mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 01:40:27 +00:00
583 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
583 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie qw(:all);
use feature qw(:5.14);
use LWP::UserAgent;
use LWP::ConnCache;
use JSON;
use URI;
use Text::Wrap qw(wrap $columns);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
our $packager = '';
my %pkgmap = ();
my %licenses = ();
my $template = <<'EOF';
# Automatically generated by apkbuild-pypi, template 5
[% authors %]
maintainer=[% maintainer %]
pkgname=[% pkgname %]
pkgver=[% pkgver %]
pkgrel=[% pkgrel %]
#_pkgreal is used by apkbuild-pypi to find modules at PyPI
_pkgreal=[% pkgreal %]
pkgdesc="[% pkgdesc %]"
url="[% url %]"
license="[% license %]"
makedepends="py3-gpep517 py3-setuptools py3-wheel"
source="[% source %]"
builddir="[% builddir %]"
options="[% options %]"[% options_comment %]
[% compatibility %]
build() {
gpep517 build-wheel \
--wheel-dir .dist \
--output-fd 3 3>&1 >&2
check() {
python3 -m venv --clear --without-pip --system-site-packages .testenv
.testenv/bin/python3 -m installer .dist/*.whl
.testenv/bin/python3 -m pytest
package() {
python3 -m installer -d "$pkgdir" \
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $json = JSON->new;
sub read_file {
my ($filename) = @_;
open my $fh, '<:utf8', $filename;
local $/;
my $text = <$fh>;
return $text;
sub read_assignments_from_file {
my ($filename) = @_;
return () if ( ! -e $filename );
my $text = read_file($filename);
my %sline = $text =~ /^(\w+)\s*=\s*([^\"\n]*)$/mg;
my %mline = $text =~ /^(\w+)\s*=\s*\"([^\"]*)\".*$/mg;
my %hash = ( %sline, %mline );
return \%hash if $filename ne 'APKBUILD';
my $authors = $text =~ /^# Contributor: .*$/mg;
$hash{'authors'} = $authors if length($authors) > 1;
my $maintainer = $text =~ /^# Maintainer: .*$/mg;
$hash{'maintainer'} = $maintainer if length($maintainer) > 1;
if ($text =~ m/^provides=\"(.*)\"(.*)$/m) {
$hash{'provides'} = $1;
$hash{'provides_comment'} = $2;
if ($text =~ m/^replaces=\"(.*)\"(.*)$/m) {
$hash{'replaces'} = $1;
$hash{'replaces_comment'} = $2;
# workaround for `builddir="$srcdir"/$_pkgname-$pkgver`
if ($text =~ m/^builddir=\"(.*)\"([^\s]*)/m) {
$hash{'builddir'} = $1 . $2;
if ($text =~ m/^options=\"(.*)\"(.*)$/m) {
$hash{'options'} = $1;
$hash{'options_comment'} = $2;
return \%hash;
sub map_pypi_to_apk {
my ($pypi) = @_;
return $pkgmap{$pypi} unless !exists($pkgmap{$pypi});
return 'py3-'.lc($pypi);
sub map_license {
my ($license) = @_;
$license //= '';
$license =~ s/ or / /g;
return $license;
sub get_source {
my ($distdata) = @_;
my $pkgname = $distdata->{info}{name};
my $source;
for my $url (@{$distdata->{urls}}) {
if ($url->{python_version} eq 'source') {
$source = URI->new($url->{url});
die "Unable to locate sources for $pkgname.\n" unless $source;
my $filename = ($source->path_segments)[-1];
my $pretty_path = substr($pkgname, 0, 1) . "/$pkgname";
my $pretty_url = $source->clone;
my $response = $ua->head($pretty_url);
if ($response->is_success) {
return $pretty_url->as_string;
} else {
return $source->as_string;
sub read_apkbuild {
return read_assignments_from_file('APKBUILD');
sub format_line {
my $line = shift;
return "\t" . $line . "\n";
sub format_source {
my $srcurl = shift;
my $orig_src = shift;
$orig_src =~ s/^\s+//mg;
$orig_src =~ s/\s+/ /g;
my @sources = split (/\s/, $orig_src);
return $srcurl if @sources <= 1;
shift @sources if $sources[0] =~ m/pkgver/;
my $patches;
for my $patch (@sources) {
next if $patch eq "";
$patches .= format_line($patch);
return $srcurl . "\n" . ($patches // '') . "\t";
sub write_apkbuild {
my ($distdata, $apkbuild) = @_;
my $replaces = undef;
my $provides = undef;
my $authors = undef;
my $maintainer = $packager;
my $license = undef;
my $url = undef;
my $pkgname = undef;
my $pkgdesc = undef;
my $pkgrel = 0;
my $builddir = undef;
my $options = undef;
my $options_comment = undef;
my $orig_source = "";
if (our $use_homepage) {
$url =
|| $distdata->{info}{home_page};
if (defined $apkbuild) {
$authors = $apkbuild->{authors};
$maintainer = $apkbuild->{maintainer};
$provides = $apkbuild->{provides};
$replaces = $apkbuild->{replaces};
$license = $apkbuild->{license};
$url = $apkbuild->{url};
$pkgname = $apkbuild->{pkgname};
$pkgdesc = $apkbuild->{pkgdesc};
$pkgrel = $apkbuild->{pkgrel};
$builddir = $apkbuild->{builddir};
$options = $apkbuild->{options} if defined $apkbuild->{options};
$options_comment = $apkbuild->{options_comment} if defined $apkbuild->{options_comment};
$orig_source = $apkbuild->{source};
if ($apkbuild->{pkgver} eq $distdata->{info}{version}) {
my $pkgreal = $distdata->{info}{name};
my $srcurl = get_source($distdata);
my %repl = (
authors => ($authors or "# Contributor: $packager"),
maintainer => $mantainer,
pkgname => ($pkgname or map_pypi_to_apk($pkgreal)),
pkgreal => $pkgreal,
pkgver => $distdata->{info}{version},
pkgrel => $pkgrel,
source => format_source($srcurl, $orig_source),
license => ($license or map_license($distdata->{info}{license})),
url => ($url or "https://pypi.org/project/${pkgreal}/"),
pkgdesc => ($pkgdesc or $distdata->{info}{summary} or "Python module for $pkgreal"),
builddir => ($builddir or ''),
options => ($options or ''),
options_comment => ($options_comment or ''),
$repl{compatibility} = "";
if ($replaces) {
my $comment = $apkbuild->{'replaces_comment'} // '';
$repl{compatibility} .= "\nreplaces=\"$replaces\"" . $comment;
if ($provides) {
my $comment = $apkbuild->{'provides_comment'} // '';
$repl{compatibility} .= "\nprovides=\"$provides\"" . $comment;
$repl{compatibility} .= "\n" if $replaces or $provides;
$repl{source} =~ s/-$repl{pkgver}/-\$pkgver/g;
$template =~ s/\[% (.*?) %\]/$repl{$1}/g;
open my $fh, '>:utf8', 'APKBUILD';
print {$fh} $template;
close $fh;
say "Wrote $repl{pkgname}/APKBUILD";
return \%repl;
sub unpack_source {
system('abuild checksum unpack');
sub prepare_tree {
my %options = @_;
unpack_source if $options{unpack};
system('abuild prepare');
sub find_package_name {
my ($apkbuild) = @_;
my $pkgreal = '';
if (exists $apkbuild->{_realname}) {
$pkgreal = $apkbuild->{_realname};
} elsif (exists $apkbuild->{_pkgreal}) {
$pkgreal = $apkbuild->{_pkgreal};
} elsif (exists $apkbuild->{_pkgname}) {
$pkgreal = $apkbuild->{_pkgname};
} elsif (exists $apkbuild->{_name}) {
$pkgreal = $apkbuild->{_name};
} elsif (exists $apkbuild->{_realpkgname}) {
$pkgreal = $apkbuild->{_realpkgname};
} elsif (exists $apkbuild->{_pkg_real}) {
$pkgreal = $apkbuild->{_pkg_real};
} elsif (exists $apkbuild->{source}) {
$pkgreal = $apkbuild->{source};
$pkgreal =~ m/(\w+)-/;
$pkgreal = $1;
} else {
print "No pkg real found\n";
return $pkgreal;
sub get_data {
my ($package) = @_;
my $response = $ua->get("https://pypi.org/pypi/$package/json");
$response->is_success or die $response->status_line;
my $distdata = $json->decode($response->decoded_content);
return $distdata;
sub parse_requires_dist {
my $reqs = shift;
# Valid PyPI regex: https://peps.python.org/pep-0508/#names
my $pypi_regex = qr/(?i)([A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9._-]*[A-Z0-9])/;
my @depends =
map { m/$pypi_regex/; $1 || () }
grep { $_ !~ m/; extra ==/ }
my @checkdeps =
map { m/$pypi_regex/; $1 || () }
grep { m/; extra == ["'](tests|pytest)["']/ }
my %reqs = (
depends => \@depends,
checkdeps => \@checkdeps,
return \%reqs;
sub format_depends {
my $deps = shift;
$columns = 102;
$deps =~ s/ {2,}/ /g;
$deps =~ s/^\s//g;
$deps =~ s/\s$//g;
if ( length($deps) >= $columns ) {
$deps = wrap( "\t", "\t", $deps );
$deps =~ s/\s$//g;
if ( length($deps) >= $columns ) {
$deps = "\n" . $deps . "\n\t";
return $deps;
sub get_deps {
my ($distdata, $data) = @_;
my $reqs = parse_requires_dist($distdata->{info}{requires_dist});
my %depends = ('py3-pytest' => 'py3-pytest');
my @depends =
map {
my $apkname = map_pypi_to_apk($_);
if (exists $depends{$apkname}) { () }
else { $depends{$apkname} = $apkname }
my @checkdeps =
map {
my $apkname = map_pypi_to_apk($_);
exists($depends{$apkname}) ? () : $apkname
my $apk = read_file('APKBUILD');
my $depends = format_depends(join ' ', @depends);
$apk =~ s/^depends=""/depends="$depends"/m;
unshift @checkdeps, 'py3-pytest';
my $checkdeps = format_depends(join ' ', @checkdeps);
$apk =~ s/^checkdepends="py3-pytest"/checkdepends="$checkdeps"/m;
# remove empty variables
$apk =~ s/.*="".{0,}\n//g;
open my $fh, '>:utf8', 'APKBUILD';
print $fh $apk;
say "Requires: @depends\n\nCheckDepends: @checkdeps";
sub write_old_deps {
my ($data, $apkbuild) = @_;
my $apk = read_file('APKBUILD');
if (my $depends = $apkbuild->{depends}) {
$apk =~ s/^depends=".*"/depends="$depends"/m;
if (my $makedeps = $apkbuild->{makedepends}) {
if ($makedeps =~ m/py3-gpep517/) {
$apk =~ s/^makedepends=".*"/makedepends="$makedeps"/m;
} else {
$apk =~ s/^makedepends="(.*)"/makedepends="$1 $makedeps"/m;
if (my $checkdeps = $apkbuild->{checkdepends}) {
if ($checkdeps =~ m/py3-pytest/) {
$apk =~ s/^checkdepends=".*"/checkdepends="$checkdeps"/m;
} else {
$apk =~ s/^checkdepends="(.*)"/checkdepends="$1 $checkdeps"/m;
# remove empty variables
$apk =~ s/.*="".{0,}\n//g;
open my $fh, '>:utf8', 'APKBUILD';
print $fh $apk;
sub update_builddir {
my $apkbuild = read_apkbuild;
my $pkgreal = $apkbuild->{'_pkgreal'};
my $pkgname = $apkbuild->{pkgname};
my $pkgver = $apkbuild->{pkgver};
my $oldbuilddir = $apkbuild->{builddir};
my $build_path = glob("
if ($build_path) {
my $newbuilddir = dirname($build_path);
$newbuilddir =~ s/src/\$srcdir/;
$newbuilddir =~ s/$pkgreal/\$_pkgreal/;
$newbuilddir =~ s/$pkgver/\$pkgver/;
my $apk = read_file('APKBUILD');
if ($pkgname eq $pkgreal and
$newbuilddir eq '$srcdir/$_pkgreal-$pkgver') {
# this will be deleted by the remove empty
# variables regex in get_deps/write_old_deps
$apk =~ s/^builddir=".*"/builddir=""/m;
$newbuilddir = '<same as default, deleted>';
} elsif ($newbuilddir eq $oldbuilddir) {
} else {
$apk =~ s/^builddir=".*"/builddir="$newbuilddir"/m;
print "\n\$builddir redefined:\n\t",
"OLD: $oldbuilddir, NEW: $newbuilddir\n\n";
open my $fh, '>:utf8', 'APKBUILD';
print $fh $apk;
my $abuild_conf = read_assignments_from_file('/etc/abuild.conf');
$packager = $abuild_conf->{PACKAGER} if $abuild_conf->{PACKAGER};
my $user_abuild_conf = read_assignments_from_file($ENV{"HOME"} . "/.abuild/abuild.conf");
$packager = $user_abuild_conf->{PACKAGER} if $user_abuild_conf->{PACKAGER};
sub usage {
say <<'EOF';
Usage: apkbuild-pypi [create <package> [homepage] | check | recreate [deps] | upgrade | update]
In the repository root:
create <package>: Creates an APKBUILD for <package>
create <package> homepage: Creates an APKBUILD for <package> with url= field set to project homepage, if available
In the package root:
check : Reports current & latest version of the package
recreate [deps] : Recreates the APKBUILD [also recalculate dependencies]
upgrade : Upgrades to the latest version of the package
update : Updates APKBUILD metadata
if (! defined $ARGV[0]) {
die usage;
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'create') {
my $package = $ARGV[1];
$package or die usage;
my $distdata = get_data($package);
my $apkname = map_pypi_to_apk($package);
mkdir $apkname;
chdir $apkname;
if ($ARGV[2] and $ARGV[2] eq 'homepage') { our $use_homepage = 1; }
my $data = write_apkbuild($distdata, undef);
get_deps($distdata, $data);
prepare_tree( unpack => 0 );
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'recreate') {
my $apkbuild = read_apkbuild;
if (! defined $apkbuild->{_pkgreal}) {
$apkbuild->{_pkgreal} = find_package_name($apkbuild);
my $distdata = get_data($apkbuild->{_pkgreal});
my $pkgver = $distdata->{info}{version} =~ s/^[^0-9]+//r;
if ($pkgver ne $apkbuild->{pkgver}) {
#Reset pkgrel on upgrade on recreate
say "Upgrading PyPI module from $apkbuild->{pkgver} to $pkgver";
my $data = write_apkbuild($distdata, $apkbuild);
if ($ARGV[1] and $ARGV[1] eq 'deps') { get_deps($distdata, $data); }
else { write_old_deps($data, $apkbuild); }
prepare_tree( unpack => 0 );
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'upgrade') {
my $apkbuild = read_apkbuild;
if (! defined $apkbuild->{_pkgreal}) {
$apkbuild->{_pkgreal} = find_package_name($apkbuild);
my $distdata = get_data($apkbuild->{_pkgreal});
my $pkgver = $distdata->{info}{version};
if ($pkgver ne $apkbuild->{pkgver}) {
say "Upgrading PyPI package from $apkbuild->{pkgver} to $pkgver";
my $text = read_file('APKBUILD');
$text =~ s/^(pkgver)=.*$/$1=$pkgver/mg or
die "Can't find pkgver line in APKBUILD";
$text =~ s/^(pkgrel)=.*$/$1=0/mg or
die "Can't find pkgrel line in APKBUILD";
open my $fh, '>:utf8', 'APKBUILD';
print $fh $text;
close $fh;
} else {
say "Already up to date with PyPI";
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'check') {
my $apkbuild = read_apkbuild;
if (! defined $apkbuild->{_pkgreal}) {
$apkbuild->{_pkgreal} = find_package_name($apkbuild);
my $distdata = get_data($apkbuild->{_pkgreal});
my $pkgver = $distdata->{info}{version};
say "$apkbuild->{pkgname}: Latest version: $pkgver Packaged version: $apkbuild->{pkgver}";
if ($pkgver ne $apkbuild->{pkgver}) {
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'update') {
prepare_tree( unpack => 1 );
} else {
die usage;