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synced 2025-03-05 04:37:59 +00:00
48 lines
1.4 KiB
48 lines
1.4 KiB
let g:lines = []
function LineCallback(job_id, line) abort
call add(g:lines, a:line)
unlet! g:last_line
unlet! g:lines
delfunction LineCallback
Execute (ALE should pass on full lines for NeoVim):
let g:last_line = ale#job#JoinNeovimOutput(1, '', ['x', 'y', ''], function('LineCallback'))
AssertEqual ['x', 'y'], g:lines
AssertEqual '', g:last_line
Execute (ALE should pass on a single long line):
let g:last_line = ale#job#JoinNeovimOutput(1, '', ['x'], function('LineCallback'))
AssertEqual [], g:lines
AssertEqual 'x', g:last_line
Execute (ALE should handle just a single line of output):
let g:last_line = ale#job#JoinNeovimOutput(1, '', ['x', ''], function('LineCallback'))
AssertEqual ['x'], g:lines
AssertEqual '', g:last_line
Execute (ALE should join two incomplete pieces of large lines together):
let g:last_line = ale#job#JoinNeovimOutput(1, 'x', ['y'], function('LineCallback'))
AssertEqual [], g:lines
AssertEqual 'xy', g:last_line
Execute (ALE join incomplete lines, and set new ones):
let g:last_line = ale#job#JoinNeovimOutput(1, 'x', ['y', 'z', 'a'], function('LineCallback'))
AssertEqual ['xy', 'z'], g:lines
AssertEqual 'a', g:last_line
Execute (ALE join incomplete lines, and set new ones, with two elements):
let g:last_line = ale#job#JoinNeovimOutput(1, 'x', ['y', 'z'], function('LineCallback'))
AssertEqual ['xy'], g:lines
AssertEqual 'z', g:last_line