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synced 2025-02-27 16:20:24 +00:00
463 lines
12 KiB
463 lines
12 KiB
Copyright (c) 2014 The ql Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ql
import (
type lexer struct {
agg []bool
c int
col int
errs []error
expr expression
i int
inj int
lcol int
line int
list []stmt
ncol int
nline int
params int
sc int
src string
val []byte
root bool
func newLexer(src string) (l *lexer) {
l = &lexer{
src: src,
nline: 1,
ncol: 0,
func (l *lexer) next() int {
if l.c != 0 {
l.val = append(l.val, byte(l.c))
l.c = 0
if l.i < len(l.src) {
l.c = int(l.src[l.i])
switch l.c {
case '\n':
l.lcol = l.ncol
l.ncol = 0
return l.c
func (l *lexer) err0(ln, c int, s string, arg ...interface{}) {
err := fmt.Errorf(fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d ", ln, c)+s, arg...)
l.errs = append(l.errs, err)
func (l *lexer) err(s string, arg ...interface{}) {
l.err0(l.line, l.col, s, arg...)
func (l *lexer) Error(s string) {
func (l *lexer) Lex(lval *yySymType) (r int) {
//defer func() { dbg("Lex -> %d(%#x)", r, r) }()
defer func() {
lval.line, lval.col = l.line, l.col
const (
INITIAL = iota
if n := l.inj; n != 0 {
l.inj = 0
return n
c0, c := 0, l.c
int_lit {decimal_lit}|{octal_lit}|{hex_lit}
decimal_lit [1-9][0-9]*
octal_lit 0[0-7]*
hex_lit 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+
float_lit {D}"."{D}?{E}?|{D}{E}|"."{D}{E}?
D [0-9]+
E [eE][-+]?[0-9]+
imaginary_ilit {D}i
imaginary_lit {float_lit}i
a [aA]
b [bB]
c [cC]
d [dD]
e [eE]
f [fF]
g [gG]
h [hH]
i [iI]
j [jJ]
k [kK]
l [lL]
m [mM]
n [nN]
o [oO]
p [pP]
q [qQ]
r [rR]
s [sS]
t [tT]
u [uU]
v [vV]
w [wW]
x [xX]
y [yY]
z [zZ]
add {a}{d}{d}
alter {a}{l}{t}{e}{r}
and {a}{n}{d}
as {a}{s}
asc {a}{s}{c}
begin {b}{e}{g}{i}{n}
between {b}{e}{t}{w}{e}{e}{n}
by {b}{y}
column {c}{o}{l}{u}{m}{n}
commit {c}{o}{m}{m}{i}{t}
create {c}{r}{e}{a}{t}{e}
default {d}{e}{f}{a}{u}{l}{t}
delete {d}{e}{l}{e}{t}{e}
desc {d}{e}{s}{c}
distinct {d}{i}{s}{t}{i}{n}{c}{t}
drop {d}{r}{o}{p}
exists {e}{x}{i}{s}{t}{s}
explain {e}{x}{p}{l}{a}{i}{n}
from {f}{r}{o}{m}
full {f}{u}{l}{l}
group {g}{r}{o}{u}{p}
if {i}{f}
in {i}{n}
index {i}{n}{d}{e}{x}
insert {i}{n}{s}{e}{r}{t}
into {i}{n}{t}{o}
is {i}{s}
join {j}{o}{i}{n}
left {l}{e}{f}{t}
like {l}{i}{k}{e}
limit {l}{i}{m}{i}{t}
not {n}{o}{t}
offset {o}{f}{f}{s}{e}{t}
on {o}{n}
or {o}{r}
order {o}{r}{d}{e}{r}
outer {o}{u}{t}{e}{r}
right {r}{i}{g}{h}{t}
rollback {r}{o}{l}{l}{b}{a}{c}{k}
select {s}{e}{l}{e}{c}{t}
set {s}{e}{t}
table {t}{a}{b}{l}{e}
transaction {t}{r}{a}{n}{s}{a}{c}{t}{i}{o}{n}
truncate {t}{r}{u}{n}{c}{a}{t}{e}
unique {u}{n}{i}{q}{u}{e}
update {u}{p}{d}{a}{t}{e}
values {v}{a}{l}{u}{e}{s}
where {w}{h}{e}{r}{e}
null {n}{u}{l}{l}
false {f}{a}{l}{s}{e}
true {t}{r}{u}{e}
bigint {b}{i}{g}{i}{n}{t}
bigrat {b}{i}{g}{r}{a}{t}
blob {b}{l}{o}{b}
bool {b}{o}{o}{l}
byte {b}{y}{t}{e}
complex {c}{o}{m}{p}{l}{e}{x}
duration {d}{u}{r}{a}{t}{i}{o}{n}
float {f}{l}{o}{a}{t}
int {i}{n}{t}
rune {r}{u}{n}{e}
string {s}{t}{r}{i}{n}{g}
time {t}{i}{m}{e}
uint {u}{i}{n}{t}
idchar0 [a-zA-Z_]
idchars {idchar0}|[0-9]
ident {idchar0}{idchars}*
%yyc c
%yyn c = l.next()
%yyt l.sc
%x S1 S2
l.val = l.val[:0]
c0, l.line, l.col = l.c, l.nline, l.ncol
<*>\0 return 0
[ \t\n\r]+
{imaginary_ilit} return l.int(lval, true)
{imaginary_lit} return l.float(lval, true)
{int_lit} return l.int(lval, false)
{float_lit} return l.float(lval, false)
\" l.sc = S1
` l.sc = S2
'(\\.|[^'])*' if ret := l.str(lval, ""); ret != stringLit {
return ret
lval.item = idealRune(lval.item.(string)[0])
return intLit
<S1>(\\.|[^\"])*\" return l.str(lval, "\"")
<S2>([^`]|\n)*` return l.str(lval, "`")
"&&" return andand
"&^" return andnot
"<<" return lsh
"<=" return le
"==" return eq
">=" return ge
"!=" return neq
"||" return oror
">>" return rsh
{add} return add
{alter} return alter
{and} return and
{asc} return asc
{as} return as
{begin} return begin
{between} return between
{by} return by
{column} return column
{commit} return commit
{create} return create
{default} return defaultKwd
{delete} return deleteKwd
{desc} return desc
{distinct} return distinct
{drop} return drop
{exists} return exists
{explain} return explain
{from} return from
{full} return full
{group} return group
{if} return ifKwd
{index} return index
{insert} return insert
{into} return into
{in} return in
{is} return is
{join} return join
{left} return left
{like} return like
{limit} return limit
{not} return not
{offset} return offset
{on} return on
{order} return order
{or} return or
{outer} return outer
{right} return right
{rollback} return rollback
{select} l.agg = append(l.agg, false)
return selectKwd
{set} return set
{table} return tableKwd
{transaction} return transaction
{truncate} return truncate
{update} return update
{unique} return unique
{values} return values
{where} return where
{null} lval.item = nil
return null
{false} lval.item = false
return falseKwd
{true} lval.item = true
return trueKwd
{bigint} lval.item = qBigInt
return bigIntType
{bigrat} lval.item = qBigRat
return bigRatType
{blob} lval.item = qBlob
return blobType
{bool} lval.item = qBool
return boolType
{byte} lval.item = qUint8
return byteType
{complex}128 lval.item = qComplex128
return complex128Type
{complex}64 lval.item = qComplex64
return complex64Type
{duration} lval.item = qDuration
return durationType
{float} lval.item = qFloat64
return floatType
{float}32 lval.item = qFloat32
return float32Type
{float}64 lval.item = qFloat64
return float64Type
{int} lval.item = qInt64
return intType
{int}16 lval.item = qInt16
return int16Type
{int}32 lval.item = qInt32
return int32Type
{int}64 lval.item = qInt64
return int64Type
{int}8 lval.item = qInt8
return int8Type
{rune} lval.item = qInt32
return runeType
{string} lval.item = qString
return stringType
{time} lval.item = qTime
return timeType
{uint} lval.item = qUint64
return uintType
{uint}16 lval.item = qUint16
return uint16Type
{uint}32 lval.item = qUint32
return uint32Type
{uint}64 lval.item = qUint64
return uint64Type
{uint}8 lval.item = qUint8
return uint8Type
{ident} lval.item = string(l.val)
return identifier
($|\?){D} lval.item, _ = strconv.Atoi(string(l.val[1:]))
return qlParam
. return c0
return int(unicode.ReplacementChar)
func (l *lexer) npos() (line, col int) {
if line, col = l.nline, l.ncol; col == 0 {
col = l.lcol+1
func (l *lexer) str(lval *yySymType, pref string) int {
l.sc = 0
s := pref + string(l.val)
s, err := strconv.Unquote(s)
if err != nil {
l.err("string literal: %v", err)
return int(unicode.ReplacementChar)
lval.item = s
return stringLit
func (l *lexer) int(lval *yySymType, im bool) int {
if im {
l.val = l.val[:len(l.val)-1]
n, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(l.val), 0, 64)
if err != nil {
l.err("integer literal: %v", err)
return int(unicode.ReplacementChar)
if im {
lval.item = idealComplex(complex(0, float64(n)))
return imaginaryLit
switch {
case n < math.MaxInt64:
lval.item = idealInt(n)
lval.item = idealUint(n)
return intLit
func (l *lexer) float(lval *yySymType, im bool) int {
if im {
l.val = l.val[:len(l.val)-1]
n, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(l.val), 64)
if err != nil {
l.err("float literal: %v", err)
return int(unicode.ReplacementChar)
if im {
lval.item = idealComplex(complex(0, n))
return imaginaryLit
lval.item = idealFloat(n)
return floatLit