Delete matchers on silence creation form

This commit is contained in:
stuart nelson 2017-01-08 21:31:58 -05:00
parent 2502986d09
commit ff5c8247d6
5 changed files with 100 additions and 67 deletions

View File

@ -81,6 +81,16 @@ update msg model =
RedirectAlerts ->
( { model | route = AlertGroupsRoute }, Navigation.newUrl "/#/alerts" )
DeleteMatcher matcher ->
s =
newSil =
{ s | matchers = (List.filter (\x -> x /= matcher) s.matchers) }
( { model | silence = newSil }, Cmd.none )
urlUpdate : Navigation.Location -> Msg
urlUpdate location =

View File

@ -4,11 +4,12 @@ module Silences.Views exposing (..)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
-- Internal Imports
import Types exposing (Silence)
import Types exposing (Silence, Matcher, Msg(DeleteMatcher))
import Utils.Views exposing (..)
@ -37,3 +38,64 @@ silenceView silence =
objectData : String -> Html msg
objectData data =
dt [ class "m10 black w-100" ] [ text data ]
-- Start
-- End
-- Matchers (Name, Value, Regexp) and add additional
-- Creator
-- Comment
-- Create
silenceFormView : String -> Silence -> Html Msg
silenceFormView kind silence =
base =
url =
case kind of
"New" ->
base ++ "new"
"Edit" ->
base ++ (toString ++ "/edit"
_ ->
div [ class "pa4 black-80" ]
[ fieldset [ class "ba b--transparent ph0 mh0" ]
[ legend [ class "ph0 mh0 fw6" ] [ text <| kind ++ " Silence" ]
, formField "Start" silence.startsAt
-- , dateTimePicker "Start"
, formField "End" silence.endsAt
, div [ class "mt3" ]
[ label [ class "f6 b db mb2" ]
[ text "Matchers "
, span [ class "normal black-60" ] [ text "Alerts affected by this silence." ]
, label [ class "f6 dib mb2 mr2 w-40" ] [ text "Name" ]
, label [ class "f6 dib mb2 mr2 w-40" ] [ text "Value" ]
, div [] <| matcherForm silence.matchers
, formField "Creator" silence.createdBy
, textField "Comment" silence.comment
, div [ class "mt3" ]
[ a [ class "f6 link br2 ba ph3 pv2 mr2 dib dark-blue", href "#" ] [ text "Create" ]
, a [ class "f6 link br2 ba ph3 pv2 mb2 dib dark-red", href url ] [ text "Reset" ]
matcherForm : Matcher -> Html Msg
matcherForm matcher =
div []
[ input [ class "input-reset ba br1 b--black-20 pa2 mb2 mr2 dib w-40", value ] []
, input [ class "input-reset ba br1 b--black-20 pa2 mb2 mr2 dib w-40", value matcher.value ] []
, checkbox "Regex" matcher.isRegex
, a [ class <| "f6 link br1 ba mr1 mb2 dib ph1 pv1", onClick (DeleteMatcher matcher) ] [ text "X" ]

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ type Msg
| AlertGroupsFetch (Result Http.Error (List AlertGroup))
| FetchAlertGroups
| RedirectAlerts
| DeleteMatcher Matcher
type Route

View File

@ -18,3 +18,27 @@ listButton : String -> ( String, String ) -> Html msg
listButton classString ( key, value ) =
a [ class <| "f6 link br1 ba mr1 mb2 dib " ++ classString ]
[ text <| String.join "=" [ key, value ] ]
checkbox : String -> Bool -> Html msg
checkbox name status =
label [ class "f6 dib mb2" ]
[ input [ type_ "checkbox", checked status ] []
, text <| " " ++ name
formField : String -> String -> Html msg
formField labelText content =
div [ class "mt3" ]
[ label [ class "f6 b db mb2" ] [ text labelText ]
, input [ class "input-reset ba br1 b--black-20 pa2 mb2 db w-100", value content ] []
textField : String -> String -> Html msg
textField labelText content =
div [ class "mt3" ]
[ label [ class "f6 b db mb2" ] [ text labelText ]
, textarea [ class "db border-box hover-black w-100 ba b--black-20 pa2 br1 mb2", value content ] []

View File

@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ view model =
genericListView alertGroupsView model.alertGroups
NewSilenceRoute ->
silenceFormView "New" model.silence
Silences.Views.silenceFormView "New" model.silence
EditSilenceRoute id ->
silenceFormView "Edit" model.silence
Silences.Views.silenceFormView "Edit" model.silence
SilencesRoute ->
genericListView silenceListView model.silences
@ -45,70 +45,6 @@ todoView model =
-- Start
-- End
-- Matchers (Name, Value, Regexp) and add additional
-- Creator
-- Comment
-- Create
silenceFormView : String -> Silence -> Html Msg
silenceFormView kind silence =
div [ class "pa4 black-80" ]
[ fieldset [ class "ba b--transparent ph0 mh0" ]
[ legend [ class "ph0 mh0 fw6" ] [ text <| kind ++ " Silence" ]
, formField "Start" silence.startsAt
-- , dateTimePicker "Start"
, formField "End" silence.endsAt
, div [ class "mt3" ]
[ label [ class "f6 b db mb2" ] [ text "Matchers "
, span [class "normal black-60"] [ text "Alerts affected by this silence." ]
, label [ class "f6 dib mb2 mr2 w-40" ] [ text "Name" ]
, label [ class "f6 dib mb2 mr2 w-40" ] [ text "Value" ]
, matcherForm <| Matcher "device" "/dev/xda1" True
, formField "Creator" silence.createdBy
, textField "Comment" silence.comment
, div [ class "mt3" ]
[ a [ class "f6 link br2 ba ph3 pv2 mr2 dib dark-blue", href "#0"] [ text "Create" ]
, a [ class "f6 link br2 ba ph3 pv2 mb2 dib dark-red", href "#0"] [ text "Reset" ]
matcherForm : Matcher -> Html msg
matcherForm matcher =
div [] [ input [ class "input-reset ba br1 b--black-20 pa2 mb2 mr2 dib w-40", value ] []
, input [ class "input-reset ba br1 b--black-20 pa2 mb2 mr2 dib w-40", value matcher.value ] []
, checkbox "Regex" matcher.isRegex
checkbox : String -> Bool -> Html msg
checkbox name status =
label [ class "f6 dib mb2" ]
[ input [ type_ "checkbox", checked status ] []
, text <| " " ++ name
formField : String -> String -> Html msg
formField labelText content =
div [ class "mt3" ]
[ label [ class "f6 b db mb2" ] [ text labelText ]
, input [ class "input-reset ba br1 b--black-20 pa2 mb2 db w-100", value content ] []
textField : String -> String -> Html msg
textField labelText content =
div [ class "mt3" ]
[ label [ class "f6 b db mb2" ] [ text labelText ]
, textarea [ class "db border-box hover-black w-100 ba b--black-20 pa2 br1 mb2", value content ] []
alertGroupsView : AlertGroup -> Html Msg
alertGroupsView alertGroup =
li [ class "pa3 pa4-ns bb b--black-10" ]