module StringUtils exposing (testLinkify) import Utils.String exposing (linkify) import Test exposing (..) import Expect testLinkify : Test testLinkify = describe "linkify" [ test "should linkify a url in the middle" <| \() -> Expect.equal (linkify "word1 http://url word2") [ Err "word1 ", Ok "http://url", Err " word2" ] , test "should linkify a url in the beginning" <| \() -> Expect.equal (linkify "http://url word1 word2") [ Ok "http://url", Err " word1 word2" ] , test "should linkify a url in the end" <| \() -> Expect.equal (linkify "word1 word2 http://url") [ Err "word1 word2 ", Ok "http://url" ] ]