fix: Find proj_options in same dir for astyle

This commit is contained in:
jhlink 2020-07-30 09:29:33 -04:00
parent e03e24c091
commit d49b06e030
2 changed files with 11 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ endfunction
function! ale#fixers#astyle#Fix(buffer) abort
let l:executable = ale#fixers#astyle#Var(a:buffer, 'executable')
let l:proj_options = ale#fixers#astyle#FindProjectOptions(a:buffer)
let l:command = ' --stdin='
let l:command = ' --stdin=''' . expand('#' . a:buffer) . ''''
return {
\ 'command': ale#Escape(l:executable)

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@ -20,11 +20,12 @@ Execute(The astyle callback should return the correct default values):
" Because this file doesn't exist, no astylrc config
" exists near it. Therefore, project_options is empty.
call ale#test#SetFilename('../c_files/testfile.c')
let targetfile = bufname(bufnr('%'))
\ {
\ 'command': ale#Escape(g:ale_c_astyle_executable)
\ . ' --stdin='
\ . ' --stdin=' . ale#Escape(targetfile)
\ },
\ ale#fixers#astyle#Fix(bufnr(''))
@ -33,46 +34,50 @@ Execute(The astyle callback should support cpp files):
" exists near it. Therefore, project_options is empty.
call ale#test#SetFilename('../cpp_files/dummy.cpp')
set filetype=cpp " The test fails without this
let targetfile = bufname(bufnr('%'))
\ {
\ 'command': ale#Escape(g:ale_cpp_astyle_executable)
\ . ' --stdin='
\ . ' --stdin=' . ale#Escape(targetfile)
\ },
\ ale#fixers#astyle#Fix(bufnr(''))
Execute(The astyle callback should support cpp files with option file set):
call ale#test#SetFilename('../cpp_files/dummy.cpp')
let g:ale_cpp_astyle_project_options = '.astylerc_cpp'
let targetfile = bufname(bufnr('%'))
set filetype=cpp " The test fails without this
\ {
\ 'command': ale#Escape('invalidpp')
\ . ' --project=' . g:ale_cpp_astyle_project_options
\ . ' --stdin='
\ . ' --stdin=' . ale#Escape(targetfile)
\ },
\ ale#fixers#astyle#Fix(bufnr(''))
Execute(The astyle callback should return the correct default values with an option file set):
call ale#test#SetFilename('../c_files/testfile.c')
let g:ale_c_astyle_project_options = '.astylerc_c'
let targetfile = bufname(bufnr('%'))
\ {
\ 'command': ale#Escape('xxxinvalid')
\ . ' --project=' . g:ale_c_astyle_project_options
\ . ' --stdin='
\ . ' --stdin=' . ale#Escape(targetfile)
\ },
\ ale#fixers#astyle#Fix(bufnr(''))
Execute(The astyle callback should find nearest default option file _astylrc):
call ale#test#SetFilename('../test_c_projects/makefile_project/subdir/file.c')
let targetfile = bufname(bufnr('%'))
\ {
\ 'command': ale#Escape('xxxinvalid')
\ . ' --project=_astylerc'
\ . ' --stdin='
\ . ' --stdin=' . ale#Escape(targetfile)
\ },
\ ale#fixers#astyle#Fix(bufnr(''))