# Alertmanager UI This is a re-write of the Alertmanager UI in [elm-lang](http://elm-lang.org/). ## Usage ### Filtering on the alerts page By default, the alerts page only shows active (not silenced) alerts. Adding a query string containing the following will additionally show silenced alerts. ``` http://alertmanager/#/alerts?silenced=true ``` In order to to show _only_ silenced alerts, update the query string to hide active alerts. ``` http://alertmanager/#/alerts?silenced=true&active=false ``` The alerts page can also be filtered by the receivers for a page. Receivers are configured in Alertmanager's yaml configuration file. ``` http://alertmanager/#/alerts?receiver=backend ``` Filtering based on label matchers is available. They can easily be added and modified through the UI. ``` http://alertmanager/#/alerts?filter=%7Bseverity%3D%22warning%22%2C%20owner%3D%22backend%22%7D ``` These filters can be used in conjunction. ### Filtering on the silences page Filtering based on label matchers is available. They can easily be added and modified through the UI. ``` http://alertmanager/#/silences?filter=%7Bseverity%3D%22warning%22%2C%20owner%3D%22backend%22%7D ``` ### Note on filtering via label matchers Filtering via label matchers follows the same syntax and semantics as Prometheus. A properly formatted filter is a set of label matchers joined by accepted matching operators, surrounded by curly braces: ``` {foo="bar", baz=~"quu.*"} ``` Operators include: - `=` - `!=` - `=~` - `!~` See the official documentation for additional information: https://prometheus.io/docs/querying/basics/#instant-vector-selectors