yoshi1123 c42fee3da5
Fix :ALEImport column position
Fix :ALEImport column position so it works with more language servers.

Co-authored-by: w0rp <>
2022-03-20 13:20:33 +00:00

563 lines
14 KiB

Save g:ale_enabled
Save b:ale_enabled
Save g:ale_lint_on_text_changed
Save g:ale_completion_enabled
Save g:ale_completion_autoimport
Save g:ale_completion_max_suggestions
Save g:ale_linters
Save b:ale_linters
let g:ale_enabled = 0
let b:ale_enabled = 0
let g:ale_lint_on_text_changed = 'always'
let g:ale_completion_enabled = 0
let g:ale_completion_autoimport = 0
let g:ale_completion_max_suggestions = 50
let g:ale_linters = {'typescript': ['tsserver'], 'python': ['pyre']}
unlet! b:ale_linters
let g:server_started_value = 1
let g:request_id = 0
let g:LastCallback = v:null
let g:LastHandleCallback = v:null
let g:sent_message_list = []
let g:code_action_list = []
let g:execute_list = []
let g:ale_queue_call_list = []
runtime autoload/ale.vim
runtime autoload/ale/util.vim
runtime autoload/ale/code_action.vim
runtime autoload/ale/lsp.vim
runtime autoload/ale/lsp_linter.vim
function! ale#util#Execute(expr) abort
call add(g:execute_list, a:expr)
function! ale#Queue(...) abort
call add(g:ale_queue_call_list, a:000)
function! ale#lsp#RegisterCallback(id, Callback) abort
let g:LastHandleCallback = a:Callback
function! ale#lsp#NotifyForChanges(id, buffer) abort
function! ale#lsp#HasCapability(id, capability) abort
return 1
function! ale#lsp#Send(id, message) abort
let g:request_id += 1
call add(g:sent_message_list, a:message)
return g:request_id
function! ale#lsp_linter#StartLSP(buffer, linter, Callback) abort
let g:LastCallback = a:Callback
return g:server_started_value
function! ale#code_action#HandleCodeAction(code_action, options) abort
Assert !get(a:options, 'should_save')
call add(g:code_action_list, a:code_action)
function GetLastMessage()
return get(g:execute_list, -1, '')
function CheckLintStates(conn_id, message)
" Check that we request more linter results after adding completions.
AssertEqual [[0, '']], g:ale_queue_call_list
let g:ale_enabled = 0
let g:ale_queue_call_list = []
call g:LastHandleCallback(a:conn_id, a:message)
AssertEqual [], g:ale_queue_call_list
let g:ale_enabled = 1
let g:ale_lint_on_text_changed = 1
let g:ale_queue_call_list = []
call g:LastHandleCallback(a:conn_id, a:message)
AssertEqual [[0, '']], g:ale_queue_call_list
let g:ale_lint_on_text_changed = 'normal'
let g:ale_queue_call_list = []
call g:LastHandleCallback(a:conn_id, a:message)
AssertEqual [[0, '']], g:ale_queue_call_list
let g:ale_lint_on_text_changed = 'insert'
let g:ale_queue_call_list = []
call g:LastHandleCallback(a:conn_id, a:message)
AssertEqual [[0, '']], g:ale_queue_call_list
let g:ale_queue_call_list = []
let g:ale_lint_on_text_changed = 'never'
call g:LastHandleCallback(a:conn_id, a:message)
AssertEqual [], g:ale_queue_call_list
let g:ale_lint_on_text_changed = '0'
call g:LastHandleCallback(a:conn_id, a:message)
AssertEqual [], g:ale_queue_call_list
let g:ale_lint_on_text_changed = 0
call g:LastHandleCallback(a:conn_id, a:message)
AssertEqual [], g:ale_queue_call_list
let g:ale_lint_on_text_changed = 'xxx'
call g:LastHandleCallback(a:conn_id, a:message)
AssertEqual [], g:ale_queue_call_list
call ale#linter#Reset()
delfunction GetLastMessage
delfunction CheckLintStates
unlet! g:LastCallback
unlet! g:LastHandleCallback
unlet! g:request_id
unlet! g:server_started_value
unlet! g:sent_message_list
unlet! g:code_action_list
unlet! g:ale_queue_call_list
unlet! g:execute_list
unlet! g:received_message
unlet! b:ale_old_omnifunc
unlet! b:ale_old_completeopt
unlet! b:ale_completion_info
unlet! b:ale_completion_result
unlet! b:ale_complete_done_time
runtime autoload/ale.vim
runtime autoload/ale/util.vim
runtime autoload/ale/code_action.vim
runtime autoload/ale/lsp.vim
runtime autoload/ale/lsp_linter.vim
Given typescript(Some example TypeScript code):
let xyz = 123
let foo = missingword
let abc = 456
Execute(ALEImport should complain when there's no word at the cursor):
call setpos('.', [bufnr(''), 3, 1, 0])
AssertEqual 'echom ''Nothing to complete at cursor!''', GetLastMessage()
Execute(ALEImport should tell the user if no LSP is available):
let g:server_started_value = 0
call setpos('.', [bufnr(''), 2, 16, 0])
\ 'echom ''No completion providers are available.''',
\ GetLastMessage()
Execute(ALEImport should request imports correctly for tsserver):
call setpos('.', [bufnr(''), 2, 16, 0])
\ {
\ 'conn_id': 0,
\ 'request_id': 0,
\ 'source': 'ale-import',
\ 'column': 21,
\ 'line': 2,
\ 'line_length': 21,
\ 'prefix': 'missingword',
\ 'additional_edits_only': 1,
\ },
\ b:ale_completion_info
Assert g:LastCallback isnot v:null
call g:LastCallback(ale#linter#Get(&filetype)[0], {
\ 'connection_id': 347,
\ 'buffer': bufnr(''),
\ {
\ 'conn_id': 347,
\ 'request_id': 1,
\ 'source': 'ale-import',
\ 'column': 21,
\ 'line': 2,
\ 'line_length': 21,
\ 'prefix': 'missingword',
\ 'additional_edits_only': 1,
\ },
\ b:ale_completion_info
Assert g:LastHandleCallback isnot v:null
call g:LastHandleCallback(347, {
\ 'request_seq': 1,
\ 'command': 'completions',
\ 'body': [
\ {'name': 'missingwordIgnoreMe'},
\ {'name': 'missingword'},
\ ],
\ [
\ [0, 'ts@completions', {
\ 'file': expand('%:p'),
\ 'includeExternalModuleExports': 1,
\ 'offset': 21,
\ 'line': 2,
\ 'prefix': 'missingword',
\ }],
\ [0, 'ts@completionEntryDetails', {
\ 'file': expand('%:p'),
\ 'entryNames': [{'name': 'missingword'}],
\ 'offset': 21,
\ 'line': 2,
\ }]
\ ],
\ g:sent_message_list
AssertEqual 2, b:ale_completion_info.request_id
let g:ale_enabled = 1
let g:received_message = {
\ 'request_seq': 2,
\ 'command': 'completionEntryDetails',
\ 'body': [
\ {
\ 'name': 'missingword',
\ 'kind': 'className',
\ 'displayParts': [],
\ 'codeActions': [{
\ 'description': 'import { missingword } from "./Something";',
\ 'changes': [],
\ }],
\ },
\ ],
call g:LastHandleCallback(347, g:received_message)
\ [
\ {
\ 'description': 'import { missingword } from "./Something";',
\ 'changes': [],
\ },
\ ],
\ g:code_action_list
call CheckLintStates(347, g:received_message)
Execute(ALEImport should tell the user when no completions were found from tsserver):
call setpos('.', [bufnr(''), 2, 16, 0])
\ {
\ 'conn_id': 0,
\ 'request_id': 0,
\ 'source': 'ale-import',
\ 'column': 21,
\ 'line': 2,
\ 'line_length': 21,
\ 'prefix': 'missingword',
\ 'additional_edits_only': 1,
\ },
\ b:ale_completion_info
Assert g:LastCallback isnot v:null
call g:LastCallback(ale#linter#Get(&filetype)[0], {
\ 'connection_id': 347,
\ 'buffer': bufnr(''),
\ {
\ 'conn_id': 347,
\ 'request_id': 1,
\ 'source': 'ale-import',
\ 'column': 21,
\ 'line': 2,
\ 'line_length': 21,
\ 'prefix': 'missingword',
\ 'additional_edits_only': 1,
\ },
\ b:ale_completion_info
Assert g:LastHandleCallback isnot v:null
call g:LastHandleCallback(347, {
\ 'request_seq': 1,
\ 'command': 'completions',
\ 'body': [
\ {'name': 'missingwordIgnoreMe'},
\ ],
AssertEqual 'echom ''No possible imports found.''', GetLastMessage()
Given python(Some example Python code):
xyz = 123
foo = missingword
abc = 456
Execute(ALEImport should request imports correctly for language servers):
call setpos('.', [bufnr(''), 2, 12, 0])
\ {
\ 'conn_id': 0,
\ 'request_id': 0,
\ 'source': 'ale-import',
\ 'column': 17,
\ 'line': 2,
\ 'line_length': 17,
\ 'prefix': 'missingword',
\ 'additional_edits_only': 1,
\ },
\ b:ale_completion_info
Assert g:LastCallback isnot v:null
call g:LastCallback(ale#linter#Get(&filetype)[0], {
\ 'connection_id': 347,
\ 'buffer': bufnr(''),
\ {
\ 'conn_id': 347,
\ 'request_id': 1,
\ 'source': 'ale-import',
\ 'column': 17,
\ 'line': 2,
\ 'line_length': 17,
\ 'prefix': 'missingword',
\ 'additional_edits_only': 1,
\ 'completion_filter': 'ale#completion#python#CompletionItemFilter',
\ },
\ b:ale_completion_info
Assert g:LastHandleCallback isnot v:null
\ [
\ [0, 'textDocument/completion', {
\ 'textDocument': {'uri': ale#path#ToFileURI(expand('%:p'))},
\ 'position': {'character': 16, 'line': 1}
\ }],
\ ],
\ g:sent_message_list
AssertEqual 1, b:ale_completion_info.request_id
let g:ale_enabled = 1
let g:received_message = {
\ 'id': 1,
\ 'jsonrpc': '2.0',
\ 'result': {
\ 'isIncomplete': v:false,
\ 'items': [
\ {
\ 'detail': 'Some other word we should ignore',
\ 'filterText': 'missingwordIgnoreMe',
\ 'insertText': 'missingwordIgnoreMe',
\ 'insertTextFormat': 1,
\ 'kind': 6,
\ 'label': ' missingwordIgnoreMe',
\ 'sortText': '3ee19999missingword',
\ 'additionalTextEdits': [
\ {
\ 'range': {
\ 'start': {'line': 1, 'character': 1},
\ 'end': {'line': 2, 'character': 1},
\ },
\ 'newText': 'from something import missingwordIgnoreMe',
\ },
\ ],
\ },
\ {
\ 'detail': 'Some word without text edits',
\ 'filterText': 'missingword',
\ 'insertText': 'missingword',
\ 'insertTextFormat': 1,
\ 'kind': 6,
\ 'label': ' missingword',
\ 'sortText': '3ee19999missingword',
\ },
\ {
\ 'detail': 'The word we should use',
\ 'filterText': 'missingword',
\ 'insertText': 'missingword',
\ 'insertTextFormat': 1,
\ 'kind': 6,
\ 'label': ' missingword',
\ 'sortText': '3ee19999missingword',
\ 'additionalTextEdits': [
\ {
\ 'range': {
\ 'start': {'line': 1, 'character': 1},
\ 'end': {'line': 2, 'character': 1},
\ },
\ 'newText': 'from something import missingword',
\ },
\ ],
\ },
\ {
\ 'detail': 'The other word we should not use',
\ 'filterText': 'missingword',
\ 'insertText': 'missingword',
\ 'insertTextFormat': 1,
\ 'kind': 6,
\ 'label': ' missingword',
\ 'sortText': '3ee19999missingword',
\ 'additionalTextEdits': [
\ {
\ 'range': {
\ 'start': {'line': 1, 'character': 1},
\ 'end': {'line': 2, 'character': 1},
\ },
\ 'newText': 'from something_else import missingword',
\ },
\ ],
\ },
\ ],
\ },
call g:LastHandleCallback(347, g:received_message)
\ [
\ {
\ 'description': 'completion',
\ 'changes': [
\ {
\ 'fileName': expand('%:p'),
\ 'textChanges': [
\ {
\ 'start': {'line': 2, 'offset': 2},
\ 'end': {'line': 3, 'offset': 2},
\ 'newText': 'from something import missingword',
\ },
\ ],
\ },
\ ],
\ },
\ ],
\ g:code_action_list
call CheckLintStates(347, g:received_message)
Execute(ALEImport should tell the user when no completions were found from a language server):
call setpos('.', [bufnr(''), 2, 12, 0])
\ {
\ 'conn_id': 0,
\ 'request_id': 0,
\ 'source': 'ale-import',
\ 'column': 17,
\ 'line': 2,
\ 'line_length': 17,
\ 'prefix': 'missingword',
\ 'additional_edits_only': 1,
\ },
\ b:ale_completion_info
Assert g:LastCallback isnot v:null
call g:LastCallback(ale#linter#Get(&filetype)[0], {
\ 'connection_id': 347,
\ 'buffer': bufnr(''),
\ {
\ 'conn_id': 347,
\ 'request_id': 1,
\ 'source': 'ale-import',
\ 'column': 17,
\ 'line': 2,
\ 'line_length': 17,
\ 'prefix': 'missingword',
\ 'additional_edits_only': 1,
\ 'completion_filter': 'ale#completion#python#CompletionItemFilter',
\ },
\ b:ale_completion_info
Assert g:LastHandleCallback isnot v:null
\ [
\ [0, 'textDocument/completion', {
\ 'textDocument': {'uri': ale#path#ToFileURI(expand('%:p'))},
\ 'position': {'character': 16, 'line': 1}
\ }],
\ ],
\ g:sent_message_list
AssertEqual 1, b:ale_completion_info.request_id
let g:received_message = {
\ 'id': 1,
\ 'jsonrpc': '2.0',
\ 'result': {
\ 'isIncomplete': v:false,
\ 'items': [
\ {
\ 'detail': 'Some other word we should ignore',
\ 'filterText': 'missingwordIgnoreMe',
\ 'insertText': 'missingwordIgnoreMe',
\ 'insertTextFormat': 1,
\ 'kind': 6,
\ 'label': ' missingwordIgnoreMe',
\ 'sortText': '3ee19999missingword',
\ 'additionalTextEdits': [
\ {
\ 'range': {
\ 'start': {'line': 1, 'character': 1},
\ 'end': {'line': 2, 'character': 1},
\ },
\ 'newText': 'from something import missingwordIgnoreMe',
\ },
\ ],
\ },
\ {
\ 'detail': 'Some word without text edits',
\ 'filterText': 'missingword',
\ 'insertText': 'missingword',
\ 'insertTextFormat': 1,
\ 'kind': 6,
\ 'label': ' missingword',
\ 'sortText': '3ee19999missingword',
\ },
\ ],
\ },
call g:LastHandleCallback(347, g:received_message)
AssertEqual 'echom ''No possible imports found.''', GetLastMessage()