Parse alert list into alert groups when received from API

We can simplify the view flow by parsing the list
of alerts for custom grouping as soon as they are
returned to the update function.

Signed-off-by: stuart nelson <>
This commit is contained in:
stuart nelson 2019-05-06 17:35:34 +02:00
parent b4fb8a28ef
commit 759bf7b6b6
2 changed files with 38 additions and 37 deletions

View File

@ -2,10 +2,12 @@ module Views.AlertList.Updates exposing (update)
import Alerts.Api as Api
import Browser.Navigation as Navigation
import Data.AlertGroup exposing (AlertGroup)
import Dict
import Set
import Types exposing (Msg(..))
import Utils.Filter exposing (Filter, generateQueryString, parseFilter)
import Utils.List
import Utils.Types exposing (ApiData(..))
import Views.AlertList.Types exposing (AlertListMsg(..), Model, Tab(..))
import Views.FilterBar.Updates as FilterBar
@ -26,20 +28,44 @@ update msg ({ groupBar, alerts, filterBar, receiverBar, alertGroups } as model)
AlertsFetched listOfAlerts ->
( { model
| alerts = listOfAlerts
, groupBar =
( groups_, groupBar_ ) =
case listOfAlerts of
Success ungroupedAlerts ->
groups =
|> Utils.List.groupBy
(.labels >> Dict.toList >> List.filter (\( key, _ ) -> List.member key groupBar.fields))
|> Dict.toList
(\( labels, alerts_ ) ->
AlertGroup (Dict.fromList labels) { name = "unknown" } alerts_
newGroupBar =
{ groupBar
| list =
List.concatMap (.labels >> Dict.toList) ungroupedAlerts
|> Tuple.first
|> Set.fromList
( Success groups, newGroupBar )
_ ->
Initial ->
( Initial, groupBar )
Loading ->
( Loading, groupBar )
Failure e ->
( Failure e, groupBar )
( { model
| alerts = listOfAlerts
, alertGroups = groups_
, groupBar = groupBar_
, Cmd.none

View File

@ -70,35 +70,10 @@ view { alerts, alertGroups, groupBar, filterBar, receiverBar, tab, activeId, act (MsgForGroupBar >> MsgForAlertList) (GroupBar.view groupBar filter.customGrouping)
, if filter.customGrouping then
Utils.Views.apiData (customAlertGroups activeId activeLabels groupBar) alerts
Utils.Views.apiData (defaultAlertGroups activeId activeLabels) alertGroups
, Utils.Views.apiData (defaultAlertGroups activeId activeLabels) alertGroups
customAlertGroups : Maybe String -> Maybe Labels -> GroupBar.Model -> List GettableAlert -> Html Msg
customAlertGroups activeId activeLabels { fields } ungroupedAlerts =
|> Utils.List.groupBy
(.labels >> Dict.toList >> List.filter (\( key, _ ) -> List.member key fields))
|> (\groupsDict ->
case Dict.toList groupsDict of
[] ->
Utils.Views.error "No alerts found"
groups ->
div []
(\( labels, alerts ) ->
alertGroup activeId activeLabels labels alerts
defaultAlertGroups : Maybe String -> Maybe Labels -> List AlertGroup -> Html Msg
defaultAlertGroups activeId activeLabels groups =
case groups of