David A. R. Robin e19b8c05cd Fix crystal-lang non file-tied message handling
Some messages of the crystal compiler are not tied to a file.
This causes a 'Key not present in Dictionnary' error (E716).
For the record, the json output on ```require "./"```
is the following :
  { "file":"/tmp/", "line":1, "column":1, "size":0,
    "message":"while requiring \"./\"" },
  { "message":"can't find file './' relative to '/tmp'" }
The second message does not have line/column attributes.
2019-10-11 18:34:09 +02:00
ameba.vim #2132 - Replace all uses of foo_callback with foo 2019-02-22 18:05:04 +00:00
crystal.vim Fix crystal-lang non file-tied message handling 2019-10-11 18:34:09 +02:00