Before: call ale#assert#SetUpFixerTest('python', 'ruff_format') let b:bin_dir = has('win32') ? 'Scripts' : 'bin' After: call ale#assert#TearDownFixerTest() unlet! g:dir unlet! b:bin_dir Execute(The ruff callback should not change directory if the option is set to 0): let g:ale_python_ruff_format_change_directory = 0 let file_path = g:dir . '/../test-files/python/with_virtualenv/subdir/foo/' silent execute 'file ' . fnameescape(file_path) let fname = ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(file_path)) AssertFixer \ { \ 'cwd': '%s:h', \ 'command': ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/../test-files/python/with_virtualenv/env/' . b:bin_dir . '/ruff')) . ' format --stdin-filename ' . fname . ' -', \ } Execute(The ruff callback should respect custom options): let g:ale_python_ruff_format_options = '--ignore F401 -q' let file_path = g:dir . '/../test-files/python/with_virtualenv/subdir/foo/' silent execute 'file ' . fnameescape(file_path) let fname = ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(file_path)) AssertFixer \ { \ 'cwd': ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/../test-files/python/with_virtualenv/subdir'), \ 'command': ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/../test-files/python/with_virtualenv/env/' . b:bin_dir . '/ruff')) \ . ' format --ignore F401 -q --stdin-filename '. fname . ' -', \ } Execute(Pipenv is detected when python_ruff_format_auto_pipenv is set): let g:ale_python_ruff_format_auto_pipenv = 1 let g:ale_python_ruff_format_change_directory = 0 let file_path = '../test-files/python/pipenv/' call ale#test#SetFilename(file_path) let fname = ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/'. file_path)) AssertFixer \ { \ 'cwd': '%s:h', \ 'command': ale#Escape('pipenv') . ' run ruff format --stdin-filename ' . fname . ' -' \ } Execute(Poetry is detected when python_ruff_auto_poetry is set): let g:ale_python_ruff_format_auto_poetry = 1 let g:ale_python_ruff_format_change_directory = 0 call ale#test#SetFilename('../test-files/python/poetry/') let fname = ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir .'/../test-files/python/poetry/')) AssertFixer \ { \ 'cwd': '%s:h', \ 'command': ale#Escape('poetry') . ' run ruff format --stdin-filename ' . fname . ' -' \ } Execute(Poetry is detected when python_ruff_format_auto_poetry is set, and cwd respects change_directory option): let g:ale_python_ruff_format_auto_poetry = 1 let g:ale_python_ruff_format_change_directory = 1 call ale#test#SetFilename('../test-files/python/poetry/') let fname = ale#Escape(ale#path#Simplify(g:dir .'/../test-files/python/poetry/')) AssertFixer \ { \ 'cwd': ale#path#Simplify(g:dir . '/../test-files/python/poetry'), \ 'command': ale#Escape('poetry') . ' run ruff format --stdin-filename ' . fname . ' -' \ }