## 0.0.3 / 2015-06-10 * [BUGFIX] Fix email template body writer being called with parameters in wrong order. ## 0.0.2 / 2015-06-09 * [BUGFIX] Fixed silences.json permissions in Docker image. * [CHANGE] Changed case of API JSON properties to initial lower letter. * [CHANGE] Migrated logging to use http://github.com/prometheus/log. * [FEATURE] Flowdock notification support. * [FEATURE] Slack notification support. * [FEATURE] Generic webhook notification support. * [FEATURE] Support for "@"-mentions in HipChat notifications. * [FEATURE] Path prefix option to support reverse proxies. * [ENHANCEMENT] Improved web redirection and 404 behavior. * [CLEANUP] Updated compiled web assets from source. * [CLEANUP] Updated fsnotify package to its new source location. * [CLEANUP] Updates to README.md and AUTHORS.md. * [CLEANUP] Various smaller cleanups and improvements.