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synced 2025-02-06 23:41:48 +00:00
Combine cases into smaller tests of tests and remove tests we no longer need. Linter tests have been moved to where they should be.
182 lines
5.4 KiB
182 lines
5.4 KiB
Save g:ale_buffer_info
Save g:ale_virtualtext_cursor
Save g:ale_virtualtext_delay
Save g:ale_virtualtext_prefix
Save b:ale_virtualtext_prefix
Save g:ale_use_neovim_diagnostics_api
call ale#virtualtext#ResetDataForTests()
let g:setting = ''
let g:ale_virtualtext_delay = 0
let g:ale_buffer_info = {
\ bufnr(''): {
\ 'loclist': [
\ {
\ 'bufnr': bufnr(''),
\ 'type': 'E',
\ 'lnum': 1,
\ 'col': 5,
\ 'text': 'Line 1 error',
\ },
\ {
\ 'bufnr': bufnr(''),
\ 'type': 'W',
\ 'lnum': 2,
\ 'col': 1,
\ 'text': 'Line 2 warning 1',
\ },
\ {
\ 'bufnr': bufnr(''),
\ 'type': 'W',
\ 'lnum': 2,
\ 'col': 5,
\ 'text': 'Line 2 warning 2',
\ },
\ ],
\ },
let g:ale_use_neovim_diagnostics_api = 0
unlet! g:setting
unlet! g:ns_id
Execute(The correct highlight groups should be loaded for virtual-text):
AssertEqual 'ALEVirtualTextError', ale#virtualtext#GetGroup({})
AssertEqual 'ALEVirtualTextError', ale#virtualtext#GetGroup({'type': 'E'})
AssertEqual 'ALEVirtualTextStyleError',
\ ale#virtualtext#GetGroup({'type': 'E', 'sub_type': 'style'})
AssertEqual 'ALEVirtualTextWarning', ale#virtualtext#GetGroup({'type': 'W'})
AssertEqual 'ALEVirtualTextStyleWarning',
\ ale#virtualtext#GetGroup({'type': 'W', 'sub_type': 'style'})
AssertEqual 'ALEVirtualTextInfo', ale#virtualtext#GetGroup({'type': 'I'})
Given python (An empty Python file):
Execute(Comment text should be detected correctly for Python files):
if has('patch-9.0.0297') || has('nvim-0.8.0')
AssertEqual '#', ale#virtualtext#GetComment(bufnr(''))
Given java (An empty Java file):
Execute(Comment text should be detected correctly for Java files):
if has('patch-9.0.0297') || has('nvim-0.8.0')
AssertEqual '//', ale#virtualtext#GetComment(bufnr(''))
Given html (An empty HTML file):
Execute(Comment text should be detected correctly for HTML files):
if has('patch-9.0.0297') || has('nvim-0.8.0')
AssertEqual "\<!--", ale#virtualtext#GetComment(bufnr(''))
Given python(An example Python file):
# line 1
# line 2
Execute(We should not show virtualtext when disabled):
if has('patch-9.0.0297') || has('nvim-0.8.0')
for g:setting in ['disabled', '0', 0]
call ale#virtualtext#ResetDataForTests()
let g:ale_virtualtext_cursor = g:setting
call cursor(1, 1)
call ale#virtualtext#ShowCursorWarningWithDelay()
" Tick the timer.
sleep 1ms
AssertEqual '', ale#virtualtext#GetLastMessageForTests()
Execute(We should find a virtualtext error on line 1):
if has('patch-9.0.0297') || has('nvim-0.8.0')
for g:setting in ['current', '1', 1]
call ale#virtualtext#ResetDataForTests()
let g:ale_virtualtext_cursor = 'current'
call cursor(1, 1)
call ale#virtualtext#ShowCursorWarningWithDelay()
" Tick the timer.
sleep 1ms
AssertEqual '# E: Line 1 error', ale#virtualtext#GetLastMessageForTests()
if has('patch-9.0.0297')
AssertEqual ['ALEVirtualTextError'], map(prop_list(1), {_, v -> v.type})
AssertEqual [], prop_list(2)
Execute(We should find a virtualtext error on line 2):
if has('patch-9.0.0297') || has('nvim-0.8.0')
let g:ale_virtualtext_cursor = 'current'
call cursor(2, 5)
call ale#virtualtext#ShowCursorWarningWithDelay()
" Tick the timer.
sleep 1ms
AssertEqual '# W: Line 2 warning 2', ale#virtualtext#GetLastMessageForTests()
if has('patch-9.0.0297')
AssertEqual [], prop_list(1)
AssertEqual ['ALEVirtualTextWarning'], map(prop_list(2), {_, v -> v.type})
Execute(We should be able to change the virtualtext prefix globally):
let g:ale_virtualtext_prefix = '%severity%: '
if has('patch-9.0.0297') || has('nvim-0.8.0')
let g:ale_virtualtext_cursor = 'current'
call cursor(1, 1)
call ale#virtualtext#ShowCursorWarningWithDelay()
" Tick the timer.
sleep 1ms
AssertEqual 'Error: Line 1 error', ale#virtualtext#GetLastMessageForTests()
Execute(We should be able to change the virtualtext prefix per-buffer):
let b:ale_virtualtext_prefix = 'B> '
if has('patch-9.0.0297') || has('nvim-0.8.0')
let g:ale_virtualtext_cursor = 'current'
call cursor(1, 1)
call ale#virtualtext#ShowCursorWarningWithDelay()
" Tick the timer.
sleep 1ms
AssertEqual 'B> Line 1 error', ale#virtualtext#GetLastMessageForTests()
Execute(We should set errors across all lines):
if has('patch-9.0.0297') || has('nvim-0.8.0')
call ale#virtualtext#SetTexts(bufnr(''), g:ale_buffer_info[bufnr('')].loclist)
AssertEqual '# W: Line 2 warning 2', ale#virtualtext#GetLastMessageForTests()
if has('patch-9.0.0297')
AssertEqual ['ALEVirtualTextError'], map(prop_list(1), {_, v -> v.type})
AssertEqual ['ALEVirtualTextWarning', 'ALEVirtualTextWarning'],
\ map(prop_list(2), {_, v -> v.type})
Execute(We should not set cursor messages when Neovim diagnostics are enabled):
let g:ale_use_neovim_diagnostics_api = 1
if has('patch-9.0.0297') || has('nvim-0.8.0')
let g:ale_virtualtext_cursor = 'current'
call cursor(1, 1)
call ale#virtualtext#ShowCursorWarningWithDelay()
" Tick the timer.
sleep 1ms
AssertEqual '', ale#virtualtext#GetLastMessageForTests()