John Gentile b8bf7b220d Add VHDL Support & Newer Verilog Linters (#2229)
* Added VHDL file support with ghdl compiler
* Update ghdl.vim
* Create vcom.vim
* Create xvhdl.vim
* Update xvlog.vim
* Added documentation for VHDL & Verilog linters
* Added tests to VHDL & Verilog linters
2019-01-27 09:46:33 +00:00

37 lines
1.0 KiB

runtime ale_linters/vhdl/vcom.vim
call ale#linter#Reset()
Execute(The vcom handler should parse lines correctly):
\ [
\ {
\ 'lnum': 218,
\ 'type': 'W',
\ 'text': '(vcom-1236) Shared variables must be of a protected type.'
\ },
\ {
\ 'lnum': 73,
\ 'type': 'E',
\ 'text': '(vcom-1136) Unknown identifier "aresetn".'
\ },
\ {
\ 'lnum': 73,
\ 'type': 'E',
\ 'text': 'Bad resolution function (STD_LOGIC) for type (error).'
\ },
\ {
\ 'lnum': 73,
\ 'type': 'E',
\ 'text': 'near ":": (vcom-1576) expecting ";" or ")".'
\ },
\ ],
\ ale_linters#vhdl#vcom#Handle(bufnr(''), [
\ '** Warning: ../path/to/file.vhd(218): (vcom-1236) Shared variables must be of a protected type.',
\ '** Error: tb_file.vhd(73): (vcom-1136) Unknown identifier "aresetn".',
\ '** Error: tb_file.vhd(73): Bad resolution function (STD_LOGIC) for type (error).',
\ '** Error: tb_file.vhd(73): near ":": (vcom-1576) expecting ";" or ")".',
\ ])