ALE Swift Integration                                       *ale-swift-options*

apple-swift-format                               *ale-swift-apple-swift-format*

There are 3 options to enable linting and fixing with Apple's swift-format:

1. Install the local executable in your path, as described here:
2. Install the executable via your OS package manager, for instance via
   Homebrew with `brew install swift-format`
3. Your Swift project has a dependency on the swift-format package, so it can
   be run with `swift run swift-format lint ...` In this case, you need to set
   a variable, see |g:ale_swift_appleswiftformat_use_swiftpm|.

Additionally, ALE tries to locate and use the nearest existing `.swift-format`
configuration file.

g:ale_swift_appleswiftformat_executable *g:ale_swift_appleswiftformat_executable*
  Type: |String|
  Default: `'swift-format'`

  This variable can be modified to change the executable path for

g:ale_swift_appleswiftformat_use_swiftpm *g:ale_swift_appleswiftformat_use_swiftpm*
  Type: |Number|
  Default: `0`

  When set to `1`, this option will cause ALE to use
  `swift run swift-format lint ...` instead of the global executable. Use this
  option if your Swift project has a dependency on the swift-format package.

  See |ale-integrations-local-executables|

sourcekitlsp                                           *ale-swift-sourcekitlsp*

To enable the SourceKit-LSP you need to install and build the executable as
described here: https://github.com/apple/sourcekit-lsp#building-sourcekit-lsp

g:ale_sourcekit_lsp_executable                 *g:ale_sourcekit_lsp_executable*
  Type: |String|
  Default: `'sourcekit-lsp'`

  See |ale-integrations-local-executables|
