mirror of https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale
Fix 3103 - add shellcheck shell directive detection. (#3216)
* Fix 3103 - add shellcheck shell directive detection. Searches for shellcheck shell directive to detect dialects for scripts that do not have shebang. * Change order of detection of shellcheck dialect In a situation where the filetype can be wrong (example: something.sh which is written in bash dialect) and has no hash-bang (since it is meant to be sourced) then the override specified within the script will be ignored. It probably is the most right thing to do if the script author has added a specific directive; it should trump everything else. Co-authored-by: Horacio Sanson <horacio@allm.inc> Co-authored-by: Dino Korah <dino.korah@redmatter.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,8 +1,32 @@
" Author: w0rp <devw0rp@gmail.com>
" Description: This file adds support for using the shellcheck linter
" Shellcheck supports shell directives to define the shell dialect for scripts
" that do not have a shebang for some reason.
" https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/Directive#shell
function! ale#handlers#shellcheck#GetShellcheckDialectDirective(buffer) abort
let l:linenr = 0
let l:pattern = '\s\{-}#\s\{-}shellcheck\s\{-}shell=\(.*\)'
let l:possible_shell = ['bash', 'dash', 'ash', 'tcsh', 'csh', 'zsh', 'ksh', 'sh']
while l:linenr < min([50, line('$')])
let l:linenr += 1
let l:match = matchlist(getline(l:linenr), l:pattern)
if len(l:match) > 1 && index(l:possible_shell, l:match[1]) >= 0
return l:match[1]
return ''
function! ale#handlers#shellcheck#GetDialectArgument(buffer) abort
let l:shell_type = ale#handlers#sh#GetShellType(a:buffer)
let l:shell_type = ale#handlers#shellcheck#GetShellcheckDialectDirective(a:buffer)
if empty(l:shell_type)
let l:shell_type = ale#handlers#sh#GetShellType(a:buffer)
if !empty(l:shell_type)
" Use the dash dialect for /bin/ash, etc.
@ -127,3 +127,51 @@ Execute(The dash dialect should be used for the shell and the base function):
Execute(dash should be used for shellcheck):
AssertEqual 'dash', ale#handlers#shellcheck#GetDialectArgument(bufnr(''))
Given(A file with a Bash shellcheck shell directive):
# shellcheck shell=bash
Execute(bash dialect should be detected appropriately):
AssertEqual 'bash', ale#handlers#shellcheck#GetDialectArgument(bufnr(''))
Given(A file with a sh shellcheck shell directive):
#shellcheck shell=sh
Execute(sh dialect should be detected appropriately):
AssertEqual 'sh', ale#handlers#shellcheck#GetDialectArgument(bufnr(''))
Given(A file with a tcsh shellcheck shell directive):
# shellcheck shell=tcsh
Execute(tcsh dialect should be detected appropriately):
AssertEqual 'tcsh', ale#handlers#shellcheck#GetDialectArgument(bufnr(''))
Given(A file with a zsh shellcheck shell directive):
# shellcheck shell=zsh
Execute(zsh dialect should be detected appropriately):
AssertEqual 'zsh', ale#handlers#shellcheck#GetDialectArgument(bufnr(''))
Given(A file with a csh shellcheck shell directive):
# shellcheck shell=csh
Execute(zsh dialect should be detected appropriately):
AssertEqual 'csh', ale#handlers#shellcheck#GetDialectArgument(bufnr(''))
Given(A file with a ksh shellcheck shell directive):
# shellcheck shell=ksh
Execute(ksh dialect should be detected appropriately):
AssertEqual 'ksh', ale#handlers#shellcheck#GetDialectArgument(bufnr(''))
Given(A file with a dash shellcheck shell directive):
# shellcheck shell=dash
Execute(dash dialect should be detected appropriately):
AssertEqual 'dash', ale#handlers#shellcheck#GetDialectArgument(bufnr(''))
Given(A file with a ash shellcheck shell directive):
# shellcheck shell=ash
Execute(dash dialect should be detected for ash that shellcheck does not support):
AssertEqual 'dash', ale#handlers#shellcheck#GetDialectArgument(bufnr(''))
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