
37 lines
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_config+:: {
// alertmanagerSelector is inserted as part of the label selector in
// PromQL queries to identify metrics collected from Alertmanager
// servers.
alertmanagerSelector: 'job="alertmanager"',
// alertmanagerClusterLabels is a string with comma-separated
// labels that are common labels of instances belonging to the
// same Alertmanager cluster. Include not only enough labels to
// identify cluster members, but also all common labels you want
// to keep for resulting cluster-level alerts.
alertmanagerClusterLabels: 'job',
// alertmanagerName is inserted into annotations to name the Alertmanager
// instance affected by the alert.
alertmanagerName: '{{$labels.instance}}',
// If you run Alertmanager on Kubernetes with the Prometheus
// Operator, you can make use of the configured target labels for
// nicer naming:
// alertmanagerName: '{{$labels.namespace}}/{{$labels.pod}}'
// alertmanagerClusterName is inserted into annotations to name an
// Alertmanager cluster. All labels used here must also be present
// in alertmanagerClusterLabels above.
alertmanagerClusterName: '{{$labels.job}}',
// alertmanagerCriticalIntegrationsRegEx is matched against the
// value of the `integration` label to determine if the
// AlertmanagerClusterFailedToSendAlerts is critical or merely a
// warning. This can be used to avoid paging about a failed
// integration that is itself not used for critical alerts.
// Example: @'pagerduty|webhook'
alertmanagerCriticalIntegrationsRegEx: @'.*',