{ prometheusAlerts+:: { groups+: [ { name: 'alertmanager.rules', rules: [ { alert: 'AlertmanagerFailedReload', expr: ||| # Without max_over_time, failed scrapes could create false negatives, see # https://www.robustperception.io/alerting-on-gauges-in-prometheus-2-0 for details. max_over_time(alertmanager_config_last_reload_successful{%(alertmanagerSelector)s}[5m]) == 0 ||| % $._config, 'for': '10m', labels: { severity: 'critical', }, annotations: { summary: 'Reloading an Alertmanager configuration has failed.', description: 'Configuration has failed to load for %(alertmanagerName)s.' % $._config, }, }, { alert: 'AlertmanagerMembersInconsistent', expr: ||| # Without max_over_time, failed scrapes could create false negatives, see # https://www.robustperception.io/alerting-on-gauges-in-prometheus-2-0 for details. max_over_time(alertmanager_cluster_members{%(alertmanagerSelector)s}[5m]) < on (%(alertmanagerClusterLabels)s) group_left count by (%(alertmanagerClusterLabels)s) (max_over_time(alertmanager_cluster_members{%(alertmanagerSelector)s}[5m])) ||| % $._config, 'for': '15m', labels: { severity: 'critical', }, annotations: { summary: 'A member of an Alertmanager cluster has not found all other cluster members.', description: 'Alertmanager %(alertmanagerName)s has only found {{ $value }} members of the %(alertmanagerClusterName)s cluster.' % $._config, }, }, { alert: 'AlertmanagerFailedToSendAlerts', expr: ||| ( rate(alertmanager_notifications_failed_total{%(alertmanagerSelector)s}[5m]) / ignoring (reason) group_left rate(alertmanager_notifications_total{%(alertmanagerSelector)s}[5m]) ) > 0.01 ||| % $._config, 'for': '5m', labels: { severity: 'warning', }, annotations: { summary: 'An Alertmanager instance failed to send notifications.', description: 'Alertmanager %(alertmanagerName)s failed to send {{ $value | humanizePercentage }} of notifications to {{ $labels.integration }}.' % $._config, }, }, { alert: 'AlertmanagerClusterFailedToSendAlerts', expr: ||| min by (%(alertmanagerClusterLabels)s, integration) ( rate(alertmanager_notifications_failed_total{%(alertmanagerSelector)s, integration=~`%(alertmanagerCriticalIntegrationsRegEx)s`}[5m]) / ignoring (reason) group_left rate(alertmanager_notifications_total{%(alertmanagerSelector)s, integration=~`%(alertmanagerCriticalIntegrationsRegEx)s`}[5m]) ) > 0.01 ||| % $._config, 'for': '5m', labels: { severity: 'critical', }, annotations: { summary: 'All Alertmanager instances in a cluster failed to send notifications to a critical integration.', description: 'The minimum notification failure rate to {{ $labels.integration }} sent from any instance in the %(alertmanagerClusterName)s cluster is {{ $value | humanizePercentage }}.' % $._config, }, }, { alert: 'AlertmanagerClusterFailedToSendAlerts', expr: ||| min by (%(alertmanagerClusterLabels)s, integration) ( rate(alertmanager_notifications_failed_total{%(alertmanagerSelector)s, integration!~`%(alertmanagerCriticalIntegrationsRegEx)s`}[5m]) / ignoring (reason) group_left rate(alertmanager_notifications_total{%(alertmanagerSelector)s, integration!~`%(alertmanagerCriticalIntegrationsRegEx)s`}[5m]) ) > 0.01 ||| % $._config, 'for': '5m', labels: { severity: 'warning', }, annotations: { summary: 'All Alertmanager instances in a cluster failed to send notifications to a non-critical integration.', description: 'The minimum notification failure rate to {{ $labels.integration }} sent from any instance in the %(alertmanagerClusterName)s cluster is {{ $value | humanizePercentage }}.' % $._config, }, }, { alert: 'AlertmanagerConfigInconsistent', expr: ||| count by (%(alertmanagerClusterLabels)s) ( count_values by (%(alertmanagerClusterLabels)s) ("config_hash", alertmanager_config_hash{%(alertmanagerSelector)s}) ) != 1 ||| % $._config, 'for': '20m', // A config change across an Alertmanager cluster can take its time. But it's really bad if it persists for too long. labels: { severity: 'critical', }, annotations: { summary: 'Alertmanager instances within the same cluster have different configurations.', description: 'Alertmanager instances within the %(alertmanagerClusterName)s cluster have different configurations.' % $._config, }, }, // Both the following critical alerts, AlertmanagerClusterDown and // AlertmanagerClusterCrashlooping, fire if a whole cluster is // unhealthy. It is implied that a generic warning alert is in place // for individual instances being down or crashlooping. { alert: 'AlertmanagerClusterDown', expr: ||| ( count by (%(alertmanagerClusterLabels)s) ( avg_over_time(up{%(alertmanagerSelector)s}[5m]) < 0.5 ) / count by (%(alertmanagerClusterLabels)s) ( up{%(alertmanagerSelector)s} ) ) >= 0.5 ||| % $._config, 'for': '5m', labels: { severity: 'critical', }, annotations: { summary: 'Half or more of the Alertmanager instances within the same cluster are down.', description: '{{ $value | humanizePercentage }} of Alertmanager instances within the %(alertmanagerClusterName)s cluster have been up for less than half of the last 5m.' % $._config, }, }, { alert: 'AlertmanagerClusterCrashlooping', expr: ||| ( count by (%(alertmanagerClusterLabels)s) ( changes(process_start_time_seconds{%(alertmanagerSelector)s}[10m]) > 4 ) / count by (%(alertmanagerClusterLabels)s) ( up{%(alertmanagerSelector)s} ) ) >= 0.5 ||| % $._config, 'for': '5m', labels: { severity: 'critical', }, annotations: { summary: 'Half or more of the Alertmanager instances within the same cluster are crashlooping.', description: '{{ $value | humanizePercentage }} of Alertmanager instances within the %(alertmanagerClusterName)s cluster have restarted at least 5 times in the last 10m.' % $._config, }, }, ], }, ], }, }