this commit adds refurb as a Python linter, together with some tests
and documentation. it should fix issue: #4362
refurb repo:
Add configuration files for pyright (JSON and TOML) to list of files
which identify a project root directory. Update documentation
Co-authored-by: Andreas Doll <>
Unimport ( is a linter,
formatter for finding and removing unused import statements.
This introduces linting support, although fixer support could come
* Add cspell linter
Add cspell linter, with the languages it supports.
Signed-off-by: David Houston <>
* Add cspell Global Variables Documentation
Add documentation to /doc/ale.txt with cspell configuration options.
Signed-off-by: David Houston <>
* Add cspell to docs, Minor Cleanup
Add cspell for each supported language, adding some spaces and removing
others when caught navigating the file.
Signed-off-by: David Houston <>
Without this, we have one `pyre` process running across different pyre
projects. With this change, files in different projects can be linted
with pyre at the same time.
Co-authored-by: Oliver Ruben Albertini <>
* Add poetry support to python linters and black fixer.
* Update python.vim to detect poetry project.
* Update ale.vim, add an option for poetry `g:ale_python_auto_poetry`.
* Update ale-python.txt, add poetry support.
* Add and update poetry related tests.
Co-authored-by: unc0 <>
* Correct typo in a config file filename.
.tool_versions should be .tool-versions
* Correct typo in config file names.
.tool_versions should be .tool-versions
* Also check for asdf-vm's .tool_versions file
A minimal python project may only be specifying a python version using a version management tool like asdf-vm, without providing other common python project configuration files. asdf-vm creates a single .tool_versions file in the managed directory. By checking for .tool_versions in addition to other common python config files we ensure that python linters (whose behaviour typically depends on a particular python version) will run with the same version of python used by the project. This will also be the same python version used by vim itself when it is run from inside the project's directories.
* add .tool_versions to ale-python-root documentation
This reflects the corresponding change to autoload/ale/python.vim
Option `per-file-ignores` was introduced in flake8 version 3.7.0.
It allows to ignore specific errors in specific files using glob syntax.
For example `per-file-ignores = src/generated/*.py:F401` will
ignore `F401` error in all python files in `src/generated`.
Thus ale has to run flake8 from project root where .flake8 config
is placed otherwise glob won't match linted file.
isort is great, but I've come to prefer reorder-python-imports. The tool
has a focus on smaller diffs than isort. reorder-python-imports is also
a little smarter than isort which is nice.
The official configuration files for `flake8` are `.flake8`, `tox.ini`,
and `setup.cfg`.
After investigation, it is safe to remove `flake8.cfg` as it appears to
only exist as a typo in other tooling documentation (e.g.,
Even though no linters automatically read `.flake8rc`, it is kept in
case projects may be using it for detecting the projects root directory.
Bandit automatically [uses any .bandit file] within the directories on
which it is invoked. Since ALE invokes bandit on stdin, it does not
load a .bandit file automatically. Add support for automatically
finding a .bandit file and passing it to bandit via the --ini option
along with a variable to disable this behavior if desired.
Note: This is useful for the skips and tests configuration options, but
not exclude which would require invoking bandit using a file name, which
may or may not be a good trade-off.
[uses any .bandit file]:
Signed-off-by: Kevin Locke <>
Pylint only [checks for pylintrc] (and .pylintrc) files in the packages
aboves its current directory before falling back to user and global
pylintrc. For projects with a src dir, running pylint from the
directory containing the file will not use the project pylintrc.
Adopt the convention used by many other Python linters of running from
the project root, which solves this issue. Add pylintrc and .pylintrc
to FindProjectRoot. Update docs.
[checks for pylintrc]:
Signed-off-by: Kevin Locke <>
The vulture linter already supports ale_python_vulture_options, but it
is not documented or tested. Since vulture only supports configuration
via options, it is an important use case. Add docs and test.
Signed-off-by: Kevin Locke <>
Similar to other linters/fixers, by default change to the directory of
the file being fixed before invoking `black`, which allows the tool to
read project-specific configuration (pyproject.toml)
The linter can correctly parse pydocstyle output with any of the following
command-line options enabled: --explain, --source, --debug, and/or
When set to true, and the buffer is currently inside a pipenv,
GetExecutable will return "pipenv", which will trigger the existing
functionality to append the correct pipenv arguments to run each linter.
Defaults to false.
I was going to implement ale#python#PipenvPresent by invoking
`pipenv --venv` or `pipenv --where`, but it seemed to be abominably
slow, even to the point where the test suite wasn't even finishing
("Tried to run tests 3 times"). The diff is:
diff --git a/autoload/ale/python.vim b/autoload/ale/python.vim
index 7baae079..8c100d41 100644
--- a/autoload/ale/python.vim
+++ b/autoload/ale/python.vim
@@ -106,5 +106,9 @@ endfunction
" Detects whether a pipenv environment is present.
function! ale#python#PipenvPresent(buffer) abort
- return findfile('Pipfile.lock', expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p:h') . ';') isnot# ''
+ let l:cd_string = ale#path#BufferCdString(a:buffer)
+ let l:output = systemlist(l:cd_string . 'pipenv --where')[0]
+ " `pipenv --where` returns the path to the dir containing the Pipfile
+ " if in a pipenv, or some error text otherwise.
+ return strpart(l:output, 0, 18) !=# "No Pipfile present"
Using vim's `findfile` is much faster, behaves correctly in the majority
of situations, and also works reliably when the `pipenv` command doesn't