While merging #2944, I noticed the CI failed: https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/prometheus/alertmanager/2686/workflows/b6f87b0a-20c3-455b-b706-432c38a77511/jobs/12028.
It seemed like a deadlock between uncoordinated routines but I couldn't pin point (or reproduce, I tried with -race and -count) the exact problem. However, from the logs, I could point out where the problem originated and kind of have a hunch it had to do with the way net listeners are handled by the TODO removed.
The more worrying bit of the CI failure is that it took 10m to timeout, with this change we'll force close the connection with a 5s deadline so at the very least we'll get the feedback faster.
Signed-off-by: gotjosh <josue.abreu@gmail.com>
- Move the generated api/v2 client code out of the test directory
and into the api/v2 directory with models and restapi.
- Remove duplicate models directory
- Update tests to use api/v2 package for models and client
Signed-off-by: Paul Gier <pgier@redhat.com>