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synced 2025-01-09 23:39:36 +00:00
A lot of styling changes to alerts page
This commit is contained in:
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ silenceFormView kind silence =
alertGroupsView : AlertGroup -> Html Msg
alertGroupsView alertGroup =
li [ class "pa3 pa4-ns bb b--black-10" ]
[ div [] (List.map labelHeader alertGroup.labels)
[ div [ class "mb3" ] (List.map alertHeader <| List.sort alertGroup.labels)
, div [] (List.map blockView alertGroup.blocks)
@ -72,9 +72,8 @@ alertGroupsView alertGroup =
blockView : Block -> Html msg
blockView block =
-- Block level
div [] <|
p [] [ text "one block" ]
:: (List.map alertView block.alerts)
div []
(List.map alertView block.alerts)
alertView : Alert -> Html msg
@ -90,33 +89,45 @@ alertView alert =
b =
if alert.silenced then
button "Silenced" ("#/silences/" ++ toString id) "dark-blue"
buttonLink "Silenced" ("#/silences/" ++ toString id) "dark-blue"
button "Active" "#/alerts" "dark-red"
buttonLink "Active" "#/alerts" "dark-red"
div []
[ p [] [ text <| Utils.Date.dateFormat alert.startsAt ]
, div [] (List.map labelHeader <| List.filter (\( k, v ) -> k /= "alertname") alert.labels)
, b
div [ class "f6 mb3" ]
[ div [ class "mb1" ]
[ b
, a [ class <| "link br1 ba ph3 pv2 mr2 dib black", href alert.generatorUrl, target "_blank" ]
[ i [ class "fa fa-bar-chart fa-3" ] []
, p [ class "dib mr2" ] [ text <| Utils.Date.dateFormat alert.startsAt ]
, div [ class "mb2" ] (List.map labelHeader <| List.filter (\( k, v ) -> k /= "alertname") alert.labels)
button : String -> String -> String -> Html msg
button txt link color =
a [ class <| "f6 link dim br1 ba ph3 pv2 mb2 dib " ++ color, href link ] [ text txt ]
buttonLink : String -> String -> String -> Html msg
buttonLink txt link color =
a [ class <| "f6 link br1 ba mr1 ph3 pv2 mb2 dib " ++ color, href link ] [ text txt ]
alertHeader : ( String, String ) -> Html msg
alertHeader ( key, value ) =
if key == "alertname" then
b [ class "db f4 mr2 dark-red dib" ] [ text value ]
listButton "ph1 pv1" ( key, value )
labelHeader : ( String, String ) -> Html msg
labelHeader ( key, value ) =
color =
if key == "alertname" then
"near-black bg-dark-red"
a [ class <| "f6 link dim br1 ba ma1 ph3 pv2 mb2 dib " ++ color ]
[ text <| key ++ "=" ++ value ]
listButton "light-silver hover-black ph3 pv2 " ( key, value )
listButton : String -> ( String, String ) -> Html msg
listButton classString ( key, value ) =
a [ class <| "f6 link br1 ba mr1 mb2 dib " ++ classString ]
[ text <| String.join "=" [ key, value ] ]
notFoundView : a -> Html Msg
@ -153,7 +164,7 @@ silenceListView silence =
[ class "pa3 pa4-ns bb b--black-10" ]
[ a
[ class "db link dim blue"
[ class "db link blue"
, href ("#/silences/" ++ (toString silence.id))
[ b [ class "db f4 mb1" ]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user