#!/usr/bin/env bash alerts1='[ { "labels": { "alertname": "DiskRunningFull", "dev": "sda1", "instance": "example1" }, "annotations": { "info": "The disk sda1 is running full", "summary": "please check the instance example1" } }, { "labels": { "alertname": "DiskRunningFull", "dev": "sda2", "instance": "example1" }, "annotations": { "info": "The disk sda2 is running full", "summary": "please check the instance example1", "runbook": "the following link http://test-url should be clickable" } }, { "labels": { "alertname": "DiskRunningFull", "dev": "sda1", "instance": "example2" }, "annotations": { "info": "The disk sda1 is running full", "summary": "please check the instance example2" } }, { "labels": { "alertname": "DiskRunningFull", "dev": "sdb2", "instance": "example2" }, "annotations": { "info": "The disk sdb2 is running full", "summary": "please check the instance example2" } }, { "labels": { "alertname": "DiskRunningFull", "dev": "sda1", "instance": "example3", "severity": "critical" } }, { "labels": { "alertname": "DiskRunningFull", "dev": "sda1", "instance": "example3", "severity": "warning" } } ]' curl -XPOST -d"$alerts1" http://localhost:9093/api/v1/alerts curl -XPOST -d"$alerts1" http://localhost:9094/api/v1/alerts curl -XPOST -d"$alerts1" http://localhost:9095/api/v1/alerts