# Alertmanager Mixin The Alertmanager Mixin is a set of configurable, reusable, and extensible alerts (and eventually dashboards) for Alertmanager. The alerts are designed to monitor a cluster of Alertmanager instances. To make them work as expected, the Prometheus server the alerts are evaluated on has to scrape all Alertmanager instances of the cluster, even if those instances are distributed over different locations. All Alertmanager instances in the same Alertmanager cluster must have the same `job` label. In turn, if monitoring multiple different Alertmanager clusters, instances from different clusters must have a different `job` label. The most basic use of the Alertmanager Mixin is to create a YAML file with the alerts from it. To do so, you need to have `jsonnetfmt` and `mixtool` installed. If you have a working Go development environment, it's easiest to run the following: ```bash $ go get github.com/monitoring-mixins/mixtool/cmd/mixtool $ go get github.com/google/go-jsonnet/cmd/jsonnetfmt ``` Edit `config.libsonnet` to match your environment and then build `alertmanager_alerts.yaml` with the alerts by running: ```bash $ make build ``` For instructions on more advanced uses of mixins, see https://github.com/monitoring-mixins/docs.