- Added support for the file in both the global and the lower level
- Tried to follow configuration patterns I saw in prometheus
- The slack file is read on every request as mentioned in the prometheus issue to enable seamless switches
Signed-off-by: Julien Duchesne <julien.duchesne@grafana.com>
The "empty" boolean is the false value. This means that values of false will not
be present in the YAML output. As such they won't be displayed in the config
section on the Status overview page (/#/status), which can be especially
confusing for the SMTPRequireTLS (smtp_require_tls) field of the configuration
as this one will default to true.
Signed-off-by: Tim Reddehase <tim.reddehase@new-work.se>
* notify: add markdown support for wechat
Signed-off-by: Jason Cooper <master@deamwork.com>
* docs: update WeChat receiver configuration document
Signed-off-by: Jason Cooper <master@deamwork.com>
* fix: check WeChat msgType, apply default if not present
Signed-off-by: Jason Cooper <master@deamwork.com>
* chore: remove unnecessary comment
Signed-off-by: Jason Cooper <master@deamwork.com>
* fix: simplify msgType process
Signed-off-by: Jason Cooper <master@deamwork.com>
* docs: wechat configs document update
Signed-off-by: Jason Cooper <master@deamwork.com>
* fix: apply error message suggestions
Signed-off-by: Jason Cooper <master@deamwork.com>
* test: add test for regex
Signed-off-by: Jason Cooper <master@deamwork.com>
* fix: wechat message safe param
Signed-off-by: Jason Cooper <master@deamwork.com>
* Allow limiting maximum number of alerts in webhook
The webhook notifier is the only notifier that does not allow templating
on the Alertmanager side. Users who encounter occasional alert storms
(10ks of alerts going off at once for the same group) have reported
webhook receiver systems not being able to cope with the load caused by
the resulting large webhook notifier messages (the alerting rules also
contained large annotations that can't be stripped away due to lack of
templating). Reducing group size also wasn't an option, but this change
proposes to allow truncating the list of alerts sent in the webhook body
to a provided maximum length. This assumes that e.g. if a group receives
20k alerts, you really are fine only receiving 10k because you wouldn't
be able to check them all anyway.
Signed-off-by: Julius Volz <julius.volz@gmail.com>
* Change max_alerts to uint32
Signed-off-by: Julius Volz <julius.volz@gmail.com>
* Add truncatedAlerts field to webhook message
Signed-off-by: Julius Volz <julius.volz@gmail.com>
* Fix JSON struct tag
Signed-off-by: Julius Volz <julius.volz@gmail.com>
`^apple|banana|cherry$` finds matches to either of `^apple`, `banana`, or `cherry$`, so strings like `apple0`, `1banana2`, `3cherry` are accepted; I believe this wasn't intentional.
Signed-off-by: NODA, Kai <nodakai@gmail.com>
This fixes the following error found by go vet:
config/notifiers.go:546:2: struct field tag
`yaml:"url_title,omitempty" json:"url_title,omitempty` not compatible with
reflect.StructTag.Get: bad syntax for struct tag value (govet)
URLTitle string `yaml:"url_title,omitempty" json:"url_title,omitempty`
Signed-off-by: Karsten Weiss <knweiss@gmail.com>
* Support adding custom fields to VictorOps notifications
* Response to feedback
* Added logic to validate victorops custom fields to config load time
* Cleanup victorops notifier of logic duplicated in config check
* rebase and further cleanup from feedback
* another grammer fix
Signed-off-by: Jason Roberts <jroberts@drud.com>
* Add support for images and links in the PagerDuty notification config
This only works when using the v2 API. It supports template values for all fields.
Signed-off-by: Sean Houghton <sean.houghton@activision.com>
* config: validate URLs at config load time
Signed-off-by: Simon Pasquier <spasquie@redhat.com>
* Address Brian and Lucas comments
Signed-off-by: Simon Pasquier <spasquie@redhat.com>
* Shallow copy of URL instead of reparsing it
Signed-off-by: Simon Pasquier <spasquie@redhat.com>
* Unshadow net/url package
Signed-off-by: Simon Pasquier <spasquie@redhat.com>
* Make a deep-copy of URL struct
Signed-off-by: Simon Pasquier <spasquie@redhat.com>
The YAML strict mode doesn't allow mapping keys that are duplicates. If
someone wants to override one of the default keys in the Details hash,
the unmarshal function returns an error because the key is already
defined by DefaultPagerdutyConfig.
Signed-off-by: Simon Pasquier <spasquie@redhat.com>