NewDispatcherMetrics(false, prometheus.NewRegistry()))
go dispatcher.Run()
func TestDispatcherRaceOnFirstAlertNotDeliveredWhenGroupWaitIsZero(t *testing.T) {
const numAlerts = 5000
logger := log.NewNopLogger()
marker := types.NewMarker(prometheus.NewRegistry())
alerts, err := mem.NewAlerts(context.Background(), marker, time.Hour, nil, logger, nil)
if err != nil {
defer alerts.Close()
route := &Route{
RouteOpts: RouteOpts{
Receiver: "default",
GroupBy: map[model.LabelName]struct{}{"alertname": {}},
GroupWait: 0,
GroupInterval: 1 * time.Hour, // Should never hit in this test.
RepeatInterval: 1 * time.Hour, // Should never hit in this test.
timeout := func(d time.Duration) time.Duration { return d }
recorder := &recordStage{alerts: make(map[string]map[model.Fingerprint]*types.Alert)}
dispatcher := NewDispatcher(alerts, route, recorder, marker, timeout, nil, logger, NewDispatcherMetrics(false, prometheus.NewRegistry()))
go dispatcher.Run()
defer dispatcher.Stop()
// Push all alerts.
for i := 0; i < numAlerts; i++ {
alert := newAlert(model.LabelSet{"alertname": model.LabelValue(fmt.Sprintf("Alert_%d", i))})
require.NoError(t, alerts.Put(alert))
// Wait until the alerts have been notified or the waiting timeout expires.
for deadline := time.Now().Add(5 * time.Second); time.Now().Before(deadline); {
if len(recorder.Alerts()) >= numAlerts {
// Throttle.
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
// We expect all alerts to be notified immediately, since they all belong to different groups.
require.Len(t, recorder.Alerts(), numAlerts)
type limits struct {
groups int
func (l limits) MaxNumberOfAggregationGroups() int {
return l.groups
func TestDispatcher_DoMaintenance(t *testing.T) {
r := prometheus.NewRegistry()
marker := types.NewMarker(r)
alerts, err := mem.NewAlerts(context.Background(), marker, time.Minute, nil, log.NewNopLogger(), nil)
if err != nil {
route := &Route{
RouteOpts: RouteOpts{
GroupBy: map[model.LabelName]struct{}{"alertname": {}},
GroupWait: 0,
GroupInterval: 5 * time.Minute, // Should never hit in this test.
timeout := func(d time.Duration) time.Duration { return d }
recorder := &recordStage{alerts: make(map[string]map[model.Fingerprint]*types.Alert)}
ctx := context.Background()
dispatcher := NewDispatcher(alerts, route, recorder, marker, timeout, nil, log.NewNopLogger(), NewDispatcherMetrics(false, r))
aggrGroups := make(map[*Route]map[model.Fingerprint]*aggrGroup)
aggrGroups[route] = make(map[model.Fingerprint]*aggrGroup)
// Insert an aggregation group with no alerts.
labels := model.LabelSet{"alertname": "1"}
aggrGroup1 := newAggrGroup(ctx, labels, route, timeout, log.NewNopLogger())
aggrGroups[route][aggrGroup1.fingerprint()] = aggrGroup1
dispatcher.aggrGroupsPerRoute = aggrGroups
// Must run otherwise doMaintenance blocks on aggrGroup1.stop().
go, ...*types.Alert) bool { return true })
// Insert a marker for the aggregation group's group key.
marker.SetMuted(route.ID(), aggrGroup1.GroupKey(), []string{"weekends"})
mutedBy, isMuted := marker.Muted(route.ID(), aggrGroup1.GroupKey())
require.True(t, isMuted)
require.Equal(t, []string{"weekends"}, mutedBy)
// Run the maintenance and the marker should be removed.
mutedBy, isMuted = marker.Muted(route.ID(), aggrGroup1.GroupKey())
require.False(t, isMuted)
require.Empty(t, mutedBy)