// Copyright 2015 Prometheus Team // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package notify import ( "bytes" "crypto/tls" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "mime" "net" "net/http" "net/mail" "net/smtp" "net/url" "strings" "time" "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus" "github.com/prometheus/common/log" "github.com/prometheus/common/model" "golang.org/x/net/context" "golang.org/x/net/context/ctxhttp" "github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/config" "github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/template" "github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/types" ) var ( numNotifications = prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "alertmanager", Name: "notifications_total", Help: "The total number of attempted notifications.", }, []string{"integration"}) numFailedNotifications = prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: "alertmanager", Name: "notifications_failed_total", Help: "The total number of failed notifications.", }, []string{"integration"}) ) func init() { prometheus.Register(numNotifications) prometheus.Register(numFailedNotifications) } type notifierConfig interface { SendResolved() bool } type NotifierFunc func(context.Context, ...*types.Alert) error func (f NotifierFunc) Notify(ctx context.Context, alerts ...*types.Alert) error { return f(ctx, alerts...) } type integration interface { Notifier name() string } // Build creates a fanout notifier for each receiver. func Build(confs []*config.Receiver, tmpl *template.Template) map[string]Fanout { res := map[string]Fanout{} filter := func(n integration, c notifierConfig) Notifier { return NotifierFunc(func(ctx context.Context, alerts ...*types.Alert) error { var res []*types.Alert if c.SendResolved() { res = alerts } else { for _, a := range alerts { if a.Status() != model.AlertResolved { res = append(res, a) } } } if len(res) == 0 { return nil } err := n.Notify(ctx, res...) if err != nil { numFailedNotifications.WithLabelValues(n.name()).Inc() } numNotifications.WithLabelValues(n.name()).Inc() return err }) } for _, nc := range confs { var ( fo = Fanout{} add = func(i int, on integration, n Notifier) { fo[fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", on.name(), i)] = n } ) for i, c := range nc.WebhookConfigs { n := NewWebhook(c, tmpl) add(i, n, filter(n, c)) } for i, c := range nc.EmailConfigs { n := NewEmail(c, tmpl) add(i, n, filter(n, c)) } for i, c := range nc.PagerdutyConfigs { n := NewPagerDuty(c, tmpl) add(i, n, filter(n, c)) } for i, c := range nc.OpsGenieConfigs { n := NewOpsGenie(c, tmpl) add(i, n, filter(n, c)) } for i, c := range nc.SlackConfigs { n := NewSlack(c, tmpl) add(i, n, filter(n, c)) } for i, c := range nc.HipchatConfigs { n := NewHipchat(c, tmpl) add(i, n, filter(n, c)) } for i, c := range nc.VictorOpsConfigs { n := NewVictorOps(c, tmpl) add(i, n, filter(n, c)) } for i, c := range nc.PushoverConfigs { n := NewPushover(c, tmpl) add(i, n, filter(n, c)) } res[nc.Name] = fo } return res } const contentTypeJSON = "application/json" // Webhook implements a Notifier for generic webhooks. type Webhook struct { // The URL to which notifications are sent. URL string tmpl *template.Template } // NewWebhook returns a new Webhook. func NewWebhook(conf *config.WebhookConfig, t *template.Template) *Webhook { return &Webhook{URL: conf.URL, tmpl: t} } func (*Webhook) name() string { return "webhook" } // WebhookMessage defines the JSON object send to webhook endpoints. type WebhookMessage struct { *template.Data // The protocol version. Version string `json:"version"` GroupKey uint64 `json:"groupKey"` } // Notify implements the Notifier interface. func (w *Webhook) Notify(ctx context.Context, alerts ...*types.Alert) error { data := w.tmpl.Data(receiver(ctx), groupLabels(ctx), alerts...) groupKey, ok := GroupKey(ctx) if !ok { log.Errorf("group key missing") } msg := &WebhookMessage{ Version: "3", Data: data, GroupKey: uint64(groupKey), } var buf bytes.Buffer if err := json.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(msg); err != nil { return err } resp, err := ctxhttp.Post(ctx, http.DefaultClient, w.URL, contentTypeJSON, &buf) if err != nil { return err } resp.Body.Close() if resp.StatusCode/100 != 2 { return fmt.Errorf("unexpected status code %v from %s", resp.StatusCode, w.URL) } return nil } // Email implements a Notifier for email notifications. type Email struct { conf *config.EmailConfig tmpl *template.Template } // NewEmail returns a new Email notifier. func NewEmail(c *config.EmailConfig, t *template.Template) *Email { if _, ok := c.Headers["Subject"]; !ok { c.Headers["Subject"] = config.DefaultEmailSubject } if _, ok := c.Headers["To"]; !ok { c.Headers["To"] = c.To } if _, ok := c.Headers["From"]; !ok { c.Headers["From"] = c.From } return &Email{conf: c, tmpl: t} } func (*Email) name() string { return "email" } // auth resolves a string of authentication mechanisms. func (n *Email) auth(mechs string) (smtp.Auth, error) { username := n.conf.AuthUsername for _, mech := range strings.Split(mechs, " ") { switch mech { case "CRAM-MD5": secret := string(n.conf.AuthSecret) if secret == "" { continue } return smtp.CRAMMD5Auth(username, secret), nil case "PLAIN": password := string(n.conf.AuthPassword) if password == "" { continue } identity := n.conf.AuthIdentity // We need to know the hostname for both auth and TLS. host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(n.conf.Smarthost) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid address: %s", err) } return smtp.PlainAuth(identity, username, password, host), nil case "LOGIN": password := string(n.conf.AuthPassword) if password == "" { continue } return LoginAuth(username, password), nil } } return nil, nil } // Notify implements the Notifier interface. func (n *Email) Notify(ctx context.Context, as ...*types.Alert) error { // Connect to the SMTP smarthost. c, err := smtp.Dial(n.conf.Smarthost) if err != nil { return err } defer c.Quit() // We need to know the hostname for both auth and TLS. host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(n.conf.Smarthost) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid address: %s", err) } if n.conf.RequireTLS { if ok, _ := c.Extension("STARTTLS"); !ok { return fmt.Errorf("require_tls: true (default), but %q does not advertise the STARTTLS extension", n.conf.Smarthost) } tlsConf := &tls.Config{ServerName: host} if err := c.StartTLS(tlsConf); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("starttls failed: %s", err) } } if ok, mech := c.Extension("AUTH"); ok { auth, err := n.auth(mech) if err != nil { return err } if auth != nil { if err := c.Auth(auth); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("%T failed: %s", auth, err) } } } var ( data = n.tmpl.Data(receiver(ctx), groupLabels(ctx), as...) tmpl = tmplText(n.tmpl, data, &err) from = tmpl(n.conf.From) to = tmpl(n.conf.To) ) if err != nil { return err } addrs, err := mail.ParseAddressList(from) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("parsing from addresses: %s", err) } if len(addrs) != 1 { return fmt.Errorf("must be exactly one from address") } if err := c.Mail(addrs[0].Address); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("sending mail from: %s", err) } addrs, err = mail.ParseAddressList(to) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("parsing to addresses: %s", err) } for _, addr := range addrs { if err := c.Rcpt(addr.Address); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("sending rcpt to: %s", err) } } // Send the email body. wc, err := c.Data() if err != nil { return err } defer wc.Close() for header, t := range n.conf.Headers { value, err := n.tmpl.ExecuteTextString(t, data) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("executing %q header template: %s", header, err) } fmt.Fprintf(wc, "%s: %s\r\n", header, mime.QEncoding.Encode("utf-8", value)) } fmt.Fprintf(wc, "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n") fmt.Fprintf(wc, "Date: %s\r\n", time.Now().Format(time.RFC1123Z)) // TODO: Add some useful headers here, such as URL of the alertmanager // and active/resolved. fmt.Fprintf(wc, "\r\n") // TODO(fabxc): do a multipart write that considers the plain template. body, err := n.tmpl.ExecuteHTMLString(n.conf.HTML, data) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("executing email html template: %s", err) } _, err = io.WriteString(wc, body) return err } // PagerDuty implements a Notifier for PagerDuty notifications. type PagerDuty struct { conf *config.PagerdutyConfig tmpl *template.Template } // NewPagerDuty returns a new PagerDuty notifier. func NewPagerDuty(c *config.PagerdutyConfig, t *template.Template) *PagerDuty { return &PagerDuty{conf: c, tmpl: t} } func (*PagerDuty) name() string { return "pagerduty" } const ( pagerDutyEventTrigger = "trigger" pagerDutyEventResolve = "resolve" ) type pagerDutyMessage struct { ServiceKey string `json:"service_key"` IncidentKey model.Fingerprint `json:"incident_key"` EventType string `json:"event_type"` Description string `json:"description"` Client string `json:"client,omitempty"` ClientURL string `json:"client_url,omitempty"` Details map[string]string `json:"details,omitempty"` } // Notify implements the Notifier interface. // // http://developer.pagerduty.com/documentation/integration/events/trigger func (n *PagerDuty) Notify(ctx context.Context, as ...*types.Alert) error { key, ok := GroupKey(ctx) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("group key missing") } var err error var ( alerts = types.Alerts(as...) data = n.tmpl.Data(receiver(ctx), groupLabels(ctx), as...) tmpl = tmplText(n.tmpl, data, &err) eventType = pagerDutyEventTrigger ) if alerts.Status() == model.AlertResolved { eventType = pagerDutyEventResolve } log.With("incident", key).With("eventType", eventType).Debugln("notifying PagerDuty") details := make(map[string]string, len(n.conf.Details)) for k, v := range n.conf.Details { details[k] = tmpl(v) } msg := &pagerDutyMessage{ ServiceKey: tmpl(string(n.conf.ServiceKey)), EventType: eventType, IncidentKey: key, Description: tmpl(n.conf.Description), Details: details, } if eventType == pagerDutyEventTrigger { msg.Client = tmpl(n.conf.Client) msg.ClientURL = tmpl(n.conf.ClientURL) } if err != nil { return err } var buf bytes.Buffer if err := json.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(msg); err != nil { return err } resp, err := ctxhttp.Post(ctx, http.DefaultClient, n.conf.URL, contentTypeJSON, &buf) if err != nil { return err } resp.Body.Close() if resp.StatusCode/100 != 2 { return fmt.Errorf("unexpected status code %v", resp.StatusCode) } return nil } // Slack implements a Notifier for Slack notifications. type Slack struct { conf *config.SlackConfig tmpl *template.Template } // NewSlack returns a new Slack notification handler. func NewSlack(conf *config.SlackConfig, tmpl *template.Template) *Slack { return &Slack{ conf: conf, tmpl: tmpl, } } func (*Slack) name() string { return "slack" } // slackReq is the request for sending a slack notification. type slackReq struct { Channel string `json:"channel,omitempty"` Username string `json:"username,omitempty"` IconEmoji string `json:"icon_emoji,omitempty"` Attachments []slackAttachment `json:"attachments"` } // slackAttachment is used to display a richly-formatted message block. type slackAttachment struct { Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` TitleLink string `json:"title_link,omitempty"` Pretext string `json:"pretext,omitempty"` Text string `json:"text"` Fallback string `json:"fallback"` Color string `json:"color,omitempty"` MrkdwnIn []string `json:"mrkdwn_in,omitempty"` } // slackAttachmentField is displayed in a table inside the message attachment. type slackAttachmentField struct { Title string `json:"title"` Value string `json:"value"` Short bool `json:"short,omitempty"` } // Notify implements the Notifier interface. func (n *Slack) Notify(ctx context.Context, as ...*types.Alert) error { var err error var ( data = n.tmpl.Data(receiver(ctx), groupLabels(ctx), as...) tmplText = tmplText(n.tmpl, data, &err) ) attachment := &slackAttachment{ Title: tmplText(n.conf.Title), TitleLink: tmplText(n.conf.TitleLink), Pretext: tmplText(n.conf.Pretext), Text: tmplText(n.conf.Text), Fallback: tmplText(n.conf.Fallback), Color: tmplText(n.conf.Color), MrkdwnIn: []string{"fallback", "pretext", "text"}, } req := &slackReq{ Channel: tmplText(n.conf.Channel), Username: tmplText(n.conf.Username), IconEmoji: tmplText(n.conf.IconEmoji), Attachments: []slackAttachment{*attachment}, } if err != nil { return err } var buf bytes.Buffer if err := json.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(req); err != nil { return err } resp, err := ctxhttp.Post(ctx, http.DefaultClient, string(n.conf.APIURL), contentTypeJSON, &buf) if err != nil { return err } // TODO(fabxc): is 2xx status code really indicator for success for Slack API? resp.Body.Close() if resp.StatusCode/100 != 2 { return fmt.Errorf("unexpected status code %v", resp.StatusCode) } return nil } // Hipchat implements a Notifier for Hipchat notifications. type Hipchat struct { conf *config.HipchatConfig tmpl *template.Template } // NewHipchat returns a new Hipchat notification handler. func NewHipchat(conf *config.HipchatConfig, tmpl *template.Template) *Hipchat { return &Hipchat{ conf: conf, tmpl: tmpl, } } func (*Hipchat) name() string { return "hipchat" } type hipchatReq struct { From string `json:"from"` Notify bool `json:"notify"` Message string `json:"message"` MessageFormat string `json:"message_format"` Color string `json:"color"` } // Notify implements the Notifier interface. func (n *Hipchat) Notify(ctx context.Context, as ...*types.Alert) error { var err error var msg string var ( data = n.tmpl.Data(receiver(ctx), groupLabels(ctx), as...) tmplText = tmplText(n.tmpl, data, &err) tmplHTML = tmplHTML(n.tmpl, data, &err) url = fmt.Sprintf("%sv2/room/%s/notification?auth_token=%s", n.conf.APIURL, n.conf.RoomID, n.conf.AuthToken) ) if n.conf.MessageFormat == "html" { msg = tmplHTML(n.conf.Message) } else { msg = tmplText(n.conf.Message) } req := &hipchatReq{ From: tmplText(n.conf.From), Notify: n.conf.Notify, Message: msg, MessageFormat: n.conf.MessageFormat, Color: tmplText(n.conf.Color), } if err != nil { return err } var buf bytes.Buffer if err := json.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(req); err != nil { return err } resp, err := ctxhttp.Post(ctx, http.DefaultClient, url, contentTypeJSON, &buf) if err != nil { return err } defer resp.Body.Close() if resp.StatusCode/100 != 2 { return fmt.Errorf("unexpected status code %v", resp.StatusCode) } return nil } // OpsGenie implements a Notifier for OpsGenie notifications. type OpsGenie struct { conf *config.OpsGenieConfig tmpl *template.Template } // NewOpsGenie returns a new OpsGenie notifier. func NewOpsGenie(c *config.OpsGenieConfig, t *template.Template) *OpsGenie { return &OpsGenie{conf: c, tmpl: t} } func (*OpsGenie) name() string { return "opsgenie" } type opsGenieMessage struct { APIKey string `json:"apiKey"` Alias model.Fingerprint `json:"alias"` } type opsGenieCreateMessage struct { *opsGenieMessage `json:",inline"` Message string `json:"message"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` Details map[string]string `json:"details"` Source string `json:"source"` Teams string `json:"teams,omitempty"` Tags string `json:"tags,omitempty"` Note string `json:"note,omitempty"` } type opsGenieCloseMessage struct { *opsGenieMessage `json:",inline"` } type opsGenieErrorResponse struct { Code int `json:"code"` Error string `json:"error"` } // Notify implements the Notifier interface. func (n *OpsGenie) Notify(ctx context.Context, as ...*types.Alert) error { key, ok := GroupKey(ctx) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("group key missing") } data := n.tmpl.Data(receiver(ctx), groupLabels(ctx), as...) log.With("incident", key).Debugln("notifying OpsGenie") var err error tmpl := tmplText(n.tmpl, data, &err) details := make(map[string]string, len(n.conf.Details)) for k, v := range n.conf.Details { details[k] = tmpl(v) } var ( msg interface{} apiURL string apiMsg = opsGenieMessage{ APIKey: string(n.conf.APIKey), Alias: key, } alerts = types.Alerts(as...) ) switch alerts.Status() { case model.AlertResolved: apiURL = n.conf.APIHost + "v1/json/alert/close" msg = &opsGenieCloseMessage{&apiMsg} default: apiURL = n.conf.APIHost + "v1/json/alert" msg = &opsGenieCreateMessage{ opsGenieMessage: &apiMsg, Message: tmpl(n.conf.Message), Description: tmpl(n.conf.Description), Details: details, Source: tmpl(n.conf.Source), Teams: tmpl(n.conf.Teams), Tags: tmpl(n.conf.Tags), Note: tmpl(n.conf.Note), } } if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("templating error: %s", err) } var buf bytes.Buffer if err := json.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(msg); err != nil { return err } resp, err := ctxhttp.Post(ctx, http.DefaultClient, apiURL, contentTypeJSON, &buf) if err != nil { return err } defer resp.Body.Close() if resp.StatusCode == 400 && alerts.Status() == model.AlertResolved { body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) var responseMessage opsGenieErrorResponse if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &responseMessage); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not parse error response %q", body) } const alreadyClosedError = 5 if responseMessage.Code == alreadyClosedError { return nil } return fmt.Errorf("error when closing alert: code %d, error %q", responseMessage.Code, responseMessage.Error) } else if resp.StatusCode/100 != 2 { body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) log.With("incident", key).Debugf("unexpected OpsGenie response from %s (POSTed %s), %s: %s", apiURL, msg, resp.Status, body) return fmt.Errorf("unexpected status code %v", resp.StatusCode) } return nil } // VictorOps implements a Notifier for VictorOps notifications. type VictorOps struct { conf *config.VictorOpsConfig tmpl *template.Template } // NewVictorOps returns a new VictorOps notifier. func NewVictorOps(c *config.VictorOpsConfig, t *template.Template) *VictorOps { return &VictorOps{ conf: c, tmpl: t, } } func (*VictorOps) name() string { return "victorops" } const ( victorOpsEventTrigger = "CRITICAL" victorOpsEventResolve = "RECOVERY" ) type victorOpsMessage struct { MessageType string `json:"message_type"` EntityID model.Fingerprint `json:"entity_id"` StateMessage string `json:"state_message"` From string `json:"monitoring_tool"` } type victorOpsErrorResponse struct { Result string `json:"result"` Message string `json:"message"` } // Notify implements the Notifier interface. func (n *VictorOps) Notify(ctx context.Context, as ...*types.Alert) error { victorOpsAllowedEvents := map[string]bool{ "INFO": true, "WARNING": true, "CRITICAL": true, } key, ok := GroupKey(ctx) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("group key missing") } var err error var ( alerts = types.Alerts(as...) data = n.tmpl.Data(receiver(ctx), groupLabels(ctx), as...) tmpl = tmplText(n.tmpl, data, &err) apiURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/%s", n.conf.APIURL, n.conf.APIKey, n.conf.RoutingKey) messageType = n.conf.MessageType ) if alerts.Status() == model.AlertFiring && !victorOpsAllowedEvents[messageType] { messageType = victorOpsEventTrigger } if alerts.Status() == model.AlertResolved { messageType = victorOpsEventResolve } msg := &victorOpsMessage{ MessageType: messageType, EntityID: key, StateMessage: tmpl(n.conf.StateMessage), From: tmpl(n.conf.From), } if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("templating error: %s", err) } var buf bytes.Buffer if err := json.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(msg); err != nil { return err } resp, err := ctxhttp.Post(ctx, http.DefaultClient, apiURL, contentTypeJSON, &buf) if err != nil { return err } defer resp.Body.Close() if resp.StatusCode/100 != 2 { body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) var responseMessage victorOpsErrorResponse if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &responseMessage); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not parse error response %q", body) } log.With("incident", key).Debugf("unexpected VictorOps response from %s (POSTed %s), %s: %s", apiURL, msg, resp.Status, body) return fmt.Errorf("error when posting alert: result %q, message %q", responseMessage.Result, responseMessage.Message) } return nil } // Pushover implements a Notifier for Pushover notifications. type Pushover struct { conf *config.PushoverConfig tmpl *template.Template } // NewPushover returns a new Pushover notifier. func NewPushover(c *config.PushoverConfig, t *template.Template) *Pushover { return &Pushover{conf: c, tmpl: t} } func (*Pushover) name() string { return "pushover" } // Notify implements the Notifier interface. func (n *Pushover) Notify(ctx context.Context, as ...*types.Alert) error { key, ok := GroupKey(ctx) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("group key missing") } data := n.tmpl.Data(receiver(ctx), groupLabels(ctx), as...) log.With("incident", key).Debugln("notifying Pushover") var err error tmpl := tmplText(n.tmpl, data, &err) parameters := url.Values{} parameters.Add("token", tmpl(string(n.conf.Token))) parameters.Add("user", tmpl(string(n.conf.UserKey))) title := tmpl(n.conf.Title) message := tmpl(n.conf.Message) parameters.Add("title", title) if len(title) > 512 { title = title[:512] log.With("incident", key).Debugf("Truncated title to %q due to Pushover message limit", title) } if len(title)+len(message) > 512 { message = message[:512-len(title)] log.With("incident", key).Debugf("Truncated message to %q due to Pushover message limit", message) } message = strings.TrimSpace(message) if message == "" { // Pushover rejects empty messages. message = "(no details)" } parameters.Add("message", message) parameters.Add("url", tmpl(n.conf.URL)) parameters.Add("priority", tmpl(n.conf.Priority)) parameters.Add("retry", fmt.Sprintf("%d", int64(time.Duration(n.conf.Retry).Seconds()))) parameters.Add("expire", fmt.Sprintf("%d", int64(time.Duration(n.conf.Expire).Seconds()))) apiURL := "https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json" u, err := url.Parse(apiURL) if err != nil { return err } u.RawQuery = parameters.Encode() log.With("incident", key).Debugf("Pushover URL = %q", u.String()) resp, err := ctxhttp.Post(ctx, http.DefaultClient, u.String(), "text/plain", nil) if err != nil { return err } defer resp.Body.Close() if resp.StatusCode/100 != 2 { body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { return err } return fmt.Errorf("unexpected status code %v (body: %s)", resp.StatusCode, string(body)) } return nil } func tmplText(tmpl *template.Template, data *template.Data, err *error) func(string) string { return func(name string) (s string) { if *err != nil { return } s, *err = tmpl.ExecuteTextString(name, data) return s } } func tmplHTML(tmpl *template.Template, data *template.Data, err *error) func(string) string { return func(name string) (s string) { if *err != nil { return } s, *err = tmpl.ExecuteHTMLString(name, data) return s } } type loginAuth struct { username, password string } func LoginAuth(username, password string) smtp.Auth { return &loginAuth{username, password} } func (a *loginAuth) Start(server *smtp.ServerInfo) (string, []byte, error) { return "LOGIN", []byte{}, nil } // Used for AUTH LOGIN. (Maybe password should be encrypted) func (a *loginAuth) Next(fromServer []byte, more bool) ([]byte, error) { if more { switch string(fromServer) { case "Username:": return []byte(a.username), nil case "Password:": return []byte(a.password), nil default: return nil, errors.New("unexpected server challenge") } } return nil, nil }