awang bf1c30f585
Use stdin/out for cmake-format (#3725)
cmake-format added support for reading from/outputting to stdin/out as
of v0.3.6, released 2018-04-10 (commit 2e2aff2) [0].

Reading from stdin is preferable over reading from a temporary file
because when given a concrete file cmake-format will look for its config
file ( or similar) in the parent directories of the
provided file. If the temporary file is off in a tmpdir somewhere (e.g.,
/tmp on *nix), cmake-format will almost certainly not come across the
user's intended format configuration file, making it appear that
cmake-format is ignoring the config file.

If cmake-format reads from stdin, though, it'll look for its config file
in its current working directory and its parent directories, in a
similar manner to clang-format. This has a much higher chance of running
across the intended config file.


Co-authored-by: Alex Wang <>
2021-05-25 09:37:09 +09:00

37 lines
994 B

Save g:ale_cmake_cmakeformat_executable
Save g:ale_cmake_cmakeformat_options
" Use an invalid global executable, so we don't match it.
let g:ale_cmake_cmakeformat_executable = 'xxxinvalid'
let g:ale_cmake_cmakeformat_options = ''
call ale#test#SetDirectory('/testplugin/test/fixers')
call ale#test#RestoreDirectory()
Execute(The cmakeformat callback should return the correct default values):
call ale#test#SetFilename('../cmake_files/CMakeList.txt')
\ {
\ 'command': ale#Escape('xxxinvalid')
\ . ' -'
\ },
\ ale#fixers#cmakeformat#Fix(bufnr(''))
Execute(The cmakeformat callback should include custom cmakeformat options):
let g:ale_cmake_cmakeformat_options = "-r '(a) -> a'"
call ale#test#SetFilename('../cmake_files/CMakeList.txt')
\ {
\ 'command': ale#Escape('xxxinvalid')
\ . ' ' . g:ale_cmake_cmakeformat_options
\ . ' -',
\ },
\ ale#fixers#cmakeformat#Fix(bufnr(''))