Default `g:ale_disable_lsp` to a new mode `'auto'` by default. With this
setting applied, ALE will now check for the presence of nvim-lspconfig
and automatically turn off particular LSP linters if already configured
via nvim-lspconfig.
For users that do not use `nvim-lspconfig`, everything should work as
* Fix error from ansible-lint versions >=6.11.0.
The JSON output format of ansible-lint has changed since
6.11.0. Issue locations can have either a 'positions' or
a 'lines' member, rather than just a 'lines' member as it
was before. This fix checks which member is present, and
passes that member name to subsequent dictionary lookups.
The error was caused by the following change:
* Add ansible-lint test to check each type of ansible-lint issue json.
* Change long single-line JSON in ansible test into multiline JSON.
* Fix linting errors in ansible_lint.vim.
* Handle empty answer of ansible-lint
The variable a:lines might be empty if ansible-lint exited early, in
that case json_decode would trow an error.
* Use ales JSON decode function
* Fix ansible-lint linter definition.
Use ansible-lint's feature auto-detection instead of temporary file.
For auto-detection to work, ansible project has to be also a git repository.
Don't use yaml rules. These are checked by yamllint.
Refactor pattern to work with ansible-lint >=5.0 version.
Clean-up obsolete test cases.
* Pull Request changes
This PR first and formost implements support for dot-seperate filetypes,
a very trivial change.
This closes#132
But more importantly, this PR vastly improves the test quality for
`ale#linter#Get`. It enables us to reset the state of ale's internal
linter cache, to facilitate better testing, as well as making use of
mocked linters instead of depending on linters on disk (which may
change). In addition, a dummy linter is defined to test the autoloading
Header guards were removed from all linters as:
* A: ale won't try and load linters if they already exist in memory
* B: we can't reset state for testing if they can't be loaded again