This adds notifications to Amazon SNS. It is using Amazon's go sdk. The notification config should look like
amazon_sns_config {
topic_arn: "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:an-arn-id:topic"
send_resolved: true
The alert summary and status will be used as the SNS subject.
The alert description and status will be used as the SNS message.
SNS notifictions require Amazon AWS credentials to be setup as described by the Amazon go sdk.
This adds notifications to OpsGenie. It is using the webhook api. The
notification_config should look like
opsgenie_config {
api_key: "bliep"
teams: "team-one"
send_resolved: true
It further sets the alert fingerprint in Alias and adds all the
alert labels into the Details field.
for the details.
It can also close the alert by using the Alias field again. See
And it adds a 'labels_to_tag' that allows you to specify for which
label names you want to create a tag with the value of that label.
This makes routing alerts easier.