[![HitCount](http://hits.dwyl.io/CHEF-KOCH/Warez.svg)](http://hits.dwyl.io/CHEF-KOCH/Warez) [![Twitter URL](https://img.shields.io/twitter/url/https/twitter.com/fold_left.svg?style=social&label=Follow%20%40CHEF-KOCH)](https://twitter.com/CKsTechNews) [![Discord](https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/418256415874875402/widget.png)](https://discord.me/CHEF-KOCH) # Warez The list is the biggest [Warez](http://anonym.es/?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warez_scene) overview around the Warez topic on the entire internet! It contains links to Warez related topics, discussions, tools etc. and provides some background information about the scene. ## Disclaimer **Me (myself and I) nor GitHub supporting warez (!) - we're not responsible for external links or their content! If you dislike the information the list provides then contact the website owner/webmaster/hoster directly and fill a DMCA request.** ### Why was this overview page created? * Research reasons! * Freedom of information! * Most lists you find are outdated, not actively maintained or full of malware links. ### Credits Since this list is really huge I can't name each and every single one of you, but here is a short list which hopefully covers all of them: * All [contributors](https://github.com/CHEF-KOCH/Warez/graphs/contributors). * All demoscene people which helped to build the _scene_. * All developers which developed mentioned programs. * All other people which helped to push this little project forward. * All people which are involved in the piracy & netsec scene or created forums to talk about such topics. ### What **does not** belong on this list? (see also code of conduct) * Illegal programs (cracks, keygens etc.) or direct links to copyright protected material. * Links to [banned websites](https://github.com/CHEF-KOCH/Warez/blob/master/Banned.md). * Links to [offline websites](https://github.com/CHEF-KOCH/Warez/blob/master/Offline.md). * Software which is outdated or not actively maintained, open source software is is general been preferred. * Insecure programs (no audit- or code-review) or insecure connections e.g. `http://` or `ftp://` links. * Why is program _X_ not listed e.g. K-9 mail, it's FOSS! Not every mention makes sense, especially in a [security context](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/k9mail/k-9/issues/655). * Explicit content. * Tor (.onion) links, they are all crippled (not clickable). ## How can I contribute to the list? * You can [submit a pull request](https://github.com/CHEF-KOCH/Warez/pulls) - after you [read the contributions guidelines](https://github.com/CHEF-KOCH/Warez/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md). ## How do I search on this page? * A search function is planned, [among other small features](https://github.com/CHEF-KOCH/Warez/blob/master/.github/PROJECT_ToDo.md). * Since there is (currently) - no filter or page search you need to browse trough the page from within your Browser via `Ctrl + F` or `Cmd + F`. ## Project structure - `.github` - Documents, Todo etc - [Homepage](https://chef-koch.github.io/Warez/) - General Overview (_which gets a search (it's on the to-do)_) - [Readme.md](https://github.com/CHEF-KOCH/Warez/blob/master/README.md) - _This file_, provides a smaller overview (includes only website links and no tutorials etc). - [Scene Info.md](https://github.com/CHEF-KOCH/Warez/blob/master/Scene%20Info.md) - Beginner Info to get into the scene and warez. - [Tools.md](https://github.com/CHEF-KOCH/Warez/blob/master/Tools.md) - Lists all programs related to warez. - [Extensions & Scripts](https://github.com/CHEF-KOCH/Warez/blob/master/Extensions%20%26%20Scripts.md) - Lists Browser Scripts + Extensions which might makes your pirate life a little bit easier. - [Tutorials.md](https://github.com/CHEF-KOCH/Warez/blob/master/Tutorials.md) - Lists all warez related tools. - [Banned.md](https://github.com/CHEF-KOCH/Warez/blob/master/Banned.md) - Lists all banned groups, programs and topics - [Offline.md](https://github.com/CHEF-KOCH/Warez/blob/master/Offline.md) - Lists all offline or compromised websites. - [Trusted.md](https://github.com/CHEF-KOCH/Warez/blob/master/Trusted.md) - Lists trusted groups or people which are known to crack or upload stuff. - [Code-of-Conduct.md](https://github.com/CHEF-KOCH/Warez/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) - Lists our current project standards. ## Liability for Contents - [French court rules that Steam’s ban on reselling used games is contrary to European law](http://anonym.es/?https://www.polygon.com/2019/9/19/20874384/french-court-steam-valve-used-games-eu-law) - [MEPs approve sweeping changes to copyright law](http://anonym.es/?https://www.theguardian.com/media/2019/mar/26/meps-approve-sweeping-changes-to-copyright-law-european-copyright-directive) - [The Legalities of Linking](http://anonym.es/?https://www.lifewire.com/legalities-of-linking-3468972) - [COPYRIGHT LIABILITY FOR LINKING AND EMBEDDING - Klaris Law (.PDF)](http://anonym.es/?https://klarislaw.com/wp-content/uploads/klarislaw-copyright-liability-for-linking-and-embedding.pdf) - [EU court says linking to copyrighted material isn't illegal](http://anonym.es/?https://www.engadget.com/2016/04/08/eu-court-linking-copyrighted-content-is-legal/) - [IP Address is Not Enough to Identify Pirate, US Court of Appeals Rules](http://anonym.es/?https://torrentfreak.com/ip-address-is-not-enough-to-identify-pirate-us-court-of-appeals-rules-180828/) - ([.PDF](http://anonym.es/?https://cdn.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/opinions/2018/08/27/17-35041.pdf)) - [New EU Piracy Watchlist Targets Key Pirate Sites and Cloudflare](http://anonym.es/?https://torrentfreak.com/new-eu-piracy-watchlist-targets-key-pirate-sites-and-cloudflare-181210/) - ([.PDF](http://anonym.es/?https://torrentfreak.com/images/tradoc_157564.pdf)) - [Domain Registrar Can be Held Liable for Pirate Site, Court Rules](http://anonym.es/?https://torrentfreak.com/domain-registrar-can-be-held-liable-for-pirate-site-court-rules-181224/) - [Reporting When Pirate Releases Hit The Internet is Apparently Illegal Now](http://anonym.es/?https://torrentfreak.com/reporting-when-pirate-releases-hit-the-internet-is-apparently-illegal-now-190101/) - [Swiss Copyright Law: Downloading Stays Legal, No Site Blocking](https://torrentfreak.com/swiss-copyright-law-downloading-stays-legal-no-site-blocking/) - [Web Sheriff](http://anonym.es/?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Sheriff) - [List of websites blocked in the United Kingdom](http://anonym.es/?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_websites_blocked_in_the_United_Kingdom) - [Who Watches the Watchmen: Exploring Complaints on the Web](http://anonym.es/?https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.05796) **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## ISP Info - [Major US ISPs Refuse to Discuss Repeat Infringer Policies](http://anonym.es/?https://torrentfreak.com/major-us-isps-refuse-to-discuss-repeat-infringer-policies-190912/) - [British ISPs throw in the towel, give up sending out toothless copyright infringement warnings](http://anonym.es/?https://www.theregister.co.uk/2019/07/20/creative_content_piracy/) ## Tor Info - [Judge Recommends to Deny Summary Judgment Against Tor Exit Node Operator in Piracy Case](http://anonym.es/?https://torrentfreak.com/judge-recommends-to-deny-summary-judgment-against-tor-exit-node-operator-in-piracy-case-190907/) [(.PDF)](http://anonym.es/?https://torrentfreak.com/images/dallashuszar.pdf) **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## ISPs you should avoid - AT&T - CenturyLink - Comcast/Xfinity - Cox Communications - Spectrum/Charter - Verizon - Vodafone **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Social Media Alternatives - [MeWe](http://anonym.es/?https://mewe.com/) - Google+ replacement. - [Pleroma](http://anonym.es/?https://pleroma.social/) - Host your own social media. - [Mastodon](http://anonym.es/?https://joinmastodon.org/) - Like a decentralized Twitter. - [Movim](http://anonym.es/?https://freedif.org/movim-the-decentralized-social-network) - Movim is a social network, based on XMPP, with Chat and chatrooms, news & communities features. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Penetration Testing Distributions * [Android Tamer](http://anonym.es/?https://androidtamer.com/) - OS for Android Security Professionals. Includes all the tools required for Android security testing. * [ArchStrike](http://anonym.es/?https://archstrike.org/) - Arch GNU/Linux repository for security professionals and enthusiasts. * [AttifyOS](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/adi0x90/attifyos) - GNU/Linux distribution focused on tools useful during Internet of Things (IoT) security assessments. * [BackBox](http://anonym.es/?https://backbox.org/) - Ubuntu-based distribution for penetration tests and security assessments. * [BlackArch](http://anonym.es/?https://www.blackarch.org/) - Arch GNU/Linux-based distribution for penetration testers and security researchers. * [Buscador](http://anonym.es/?https://inteltechniques.com/buscador/) - GNU/Linux virtual machine that is pre-configured for online investigators. * [Kali](http://anonym.es/?https://www.kali.org/) - GNU/Linux distribution designed for digital forensics and penetration testing. * [Parrot](http://anonym.es/?https://www.parrotsec.org/) - Distribution similar to Kali, with multiple architecture. * [PentestBox](http://anonym.es/?https://pentestbox.org/) - Opensource pre-configured portable penetration testing environment for Windows OS. * [The Pentesters Framework](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/trustedsec/ptf) - Distro organized around the Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES), providing a curated collection of utilities that eliminates often unused toolchains. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Public Reverse & Cracking Discussion Forums - [Cracked.to](http://anonym.es/?https://cracked.to/) - Cracked.to is a cracking forum and community. - [Cracked](http://anonym.es/?https://forums.cracked.com/) - A forum for cracking related stuff. - [Crackia](http://anonym.es/?https://crackia.com/) - Crackia Cracking Forum.Find the latest Cracking info, Premium Account Cracking Forum. - [Cracking Forums](http://anonym.es/?https://cracking.org/) - GeoIP Ban - Cracking Forum, Cracking Tutorials, Free Premium Accounts. - [Cracking Pro](http://anonym.es/?https://www.crackingpro.com/) - Cracking Tutorials, Free Premium Accounts, Cracking Configs, Combolists & Proxylists. - [CrackingGOD Forum](http://anonym.es/?https://crackingod.com/) - Cracking. Hack. Graphics. Webmaster. Marketplace. - Crackmes.cf - (mirror of crackmes.de + [reboot](http://anonym.es/?https://crackmes.one/)) - [Forum ExeTools](http://anonym.es/?https://forum.exetools.com/) - The original old school forum to share cracking knowledge. - Reverse Club ([needs invite code](http://anonym.es/?https://forum.crack.vc/?thread-22.htm)) - [Team-IRA [TIRA]](http://anonym.es/?https://team-ira.com/) - TIRA Team International Reversers Alliance ([needs invite code](http://forum.crack.vc/?thread-22.htm)) - [Tuts 4 You](http://anonym.es/?https://tuts4you.com) - One of the oldest forums to discuss reversing related stuff. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## NFO Viewers & KeyGen Music - [Defacto2](http://anonym.es/?https://defacto2.net/welcome) - [Evangelion.keygenmusic.org](http://anonym.es/?https://pub.keygenmusic.org/) - [KeyGen Music](http://anonym.es/?https://keygenmusic.net) - [Keygen Music Archive](http://anonym.es/?https://archive.org/details/Keygen_music_pack) - [NFO Force](http://anonym.es/?https://nfforce.temari.fr) **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Anti-DRM Protects, Plugins & Source Code - [[C++] Steamless - SteamStub DRM Remover](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/atom0s/Steamless) + [Forum](http://anonym.es/?https://atom0s.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=25) - [HexRaysPyTools](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/igogo-x86/HexRaysPyTools) - [Microsoft Research Detours Package](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/Microsoft/Detours) **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Nulled Scripts - [AIW.BZ](http://anonym.es/?https://aiw.bz) - (Ger) - German forum for nulled scripts. - [BoardScriptz](http://anonym.es/?https://boardscriptz.to/board) - (Ger) - One of the oldest boards around nulled forum scripts. - [Cracked-Scriptz](http://anonym.es/?https://forum.cracked-scriptz.r) - (needs VPN) - A Blog which is not always online, it provides info around nulled scripts. - [EScripts](http://anonym.es/?https://www.escripts.club) - (anti-ad-blocker detection) - English forum for nulled forum software. - [Nulled.to](http://anonym.es/?https://www.nulled.to) - The most popular forum around nulled scripts. - [ScriptZSector](http://anonym.es/?https://scriptzsector.com) - One of the newcomer, but fast growing forum. - [ToolBase](http://anonym.es/?https://www.toolbase.me/board) - (Ger) - Tools, scripts and forum discussions around nulled software. - [WSC-Scriptz](http://anonym.es/?https://support.wsc-scriptz.org) - (Ger) - Sometimes online, mostly blocked by ISP, provides a lot info around the nulled scene. - [XenFiles.co](http://anonym.es/?https://xenfiles.co) - (Ger) - Yet another german forum for nulled scripts. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## VPN Subscription Services (no-logs) - [ExpressVPN](http://anonym.es/?http://anonym.es/?https://www.expressvpn.com/) ExpressVPN - A VPN with 256-bit encryption, over 94 countries, and no logs. Also rated as one of the fastest VPNs out there. - [MullVad VPN](http://anonym.es/?https://mullvad.net/) - Provides OpenVPN/Wireguard support. - [NordVPN](http://anonym.es/?https://nordvpn.com/) - Protect your privacy online and access media content with no regional restrictions, and audit can be found [here](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/CHEF-KOCH/NSABlocklist/blob/5371276f7411ab64530f421ed88d21dda28b0dbc/Documents/VPN/profile-nordvpn2.pdf) - [Perfect Privacy VPN](http://anonym.es/?https://www.perfect-privacy.com/) - Known in the business since over 10 years. - [Private Internet Access](http://anonym.es/?https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/) - Popular subscription-based VPN provider with a proven track record for not keeping logs. - [ProtonVPN](http://anonym.es/?https://protonvpn.com/) - High-speed Swiss made VPN that safeguards your privacy. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Self-hosted VPNs - [n2n](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/ntop/n2n) - A Peer-to-peer VPN. - [OpenVPN](http://anonym.es/?https://openvpn.net/) - OpenVPN provides flexible VPN solutions to secure your data communications, whether it's for Internet privacy, remote access for employees, securing IoT, or for networking Cloud data centers. - [PeerVPN](http://anonym.es/?https://peervpn.net/) - PeerVPN is a software that builds virtual ethernet networks between multiple computers. - [Pritunl](http://anonym.es/?https://pritunl.com/) - Enterprise Distributed OpenVPN and IPsec Server. - [sshuttle](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/sshuttle/sshuttle) - Transparent proxy server that works as a poor man's VPN. - [Mysterium Network](http://anonym.es/?https://mysterium.network/) - Yet another self-hosted VPN. - [Outline by Alphabet](http://anonym.es/?https://www.getoutline.org/) - Not a traditional VPN but it might work with Google Cloud, AWS & more. - [ocserv](http://anonym.es/?https://www.infradead.org/ocserv/) - Cisco AnyConnect-compatible VPN server. - [WireGuard VPN](http://anonym.es/?https://www.wireguard.com/) - WireGuard is an extremely simple yet fast and modern VPN that utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography. It aims to be faster, simpler, leaner, and more useful than IPSec. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Ad-Blocker - [An Overview of Ad Blocking Technology](http://anonym.es/?https://www.techotopia.com/index.php/An_Overview_of_Ad_Blocking_Technology) - Basically explains how an Ad Blocker works. - [AdGuard](http://anonym.es/?https://adguard.com/en/welcome.html) - Claims to be the worlds most advance ad-blocker. - [Filterlists](http://anonym.es/?https://filterlists.com/) - Provides an overview of Ad blocking filters/projects. - [uBlock origin](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock) - A fast and efficient Ad Blocker. - [Nano Defender](http://anonym.es/?https://jspenguin2017.github.io/uBlockProtector/) - Fork of uBlock with some gimmicks, the defender addon is an anti-adblock defuser for Nano Adblocker and uBlock Origin. - [Wikipedia's Website about Ad blocking](http://anonym.es/?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_blocking) - Wikipedia's website about ad-blockers. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Piracy archives - [130GB of flash games](http://bluemaxima.org/flashpoint/downloads/) - (insecure) - [GOG Dump](http://web.archive.org/web/20190429144618/http://anonym.es/?https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSDj58h_xUDPoz9n12x_kZvQW1VKO4AQOaNGaUmEtpFmL5q0R05Pr4qVZxxzH8CZT3ZLX6_ZX8muYzm/pubhtml) - [Nintendo Games Collection](http://web.archive.org/web/20190429144531/http://anonym.es/?https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSSmcqtzUguH-tlJ2sr6_v5rTwnlZI1wlsjnyH3Zyy4VKo-TbkHFuW_m3FjpTc3ApQxAL13lOWY9gkm/pubhtml) - [Microsoft Games Collection](http://web.archive.org/web/20190429144409/http://anonym.es/?https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRs56u1DiQy4EBB8rWrk1r-yvkYgatv9h0IbKKDh1HyPXueiaS06aVdovdF_nHe9SJrPwfkYRMif_mG/pubhtml) **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Email Service Providers - [Mailbox](http://anonym.es/?https://mailbox.org/en/) - Mailbox.org fights for privacy eMails since years and is a big player when it comes to eMail. - [Posteo](http://anonym.es/?https://posteo.de/) - Email green, secure, simple and ad-free! - [ProtonMail](http://anonym.es/?https://protonmail.com/) - Secure Email Based made in Switzerland. - [Tutanota](http://anonym.es/?https://tutanota.com) - A secure and open source eMail provider. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Temp eMail Service Providers - [10 Minute Mail](http://anonym.es/?https://10minutemail.net/) - Disposable, Private mailboxes. - [Cock.li](http://anonym.es/?https://cock.li/) - Yeah, it's mail with cocks. - [Disposable](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/0x19/disposable) - Disposable is arobust disposable email (burner emails) - API designed to help you verify whenever email address is coming from disposable service. - [Nada](http://anonym.es/?https://getnada.com/) - Fast & free. - [s.MailPro](http://anonym.es/?https://smailpro.com/) - Offering Temporary Email Service - [Temp Mail](http://anonym.es/?https://temp-mail.org/en/) - Keep spam out of your mail and stay safe - just use a disposable temporary email address! **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### eMail self-hosting - [docker-mailserver](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver) - A fullstack but simple mailserver (smtp, imap, antispam, antivirus, ssl...) using Docker. - [FastMail](http://anonym.es/?https://www.fastmail.com/?STKI=16785160) - Email, calendars and contacts done right. - [Rainloop](http://anonym.es/?https://www.rainloop.net/) - SIMPLE, MODERN & FAST WEB-BASED EMAIL CLIENT. - [Roundcube](http://anonym.es/?https://roundcube.net/) - MIME support, address book, folder manipulation, message searching and spell checking. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## DarkNet - [DarkNet Stats](http://anonym.es/?https://dnstats.net/) - Monitors DarkNet Forums & Markets. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Anti-Spammer Trackers - [Project Honey Pot](http://anonym.es/?https://www.projecthoneypot.org/) - Online fraud & abuse tracker. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Audio - [1 Gabba.net](http://anonym.es/?https://1gabba.pw) - Drum & Bass, Hardcore & Hardstyle, most downloads via rapidgator. - [albumdabster](http://anonym.es/?https://albumdabster.com) - (needs ad-blocker + GeoIP (VPN) block) - Mixtapes & other tapes. - [Bestmusik6](http://anonym.es/?https://bestmusik6.org) - (Tr) - Türkiye music. - [BestDJmix](http://anonym.es/?https://bestdjmix.com) - (Ger) - (needs ad-blocker) - German Top 100 albums, download mostly via Turbobit. - [Balaton Sound aka per-fect](http://anonym.es/?https://per-fect.nl) - Listen to music on the website or download top 100 playlists. - [Mp3va.com](http://anonym.es/?https://www.mp3va.com/browse) - Free Music mostly MP3s. - [My Free MP3](http://anonym.es/?https://my-free-mp3.net) - Search engine for MP3s, stream & download is possible. - [RnBXclusive](http://anonym.es/?https://rnbxclusive.online) - (needs ad-blocker) - MP3s via OpenLoad & Co. - [RockBox](http://anonym.es/?https://rawkbawx.rocks/) - A Metal music tracker. - [Plixid](http://anonym.es/?https://plixid.com) - Seems to work together with NovaFile, own Facebook page and lots of music. - [trapadan](http://anonym.es/?https://www.trapadan.com) - (needs ad-blocker) - Various music. - [tut-audio](http://anonym.es/?https://tut-audio.ru) - (RU) - A popular russian website to get MP3 files. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Android - [My ultimate Android setup, tips & What's your's?](http://anonym.es/?https://old.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/d18b35/my_ultimate_android_setup_tips_whats_yours/) - [Wikipedia's list of free and open-source applications](http://anonym.es/?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_free_and_open-source_Android_applications) **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### APK Forums & Platforms - [ACMARKET](http://anonym.es/?https://acmarket.net/) - Download cracked & modified android apps & games free. - [Androeed](http://anonym.es/?https://www.androeed.ru/) - (RU) - Russian APK site. - [Android Zone](http://anonym.es/?https://android-zone.ws/) - Another place to find premium links for APKs. - [APKmb](http://anonym.es/?https://apkmb.com/) - Download paid Apps & Android Games for free. - [APKMirror](http://anonym.es/?https://www.apkmirror.com/) - Provides legit mirrors with checksums for various apps. - [APKHouse](http://anonym.es/?https://apkhouse.com) - - [ApkPure](http://anonym.es/?https://apkpure.com/) - Another free APK mirror site. - [Aptoide](http://anonym.es/?https://www.aptoide.com/) - Share and download cracked/modded and other apk's among mirrors for original untouched apks. - [BlackMod](http://anonym.es/?https://blackmod.net/) - Lots of cracked Android games. - [iHackedit](http://anonym.es/?https://ihackedit.com/) - Provides Android Apps & Games including Mods. - [libre.io](http://anonym.es/?https://boards.libre.io) - (requires login) - A small forum with some exclusive apps & games. - [Mobilism Forum](http://anonym.es/?https://forum.mobilism.org/index.php) - Large forum of mobile apps and books. - [On HAX](http://anonym.es/?https://onhax.me/) - APK mirrors for paid and free applications, the website also provides modded APK's. - [RevDl](http://anonym.es/?https://www.revdl.com/) - Direct download site for Android apps & games. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Decentralized Network Projects - [Freenet](http://anonym.es/?https://freenetproject.org) - Freenet is free software which lets you anonymously share files, browse and publish "freesites" (web sites accessible only through Freenet) - and chat on forums, without fear of censorship. - [I2P](http://anonym.es/?https://geti2p.net/en/) - I2P is an anonymous overlay network - a network within a network. It's intended to protect communication from dragnet surveillance and monitoring by third parties such as ISPs. - [Loki](http://anonym.es/?https://loki.network/) - Decentralised network that allows users to transact and communicate privately over the internet. - [SILO](http://anonym.es/?https://medium.com/arweave-updates/building-silo-a-truly-private-internet-556c860222ca) - Offers complete privacy across the network (work in progress project in cooperationship with Loki). - [Tor](http://anonym.es/?https://www.torproject.org/) - Tor is free software and an open network that helps you defend against traffic analysis. - [Zeronet](http://anonym.es/?https://zeronet.io/) - Open, free and uncensorable websites, using Bitcoin cryptography and BitTorrent network. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Hardened Operating Systems & Resources - [Cuckoo](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/cuckoosandbox/cuckoo) - Open source automated malware analysis system. - [Overview of Security-focused operating system on Wikipedia](http://anonym.es/?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security-focused_operating_system) - [Qubes OS](http://anonym.es/?https://www.qubes-os.org/) - Qubes OS is a security-oriented operating system. - [SIFT](http://anonym.es/?https://digital-forensics.sans.org/community/downloads) - Forensic workstation made by SANS. - [Security related Operating Systems @ Rawsec](http://list.rawsec.ml/operating_systems.html) - (insecure) - Complete list of security related operating systems. - [Security @ Distrowatch](http://distrowatch.com/search.php?category=Security) - (insecure) - Website dedicated to talking about, reviewing, and keeping up to date with open source operating systems. - [Tails](http://anonym.es/?https://tails.boum.org/) - Tails is a live operating system that you can start on almost any computer from a USB stick or a DVD. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Domain Names - [Domainr](http://anonym.es/?https://domainr.com/) - Domainr allows you to find domain names and short URLs. Instantly check availability and register for all top-level domains. - [Njalla](http://anonym.es/?https://njal.la/) - A privacy-aware domain registration service. - [xip.io](http://xip.io/) - (insecure) - Magic domain name that provides wildcard DNS for any IP address. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Countries where downloading copyright content is legal (for personal use only) though publishing it & sharing it - is still illegal (!) * Poland * Spain * Switzerland **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Countries where both downloading & sharing is illegal * Argentina * Bangladesh * Brazil * Canada * Chile * Columbia * Czech Republic * Denmark * Egypt * Greece * India * Iran * Israel * Malaysia * Mexico * Netherlands * Philippines * Romania * Singapore * Slovakia * Slovenia * South Korea * Uruguay **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Countries where torrenting copyright material is highly illegal * Australia * China * Finland * France * Germany * Itlay * Japan * Korea * Latvia * Portugal * Russia * UAE * UK * US **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Countries with GeoIP block restrictions * Canada * China * Germany * India * Itlay * Japan * Latvia * Malaysia * Portugal * Russia * Singapore * South Korea * UAE * UK * US **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Pirate News, Blogs & discussion forums - [NextWarez](http://anonym.es/?https://nextwarez.com) - (FR) - P2P topics & news page. - [Scenenotice.org](http://anonym.es/?https://scenenotice.org) - Archive with over 1 GB of old Realeaser-Scene. - [szeneBOX.org](http://anonym.es/?https://www.szenebox.org) - (Ger) - (needs VPN) - Forum & News around the Scene. - [Tarnkappe.info](http://anonym.es/?https://tarnkappe.info) - (Ger) - News & Rumours, Blog & Forum. - [/f/Piracy](http://anonym.es/?https://raddle.me/f/Piracy) - Raddle forum for piracy. - [/r/privacy](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/) - The intersection of technology, privacy, and freedom in a digital world. - [TechWorm](http://anonym.es/?https://www.techworm.net) - Techworm is a Tech, Cyber-security news platform. - [TorrentFreak](http://anonym.es/?https://torrentfreak.com) - TorrentFreak is a publication dedicated to bringing the latest news about copyright, privacy, and everything related to filesharing. - [Tunny.to](http://anonym.es/?https://tunny.to) - DDL.to & VUP.to Blog. - [/v/piracy](http://anonym.es/?https://voat.co/v/piracy) - Voat Forum for piracy. ## Torrenting - [/r/torrents](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/torrents) - Questions and discussion about all things torrent-related. - [BitTorrent](http://anonym.es/?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent) - Wikipedia's article on the BitTorrent file sharing protocol. - [Live Tracer](http://anonym.es/?https://trace.corrupt-net.org/live.php) - Pre-time tracer for scene releases. - [peerflix Google Search](http://anonym.es/?https://www.google.com/search?q=peerflix+site%3Aherokuapp.com) - Searches Heroku-deployed instances of Peerflix for streaming torrents. - [RapidBay](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/hauxir/rapidbay) - Rapid bay is a self hosted video service/torrent client that makes playing videos from torrents easy. - [The Pirate Society](http://anonym.es/?https://thepiratesociety.org/forums/) - A members-only forum for pirates. - [Torrage](http://anonym.es/?https://torrage.info/) - Torrage is a free service for caching torrent files online. - [Torrents.csv](http://anonym.es/?https://torrents-csv.ml/) - An [open source](http://anonym.es/?https://gitlab.com/dessalines/torrents.csv) - collaborative repository of torrents, consisting of a single, searchable torrents.csv. - [Torznab](http://anonym.es/?https://nzbdrone.readthedocs.io/Implementing-a-Torznab-indexer/) - Newznab-like API offering a standardized recent/search API for both TV and movies. - [Where are torrents permitted?](http://anonym.es/?https://i.imgur.com/3fHyG2S.png) - A world map (picture) which shows where warez torrenting is allowed. - [ZBIGZ](http://anonym.es/?https://zbigz.com/) - Zbigz is a very good solution if your PC or laptop is locked by your ISP, it allows you to download torrents via Browser. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Torrent Trackers - [/r/trackers](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/trackers) - A subreddit for discussing public & private trackers. - [A Simple Guide To A Better Ratio](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/trackers/comments/fthja/a_simple_guide_to_a_better_ratio/) - A good tracker requires you to upload what you download. This guide explains many of the methods involved with keeping on top of this sometimes difficult task. - [Bravo List](http://anonym.es/?https://www.bvlist.com/) - A public tracker directory. - [Tracker Twitters](http://anonym.es/?https://filenetworks.blogspot.com/2010/12/list-of-private-torrent-trackers.html) - List Of Private Torrent Trackers & BitTorrent News Accounts To Follow On Twitter. - [Trackers List](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/ngosang/trackerslist) - An updated list of public BitTorrent trackers. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** #### Private Trackers - [/PTG tracker manifesto](http://anonym.es/?https://pastebin.com/thLgSkNE) - List of private trackers - [0QoLttS.jpg](http://anonym.es/?https://i.imgur.com/0QoLttS.jpg) - Screenshot of a table from somewhere of private trackers and their sign-up requirements - [AlphaRatio](http://anonym.es/?https://alpharatio.cc) - (AR) - A good starter tracker with lots of freeleech content. - [AnimeBytes](http://anonym.es/?https://animebytes.tv/) - (AB) - community centralized around Japanese media, including anime, manga, and music. - [Audionews](http://anonym.es/?https://audionews.org/) - (AN) - Private torrent tracker for music production audio. (DJ apps, audio editor, DAW apps etc) - Open signups on the 1st-2nd every month. - [Awesome HD](http://anonym.es/?https://awesome-hd.me/) - (AHD) - Awesome-HD is a private tracker for quality enthusiasts. - [BakaBT](http://anonym.es/?https://bakabt.me/) - (BBT) - a torrent tracker which specializes in serving anime fans - [BeyondHD](http://anonym.es/?https://beyondhd.xyz/) - (BHD) - BeyondHD is a ratioless torrent tracker dedicated to HD movies and TV shows in High Definition. - [Bibliotik](http://anonym.es/?https://bibliotik.me/) - (BI) - Popular ebooks/audiobooks private tracker - [Blutopia](http://anonym.es/?https://blutopia.xyz) - (BLU) - Blutopia is a private tracker for HD movies (Blu-Ray) and HD TV shows. - [CGPeers](http://anonym.es/?https://www.cgpeers.com/) - (CGP) - CGPeers is a private torrent tracker for all things computer graphics: tutorials, graphics software, 3D, visual effects, design, and computer-assisted art. - [Filelist](http://anonym.es/?https://filelist.ro/) - (FL) - Large Romanian general tracker with mostly English content. No RAR files allowed. Scene torrents are unrared, and then allowed. - [GazelleGames](http://anonym.es/?https://gazellegames.net/login.php) - (GGn) - Currently the largest private tracker for games. - [HD-Forever](http://anonym.es/?https://hdf.world/) - (HD-F) - HD-Forever is a French private tracker for HD movies. - [HD-Space](http://anonym.es/?https://hd-space.org/) - (HDS) - HD-Space is a private torrent tracker hosting HD movies, TV shows, and music torrents. A good tracker for beginners. - [HD4Free](http://anonym.es/?https://hd4.xyz) - (HD4F) - HD4Free is a general HD tracker with a good range of content. - [IPTorrents](http://anonym.es/?https://iptorrents.com/) - (IPT) - Private tracker with movies, books, and more. - [JPopsuki](http://anonym.es/?https://jpopsuki.eu/) - (JPop) - JPopsuki is a torrent tracker focused on Asian music. - [MyAnonaMouse](http://anonym.es/?https://www.myanonamouse.net/) - (MAM) - Private E-Learning tracker with about 360 000 torrents including audiobooks, e-learning, musicology, and radio. - [Nostalgic Torrents](http://anonym.es/?https://nostalgic.is/) - (NT) - Private tracker for anime, comics/manga, documentaries, movies, TV - PRE 2013, TV - PRE 2009 With Original Commercials, etc. Also known as The-Archive and HeyNow. - [PassThePopcorn](http://anonym.es/?https://passthepopcorn.me/) - (PTP) - ratio-based torrent tracker for movies (requires login). - [PassThePopCorn (PTP)](http://anonym.es/?https://passthepopcorn.me/) - Blu-Ray rips and other stuff. - [PolishSource](http://anonym.es/?https://polishsource.cz/) - (PS) - PolishSource is a big private Polish ratio-less tracker. - [PolishTracker](http://anonym.es/?https://pte.nu/) - (PT) - PolishTracker is the oldest private Polish tracker. - [Private Tracker Flowchart](http://anonym.es/?https://wiki.installgentoo.com/images/9/97/Private_tracker_flowchart.png) - V4 of the private tracker flowchart. Somewhat out of date. - [Private trackers](http://anonym.es/?https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers) - Guide on how to get into (and survive) - the world of private trackers. - [PrivateHD](http://anonym.es/?https://privatehd.to/) - (PHD) - PrivateHD is a private BitTorrent tracker focused on high definition movies and TV show torrents. - [RED Interview Prep](http://anonym.es/?https://interviewfor.red/en/index.html) - This site was written as a guide for potential users to learn about music formats, transcodes, torrenting, and burning and ripping — everything you need to know in order to pass the RED interview. - [Redacted](http://anonym.es/?https://redacted.ch/) - (CH) - Largest private music tracker at 1.5 million torrents. - [SceneTime](http://anonym.es/?https://www.scenetime.com) - [TheGeeks](http://anonym.es/?https://thegeeks.click/) - (TGBZ) - Private tracker for e-learning - [TorrentLeech](http://anonym.es/?https://torrentleech.org/) - (TL) - Well-known popular private tracker - [Tracker Spreadsheet](http://anonym.es/?https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zYZ2107xOZwQ37AjLTc5A4dUJl0ilg8oMrZyA0BGvc0/edit#gid=1357476050) - Comprehensive spreadsheet of private trackers (somewhat out of date). - [TVChaos UK](http://anonym.es/?https://www.tvchaosuk.com/) - (TVCUK) - Private tracker for British television - [UHDBits](http://anonym.es/?https://uhdbits.org/) - (UHD) - UHDBits is a Vietnamese private torrent tracker focused on HD movies and TV shows. - [WorldOfP2P](http://anonym.es/?https://worldofp2p.net) - (WOP) - Private tracker for Movies, TV and general P2P stuff. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** #### Semi-Private Trackers - [ArenaBG](http://anonym.es/?https://arenabg.com/) - A Bulgarian tracker with an English translation available. - [NoNaMe Club](http://anonym.es/?https://nnmclub.to/) - Russian semi-private tracker and forum. - [ruTracker](http://anonym.es/?https://rutracker.org/forum/index.php) - RuTracker is a huge Russian torrent site with a thriving file-sharing community. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** #### Public Trackers - [1337x](http://anonym.es/?https://1337x.to/) - 1337x is a torrent site that offers verified torrent downloads. - [BTDB](http://anonym.es/?https://btdb.to/) - Large BitTorrent DHT search engine. - [CGPeers](http://anonym.es/?https://www.cgpeers.to/) - CGPeers is a well known trusted tracker (registration every 15th and 1st of the month). - [DIGBT](http://anonym.es/?https://www.digbt.org/) - DIGBT is a DHT torrent search engine. - [ETTV](http://anonym.es/?https://www.ettv.tv/) + [EZTV](http://anonym.es/?https://eztv.ag/) - ETTV is a torrent site specific for movie torrents. - [g4u](http://anonym.es/?https://g4u.me/) - (Ger) - Movies, TV Shows & Games. - [Games4theworld](http://anonym.es/?https://games4theworld.org) - Torrents and magnet links for games. - [GloTorrents](http://anonym.es/?https://glodls.to/) - Download Movies, TV, Games and Other Torrents Free. - [HDCenter](http://anonym.es/?https://hdcenter.cc/login.php) - (NL) - Games, Movies, eBooks & more. - [Idope (Clone)](http://anonym.es/?https://idope.top/) - iDope is a torrent search engine presenting direct magnet links, comments and up to date seeder/leecher statistics. - [Isohunt2](http://anonym.es/?https://isohunt2.net/) - Clone of the original ISOHunt torrent index and repository. - [KickAss Torrents](http://anonym.es/?https://katcr.co/) - Community-made reincarnation launched in 2016. - [LimeTorrents](http://anonym.es/?https://www.limetorrents.info/) - LimeTorrents has been around for more than half a decade. - [Monitor Shodan](http://anonym.es/?https://monitor.shodan.io/) - Keep track of the devices that you have exposed to the Internet. Setup notifications, launch scans and gain complete visibility into what you have connected. - [Movcr](http://anonym.es/?https://movcr.tv/) - Download Movies Torrent Online Free. - [OTorrents](http://anonym.es/?https://otorrents.com/) - Yet another public torrent tracker. - [Pirateiro](http://anonym.es/?https://pirateiro.unblocked.gdn/) - Pirateiro is a torrent index for Brazilian and Portuguese torrents. - [RARBG](http://anonym.es/?https://rarbg.to/) - Public tracker with its own release group, RARBG was founded in 2008 and specializes in high quality video releases. - [Saavn](http://anonym.es/?https://saavn.tomato.to/) - A search engine designed to find old and new music releases. - [Shodan](http://anonym.es/?https://www.shodan.io/) - Shodan is the world's first search engine for Internet-connected devices. - [Shaanig](http://anonym.es/?https://shaanig.se/) - Small-size HD TV episodes & movies. - [SkyTorrents](http://anonym.es/?https://www.skytorrents.lol/) - Revival of the recently-shut-down, privacy-focused, ad-free torrent indexer. - [Streams.Now.SH](http://anonym.es/?https://streams.now.sh/) - Similar quality & size like RARBG & YTS. - [The Pirate Bay](http://anonym.es/?https://thepiratebay.org/) - A well-known torrent site which is somehow still running, blocked in most places. (**Be warned**: It mines coins in the background!) - [The Proxy Bay](http://anonym.es/?https://proxybay.bz/) - Can't access The Pirate Bay? Try one of these proxy sites. - [Tor Lock](http://anonym.es/?https://torlock.com/) - TorLock is a torrent site that offers verified torrent downloads. - [Torlock](http://anonym.es/?https://www.torlock.com/) - Torlock is a torrent index and torrent search that helps to access the latest in TV series and movies. - [Torrent9](http://anonym.es/?https://www.torrent9.ph/) - French torrent search engine. - [TorrentFunk](http://anonym.es/?https://www.torrentfunk.com/) - TorrentFunk is a torrent site providing verified torrents for all kinds of content. - [TorrentGalaxy](http://anonym.es/?https://torrentgalaxy.org/) - Public tracker with a clean UI. - [TorrentInvites](http://torrentinvites.org) - (insecure) - #1 to buy, trade, sell or find free Tracker Invites! - [TorrentKing](http://anonym.es/?https://torrentking.io/) - Torrentking is a popular movie torrent site. - [Torrentz2](http://anonym.es/?https://torrentz2.eu/) - A good replacement of the defunct Torrentz.eu. - [Torrents-csv.ml](https://torrents-csv.ml) - An open-source torrent search engine tracker for all sorts of torrents. - [Trackers list](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/ngosang/trackerslist) - An updated list of public BitTorrent trackers which you can add in e.g. QB. - [WebOas](http://anonym.es/?https://weboas.is/) - A search engine designed to find warez, music and other stuff in public dirs. - [xbit.pw](http://xbit.pw/) - (insecure) - A Magnet site search engine. - [YggTorrent](http://anonym.es/?https://www3.yggtorrent.to/) - French tracker and search engine (has a download/upload ratio limitation). - [YTS](http://anonym.es/?https://yts.am/) - Small-size HD movies in a good quality from YIFY. - [Zonatorrent](http://anonym.es/?https://zonatorrent.tv/) - Spanish tracker. - [Zooqle](http://anonym.es/?https://zooqle.com/) - Zooqle is a relatively new torrent index providing a huge database of verified torrents. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Tracker Aggregators - [High Resolution Music](http://anonym.es/?https://highresolutionmusic.com/) - FLAC Music collection. - [rats-search](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/DEgITx/rats-search) - P2P Bittorrent search engine. - [snowfl](http://anonym.es/?https://snowfl.com/) - Snowfl is a torrent aggregator which searches various public torrent indexes in real-time. - [SolidTorrents](http://anonym.es/?https://solidtorrents.net) - A clean, privacy focused torrent search engine. - [Torrents.me](http://anonym.es/?https://torrents.me/) - Torrents.me combines popular torrent sites and specialized private trackers in a torrent multi-search. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Tracker Proxies - [Cardigann](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/cardigann/cardigann) - A proxy server for adding new indexers to Sonarr, SickRage, and other media managers. - [CouchPotatoServer](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/CouchPotato/CouchPotatoServer) - Automatic Movie Downloading via NZBs & Torrents. - [Jackett](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett) - API Support for your favorite torrent trackers, it translates queries from apps (Sonarr, Radarr, SickRage, CouchPotato, Mylar, DuckieTV, qBittorrent, etc) - into tracker-site-specific http queries, parses the html response, then sends results back to the requesting software. - [NewzLeech](http://anonym.es/?https://www.newzleech.com/) - Newzleech is a Usenet file search engine. - [nzbhydra2](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/theotherp/nzbhydra2/) - Primarily a Usenet meta search engine but also supports Torznab. - [Radarr](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/Radarr/Radarr) - (make sure you [turn click-tracking off](http://anonym.es/?https://i.imgur.com/QpP1M6Q.png)) - A fork of Sonarr to work with movies à la Couchpotato. - [SickRage](http://anonym.es/?https://git.sickrage.ca/SiCKRAGE/sickrage) - Automatic Video Library Manager for TV Shows. It watches for new episodes of your favorite shows, and when they are posted it does its magic. - [Sonarr](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr) - (make sure you [turn click-tracking off](http://anonym.es/?https://i.imgur.com/QpP1M6Q.png)) - Smart PVR for newsgroup and Bittorrent users. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Tracker Invites - [/r/Invites](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/invites) - Post wanted ads for private tracker invites here. - [/r/OpenSignups](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/opensignups) - Open Signups - When Private Trackers Open Their Doors To The Public. - [getting_into_private_trackers](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/trackers/wiki/getting_into_private_trackers) - Helpful resource from the /r/trackers Wiki. - [Open sign-ups thread](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/trackers/comments/7ildxx/open_signups_thread/) - /r/trackers thread for posting trackers that are currently open for registration. - [Opentrackers.org](http://anonym.es/?https://opentrackers.org/) - Private Torrent Trackers & File Sharing. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** #### rTorrent - [flood](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/jfurrow/flood) - A web UI for rTorrent with a Node.js backend and React frontend. - [rTorrent ArchWiki Page](http://anonym.es/?https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/RTorrent) - Detailed article to answer most common questions about rTorrent. - [rTorrent Seedbox Guide](http://anonym.es/?https://jes.sc/kb/rTorrent-ruTorrent-Seedbox-Guide.php) - This guide is a single-page, comprehensive guide to take you step-by-step through installation and configuration. - [rtorrent-ps](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/pyroscope/rtorrent-ps) - Extended rTorrent distribution with a fully customizable canvas and colors, other feature additions, and complete docs. - [rTorrent](http://anonym.es/?https://rakshasa.github.io/rtorrent/) - rTorrent is a text-based ncurses BitTorrent client written in C++. - [rutorrent-themes](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/InAnimaTe/rutorrent-themes) - A collection of default and new, original themes for ruTorrent. - [ruTorrent](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/Novik/ruTorrent) - Yet another web front-end for rTorrent. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** #### WebTorrent Clients - [Instant.io](http://anonym.es/?https://instant.io/) - Streaming file transfer over WebTorrent (torrents on the web). - [magnetoo](http://anonym.es/?https://www.magnetoo.io/) - Fancy new in-browser WebTorrent streaming service. - [WebTorrent Desktop](http://anonym.es/?https://webtorrent.io/desktop/) - WebTorrent Desktop is for streaming torrents. - [βTorrent](http://anonym.es/?https://btorrent.xyz/) - Fully-featured [WebTorrent](http://anonym.es/?https://webtorrent.io/) - browser client written in HTML, JS and CSS **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Seedboxes - [/r/seedboxes](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/seedboxes) - A place to discuss seedboxes and everything related to them. - [2Giga.link](http://anonym.es/?https://www.2giga.link/) - Free file hoster, Torrent caching & Premium link generator. - [Bitport.io](http://anonym.es/?https://bitport.io/) - Download torrents in the cloud and stream them online. - [DediSeedBox](http://anonym.es/?https://dediseedbox.com/) - Netherlands located Seeedbox service. - [FileStream.me](http://anonym.es/?https://filestream.me/) - Free subscription offers 200Mb max file size and 200GB storage total. - [Furk.net](http://anonym.es/?https://www.furk.net/) - Free trial offers 1GB per day or 5GB per week if you can get an invite/voucher or use Facebook. - [Put.io automator](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/datashaman/putio-automator) - A suite of commands for managing torrents, transfers and files on Put.io. - [Seedbox.io](http://anonym.es/?https://seedbox.io/) - Provides 99,9% uptime, cheap and claims to have a good support. - [SeedSync](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/ipsingh06/seedsync) - SeedSync is a GUI-configurable, LFTP-based file transfer and management program. - [UltraSeedbox](http://anonym.es/?https://ultraseedbox.com/) - Cheap Seedbox, fast and reliable. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Sharehoster search engine - [Crawli](http://anonym.es/?https://crawli.net) - Searches for online/offline content. - [DDLSearch](http://ddlsearch.free.fr) - (insecure) - Meta search engine, the results are been displayed via Google search engine. - [filediva](http://www.filediva.com) - (insecure) - Yet another meta search engine. - [FilePursuit](http://anonym.es/?https://filepursuit.com) - Meta search engine for Warez. - [MegaSearch.co](http://megasearch.co) - (blocked by some ISP) - (insecure) - Meta search engine which indexes webwarez websites. - [Rapidlinks](http://anonym.es/?https://rapidlinks.org) - (RU) - Russian search engine for various sharehoster. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## TV-Show Calendar - [at.my TV](http://at-my.tv/) - (insecure) - TV Calendar, TV Episode Guide, TV Show Listings. - [DuckieTV](http://schizoduckie.github.io/DuckieTV/?from=duckie.tv&/) - (insecure) - A personalized calendar that tracks the shows you like/fav. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Convert Torrent to Direct HTTP Link - [BTCloud](http://anonym.es/?https://btcloud.io/) - BTCLoud offer 1 GB of storage space with 1 GB file size limit and 5 torrents stored at a time for its free users. - [Filestream.me](http://anonym.es/?https://filestream.me/) - (needs VPN to visit the page) - Free user of Filestream are being entitled and limited to a maximum of 5 GB file size for each torrent download and the file will stay on the server for 3 days only. - [Furk](http://anonym.es/?https://www.furk.net/) - needs invite - Offers an unlimited storage time for fetched file as long as the file is from a public sources such as the Pirate Bay. - [Seedr](http://anonym.es/?https://seedr.cc/) + ([mirror](http://anonym.es/?https://streamza.com/)) - Essentially a seedbox you can paste torrents into which returns a streamable direct link. - [Streamza](http://anonym.es/?https://streamza.com/) - [ZBIgZ](http://anonym.es/?https://www.zbigz.com/) - ZBIGZ anonymous torrent cloud client #1. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** #### Seedbox Hosting Providers - [/u/Andy10gbit](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/seedboxes/comments/9iu7o8/andy10gbit_server_and_seedbox_list/) - Reddit user with good deals on servers and seedboxes. - [Bytesized Hosting](http://anonym.es/?https://bytesized-hosting.com/) - "The best Plex server hosting in town". - [Chmuranet](http://anonym.es/?https://www.chmuranet.com/) - Chmuranet is a small private boutique seedbox provider. - [FeralHosting](http://anonym.es/?https://www.feralhosting.com/pricing) - Shared seedbox hosting provider. - [Hetzner](http://anonym.es/?https://hetzner.co.za/) - Reliable and affordable server host. - [Kimsufi](http://anonym.es/?https://www.kimsufi.com/uk/) - Affordable dedicated servers. - [NZB Monkey](http://anonym.es/?https://nzblnk.info/nzb-monkey/) - NZB download helper utility. - [Online.net](http://anonym.es/?https://www.online.net/en) - Seedbox-friendly, affordable, dedicated server host. - [OVH](http://anonym.es/?https://www.ovh.com/world/) - Large cloud server provider. - [Seedboxes.cc](http://anonym.es/?https://seedboxes.cc/) - Reliable and affordable web hosting, with the power of your friendly monsters! - [SeedHost](http://anonym.es/?https://www.seedhost.eu/seedboxes.php) - "Seedhost.eu is the oldest continuously operating seedbox hosting provider on the internet." - [SoYouStart](http://anonym.es/?https://www.soyoustart.com/us/) - Another dedicated server host. - [UltraSeedbox](http://anonym.es/?https://www.ultraseedbox.com/) - "Plex optimized" servers to rent. - [Whatbox](http://anonym.es/?https://whatbox.ca/) - Whatbox is a BitTorrent CDN. - [Xirvik](http://anonym.es/?https://www.xirvik.com/) - Preconfigured seedbox servers. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Tracker Frameworks - [Gazelle](http://anonym.es/?https://whatcd.github.io/Gazelle/) - A web framework geared towards private torrent trackers with a focus on music. - [meanTorrent](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/taobataoma/meanTorrent) - A BitTorrent Private Tracker CMS with Multilingual, and IRC announce support, CloudFlare support. - [NexusPHP](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/ZJUT/NexusPHP) - BitTorrent private tracker scripts written in PHP. - [OpenTracker](http://anonym.es/?https://erdgeist.org/arts/software/opentracker/) - OpenTracker is an open and free BitTorrent tracker project. - [Torrent-Tracker-Platforms](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/HDVinnie/Torrent-Tracker-Platforms) - A Curated List Of Torrent Tracker Platforms/Codebases Written In Multiple Coding Languages. - [UNIT3D](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/HDInnovations/UNIT3D) - The Nex-Gen Private Torrent Tracker (Movies/TV Episodes). **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Usenet Providers - [Eweka News](http://anonym.es/?https://www.eweka.nl/) - Netherlands-based Usenet provider. - [Newsdemon](http://anonym.es/?https://www.newsdemon.com/) - Cheap and cheerful Usenet provider with frequent discounts. - [Newsgroup Ninja](http://anonym.es/?https://www.newsgroup.ninja/en) - $7.99 per month, SSL encryption, Unmetered usage, Unlimited speeds. - [Premiumizer](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/piejanssens/premiumizer) - A download management tool for premiumize.me cloud downloads. - [Tweaknews](http://anonym.es/?https://www.tweaknews.eu/en/landing/best-deal?a_aid=greycoder) - Dutch Usenet provider that offers a [Highwinds](http://anonym.es/?https://highwinds.com/) news feed. - [Usenet Crawler](www.usenet-crawler.com) - Movies, eBooks, TV Series, Anime & more. - [Usenet Providers and Backbones](http://anonym.es/?https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Usenet_Providers_and_Backbones.svg) - This is a simple overview of the current companies, backbones, providers and resellers in the Usenet landscape. - [Usenet.Farm](http://anonym.es/?https://usenet.farm/) - Usenet reseller with 1000+ days retention. - [WorldSrc](http://anonym.es/?https://worldsrc.org) - Movies, software, apps, games, music, and images available for fast direct download + torrents. - [XS News](http://anonym.es/?https://greycoder.com/goto/xsnews) - European Usenet feed. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Usenet Indexing Software - [nZEDb-deploy](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/PREngineer/nZEDb-deploy) - A collection of scripts to automate and simplify the deployment of a nZEDb Usenet Indexer using the new format of their GitHub repository. - [nZEDb](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/nZEDb/nZEDb) - A fork of nnplus(2011) - | NNTP / Usenet / Newsgroup indexer. - [newznab-tmux](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/NNTmux/newznab-tmux) - Laravel based usenet indexer. - [newznab](http://www.newznab.com/) - (insecure) - Newznab is a usenet indexing application, that makes building a usenet community easy. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Usenet Paid Indexers - [DOGnzb](http://anonym.es/?https://dognzb.cr/login) - Invite-only NZB site (although they do have a [registration page](http://anonym.es/?https://dognzb.cr/register) - at the moment) - [DrunkenSlug](http://anonym.es/?https://drunkenslug.com/) - Popular NZB indexer with a free tier and decent retention. - [NZBCat](http://anonym.es/?https://nzb.cat/) - NZBCat is an invite-only nZEDb NZB indexer. - [NZBFinder](http://anonym.es/?https://nzbfinder.ws/) - Usenet indexer and newznab API with a clean UI and 8+ year backlog of NZBs. - [NZBgeek](http://anonym.es/?https://nzbgeek.info/) - Affordable Usenet indexer operating since 2014. - [omgwtfnzbs](http://anonym.es/?https://omgwtfnzbs.me/login) - Invite-only NZB indexer with a funny name. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Usenet Forums - [Brothers of Usenet](http://anonym.es/?https://www.brothers-of-usenet.net) - The original board went down, so this is a mirror for the well known forum which discusses stuff around the scene. - [Fileleechers](http://anonym.es/?https://fileleechers.info) - (Ger) - A young forum around Usenet. - [House of Usenet](http://anonym.es/?https://house-of-usenet.com) - New provider, new url, a reboot of the well known forum. - [omgwtfnzbs](http://anonym.es/?https://omgwtfnzbs.me) - (paid) - A paid usenet indexer. - [SceneNzb.com](http://anonym.es/?https://scenenzb.com) - (paid) - 3 NZD files per day are free. - [Sky of Usenet](http://anonym.es/?https://sky-of-use.net) - (Ger) - Yet another german usenet forum. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Usenet Free Indexers - [6box](http://anonym.es/?https://6box.me/) - A recently revived free Usenet indexing service with a generous API. - [BINZB](http://anonym.es/?https://binzb.com) - Minimalistic indexer. - [Binsearch](http://anonym.es/?https://www.binsearch.info/) - With this site you can search and browse binary Usenet newsgroups. - [FindNZB](http://anonym.es/?https://findnzb.net) - One old indixer, the results are outdated and often offline. - [NZBIndex](http://anonym.es/?https://www.nzbindex.com) - The first free Usenet indexer you find in your Google search results. - [NZBFriends](http://anonym.es/?https://nzbfriends.com) - One of the oldest indexers, sadly the results are often outdated too. - [NZBKing](http://nzbking.com/) - (insecure) - The service allows you to search and browse binary files that have been posted to Usenet newsgroups. - [Usenet Crawler](http://anonym.es/?https://usenet-crawler.com/) - Usenet indexer with API access for registered users. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Portables & Repacks Resources - [FoxxApp PAF Portables](http://anonym.es/?https://foxxapp-paf.blogspot.com) - Windows Software repacks & portables. - [LR Repacks](http://anonym.es/?https://lrepacks.ru/) - (RU) - Yet another Russian portal, for ELCHUPACABRA repacks & more. - [PiratedHub](http://anonym.es/?https://piratedhub.com/) - Internation Repack website. - [RePack Club](http://anonym.es/?https://repacks.club/) - (RU) - Russian repack portal. - [Repacks.NET](http://anonym.es/?https://repacks.net/) - A well-known repack website mostly for Windows software. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Custom "Google" Search Engines - [FileChef](http://filechef.com/) - (insecure) - Get direct download links for almost anything! - [Jimmyr](http://www.jimmyr.com/mp3_search.php) - (insecure) - Yet abother Music search engine. - [lumpySoft.com](http://anonym.es/?https://lumpysoft.com/) - A Google index search with predefined tags. - [mattpalm.com/search](http://anonym.es/?https://mattpalm.com/search/) - Get direct download links for almost anything. - [Musgle](http://www.musgle.com/) - (insecure) - Musgle in action just type a song title, or the artist name, or both in a search bar and hit 'Enter' - you will be redirected to the Google page with relevant search results. Click on one of those results, and you will have a chance to directly download the song you are searching for - very smooth! - [opendirectory-finder](http://anonym.es/?https://ewasion.github.io/opendirectory-finder/) - Get direct download links for almost anything. - [The Eye CGS Engine](http://anonym.es/?https://cgs.the-eye.eu/) - The-Eye - CGS Engine - [wtfnzb](http://anonym.es/?https://wtfnzb.pw/) - Open dir for Software. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### FTP Indexer - [Davos](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/linuxserver/davos) - Web-based FTP automation for Linux servers. - [Mamont's open FTP Index](http://anonym.es/?https://www.mmnt.net/) - (insecure) - Browsable directory listing of publicly available FTP-sites. - [Napalm FTP Indexer](http://anonym.es/?https://www.searchftps.net/) - NAPALM FTP Indexer lets you search and download files located on public FTP servers. - [pftp](http://anonym.es/?https://www.pftp.de/) - (insecure) - pftp means Port-File-Transfer-Program not to muddle up with standard FTP which is quite different, it allows you to send and receive directories recursively and move the dirs. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### DDL Search Engines & Crawlers - [Alluc](http://anonym.es/?https://w1.alluc.uno/) - Search engine with over 80 million streaming-links from over 700 VOD services, video hosters and file-hosters. - [IPLIVE](http://anonym.es/?https://iplive.club/) - DDL search engine. - [MegaSearch](http://megasearch.co) - (insecure) - Search engine for finding content hosted on Mega and other premium hosts like OpenLoad. - [OD-Database](http://anonym.es/?https://od-db.the-eye.eu/) - Database of searchable open directories curated by The-Eye.eu. - [ololo](http://anonym.es/?https://ololo.to/) - ololo is a video streaming link search engine. - [Orion](http://anonym.es/?https://orionoid.com/) - Orion is a service that indexes metadata and links from a variety of public websites and networks, including torrent, usenet, and hoster indexes. - [VideoSpider](http://anonym.es/?https://videospider.in/) - VideoSpider crawls various websites and search engines to find movie and TV episode streaming links. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### GoG Repack & Releases + Retro Games - [Free GOG PC Games](http://freegogpcgames.com/) - (insecure) - Yet another GOG alternative. - [Good-Old-Downloads/gg](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/MachineGunnur/GOG-Games) - A fork of Good Old Downloads' "GOG Games" hosted on Tor. - [Good-Old-Downloads (GitHub source code)](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/Good-Old-Downloads) - - Good-Old-Downloads is shooting down, see [here](http://anonym.es/?https://goodolddownloads.com/static/Investigation_into_igg_games_and_gamestorrent.pdf) - why. There is a full encrypted dump avbl. [here](http://anonym.es/?https://mega.nz/#!UccmySQK!N099Mjn9pe7PNYKJDOTdAAOSHpV1ZwpA8CT_wp2CNbw), make sure you read the integrated readme file! - [MachineGunnur/GOG-Games](https://github.com/MachineGunnur/GOG-Games) - Source Code & Tor Mirror (goggamespc7v6z5e.onion or goggamespc7v6z5e.onion.ws) for GOG Games. - [Torminatorr.com](http://www.forum.torrminatorr.com/viewforum.php?f=13) - (insecure) - Good-Old-Downloads mirror page. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### DDL Link Sites - [/r/DataHoarder/](http://anonym.es/?https://old.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/) - Share download links (similar to /r/opendirectories/). - [/f/MEGAlinks](http://anonym.es/?https://raddle.me/f/MEGAlinks) - Aims to replace the old /r/megalinks directory. - [/r/GDriveLinks](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/GDriveLinks/) - (Multi) - Google Drive Download Links. - [/r/ZippyShare](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/ZippyShare) - (Multi) - DL links hosted on ZippyShare (_blocked in the UK_). - [0DayDown](http://anonym.es/?https://www.0daydown.com/) (CN/EN) MacOS, Music & other links (works with JDownloader). - [3dl.tv](http://anonym.es/?https://3dl.tv/) - (Ger) - Music, Movies, TV Shows, apps & more. - [Adit-HD Forum](http://www.adit-hd.com/index.php) - (insecure) - Forum which provides links to HD rips. - [AdiT-HD](http://adit-hd.com/) - (insecure) - Direct movie download database. - [AppNee Freeware Group](http://anonym.es/?https://appnee.com/) - Massive DDL site, eBooks, Programs, Games, Operating Systems, etc. - [Audioz](http://anonym.es/?https://audioz.download/) - Provides Audio stuff. - [AvaxHome](http://anonym.es/?https://avxhm.se) - Another DDL site with eBooks, TV, movies, magazines, software, comics, newspapers, games, graphics, etc. - [AVXHome](http://avxhome.se/) - (insecure) - Best of eBooks, Software, Mag & more. - [BetaArchive](http://anonym.es/?https://www.betaarchive.com/) - Windows ISOs, Windows tools & more. - [Board4All](http://anonym.es/?https://www.board4all.biz/) - A forum which provides and shares all sorts of stuff. - [Boerse.to](http://anonym.es/?https://boerse.to/) - (GER) (blocked by some ISP) - A big and well-known german warez forum. - [Byte.to](http://anonym.es/?https://byte.to/) - (GER) - Movies (SD/HD/UHD), Docus, WWE & Series. - [DDL-Warez](http://anonym.es/?https://ddl-warez.to/) - (GER) - German software, movies & tv board. - [DDLValley](http://anonym.es/?https://www.ddlvalley.me/) - DDL links for Movies, Games, Tv Shows, Apps, Ebooks and Music. - [DeeJayPirate's Pastebin](http://anonym.es/?https://pastebin.com/u/DeeJayPirate) - Pastebin user who uploads premium links for TV shows - [DirtyWarez Forum](http://anonym.es/?https://forum.dirtywarez.com/) - (EN-US) - Popular warez forum with films, TV shows, ebooks, anime, games, and more. - [DL4All](http://dl4all.org/) - (insecure) - Various Games, Tutorials, TV Shows, Music and mobile stuff. - [Dospelis](http://anonym.es/?https://www.dospelis.net) - Spanish DDL indexer. - [DownArchive](http://downarchive.org/) - (insecure) - DDL blog with premium links on a number of hosts. Lots of software - [DownloadLY.IR](http://downloadly.ir/) - (IR) - (insecure) - Software download portal. - [DownTurk](http://anonym.es/?https://www.downturk.net/) - Software portal. - [ExeLab Forums](http://anonym.es/?https://exelab.ru/f/index.php?action=vtopic&forum=5) - [FilmRls](http://anonym.es/?https://filmrls.com/) Movies, Series and TV Shows. - [filewarez.tv](http://anonym.es/?https://filewarez.tv/) - Invite-only, hosts both Mega and Google Drive links for TV shows - [FTP Mirrors]( - Windows ISO Downloads Mirrors (ftp links not visible in GitHub's Markdown!) - [GLOAD.cc](http://anonym.es/?https://gload.cc/) - (Ger) - Provides Zippyshare and Openload as download-friendly mirrors. - [hdencode](http://anonym.es/?https://hdencode.com/) - Videos/Movies in HD Quality. - [IceFilms.info](http://anonym.es/?https://www.icefilms.info/) - Another DDL site with TV and movie links on FileUpload, GoUnlimited, Filecandy, and more. - [Intercambios Virtuales](http://www.intercambiosvirtuales.org/) - (ES) - (insecure) - Yet another software portal. - [IntoTheInter](http://anonym.es/?https://intotheinter.net/) - (EN) - (needs invite) - Android apps, Windows Software & Games. - [KickassWarez](http://anonym.es/?https://kickasswarez.info/) - (EN/RU) - Sometimes offline, hosts TV, movies, magazines, software, comics, newspapers, games, graphics, etc. - [LavTeam](http://www.lavteam.org/) - (RU) - Another russian software portal. Like dust in the desert! - [Mawto](http://anonym.es/?https://www.mawtoload.com/) - (IR) - Android apps, Windows Software & Games. - [MaxRelease](http://max-rls.com/) - (insecure) - Games, software, magazines, movies, music & tv shows. - [Movie Glide](http://anonym.es/?https://www.movieglide.com/) - Videos/Movies & TV Shows in HD Quality. - [MovieFiles](http://anonym.es/?https://moviefiles.org/) - Direct download search engine which generates Google Drive links - [Moviesleak](http://anonym.es/?https://moviesleak.net/) - Yet another movie page, the focus is in IMDB annoucements. - [Mutaz](http://anonym.es/?https://www.mutaz.net/free-programs/) - Tracks scene software releases. - [NGB.to](http://anonym.es/?https://ngb.to/) - (Ger) - Another Gulli/MyGully clone. - [Nsane Forum](http://anonym.es/?https://www.nsaneforums.com/) - Public forum for everyone to talk about software & news around the world. - [NulledTeam Underground](http://anonym.es/?https://www.nulledteam.com/) - Software forum. - [PCPortal](http://anonym.es/?https://pcportal.org/) - (RU) - One of the biggest russian software forums. - [PSARips](http://anonym.es/?https://psarips.com/) - Popular site for movies and TV shows, includes torrent files - [RADIXX11](http://anonym.es/?https://radixx11rce2.blogspot.com) - (EN-US) - Software forum. - [Reduson](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reduson.com/) - (EN/RU) - Another software portal for various type of releases like software, magazines, games and many more. - [ReleaseBB](http://anonym.es/?https://rlsbb.ru/) - (RU) - Russian Software Portal. - [RSLinks](http://anonym.es/?https://rslinks.org/) - Tracks scene software releases and mirrors them. - [Rsload](http://anonym.es/?https://rsload.net/) - (RU/EN) - A big software portal. - [RU-Board](http://forum.ru-board.com/) - (RU) - (insecure) - Well-known russian warez board. - [RuTracker](http://anonym.es/?https://rutracker.cr/) - (RU) - If you didn't alreay knew RUTracker you never heard of Warez at all. - [SceneSource](http://anonym.es/?https://scnsrc.me/) - WordPress powered website dedicated to bringing you the latest info on new scene releases - [Snahp Forum](http://anonym.es/?https://forum.snahp.it/) - Forum which provides links to HD rips & software (only mega & zippyshare links are allowed). - [Soft98.iR](http://anonym.es/?https://soft98.ir/software/) - (IR) - All Software Download in Only One Website. - [SolidShare](http://anonym.es/?https://www.solidshare.net/) - (TR) - Software Portal. - [Tekspert](http://anonym.es/?https://tekspert.se/) - (EN/US) - Software forum. - [TNCTR](http://anonym.es/?https://www.tnctr.com/) - (TR) - Turkish Network Community for software, ebooks, apps, portable, AIO & coding. - [UpTown](http://anonym.es/?https://en.uptodown.com/) - Software portal. - [Vidics](http://anonym.es/?https://www.vidics.to/) - Vidics provides Tv shows and movie releases. - [Warez-BB-org](http://anonym.es/?https://warez-bb.org/) - Elite warez forum. [![(invite needed)][inviteneeded]](#) - [WarezBB.org](http://warezbb.org/) - (insecure) - Invite-only elite forum. - [Warezforum Asia](http://warezforum.asia/) - (insecure) - A website for PDF's & more. - [watchepisodeseries](http://anonym.es/?https://watchepisodeseries.bypassed.wtf/) - Watch Episode Series provides TV Shows releases from the scene. - [WatchTVSeries](http://anonym.es/?https://watchtvseries.unblocked.krd/) - Watch TV shows online. - [ZeroBoard](http://anonym.es/?https://zeroboard.org/) - A board which provides Windows related stuff. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### DVB - [DVBKing](http://anonym.es/?https://skystar-2.com/) - SkyStar, SoftCam Key ProgDVB Satellite Receiver Dish Network DirecTV HD TV. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Premium Link Generators - [File Hosting Wiki](http://anonym.es/?https://filehostlist.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page) - This site aims to provide the most complete lists of premium link generators, torrent downloaders and more, with (possibly) - frequent updates. - [Free Premium Leeches](http://anonym.es/?https://filehostlist.miraheze.org/wiki/Free_Premium_Leeches) - Search up for the website you want to download from and pick from a massive list. - [Small File sharing table](http://anonym.es/?https://nafanz.github.io/filesharing.html) - Small File sharing table which shows maximum file limit, language etc. - [Small cloud storage table](http://anonym.es/?https://nafanz.github.io/cloudstorage.html) - Small cloud storage table which shows maximum file limit, language etc. - [OffCloud](http://anonym.es/?https://offcloud.com/?=85a8b709) - A simple, elegant and intuitive SaaS to retrieve any data from the cloud. - [Mega-Debrid](http://anonym.es/?https://www.mega-debrid.eu/) - 207 Hosters supported. - [Premiumize](http://anonym.es/?https://www.premiumize.me/) - Combine direct and secure access to premium services. - [Premium Link Generator](http://anonym.es/?https://ww.premiumlinkgenerator.com/) - Over 26 hosts to choose from (needs paid account). - [Real-Debrid](http://anonym.es/?https://real-debrid.com/) - Real-Debrid is an unrestricted downloader that allows you to quickly download files hosted on the Internet or instantly stream them into an innovative web player. - [Reevown](http://anonym.es/?https://reevown.com/) - A free download service with which you can perform premium downloads. - [UploadedPremiumLink.xyz](http://anonym.es/?https://www.uploadedpremiumlink.xyz/) - Generate online premium links. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Premium Link Hoster - [4shared](http://anonym.es/?https://www.4shared.com/) - [DBREE](http://anonym.es/?https://dbr.ee/) - [K!M](http://anonym.es/?https://k.im/) - Might replaces the original Megaupload (_one day_). - [Mediafire](http://anonym.es/?https://www.mediafire.com/) - [Mega.nz](http://anonym.es/?https://mega.nz/) - [OpenLoad](http://anonym.es/?https://openload.co/) - [PutLocker](http://anonym.es/?https://www5.putlockertv.to/) - [RapidGator](http://anonym.es/?https://rapidgator.net/) - [Sendspace](http://anonym.es/?https://www.sendspace.com/) - [Uploaded](http://anonym.es/?https://uploaded.net/) - [Zippyshare](http://anonym.es/?https://www.zippyshare.com/) - (free/paid) - (needs proxy/VPN) - GeoIP blocked in the UK. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Open Directories - ["All resources I know related to Open Directories"](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/opendirectories/comments/933pzm/all_resources_i_know_related_to_open_directories/) - Thorough post from /u/ElectroXexual. - [/r/opendirectories](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/opendirectories) - Unprotected directories of pics, vids, music, software and otherwise interesting files. - [36 GB of Flash Games](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/opendirectories/comments/902j1i/36_gb_of_flash_games_19k_files/) - Posted by /u/blue_star_. - [FileMasta](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/HerbL27/FileMasta) - Search servers for video, music, books, software, games, subtitles and much more. - [httpdirfs](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/fangfufu/httpdirfs) - A filesystem which allows you to mount HTTP directory listings. - [opendirectories-bot](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/simon987/opendirectories-bot) - Bot used on /r/opendirectories for analysing the contents of open directories posted on the subreddit. - [The-Eye](http://anonym.es/?https://the-eye.eu/public/) - The Eye is a non-profit website dedicated towards content archival and long-term preservation. - [The Holy Grail of Indexes](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/opendirectories/comments/75ya8g/the_holy_grail_of_indexes/) - Posted by /u/shadow_hunter104. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Anime & Cartoon Streaming (720p+) - [AnimeKisa](http://anonym.es/?https://animekisa.com/) - Subs and dubs, no ads, funded by donations, self-hosted. - [Animelon](http://anonym.es/?https://animelon.com/) - Subs only, multilingual, no ads, funded by donations, only one source, videos hosted by Google, aimed for Japanese learners. - [Aniwatcher](http://anonym.es/?https://aniwatcher.com/) - Subs and dubs, pop-up ads on video player, downloadable, multiple sources. - [AnimeFreak.TV](http://anonym.es/?https://www.animefreak.tv/) - Subs and sometimes dubs, banner and pre-roll ads, one source. - [9Anime](http://anonym.es/?https://www2.9anime.to/) - Subs and dubs, many ads, many player alternatives, videos hosted by Google. - [Animeboys](http://anonym.es/?https://www.kaze-online.de/) - (Ger) - Subs and dubs, banner and pop-up ads, multiple sources. - [Animefever](http://anonym.es/?https://www.animefever.tv/) - Subs only, multilingual, banner ads, self-hosted. - [Anime Streams](http://anonym.es/?https://www.anime2you.de/streams/) - Sub and dub, banner ads. - [Anime8](http://anonym.es/?https://anime8.me/) - [AnimeBam](http://anonym.es/?https://www.animebam.net/) - Subs only, banner ads, only one source. - [AnimeDao](http://anonym.es/?https://animedao.com/) - No ads, subs only, multiple sources, videos hosted by Google. - [Animeflv](http://anonym.es/?https://animeflv.net/) - [AnimeHub](http://anonym.es/?https://animehub.ac/) - Sub and dub, banner ads. - [AnimePahe](http://anonym.es/?https://animepahe.com/) - Subs only, pop-up ads, doesn't show videos with adblocker on, downloadable, only one source. - [AnimePie](http://anonym.es/?https://www.animepie.to/index) - Subs and dubs, no ads, multiple sources(including from other anime sites). - [AnimeRush](http://anonym.es/?https://www.animerush.tv/genres/) - Subs only, pop-ins, one source. - [AnimeSeries](http://anonym.es/?https://animeseries.co/) - [Anime Simple](http://anonym.es/?https://ww1.animesimple.com/) - Subs and dubs, banner ads, multiple sources. - [AnimeTV](http://anonym.es/?https://animetv.ge/) - Subs and dubs, banner ads, many player alternatives. - [animeultima](http://anonym.es/?https://twitter.com/animeultimav2?lang=en) - Subs and dubs, banner and pop-up ads, multiple sources. - [AnimeVibe](http://anonym.es/?https://animevibe.xyz/) - Subs and dubs, no ads, multiple sources, downloadable, funded by donations. - [AnimeWorldBD](http://anonym.es/?https://animeworldbd.com/) - Banner ads, some videos can only be downloaded, small list. - [Cartoon Crazy](http://anonym.es/?https://www.cartooncrazy.tv/) - [CartoonWire](http://anonym.es/?https://cartoonwire.to/) - [DaiWEEB](http://anonym.es/?https://www.daiweeb.org/) - Subs only (EN and JP), no ads, only one source, self-hosted, aimed for Japanese learners. - [DarkAnime.stream](http://anonym.es/?https://darkanime.stream/) - Subs, no ads, downloadable, some sources. - [DubbedAnime](http://anonym.es/?https://ww5.dubbedanime.net/) - Subs and dubs, banner and pop-up ads, multiple sources. - [EyeOnAnime](http://anonym.es/?https://eyeonanime.tv/) - Subs and dubs, banner ads, uses multiple uploaders/players. - [GoGoAnime](http://anonym.es/?https://www1.gogoanime.sh/) - Subs and dubs, many ads, many player alternatives. - [Hi10Anime](http://anonym.es/?https://hi10anime.com/) - High Quality 10-bit Animes. - [KickAssAnime](http://anonym.es/?https://www11.kickassanime.io/) - Subs and dubs, banner ads, some sources. - [KimCartoon](http://anonym.es/?https://kimcartoon.co/) - [KissCartoon](http://anonym.es/?https://kisscartoon.ac/) - [Mangarock](http://anonym.es/?https://mangarock.com/) - [MoviesEver](http://anonym.es/?https://moviesever.com/) - [NineAnime](http://anonym.es/?https://www.nineanime.com/) - [OtakuStream](http://anonym.es/?https://otakustream.unblocker.cc/) - Subs only, banner and pop-up ads, downloadable, multiple sources. - [Online WatchCartoon](http://anonym.es/?https://www.watchcartoononline.com/) - [Otakustream](http://anonym.es/?https://otakustream.tv/) - [RyuAnime](http://anonym.es/?https://www4.ryuanime.com/) - [Serienjunkies](http://serienjunkies.org/) - (GER) - (insecure) - Provides german tv episodes. - [SGAnime](http://anonym.es/?https://sganime.org/) - Subs only, no ads, few sources. - [TVBox](http://anonym.es/?https://tvbox.unblocked.gdn/) - [TVRaven](http://anonym.es/?https://www.onetvraven.pro/) - [WatchCartoon](http://anonym.es/?https://www.watchcartoononline.io/) - [WatchCartoonsOnline](http://anonym.es/?https://watchcartoonsonline.la/) - [WatchSeries 2.0](http://anonym.es/?https://watch-series.io/) **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Specialty Sites - [1Liberty](http://anonym.es/?https://libertyvf.co/) - (fr-FR) - [6VoierFilms](http://anonym.es/?https://www.voirfilms.mx/) - (fr-FR) - [CamVault](http://anonym.es/?/https://camvault.xyz/login.html) - [Cuevana2](http://anonym.es/?https://www.cuevana2.com/) - Espanol - [DaebakDrama](http://anonym.es/?https://daebakdrama.com/) - Korean - [Danimados](http://anonym.es/?https://danimados.com/) - Espanol - [DPStream](http://anonym.es/?https://www.dpstream.info/) - (fr-FR) - [Einthusan](http://anonym.es/?https://einthusan.tv/intro/) - Foreign - [EmuleIsland](http://anonym.es/?https://ww5.emule-island.ru/) - (fr-FR) - [Filmz.cc](http://anonym.es/?https://www.tfarjo.cc/) - (fr-FR) - [K-Streaming](http://anonym.es/?https://www2.k-streaming.tv/) - (fr-FR) - [KingsofHorror](http://anonym.es/?https://www.youtube.com/user/TheKingsofHorror/) - - Youtube Horror - [MutantSorority](http://anonym.es/?https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWcF6KTn_sSSJ1AIj1bQmRg) - - Youtube Horror - [Rulu](http://anonym.es/?https://www.rulu.co/) - Youtube Red Series - [StreamComplete](http://anonym.es/?https://streamcomplet.xyz/) - (fr-FR) - [Time2Watch](http://anonym.es/?https://time2watch.in/) - (fr-FR) - [Top Documentary Films](http://anonym.es/?https://topdocumentaryfilms.com/) - Documentaries - [TromaMovies](http://anonym.es/?https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4O0LNYmaOczcSMHA_FE1Mw) - Youtube Horror - [VFStream](http://anonym.es/?https://www.vf-stream.org/) - (fr-FR) - [Videoneat](http://anonym.es/?https://videoneat.com/) - Documentaries/Science Movies - [WatchAsian](http://anonym.es/?https://www2.watchasian.co/) - [WTvF!](http://anonym.es/?https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgzOk7BrZ_REdrDXOhGIGqQ) - Youtube Grindhouse **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Random Movie/TV Streaming Websites - [#1 Movies Website](http://anonym.es/?https://www1.1movies.is) - Watch movies online for free in HD quality without downloading or signing up. - [/r/BestOfStreamingVideo](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/BestOfStreamingVideo/) - [/r/MovieStreamingSites](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieStreamingSites/) - [AZMovies](http://anonym.es/?https://azmovies.xyz/) - AZMovies your best source for watching movies online, with High Quality 1080p movies, you can stream anytime. - [Arabseed](http://anonym.es/?https://arabseed.tv/) - (AR) - Online shopping from a great selection at Digital Music Store. - [Best Free Streaming](http://anonym.es/?https://www.bestfreestreaming.com/) - Another streaming site that rates streaming services. - [CMoviesHD](http://anonym.es/?https://www2.cmovieshd.bz) - Basic streaming site layout, HD server with additional hosts. - [DP Stream](http://anonym.es/?https://www.dpstream.net/) - (FR) - Films/Series/Animés a votre dispositions sur différents herbergeurs. dpstream.net. - [Daxiv Video](http://anonym.es/?https://daxiv.com/) - Movies & TV shows online or stream right to your smart TV, game console, PC, Mac, mobile, tablet and more. Primarily Chinese content. - [FMOVIES](http://anonym.es/?https://www3.fmovies.to/) - Openload, MyCloud, RapidVideo, Streamango- - [FilmXY](http://anonym.es/?https://www.filmxy.one/) - Download Free Unlimited Movies Online From Filmxy At Great Quality!! Here You Can Download Movies in Bluray, 1080p, 720p, HD, HDTV, Web-dl, DvD-rip & more - [Filmz.cc](http://anonym.es/?https://www.filmz.cc/) - (FR) - French streaming website. - [FlixGo](http://anonym.es/?https://flixgo.net/) - Ralph Breaks the Internet. Avengers: Infinity War. Incredibles 2. Ant-Man and the Wasp ... Dawn of Justice. Captain America: Civil War. FlixGo. - [Flixanity](http://anonym.es/?https://flixanity.xyz/) - Watch movies and TV shows online. Watch from devices like iOS, Android, PC, PS4, Xbox One and more. Registration is 100% free and easy. - [HD MOVIES](http://anonym.es/?https://hdm.to/) - Watch free movies online in 1080p at HDM.to - Stream & download the latest HD movies online for free without registration. - [HDEUROPIX](http://anonym.es/?https://topeuropix.net/) - Free Streaming HD Movies Online with captions. Full Movies Streaming Popular TV Series Watch Free HD topeuropix.net. - [HDO](http://anonym.es/?https://hdo.to/) - Watch HD Movies Online For Free the latest movies, tv-series without Registration at hdonline.to. - [HDOnline](http://anonym.es/?https://www3.hdonline.eu/) - Free Movies Online! - [INDOXXI](http://anonym.es/?https://indoxxi.cx/) - Movies releases. - [KStreaming](http://anonym.es/?https://www.k-streaming.tv/) - (FR) - Film Streaming et Série Streaming Gratuit. - [LookMovie](http://anonym.es/?https://lookmovie.ag/) - Watch Movies and TV Shows for Free in 1080p and 720p. New Movies and Episodes are added every hour. - [MKVHub](http://anonym.es/?https://www.mkvhub.com/) - MkvHub is the best website to download high-quality 720p, 1080p WEB-DL HDRip BluRay Movies and TV Shows with Single Direct Download Link. - [Nox](http://anonym.es/?https://nox.tv/) - (Ger) - Filme, HD-Filme, 3D-Filme, Serien und Spiele - News. Reporters Without Borders. - [PelisPedia](http://anonym.es/?https://www.pelispedia.tv/) - (es-do) - Movies & TV Shows. - [Qwemovies](http://anonym.es/?https://www3.qwemovies.com/) - Watch HD Movies Online For Free and Download the latest movies without Registration at qwemovies.to. - [Rainierland](http://anonym.es/?https://rainierland.is/) - Official home of rainierland - no ads and only good movies. - [Series9](http://anonym.es/?https://www2.series9.io/) - Unique design, HD server with additional hosts. - [Sokrostream.vip](http://anonym.es/?https://sokrostream.vip/) - (FR) - 2019 Films · 2018 Films · Action · Science-Fiction · Comédie · Horreur · Rapport - [Solarmovie](http://anonym.es/?https://solarmoviez.ru/) - Watch Movies Online and Watch Tv-Series online On Solarmovie without Registration. - [StreamCR](http://anonym.es/?https://scr.cr/) - Watch movies and TV series online for free. Stream episodes of Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Stranger Things and more! - [Streams.now.sh](http://anonym.es/?https://streams.now.sh/) - Clean design, fast & smart search, large variety of films, HD quality, from popular groups & hosters. - [StreamCouch](http://anonym.es/?https://www2.streamcouch.com/) - Watch free the newest movie stream indexed as they appear online, in HD high quality. - [Streamcomplete](http://anonym.es/?https://streamcomplet.me/) - (FR) - Streaming gratuit des films en VF, Regarder les meilleurs sélections des films complets en version française a voir online. - [TakiART](http://anonym.es/?https://www.takiartmovies.ga/) - Watch and download latest Hollywood movies for free. - [Time2Watch](http://anonym.es/?https://time2watch.in/) - (FR) - Films, séries et mangas en streaming et téléchargement gratuit pour PC, iPhone, iPad et autres Smartphones. - [VF-Streaming](http://anonym.es/?https://www.vf-stream.org/) - (FR) - Voir Les Meilleurs Films, Séries Et Manga En Streaming HD Gratuit Sans inscription Sur VF Stream Venez découvrir les derniers films complet en français. - [Vidcloud](http://anonym.es/?https://vidcloud.icu/) - Basic streaming site layout, HD server with additional hosts. - [VodLocker](http://anonym.es/?https://vodlocker.tv/) - Official home of vodlocker - no ads and only good movies. - [VoirFilms.ws](http://anonym.es/?https://ww6.voirfilms.ws/) - (FR) -Voir Film Streaming, Streaming Film, telecharger, Films, regarder film streaming, dvdrip, film en streaming, voirfilms, gratuit. - [WatchFree](http://anonym.es/?https://watchfree.at/) - Watch Movies Online Free. Watch your favorite movies and tv-series in hd quality on watchfree.to + putlocker. - [Yes! Movies](http://anonym.es/?https://yesmovies.to) - Watch movies full HD online free. Watch latests episode series online. Over 9000 free streaming movies, documentaries & TV shows. - [cine.to](http://anonym.es/?https://cine.to/) - Sit back and relax while watching the newest Cinema or your favorite Movie for free. Just cine.to & chill. - [cinebloom](http://anonym.es/?https://www2.cinebloom.com) - Action Adventure Animation Biography Comedy Crime Documentary Drama Family Fantasy History Horror Music Musical Mystery Romance Sci-Fi Sport Thriller War Western. - [eMule Island.ru](http://anonym.es/?https://www2.emule-island.ru/) - (FR/RU) - Site de téléchargement gratuit, Telecharger des films complet, series, ebooks, spectacles, documentaires et bien plus, sur uptobox, 1fichier. - [libertyVF](http://anonym.es/?https://ww1.libertyvf.org/) - (FR) - - [onemov](http://anonym.es/?https://onemov.net/) - Online Full HD Movie Free. - [openloadmovies.net](http://anonym.es/?https://openloadmovies.net/) - Reliable movie streaming site which uses OpenLoad. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Video Game Music (OST) - [FFShine Forum](http://forums.ffshrine.org/forumdisplay.php?f=72) - A place for game and video game music. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Sports (only) Streaming - [/r/CFBStreams](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/CFBStreams/) - [/r/MLBStreams](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/MLBStreams/) - [/r/mmafights](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/mmafights/) - [/r/MMAStreams](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/MMAStreams/) - [/r/motorsportsstreams](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/motorsportsstreams) - Reddit community for motorsports streams. - [/r/nbastreams](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/nbastreams/) - [/r/ncaaBBallStreams](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/ncaaBBallStreams/) - [/r/nflstreams](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/nflstreams/) - [/r/NHLStreams](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/NHLStreams/) - [/r/redsoccer](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/redsoccer) - [/r/rugbystreams](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/rugbystreams/) - [/r/WWEstreams](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/WWEstreams/) - [Best Sport Streaming](http://anonym.es/?https://www.bestsportstreaming.com/) - Site that rates sport streaming services. - [Cricfree](http://anonym.es/?https://crickfree.org/) - Offers popular sports streams. - [cytu.be/r/heemstream](http://anonym.es/?https://cytu.be/r/heemstream) - [footybite](http://anonym.es/?https://www.footybite.com/) - Soccer streaming site. - [LiveTV](http://anonym.es/?https://livesx.eu/) - Wide variety of sports, results/live scores, video archive and betting. - [MamaHD](http://anonym.es/?https://www.mamahd.org/) - 24/7 feeds, sports streams offers a clean UI. - [Send It](http://anonym.es/?https://sendit.gg/) - Live stream listings for sports, news, gaming, and more. - [Stream2Watch](http://anonym.es/?https://www.stream2watch.ws/) - [Streamwoop](http://anonym.es/?https://streamwoop.net/) - [VIPBox](http://anonym.es/?https://www.vipbox.live/) - (Spanish) - Many sport streams, TV which with an friendly UI. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Media Centre Applications - [Emby](http://anonym.es/?https://emby.media/) - A personal media server with apps on just about every device. - [Gerbera](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/gerbera/gerbera) - UPnP Media Server for 2018 (Based on MediaTomb). - [Kodi](http://anonym.es/?https://kodi.tv/) - An award-winning free and open source home theater/media center software and entertainment hub for digital media. - [Myflix](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/pastapojken/Myflix) - Myflix tries to be a somewhat simple and lightweight "DIY Netflix", similar to Plex, streama or Emby, for your DIY NAS, especially aimed at the Raspberry Pi/Odroid/etc ecosystem. - [Jellyfin](http://anonym.es/?https://jellyfin.org/) - Open source alternative to Plex. - [OpenPHT](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/RasPlex/OpenPHT) - A community driven fork of Plex Home Theater. - [OSMC](http://anonym.es/?https://osmc.tv/) - OSMC (short for Open Source Media Center) - is a Linux distribution based on Debian that brings Kodi to a variety of devices. - [Streama](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/streamaserver/streama) - Self hosted streaming media server. - [Stremio](http://anonym.es/?https://www.stremio.com/) - Multi-platform video content aggregator with a comprehensive add-on system for extending functionality - [Viewscreen](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/viewscreen/viewscreen) - A personal video streaming server. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Stremio Addons - [Juan Carlos Torrents](http://anonym.es/?https://jct.best4stremio.space/stremio/v1) - Allows streaming from torrents collected from KAT.cr and others. - [Open Directories addon](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/opendirectories/comments/9n8ig8/stremio_open_directories/) - Finds HTTP streams for movies/shows from open directories. - [PirateBay addon](http://anonym.es/?https://piratebay-stremio-addon.herokuapp.com/stremio/v1) - Fetch PirateBay entries on a single episode or series. - [Popcorn Time addon](http://anonym.es/?https://pct.best4stremio.space/stremioget/stremio/v1) - Watch from YTS and EZTV in Stremio - [RAR addon](http://anonym.es/?https://rarbg.best4stremio.space/stremio/v1) - Watch content from RARBG in Stremio. - [Zooqle addon](http://anonym.es/?https://stremio-zooqle.now.sh/stremio/v1) - Watch movies and series indexed by Zooqle from RARBG, KAT, YTS, MegaTorrents and other torrent trackers. - [/r/plexshares](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/plexshares/) - A nice place to find Plex Media Server shares. - [BaconFeet](http://anonym.es/?https://baconfeet.com/) - "Bringing a difference in streaming to the masses...". - [CDRomance](http://anonym.es/?https://cdromance.com/) - PSP, PSX, PS2, Gameboy, NDS, SNES, Dreamcast, and Gamecube ROMs and ISOs. - [Elysium](http://anonym.es/?https://elysium.to/) - Plex media streaming service. - [MediaButler](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/physk/MediaButler) - Discord bot for use with PleX and several other apps that work with it. - [Mellow](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/v0idp/Mellow/) - Discord Bot which can communicate with several APIs like Ombi, Sonarr, Radarr and Tautulli which are related to home streaming. - [plexrequests-meteor](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/lokenx/plexrequests-meteor) - Meteor version of the original Plex Requests - [Steamless](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/atom0s/Steamless) - Steamless is a DRM remover of the SteamStub variants. The goal of Steamless is to make a single solution for unpacking all Steam DRM packed files. Steamless aims to support as many games as possible. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Plex Logging and Metrics - [Plex-Data-Collector-For-InfluxDB](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/barrycarey/Plex-Data-Collector-For-InfluxDB) - Collects data about your Plex server and sends it to InfluxDB - [plexWatch](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/ljunkie/plexWatch) - Notify and Log watched content on a Plex Media Server - [Tautulli](http://anonym.es/?https://tautulli.com/) - Tautulli is a 3rd party application that you can run alongside your Plex Media Server to monitor activity and track various statistics. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Kodi - [/r/Addons4Kodi](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/addons4kodi) - Discussion and links pertaining to unofficial addons for Kodi Media Center - [Burst](http://burst.surge.sh) - (insecure) - A torrent content provider to the Quasar plugin. - [Elementum](http://anonym.es/?https://elementum.surge.sh/) - Elementum addon is an addon for Kodi, that manages your virtual library, syncs with your Trakt account. - [Exodus Redux](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/Addons4Kodi/comments/9tasx5/requests_recommendations_basics_november_2018/e8uti6w) - The newest Exodus fork around, paired with LambdaScrapers. - [Gaia](http://anonym.es/?https://gaiakodi.com/) - Grants the ability to instantly watch high quality files via cached torrents from Real-Debrid or Premiumize. - [kodi-headless](http://anonym.es/?https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/kodi-headless/) - A headless install of kodi in a docker container, most useful for a mysql setup of kodi to allow library updates to be sent without the need for a player system to be permanently on. - [Official Plex Addon](http://anonym.es/?https://forums.plex.tv/t/installation-instructions/168854) - Official Plex add-on for Kodi. - [PlexKodiConnect](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/croneter/PlexKodiConnect) - Plex integration in Kodi done right. - [Python-GoogleDrive-VideoStream](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/ddurdle/Python-GoogleDrive-VideoStream) - Provides service content delivered in Google Drive plugin for KODI through any HTML5 client. - [Sparkle](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/iwannabelikemike/plugin.video.sparkle) - Kodi addon for finding acestream links. - [Tooonmania2](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/doko-desuka/doko.repository/releases) - lets you watch cartoons, dubbed anime and movies (from animetoon) - and subbed anime and movies (from animeplus). - [tvtorrentorganizer](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/tvtorrentorganizer/tvtorrentorganizer) - Bash 4 Script to Organize TV Show Downloads for Kodi - [Ultimate Kodi Guide](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/7wp42u/ultimate_guide_to_install_kodi_popular_streaming/) - ULTIMATE GUIDE TO INSTALL KODI + POPULAR STREAMING ADDONS by /u/giorgiomilan - [Yoda](http://anonym.es/?http://supremacy.org.uk/zip/repo/) - (insecure) - Another solid Exodus/Covenant fork, and this time it's from S-media. - [VShare](http://anonym.es/?https://vshare.eu) - Allows all the kodi users to pair with this service, which allows users to share and stream their favorite videos. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Gaming Infos, Emus & other resources - [/r/CrackWatch](http://anonym.es/?https://reddit.com/r/CrackWatch/) - New video game crack releases are posted here. - [CreamAPI AutoInstaller](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/Douile/cream-api-autoinstaller) - A python script to auto install Cream API for Steam games in order to get all [DLCs for free](http://anonym.es/?https://cs.rin.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=70576&hilit=CreamAPI). - [Goldberg Steam Emulator](http://anonym.es/?https://gitlab.com/Mr_Goldberg/goldberg_emulator) - The project is an attempt to make a generic Steam ddl that lets you play multiplayer games on a LAN without any internet connection. - [SmartSteamEmu](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/MAXBURAOT/SmartSteamEmu) - A Steam emulator. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Game Repacks - ["A simple script for easily downloading emulator.games ROMs"](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/aytutr/a_simple_script_for_easily_downloading/) - Reddit guide and userscript created by /u/estel_smith to allow you to easily download ROMs from Emulator.Games. - [BlackBox](http://www.blackboxrepack.com/) - (insecure) - A well known forum/site for game repacks. - [Dark Umbra](http://anonym.es/?https://darkumbra.net/) - A forum for sourcing games. - [DODI](http://dodi-repacks.site/) - (insecure) - Similar like fit-girl repacks, known and trusted by thousend of peoples around the world. - [ElAmigos Games](http://anonym.es/?https://www.elamigos-games.com/) - Premium links to cracked PC games. - [Emulator.Games](http://anonym.es/?https://emulator.games/) - Download or play ROMs on your PC, Mobile, Mac, iOS and Android devices. - [FitGirl Repacks](http://fitgirl-repacks.site/) - (insecure) - Popular DDL and torrent site for game repacks. - [Kaoskrew](http://kaoskrew.org/) - (insecure) Repacks from popular repacker SKIDROW, CPY, Razor1911, PLAZA etc. - [Kapital Sin](http://www.kapitalsin.com/forum/) - (insecure) - [Nicoblog](http://anonym.es/?https://nicoblog.org/) - (insecure) - Plenty of ISOs, ROMs & repacks. - [qoob.name](http://qoob.name/) - (insecure) - Repacker site of popular cracker teams like CPY, PLEX etc. - [R.G Mechanics](http://anonym.es/?https://rg-mechanics.org/) - Various repacks. - [Revolt Group](http://anonym.es/?https://revolt.group/) - Official Revolt website. - [Skidrow Repacks](http://anonym.es/?https://skidrowrepacks.com/) - Repacks from popular repacker SKIDROW. Lots of anime stuff too! - [Tapochek](http://anonym.es/?http://tapochek.net/) - (insecure) - Official R.G Mechanics repacks can be found here. - [Xatab Repacks](http://anonym.es/?https://xatab-repack.net) - (RU) - Russian game repacker, provides primarily torrents. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### PlayStation (4) - [Darksoftware Forum](http://anonym.es/?https://forum.darksoftware.net/forums/) - Number #1 forum for Playstation hacking topics. - [Download Game PS3](http://anonym.es/?https://downloadgameps3.com/) - Download game PS3, PS4, RPCS3, PC for free. - [They-Eye](http://anonym.es/?http://the-eye.eu/alvro) - Playstation resources, games etc. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### ROMs - [3DSISO](http://www.3dsiso.com/) - (insecure) - A community based ROM database. - [ByAlvRo's Collection - 1Fichier Mirror (132 TB various)](http://anonym.es/?https://pastebin.com/79q1mdZm) via [reddit](http://anonym.es/?https://old.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/bi4u7e/byalvro_is_retiring_so_his_entire_playstation/) - [CoolRom](http://coolrom.com/) - (insecure) - Your #1 emulation choice. - [Darkumbra](http://anonym.es/?https://darkumbra.net/forums/forum/192-3ds-cia-games/) - Nintendo 3ds CIA files. - [Digiex](http://anonym.es/?https://digiex.net/forums/) - A forum to share and talk about ROMs, Games & other console games. - [Doperoms](http://anonym.es/?https://www.doperoms.com/) - A huge collection with over 170,000 ROM files. - [Emulanium](http://www.emulanium.com/) - (insecure) - Emulators, cheats & roms. - [myabandonware](http://anonym.es/?https://www.myabandonware.com/) - More than 14,000 old games to download, for free! - [No Intro DAT-o-MATIC](http://anonym.es/?https://datomatic.no-intro.org/) - List of Xbox, Nintendo etc games. - [Old Games Finder](http://www.oldgamesfinder.com/) - (insecure) - Old Games Finder is an automated old games search engine. (avoid ISO Zone links, as that site is dead). - [Rom Links Megathread - 1Fichier, GDrive, Mega](http://anonym.es/?https://old.reddit.com/r/Roms/comments/9jmmhi/rom_links_megathread_1fichier_gdrive_mega/) - Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Romsets, Arcade and other ROM collections. - [ROM/ISO sites](http://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/ROM/ISO_Sites) - (insecure) - Wiki page from gametechwiki.com with more links to ROM and ISO websites. - [Romulation.net](http://anonym.es/?https://www.romulation.net/) - Collection of over ~28,000 console game ROMs. - [Romsmania](http://anonym.es/?https://romsmania.cc/) - Another great ROMs collection with a decent UI to find stuff quick. - [ROMNation](romnation.net) - Lots of ROMs. - [The Eye ROMs](http://the-eye.eu/public/rom/) - (insecure) - Open directory of ROMs from The-Eye. - [The ROM Depot](http://anonym.es/?https://theromdepot.com/roms/) - Around 3 TB of ROMs (requires a VPN). - [Vimm's Lair](http://anonym.es/?https://vimm.net/?p=vault) - Large collection of ROMs. - [WowroMs](http://anonym.es/?https://wowroms.com/) - Various ROMs collection. - [Ziperto](http://anonym.es/?https://www.ziperto.com/) - Nintendo 3ds CIA files, especially for JRPGs. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Good Old Download alternatives (mirrors) - [GOD Games](http://anonym.es/?https://god-games.com/) - GOD is alive. - [GOD Project](http://god.freevar.com) - (insecure) - A work in Progress Project which aims to reboot the old GOD project. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Console Games (various) - [/r/PkgLinks](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/PkgLinks/) - A place to share working Playstation 4 PKGs. - [/r/SwitchNSPs](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/SwitchNSPs/) - Nintendo Switch games. - [gazellegames](http://anonym.es/?https://gazellegames.net/) - Another xBox 360 collection. - [NoPayStation](http://anonym.es/?https://nopaystation.com) - A Database for PSN Content including Vita, PS3, PSX, and PSP. - [OVAGames](http://www.ovagames.com/) - (insecure) - Yet another database with console and pc games. - [PleasureDome Tracker](http://anonym.es/?https://www.pleasuredome.org.uk/) - MAME torrents. - [SPEEDLounge](http://speedlounge.in/) - (Ger) - (insecure) - XBox360, XBox, PlayStation and other Games. - [Up2date list for Xbox 360](http://anonym.es/?https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19tAZ1KNEUZ58e-4kPJGh947alDb1oyrNpzcnCLk7DEE/pubhtml) - An up2date list for Xbox 360 games. - [xbox360iso](http://www.xbox360iso.com/) - (insecure) - XBox 360 Game collection. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Game Cheats - [MPGH](http://anonym.es/?https://www.mpgh.net/) - Multiplayer game hacking (makes money via ads). **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## PC Games - [Bzinho Games](http://anonym.es/?https://bzinhoneverdies.blogspot.com/) - Scene releases mirrors. - [CompucaliTV](http://anonym.es/?https://www.compucalitv.com/juegos-pc) - (SP) - Games, Video & more via Mega, OpenLoad, & others). - [CS.Rin.RU](http://anonym.es/?https://cs.rin.ru) - NoStream Gaming Servers, Repacks & mods. (Tor Mirror: _csrinru3c2ownkep.onion/forum/_ + [[Userscript] CS.RIN.RU Enhanced](http://anonym.es/?https://greasyfork.org/scripts/25713-cs-rin-ru-enhanced/code/CSRINRU%20Enhanced.user.js)) - - [Firestorm](http://anonym.es/?https://firestorm-servers.com/) - Games & more. - [GameCopyWorld](http://anonym.es/?https://gamecopyworld.eu) - Provides cracks for Games. - [GamesFull](http://anonym.es/?https://www.gamesfull.org/) - (SP) - ElAmigos Games and other scene releases. Mega, GDrive, MediaFire. - [Games Turret](http://anonym.es/?https://gamesturret.ga/) - Proves games via file hosters. - [MegaGames](http://anonym.es/?https://megagames.com/) - Same like GameCopyWorld, online since 20+ years, old but gold! - [PCMYMJuegos](http://anonym.es/?https://pcmymjuegos.com/) - (SP) - Spanish website for SteamWorkFixs and other stuff. Mega, GDrive, MediaFire. - [Skidrow & Reloaded](http://anonym.es/?https://www.skidrowreloaded.com/) - Fanmade Skidrow & Reloaded mirror website. - [SpartaGames](http://anonym.es/?https://spartagames.net/category/pc/) - (PT/BR) - Torrent links and direct server mirrors to various scene releases. - [Steamunlocked](http://anonym.es/?https://steamunlocked.net) - Pre-installed/cracked steam games - just hit start and play. - [VseTop](http://anonym.es/?https://vsetop.org/) - (RU) - Yet another russian website which buy their own games and release it to the mass. - [Warmane](http://anonym.es/?https://www.warmane.com/) - Hosts private WoW Servers. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Games Achievements Management Tools - [SSElauncher](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/MAXBURAOT/SmartSteamEmu) - SSELauncher Comfy Edition 2018 By LoodBot/Syahmixp (Steam Emulator). - [Steam Achievement Manager](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/gibbed/SteamAchievementManager) - A manager for game achievements in Steam. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### GameCube Games - [Archive.org](http://anonym.es/?https://archive.org/details/NCubeJ) - Gamecube NTSC-J: Your gonna need an account with archive.org but it should work, speeds are decent. - [GDrive](http://anonym.es/?https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13qVydg48SNv1aosx3mdnJmSwUXXvrbHR) **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### 3DS - [3DS Decrypter utility](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/matiffeder/stuff) - Decrypt 3DS files. - [3dscia](http://anonym.es/?https://www.3dscia.com/) - Nintendo 3ds CIA files. - [GDrive](http://anonym.es/?https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hXkQlsTk5dOAZyHP8WfCLl-adyEK24Dd) - EN/US based ROMs. - [GDrive](http://anonym.es/?https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lkJxXiakRmtUASb9fUoWOhuWe7TXUyV5) - All regions collection. - [GDrive](http://anonym.es/?https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VsRg8wZ2R_r_lRN89dKopQsTVN6EvRU3) - [MEga.nz](http://anonym.es/?https://mega.nz/#F!33AhDa4T!awOqr7lhZYFgjXoMMu6_8w) - DS Best of Collection - [Mega.nz](http://anonym.es/?https://mega.nz/#F!yLBiwApZ!JlecejkP1KK8jZujzHUbwQ) - 3DS Virtual Console - [ziperto.com](http://anonym.es/?https://www.ziperto.com/nintendo/3ds-roms/3ds-cia/) - 3DS CIA collection. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### GameBoy Advance - [GDrive (mirror)](http://anonym.es/?https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pCXaEjukH0NsTsSCb1F0hNbjs8_-LMXf) - Password=snahp.it - [Mega.nz](http://anonym.es/?https://mega.nz/#!nNoCWbBB!VYNEdwStd12U_aS1qotoo9bz8vky9JnZGrlqAeVKHjA) - Password=snahp.it **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Mame Games - [PleasureDome](http://www.pleasuredome.org.uk/index.php) - (insecure) - Various games for Mame. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Nintendo Switch Games - [GDrive (more frequently updated](http://anonym.es/?https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VAxbSUcVindLxf9pVWvh64B-0Q8aM6xZ) - [GDrive](http://anonym.es/?https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/168_c19L6oDozFaMIOdf4oiL34y9tQP_J) - [Switch SN Checker](http://anonym.es/?https://akdm.github.io/ssnc/scanner/) **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Game Boy - [G-Drive](http://anonym.es/?https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B1VEYI5Xz677UjM4bEtTektJRFk) - Includes Game Boy ROM's (together with N64 etc) - and BIOS files. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Wii U Games - [GDrive](http://anonym.es/?https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Jkvx4RGbTF75NLUtYBDJG6FaFhvYw9m-) - EU only games. - [GDrive](http://anonym.es/?https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B7vPmuZfN3snMU0zYlBXSWVhOUE) - Wiiware and VC collection - [GDrive](http://anonym.es/?https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B7H6hIZDxNXeQW9uODA5UkM0ZG8) - Wii Scrubbed ISOs retail Collection NTSC - [GDrive](http://anonym.es/?https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UM6ZIhtWtIuwHo2rJunTTtW6sMxkTSQ0) - Mirror from abolve link. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### CD Key Sellers - [All Key Shop](http://anonym.es/?https://www.allkeyshop.com/blog/) - [CDKeyPrices](http://anonym.es/?https://cdkeyprices.com/) - [CDKeys](http://anonym.es/?https://www.cdkeys.com/) - [DLC Compare](http://anonym.es/?https://www.dlcompare.com/) - [G2a](http://anonym.es/?https://www.g2a.com/) - [G2Play](http://anonym.es/?https://www.g2play.net/) - [GO CD Keys](http://anonym.es/?https://gocdkeys.com/) - [Ultimatum Game Keys (UGK)](http://anonym.es/?https://www.gamingdragons.com/en) **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Homebrew and Custom Firmware(s) - [/r/3dshacks](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/3dshacks) - Nintendo 3DS hacking and homebrew. - [/r/ps3homebrew](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/ps3homebrew/) - News, updates, apps, and answers regarding PS3 homebrew! - [/r/ps4homebrew](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/ps4homebrew) - News, releases, and questions regarding the PS4 jailbreak, homebrew, and mods. - [/r/SwitchHacks](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/SwitchHacks) - Another Nintendo Switch hacking subreddit. - [/r/SwitchHaxing](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/SwitchHaxing) - Nintendo Switch hacking & homebrew subreddit. - [/r/vitahacks](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/vitahacks/) - A place to discuss Vita hacking and homebrew. - [/r/WiiHacks](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/WiiHacks/) - This reddit is for people interested in modifying their Wii. - [/r/YuzuPiracy](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/YuzuPiracy) - Links for Yuzu, the open-source Nintendo Switch emulator. - [3DS Hacks Guide](http://anonym.es/?https://3ds.hacks.guide/) - A complete guide to 3DS custom firmware, from stock to boot9strap. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Anime (Hentai is not allowed in this section!) - [/r/animepiracy wiki](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/animepiracy/wiki/index) - Lists for sourcing Anime streaming sites, manga sites, and more. - [/r/animepiracy](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/animepiracy) - This sub is about streaming and torrent websites for anime. - [/r/sjain_guides](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/sjain_guides/) - Guides and downloads for CS:GO, Windows 10 gaming optimisations, and more - [9Anime Downloader](http://anonym.es/?https://anonembed.xyz/9anime/) - Download Full Seasons from 9anime. - [Animes.so](http://anonym.es/?https://www.animes.so) - (needs registration to see content) - Downloads, DL-Links for all sorts of Animes. - [Alternatives to Kiss websites](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/KissCartoon/wiki/alternatives) - /r/KissCartoon wiki page with lots of anime sites. - [AniDex](http://anonym.es/?https://anidex.info) - Torrent tracker and indexer, primarily for English fansub groups of anime. - [AniLinkz](http://anonym.es/?https://anilinkz.to/) - Large database of streaming anime episodes. - [Anime Kaizoku](http://anonym.es/?https://www2.animekaizoku.com/) - Up to 1080p DDL links, mostly Google Drive. - [Anime Twist](http://anonym.es/?https://twist.moe/) - An anime direct streaming site with a decent UI and video player. - [animEncodes](http://anonym.es/?https://www.animencodes.com/) - Anime sharing page. - [Anime-Loards.org](ttps://www.anime-loads.org) - Anime sharing page. - [AnimeOut](http://anonym.es/?https://www.animeout.xyz/) - Over 1000's of Encoded Anime with DDL links. - [GoGo Anime](http://anonym.es/?https://www3.gogoanime.in/) - Popular website for watching anime. - [Hi10 Anime](http://anonym.es/?https://hi10anime.com/) - High Quality 10-bit Anime Encodes. - [HorribleSubs](http://anonym.es/?https://horriblesubs.info/) - Download anime via torrent files, magnet links, XDCC, and premium link hosts. - [Monimo](http://anonym.es/?https://monimoapp.netlify.com/) - Netflix like web app for watching animes. - [Nyaa](http://anonym.es/?https://nyaa.si/) - BitTorrent software for cats [(Repo)](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/nyaadevs/nyaa). - [NyaaPantsu](http://anonym.es/?https://nyaa.pantsu.cat/) - Primarily Anime torrents but includes an open directory of DDL links too. - [Series9](http://anonym.es/?https://www2.series9.io/) - Search engine for movies and tv shows (incl. animes). **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Cartoons - [animetoon](http://www.animetoon.org/) - (insecure) - Lots of streaming via premium hosts for cartoons. - [KissCartoon](http://anonym.es/?https://kisscartoon.ac/) - Popular cartoon streaming site. - [Toonova](http://www.toonova.net/) - (insecure) - Another site for streaming cartoons. - [watchcartoononline.com](http://anonym.es/?https://www.watchcartoononline.com/) - Cartoons, dubbed/subbed anime streaming site. - [watchcartoononline.io](http://anonym.es/?https://www.watchcartoononline.io/) - Large DDL site for cartoons as well as anime and movies. - [KimCartoon](http://anonym.es/?https://kimcartoon.co/) Large cartoon collection, primarily Openload. - [WatchCartoon](http://anonym.es/?https://www.watchcartoononline.io/) Outdated site layout, still active and Openload. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Album Art - [Album Art Downloader](http://anonym.es/?https://sourceforge.net/projects/album-art/) - Find and update their album art for their music collection. - [newalbum.club](http://anonym.es/?https://newalbum.club/) - Search and download free music & album arts. No account required! **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Music - [94hiphop](http://anonym.es/?http://94hiphop.com/) - (insecure) - Download Free Hip Hop Albums! - [Bandcamp](http://anonym.es/?https://www.bandcamp.com/) - Spotify alternative, some free + paid (flac) music (DRM free) - [Beets](http://beets.io/) - (insecue) - The purpose of beets is to get your music collection right once and for all. It catalogs your collection, automatically improving its metadata as it goes using the MusicBrainz database. - [CDBao](http://anonym.es/?https://www.cdbao.net/) - (invite only) - A chinese age for various music. - [DQQD](http://anonym.es/?https://dqqd.org/) - Provides music via sharehoster, rapidgator etc. - [FreeAllMusic](http://anonym.es/?https://freeallmusic.top/) - Download any high quality music and up-to-date to the latest releases. - [LibreSonic](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/Libresonic/libresonic) - Media streaming software. - [MOOVAL](http://anonym.es/?https://www.mooval.de/) - Easily move your playlists, tracks and likes from one streaming service to another. - [Madsonic](madsonic.org) - Madsonic is a web-based media library and media streamer with jukebox functionality. - [MusicBrainz](http://anonym.es/?https://musicbrainz.org/) - MusicBrainz is an open music encyclopedia that collects music metadata and makes it available to the public. - [ProgrockWorld](http://anonym.es/?https://progrockworld.ru/) - (RU) - Classic Rock, Pop & more. - [Redacted](http://anonym.es/?https://redacted.ch/) - Elite music scene (requires invite). - [RuTracker](http://rutracker.org/forum/index.php) - (insecure) Ru-Tracker, music info, releases & software. - [Slsknet](http://www.slsknet.org/news/node/1) - (insecure) - Soulseek is an ad-free, spyware free, just plain free file sharing network for Windows, Mac and Linux. - [airsonic](http://anonym.es/?https://airsonic.github.io/) - Airsonic is a free, web-based media streamer, providing ubiquitous access to your music. - [streethiphop](http://anonym.es/?https://www.streethiphop.org/)] - Download free music. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Music Streaming - [datmusic](http://anonym.es/?https://datmusic.xyz/) - Search engine with a clean UI for streaming music in your browser - [GoSong](http://anonym.es/?https://gosong.unblocked.gdn/) - Streamable MP3s - [Hikarinoakariost](http://anonym.es/?https://hikarinoakariost.info/) - Site with Japanese music - [MP3Juices](http://anonym.es/?https://mp3juices.unblocked.gdn/) - MP3 search engine tool which uses YouTube - [MusicPleer](http://anonym.es/?https://musicpleer.la/) - Another music streaming site with a decent search engine. - [Muxiv Music](http://anonym.es/?https://muxiv.com/) - Stream 45 million songs on all your devices, online or offline. Primarily Chinese content. - [SongsPK](http://anonym.es/?https://songs-pk.in/) - Mainly for downloading Bollywood songs. Domain changes frequently. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### iOS JailBreak Firmware - [IPSW](http://anonym.es/?https://ipsw.me/?_escaped_fragment_=/version) - Provides Jailbreak firmware. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### iOS Apps - [Cinema Time](http://anonym.es/?https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cinema-time-tv-shows-tracker/id1437347902?mt=8) - Similar like Popcorn Time. - [HDX Online](http://anonym.es/?https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hdx-online/id1386799497?mt=8) - Another alternative for Cinema Time. - [Total files](http://anonym.es/?https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/total-files/id557285579?mt=8) - Basically the IDM under the iOS Download Managern. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## iOS Stores - [App Valley](http://anonym.es/?https://app.appvalley.vip/) - Basically the Aptoide under the iOS Stores. - [Box Loca](http://anonym.es/?https://apps.apple.com/us/app/box-loca/id1466961267) - Track the movies you have watched with Box Loca for iPhone. - [Cydia](http://anonym.es/?https://cydia.saurik.com/) - Cydia is an alternative to Apple's App Store for "jailbroken" devices. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### iOS Store Repos - [Ahmedbafkir.Yourepo](http://anonym.es/?https://ahmedbafkir.yourepo.com/) - [Appdb](http://anonym.es/?https://appdb.to) - [Appcake](http://anonym.es/?https://www.iphonecake.com) - [Akusio](http://anonym.es/?https://akusio.github.io/) - [Alfhaily](http://anonym.es/?https://apt.alfhaily.me/) - [C1d3r](http://anonym.es/?https://c1d3r.com/repo/) - [Carsuki](http://anonym.es/?https://repo.carsuki.club/) - [Cemck](http://anonym.es/?https://cemck.github.io/repo/) - [Chariz](http://anonym.es/?https://repo.chariz.io/) - [Chimera](http://anonym.es/?https://repo.chimera.sh/) - [Classicxiirepo](http://anonym.es/?https://classicxiirepo.github.io/) - [Conorthedev Repo](http://anonym.es/?https://repo.conorthedev.com/) - [Creaturecoding](http://anonym.es/?https://creaturecoding.com/repo/) - [Creaturesurvive](http://anonym.es/?https://creaturesurvive.github.io/) - [Cydia Akemi](http://anonym.es/?https://cydia.akemi.ai/) - [Cydiageek](http://anonym.es/?https://cydiageek.yourepo.com/) - [Daus](http://anonym.es/?https://repo.daus.ch/) - [Dpkg9510](http://anonym.es/?https://dpkg9510.github.io/) - [Dubailive](http://anonym.es/?https://dubailive.github.io/) - [Dunkston](http://anonym.es/?https://dunkston.github.io/repo/) - [Esquillidev](http://anonym.es/?https://esquillidev.github.io/) - [Evynw](http://anonym.es/?https://evynw.github.io) - [Exqusic](http://anonym.es/?https://exqusic.github.io/) - [Geometricsoftware](http://anonym.es/?https://apt.geometricsoftware.se/) - [Get Delta](http://anonym.es/?https://getdelta.co/) - [Gmoran](http://anonym.es/?https://gmoran.me/repo/) - [HackYouriPhone](http://anonym.es/?https://repo.hackyouriphone.org/) - [Hacx](http://anonym.es/?https://hacx.org/repo/) - [Henrikssonbrothers](http://anonym.es/?https://henrikssonbrothers.com/cydia/repo/) - [IB-Soft.net](http://anonym.es/?https://ib-soft.net/cydia/) - [Incendo](http://anonym.es/?https://repo.incendo.ws/) - [Ipodhacks142](http://anonym.es/?https://repo.ipodhacks142.com/) - [Jakeashacks](http://anonym.es/?https://jakeashacks.ga/cydia/) - [Jjolano](http://anonym.es/?https://ios.jjolano.me/) - [Jukben](http://anonym.es/?https://cydia.jukben.cz) - [Julioverne](http://anonym.es/?https://julioverne.github.io/) - [Junesiphone](http://anonym.es/?https://junesiphone.com/supersecret/) - [Kingmehu Yourepo](http://anonym.es/?https://kingmehu.yourepo.com/) - [Kurrt](http://anonym.es/?https://kurrt.com/repo/) - [LimneOS](http://anonym.es/?https://limneos.net/repo/) - [Lonestarx](http://anonym.es/?https://repo.lonestarx.net/) - [Lumartti](http://anonym.es/?https://lumartti.github.io/) - [MCapollo](http://anonym.es/?https://mcapollo.github.io/Public/) - [Manolzrepo](http://anonym.es/?https://manolzrepo.github.io/) - [Midnightchips](http://anonym.es/?https://repo.midnightchips.me/) - [Ndoizo](http://anonym.es/?https://ndoizo.ca/) - [Nepeta](http://anonym.es/?https://repo.nepeta.me/) - [Nexusrepo](http://anonym.es/?https://nexusrepo.kro.kr/) - [Noisyflake](http://anonym.es/?https://apt.noisyflake.com/) - [OceanTweak](http://anonym.es/?https://oceantweak.tk/repo/) - [Opa334](http://anonym.es/?https://opa334.github.io/) - [Packix](http://anonym.es/?https://repo.packix.com/) - [Parrotgeek](http://anonym.es/?https://parrotgeek.com/repo/) - [PikabuCydia](http://anonym.es/?https://PikabuCydia.github.io/) - [Poomsmart](http://anonym.es/?https://poomsmart.github.io/repo/) - [Pulandres](http://anonym.es/?https://pulandres.rejail.ru/) - [Qwert yui op 1379](http://anonym.es/?https://qwertyuiop1379.github.io/) - [R0wdrunner](http://anonym.es/?https://r0wdrunner.github.io/repo/) - [Rejail](http://anonym.es/?https://rejail.ru/) - [Repounclutter](http://anonym.es/?https://repounclutter.coolstar.org/) - [Restiveconch](http://anonym.es/?https://restiveconch.yourepo.com/) - [Rpetri](http://anonym.es/?https://rpetri.ch/repo/) - [Ruler225](http://anonym.es/?https://ruler225.github.io/) - [Ryleyangus](http://anonym.es/?https://ryleyangus.com/repo/) - [Securarepo](http://anonym.es/?https://apt.securarepo.io/) - [Shiftcmdk](http://anonym.es/?https://shiftcmdk.github.io/repo/) - [Shuga](http://anonym.es/?https://repo.shuga.co/) - [Skitty](http://anonym.es/?https://skitty.xyz/repo/) - [Skylerk99](http://anonym.es/?https://skylerk99.github.io/) - [Sparkdev](http://anonym.es/?https://sparkdev.me/) - [Spicat](http://anonym.es/?https://spicat.github.io/) - [Subdiox](http://anonym.es/?https://subdiox.com/cydia/) - [Tateu](http://anonym.es/?https://tateu.net/repo) - [Tdmd](http://anonym.es/?https://tdmd.github.io/) - [The Swedish Prxck](http://anonym.es/?https://theswedishprxck.yourepo.com/) - [Thireus](http://anonym.es/?https://repo.thireus.com/) - [Tie1r](http://anonym.es/?https://tie1r.xyz/repo/) - [Unlimapps](http://anonym.es/?https://beta.unlimapps.com/) - [Webjungle](http://anonym.es/?https://ocean.webjungle.ch/) - [Wizages](http://anonym.es/?https://wizages.com/cydia/) - [Xarold](http://anonym.es/?https://repo.xarold.com/) - [Yaypixxo](http://anonym.es/?https://yaypixxo.com) - [Ziph0n](http://anonym.es/?https://repo.ziph0n.com/) - [hydridev](http://anonym.es/?https://hydridev.github.io/repo/) - [iDevice Hacked](http://anonym.es/?https://idevicehacked.com/) - [rob311](http://anonym.es/?https://cydia.rob311.com/repo/) **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Keygens & Serials - [MiniDL.org](http://anonym.es/?https://minidl.org) - Provides cracks for Windows and MacOS. - [Serialreactor](http://anonym.es/?https://www.serialreactor.com) - Looking for serials? - [Serials](http://serialz.cracks.me.uk) - (insecue) - Yet another serials page. - [SerialShack](http://www.serialshack.com) - (insecure) - One of the oldest serial websites which are still online. - [Smart Serials](http://anonym.es/?https://www.smartserials.com) - (needs VPN) - Forum + serials. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### iTunes - [forked-daapd](http://anonym.es/?https://ejurgensen.github.io/forked-daapd/) - Linux/FreeBSD DAAP (iTunes) - and MPD media server with support for AirPlay devices (multiroom), Apple Remote (and compatibles), Chromecast, Spotify and internet radio. - [How to Remove DRM From iTunes Movies and TV Shows](http://anonym.es/?https://www.howtogeek.com/291612/how-to-remove-drm-from-itunes-movies-and-tv-shows/) - HowToGeek article on how to use TunesKit and Requiem - [Plus Premieres](http://anonym.es/?https://www.pluspremieres.eu/) - Download newest iTunes music in M4A format. - [Requiem](http://anonym.es/?https://digiex.net/threads/requiem-4-1-remove-itunes-drm-fairplay-from-music-video-and-books.11796/) - Requiem is a program that removes Apple's DRM (called FairPlay) - from songs, videos, and books purchased on iTunes. - [TunesKit](http://anonym.es/?https://www.tuneskit.com/) - iTunes DRM removal tool. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Spotify - [Block Spotify Updates on MacOS](http://anonym.es/?https://donotupdatespotify.sh/) - A guide is avbl. [here](http://anonym.es/?https://old.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/d2z6kc/guide_spotify_free_without_ads_for_mac_os/). - [BlockTheSpot](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/master131/BlockTheSpot) - Video, Audio & Banner ad-block/skip for Spotify. - [MuteSPotifyAds](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/simonmeusel/MuteSpotifyAds) - Mutes audio/video ads, however you still need to wait 30 sec. - [Spotifree](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/ArtemGordinsky/Spotifree) - An OS X app that automatically mutes ads on Spotify (not supported). - [Spotify Ad-Free](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/CHEF-KOCH/Spotify-Ad-free) - Modified Client(s), Information, etc. - [Spotify Downloader](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/ritiek/spotify-downloader) - Download Spotify playlists with albumart and meta-tags. - [Spytify](http://anonym.es/?https://jwallet.github.io/spy-spotify/) - Records Spotify without ads while it plays and includes media tags to the recorded files. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## SoundCloud - [scdl](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/flyingrub/scdl) - Soundcloud Music Downloader. - [scddlr.com](http://anonym.es/?https://www.scddlr.com/) - SoundCloud To Mp3 Converter Online. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Software - [/r/piracy/wiki/tools](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/piracy/wiki/tools) - Windows/Office activation tools, and images/installers for Windows, Office, and Adobe - [Appked](http://anonym.es/?https://www.macbed.com/) - MacOS application sharing website. - [Blackpearl.biz](http://anonym.es/?https://blackpearl.biz/) - (needs login) - Provides similar services like Snahp (but registration is open). - [Cloud-Droid](http://anonym.es/?https://www.cloud-droid.com) - Warez-Blog, downloads via Scene-hoster. - [CrackingPatching.com](http://anonym.es/?https://crackingpatching.com/) - Cracked software - [CracksNow](http://anonym.es/?https://cracksnow.com/) - Cracks for Android, Windows, and macOS applications. - [gallery-dl](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl) - Command-line program to download image-galleries and -collections from several image hosting sites - [KaranPC](http://anonym.es/?https://karanpc.com) - Yet another community around Windows software. - [Nulled](http://anonym.es/?https://www.nulled.to/) - Nulled is a cracking community where you can find links to cracked software. - [Sanet.st](http://anonym.es/?https://sanet.st/windows/) - Also known as "SoftArchive", is a portal to provide Windows software cracks. - [Softlay](http://anonym.es/?https://softlay.net) - Windows software mirrors. - [Team-OS HKRG](http://anonym.es/?https://www.teamos-hkrg.com/index.php) - Windows software and various activation tools. - [Vestathemes](http://anonym.es/?https://www.vestathemes.com/) - Vestathemes is a website for [WordPress](http://anonym.es/?https://www.wordpress.com/) - themes and plugins. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## MacOS - [APPKED](http://anonym.es/?https://www.macbed.com) - Links to share-hosters, provides serials, cracks & more. - [CrackSoft](http://anonym.es/?https://crackzsoft.com/) - Latest Crack Softwares For Windows and MacOS. - [Imojado](http://anonym.es/?https://www.imojado.org) - (needs ad-blocker) - Android, MacOS X and other things. - [KaranPC](http://anonym.es/?https://karanpc.com/mac) - MacOS X warez via sharehoster. - [Mac Torrent Download](http://anonym.es/?https://mac-torrent-download.net/) - (needs ad-blocker) - Provides cracks for MacOS. Be careful, each click triggers an ad. - [Mac Torrents](http://mactorrent.co) - (insecure) - Lots of MacOS Warez. - [nMac.to](http://anonym.es/?https://nmac.to) - Tutorials, Apps, Games via P2P or sharehoster for MacOS. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Windows (Info, tools and other resources) - [AME](http://anonym.es/?https://ameliorated.info/index.html) - Windows 10 AME aims at delivering a stable, non-intrusive yet fully functional build of Windows 10 to anyone, who requires the Windows operating system natively. - [Krakatoa](http://anonym.es/?https://krakatoa.www3.cz/) - Office, Windows, KMS and Key checkers. - [MDL Forums](http://anonym.es/?https://forums.mydigitallife.net/) - Windows topics, hotfixes & self-made tools. - [RCC](http://anonym.es/?https://www.wilderssecurity.com/threads/rcc-check-your-systems-trusted-root-certificate-store.373819/) - RCC, check your system's trusted root certificate store. - [PCBeta](http://anonym.es/?https://bbs.pcbeta.com) - Windows ISOs, hotfixes and discussions. - [SamLab](http://anonym.es/?https://samlab.ws/) - (RU) - Windows Board, ISOs, Hotfixes & more. - [Shadow-Trooperz](http://anonym.es/?https://shadow-trooperz.xyz/sw/) - Provides Windows ISO's and other Windows related software links. - [Microsoft Build Overview](http://anonym.es/?https://msbuilds.rg-adguard.net/) - A history of Windows build strings. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Windows Resources (Hotfixes & Patches) - [AskWoody](http://anonym.es/?https://www.askwoody.com/) - News, tips, advice, support for Windows, Office, PCs & more. Also provides information regarding hotfixes & patches. - [Simplix Blog](http://anonym.es/?https://blog.simplix.info/update7/) - Windows Hotfix repository. - [Windows ISO + Hotfix mirrors](http://anonym.es/?https://tb.rg-adguard.net/public.php) - AdGuard provides mirrors to hotfixes and Windows ISO's/ESD's. - [UUPDump](http://anonym.es/?https://uupdump.ml/) - In-official Windows Hotfix repository + Windows dumps. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Windows Activation - [PIDChecker](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/BlackRouter/PIDChecker/) - Validate and check Microsoft Product Keys. - [KMS Activator](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/CHEF-KOCH/KMS-activator) - The original repo for KMS related activation & research. - [Windows 10 Digital License](http://anonym.es/?https://www.nsaneforums.com/topic/316668-microsoft-activation-scripts/) - An open-source script which activates WIndows. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Windows 10 Downloads (Mirrors) & Verification Tools - [TheEye - Over 2.7 TB backup of MSDN dump](http://anonym.es/?https://the-eye.eu/public/MSDN/) - Mirrors for a lot of ISO's. - [Microsoft .iso DDLs](http://anonym.es/?https://tb.rg-adguard.net/index.php) - Web interface for Microsoft's own "TechBench" site to provide mirrors for everyone. Latest releases are avbl. [here](http://anonym.es/?https://tb.rg-adguard.net/products.html). - [Microsoft .iso torrents on Digitalriver](http://anonym.es/?https://mirror.corenoc.de/digitalrivercontent.net/) - Mirrors for official Windows ISO's. - [Windows 10 1903 Build 18362.30 Final (May Update '19)](http://anonym.es/?https://gist.github.com/CHEF-KOCH/64fed5431b57a43b4a70ed510b56cba1) - Download + checksum links. - [Windows and Office Genuine ISO Verifier](http://anonym.es/?https://genuineisoverifier.weebly.com/) - Freeware tool to verify Windows & Office images. - [Windows ISO Downloader](http://anonym.es/?https://www.heidoc.net/php/Windows%20ISO%20Downloader.exe) - Allows an easy and comfortable way to download genuine Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 disk images (ISO) directly from Microsoft's servers (tool contains ads). **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## eBooks - [/r/DHExchange](http://anonym.es/?https://old.reddit.com/r/DHExchange/) - PDF/eBooks trading. - [Amazon Free Kindle Books](http://anonym.es/?https://www.amazon.com/b/?_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=ur2&node=2245146011&tag=freeblog022-20&linkId=BNRPUFVEMRQP2NRR) - Top free books for download. - [Apprentice Alf's Blog](http://anonym.es/?https://apprenticealf.wordpress.com/) - Everything you ever wanted to know about DRM and ebooks, but were afraid to ask. - [Authorama](http://anonym.es/?https://www.authorama.com/) - This public domain book site has a wide variety of ebooks for free, by Lewis Carroll, Emerson, Kafka, and more. - [AvaxHome](http://anonym.es/?https://avxhm.se/) + [(mirror)](http://anonym.es/?https://avxhome.in/ebooks) - eBooks, movies & more. - [b-ok](http://b-ok.xyz/) - (insecure) - Free ebook library. - [Baen](http://www.baen.com/catalog/category/view/s/free-library/) - You can download ebooks for HTML, RTF, Microsoft Reader and for Palm, Psion, and Window CE. - [Bartleby](http://www.bartleby.com/ebook/) - (insecure) - While Bartleby charges for some titles, it has a free ebook store here. - [Bibliomania](http://www.bibliomania.com/) - (insecure) - You will find over 2,000 classic texts from bibliomania, plus study guides, reference material and more. - [BitSpyder](http://anonym.es/?https://www.bitspyder.net/) - E-Learning, tutorials & trainings. - [BookBoon](http://anonym.es/?http://bookboon.com/) - (insecure) - World’s largest publisher of online educational literature. - [BookSC](http://anonym.es/?https://booksc.xyz/) - (blocked in some countries) - Z-Library is one of the largest online libraries in the world that contains over 4,800,000 books and 75,300,000 articles. - [BookStack](http://anonym.es/?https://www.bookstackapp.com/) - BookStack is a simple, self-hosted, easy-to-use platform for organising and storing information. - [BookYards](http://www.bookyards.com/) - (insecure) - This online "library to the world" has over 17,000 ebooks, plus links to other digital libraries. - [Boundless](http://anonym.es/?https://www.boundless.com/) - Affordable online textbooks & study materials. - [Calibre Web](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web) - Web app for browsing, reading and downloading eBooks stored in a Calibre database. - [Calibre DRM Removal Plugins 2019 — Remove eBook DRM with Calibre](http://anonym.es/?https://medium.com/@angeldan1989/calibre-drm-removal-plugins-2019-remove-ebook-drm-with-calibre-4ec9c07cae80) - DeDRM removal guide for Calibre. - [CG Persia Forum](http://anonym.es/?https://cgpersia.com/) - EBooks, tutorials & courses. - [CGPeers](http://anonym.es/?https://www.cgpeers.com/) - Ebooks,, courses and trainings. - [COPS](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/seblucas/cops) - Calibre OPDS (and HTML) - PHP Server: Web-based light alternative to Calibre content server / Calibre2OPDS to serve ebooks (epub, mobi, pdf, etc.). - [CourseClub.me](http://anonym.es/?https://courseclub.me/) - CourseClub provides courses which you can download for e.g. Lynda, Pluralsight, CBG Nuggets & more. - [Custom Search Engine](http://anonym.es/?https://cse.google.com/cse?cx=000661023013169144559:a1-kkiboeco) - A Google custom search engine specifically for ebooks. - [DailyLit](http://www.dailylit.com/) - (insecure) - Get free downloads sent to your email by RSS feed. - [DeDRM_tools](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/apprenticeharper/DeDRM_tools) A github repository of all the scripts and other tools for removing DRM from ebooks. - [DLEBook.me](http://dlebook.me/) - (insecure) - eBooks, Magazines & software. - [ebookee.org](http://anonym.es/?https://ebookee.org/) - PDF & eBooks trading, various categories. - [eBookLobby](http://www.ebooklobby.com/) - (insecure) - You'll find lost of self-help, hobby and reference books here, plus children's fiction and more. - [O’Reilly](http://www.oreilly.com/?cmp=af-npa--home_cj_11246204_7018660) - (insecure) - A platform to download books, magazines, and tutorials for free. - [eLearning](http://anonym.es/?https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca) - Cisco, Mango, HSTalks and other eBook courses for free. - [eReader.com](http://www.ereader.com/servlet/mw?t=freebooks&si=59) - (insecure) - eReader.com has many classic lit selections for free. - [FicSave](http://ficsave.xyz/) - (insecure) - An Open-Source Online Fanfiction Downloader. - [FeedBooks](http://www.feedbooks.com/publicdomain) - (insecure) - Provides millions of books. - [Books Pics](http://bookspics.com/) - (insecure) - Download free eBooks and magazines. - [Free eBooks](http://www.free-ebooks.net/) - (insecure) - Besides browsing topics such as biography, fan fiction, games, history, or tutorials, you can submit your own ebook, too. - [freebookspot.es](http://www.freebookspot.es/) - (insecure) - Various eBook's for free. - [FreeTechBooks](http://www.freetechbooks.com/) - (insecure) - Download free computer science, engineering and programming books, textbooks and lecture notes. - [FreeComputerBooks](http://freecomputerbooks.com/) - (insecure) - eBook categories such as Computer, Lecture Notes, Mathematics, Tutorials, Programming, and Technical books. - [FreeCourseSite.com](http://anonym.es/?https://freecoursesite.com/) - Provides Udemy courses for free. - [GetFreeEBooks](http://www.getfreeebooks.com/) - (insecure) - This website has free ebooks in categories from writing to environment to fiction to business, plus features and reviews. - [Globusz](http://www.globusz.com/) - (insecure) - There are no limits on the number of free books you can download on this online publishing site. - [Myanonamouse](http://www.myanonamouse.net/login.php?returnto=%2F) - (insecure) - Over 2 million torrents. - [KnowFree](http://knowfree.tradepub.com/) - (insecure) - Access free research, white papers, reports, case studies, magazines, and eBooks. - [Guide to Copy Kindle Content to PDF via Calibre](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/7vc3uv/guide_to_copy_kindle_content_to_pdf_using_calibre/) - - [Gutenberg](http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page) - (insecure) - Project Gutenberg was the first to supply free ebooks, and today they have over 30,000 free titles in stock. - [Open Culture](http://www.openculture.com/free_ebooks) - (insecure) - Offers over 800 free eBooks to your Kindle, iPad/iPhone, computer, smartphone and eReader. - [LeanPub](http://anonym.es/?https://leanpub.com/) - eBooks on programming languages such as JavaScript, C#, PHP or Ruby and guidebooks. - [OnlineProgrammingBooks](http://www.onlineprogrammingbooks.com/) - (insecure) - Offers mobile app development, programming, computer science, web design, software engineering, information technology, networking, and databases. - [How can I remove DRM from my ebooks?](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/apprenticeharper/DeDRM_tools/blob/master/FAQs.md#so-how-can-i-remove-drm-from-my-ebooks) - DeDRM tools provides a big FAQ and scripts, tools to remove DRM on eBooks. - [Internet Archive](http://anonym.es/?https://archive.org/details/texts) - Over 15 mio free books & texts. - [Issuu](http://anonym.es/?https://issuu.com/) - Allows users to upload and distribute their publications worldwide. - [iBiblio](http://www.ibiblio.org/index.html) - (insecure) - Find archives, ebooks, tutorials, language books, and more from iBiblio. - [LibGen](http://libgen.io/) - (insecure) - eBook search. ([Mirror](http://gen.lib.rus.ec/)) - (insecure) - + ([another Mirror](http://anonym.es/?https://libgen.pw/)) - [LibriVox](http://anonym.es/?https://librivox.org/) - Yet another pplatform that offers a free download of audiobooks all over the world. - [ManyBooks](http://manybooks.net/) - (insecure) - You can conduct an advanced search, type in a title or author, browse categories or select books by language, from Finnish to Bulgarian to Catalan to Swedish. - [NZBIndex](http://anonym.es/?https://nzbindex.com/search/?q=Lynda.+Com&age=&max=25&minage=&sort=agedesc&minsize=&maxsize=&dq=&poster=&hidespam=0&hidespam=1&more=0) - Example search for "Lynda .com". - you get the idea. - [Open Library](http://anonym.es/?https://play.google.com/store/books/collection/topselling_free) - Gooel's free eBook storage. - [Planet PDF](http://www.planetpdf.com/free_pdf_ebooks.asp) - (insecure) - Planet PDF has made available classic titles like Anna Karenina and Frankenstein for free. - [Read Print Library](http://www.readprint.com/) - (insecure) - Provides free novels and poems. - [s10 BitDownload](http://s10.bitdownload.ir/Learning.2/) - (insecure) - Tutorials, Udemy & and others. - [Starry.com](http://www.starry.com/free-online-novels/index.htm) - (insecure) - These novels and anthologies were last updated in 2006, but you'll still find an interesting selection of online and virtual novels. - [TehParadox](http://www.tehparadox.co/) - (insecure) - eBooks, Apps, Games & more. - [The idiot proof guide to downloading ebooks off IRC](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/2oftbu/guide_the_idiot_proof_guide_to_downloading_ebooks/) - Posted by /u/Servaplur - [The Online Books Page](http://digital.library.upenn.edu/books/) - (insecure) - You'll be able to access over 35,000 free ebooks from this site, powered by the University of Pennsylvania. - [TheGeeks](http://anonym.es/?https://thegeeks.click/) - Ebook tutorials mostly Udemy, but not limted to it. - [TutsGalaxy](http://anonym.es/?https://tutsgalaxy.com/) - Free Courses & Tutorials - [Twirpx](http://anonym.es/?https://www.twirpx.com/) - (RU) - Fiction/Non-fiction, books in multiple languages. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## eBook Search Indexer - [ABook](http://abook.ws/) - (insecure) - One of the oldest book search indexers. - [BinSearch](http://binsearch.info/) - (insecure) - Binary Usenet search engine which can be used for eBooks and other stuff. - [EBookEE](http://anonym.es/?https://ebookee.org/) - Tech, Database, Java and many many other categories. - [EBook Bike](http://anonym.es/?https://ebook.bike/) - Another search indexer which claims to be the "largest" on the Internet. - [Ebook 3000](http://www.ebook3000.com/) - (insecure) - Free ebooks downloads. - [FreeBookSpot](http://www.freebookspot.es/) - (insecure) - Similar to eBookEE. - [GingaDaddy](http://www.gingadaddy.com) - (insecure) - A usenet newsgroup for eBooks. (needs login) - [Google Search](http://www.google.com/cse/home?cx=000661023013169144559:a1-kkiboeco) - (insecure) - Preset of indexed websites to search for comics. - [oznzb](http://anonym.es/?https://www.oznzb.com ) - Yet another ebook search engine. - [PDFDrive](http://anonym.es/?https://www.pdfdrive.com/) - PDF Drive is your search engine for PDF files. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Magazines - [ebook3000.com](http://anonym.es/?http://ebook3000.com/) - (insecure) - Various magazines. - [MagazineLib](http://anonym.es/?https://magazinelib.com/) - Free PDF and interactive e-magazines. - [magazinesdownload.org](http://anonym.es/?https://magazinesdownload.org/) - Magazines hosted on free, fast, file hosting sites. - [PDF Giant](http://pdf-giant.com/) - (insecure) - Various categories of downloadable PDFs. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Academic Papers (white papers, GRE, etc.) - [Academic Torrents](http://anonym.es/?http://academictorrents.com/) - (insecure) - A Community-Maintained Distributed Repository for researchers, by researchers. - [BookSC](http://anonym.es/?http://booksc.org/) - (insecure) - The world's largest scientific articles store. 50,000,000+ articles for free. - [GRE Prep](http://anonym.es/?https://www.chegg.com/test-prep/gre) - (**semi free**) - Paid and free (trial) material for school, college and graduate students. - [PDF-Gigant](http://anonym.es/?http://pdf-giant.com/) - (insecure) - Provides a lot of different magazines. - [Sci-Hub](http://anonym.es/?https://sci-hub.tw/) - [Sci-hub btw. automatically uploads articles to libgen](http://anonym.es/?https://engineuring.wordpress.com/2017/07/02/some-facts-on-sci-hub-that-wikipedia-gets-wrong/) and provides public access to tens of millions of research papers. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Textbooks - [All IT eBooks](http://anonym.es/?http://www.allitebooks.com/) - (insecure) - A big database of free, direct links for IT and programming ebooks - [forcoder](http://anonym.es/?https://forcoder.su/) - Ebooks & Elearning for Programming - [Guide for Finding Textbooks](http://anonym.es/?http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/3i9y7n/guide_for_finding_textbooks/) - Extensive tutorial by /u/Amosqu - [How to "rent" your textbooks for free from Amazon](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/3ma9qe/guide_how_to_rent_your_textbooks_for_free_from/) - "Going to college? Living off top ramen for dinner? Let me show you have to "rent" your textbooks for free & for life!" - [it-ebooks](http://it-ebooks.info) - (insecure) - Large selection of free and open source IT ebooks - [PDF/Ebook trackers for college textbooks](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/trackers/comments/hrgmv/tracker_with_pdfsebooks_of_college_textbooks/c1xrq44/) - Old-but-still-useful list of ebook/textbook trackers, DDL sites and IRC communities. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Direct Download Streaming - [Catchvideo.net](http://anonym.es/?https://catchvideo.net/) - Catchvideo.net is a free online website, which allows you to download a video url from YouTube, Facebook, Dailymotion, Vimeo and more. - [HDencode](http://anonym.es/?https://hdencode.com/) - Download Movies and TV Shows - #1 Source for High Definition Releases. - [Movie Files](http://anonym.es/?https://moviefiles.org/) - Download Movies For free. - [Movies "R" Us](http://anonym.es/?https://moviesrus.tk) - The newest movies in 1080p. Available with DDL through MediaFire and streaming through AnonFile. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Audiobooks - [ZLibrary](http://anonym.es/?https://b-ok.org/) - Part of Z-Library project. The world's largest ebook library. - [AAXtoMP3](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/KrumpetPirate/AAXtoMP3) - Convert Audible's .aax filetype to MP3, FLAC, M4A, or OPUS. - [AudioBook Bay](http://audiobookbay.nl/) - (insecure) - Download unabridged audiobook for free or share your audio books, safe, fast and high quality. - [AudioBooks.Cloud](http://anonym.es/?https://audiobooks.cloud/) - DDL links to a lot of audiobooks. - [Booksonic](http://booksonic.org/) - Booksonic is a server and an app for streaming your audiobooks to any pc or android phone. - [The-Eye /public/AudioBooks](http://the-eye.eu/public/AudioBooks/) - (insecure) - Audiobooks hosted by "The Eye". - [Tokybook](http://anonym.es/?https://tokybook.com/) - Yet another free audiobook streaming site. - [BookFI](http://anonym.es/?http://en.bookfi.net/) - (insecure) - The largest ebook library. - [Ebooks Shares](http://ebooks-shares.org) - (insecure) - A lot of eBooks & audiobooks! - [P2PEiite](http://anonym.es/?http://p2pelite.com) - (insecure) - Yet another oldschool eBook website. - [ThePirateBay](http://anonym.es/?https://www.thepiratebay.org/browse/102) - TPB collection of AudioBooks. ### Science Books - [BookSC](http://anonym.es/?https://booksc.org/) - Part of Z-Library project. The world's largest scientific articles store. 70,000,000+ articles for free. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Comicbooks - [getcomics.info](http://anonym.es/?http://getcomics.info/) - (insecure) - Comics, release info & more. - [Comic Extra](http://anonym.es/?http://www.comicextra.com/) - (insecure) - General Comic informations. - [Gazee!](http://anonym.es/?https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/gazee/) - A WebApp Comic Reader for your favorite digital comics. Reach and read your comic library from any web connected device with a modern web browser. - [GetComics](http://anonym.es/?https://getcomics.info/) - GetComics started as an alternative place to get downloaded comic. files, particularly US based comics published by DC and Marvel. - [Readcomicbooksonline](http://anonym.es/?https://readcomicbooksonline.org/) - Tends to Error 520 occasionally. - [readcomiconline.to](http://anonym.es/?https://readcomiconline.to/) - Manga and comics which are been uploaded daily. - [ReadComics](http://anonym.es/?http://readcomics.website/) - (insecure) - Several misc comics published. - [WorldWideTorrents](http://anonym.es/?https://worldwidetorrents.eu/torrents.php?parent_cat=Comics) - Provides comic releases. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Manga - [/r/manga](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/manga) - Everything and anything manga! (manhwa is okay too!) - [KissManga](http://kissmanga.com/) - (insecure) - Another manga website. - [Madokami 0-E](http://anonym.es/?https://archive.org/download/Madokami.Manga.0-E) - Download manga titles named 0 to E. - [Madokami F-K](http://anonym.es/?https://archive.org/download/Madokami.Manga.F-K) - Download manga titles named F to K. - [Madokami L-Q](http://anonym.es/?https://archive.org/download/Madokami.Manga.L-Q) - Download manga titles named L to Q. - [Madokami novels, raws and artbooks](http://anonym.es/?https://archive.org/download/Madokami.NotManga) - Download novels, manga raws and artbooks. - [Madokami R-Z](http://anonym.es/?https://archive.org/download/Madokami.Manga.R-Z) - Download manga titles named R to Z. - [MangaDex](http://anonym.es/?https://www.mangadex.org/) - MangaDex is an online manga reader that caters to all languages. - [MangaZone](http://mangazoneapp.com/) - (insecure) - A manga reader app. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Documentaries - [/r/Documentaries](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/documentaries) - Popular documentaries subreddit. - [DocuWiki-net](http://docuwiki.net/index.php?title=Main_Page) - (insecure) - DocuWiki.net serves as an index of documentary films on the Edonkey Network. - [MVGroup](http://forums.mvgroup.org/) - (insecure) - A forum which shares documentaries via P2P. - [whatwhat888 big list of documentary sites (streaming and download)](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/Documentaries/comments/h9pu7/my_big_list_of_documentary_sites_streaming_and/) - An old post by /u/whatwhat888 that may still be useful. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Fonts, Icons & Graphics - [Get the Font](http://anonym.es/?https://www.getthefont.com/) - Searches through GitHub for fonts - [GFxtra](http://anonym.es/?https://www.gfxtra.com/) - DDL links for graphics, icons, 3D models, and more - [GraphicEx](http://anonym.es/?https://graphicex.com/) - Stock/vector graphics, PhotoShop/InDesign resources, fonts, and more - [How to download paid Fonts for free](http://anonym.es/?https://old.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/8tqfg6/how_to_download_paid_fonts_for_free/) - Post by /u/Bebhio on how to use clever Google searches to find fonts online - [Tomato.to](http://anonym.es/?https://tomato.to/) - Supports Shutterstock, Gettyimages, Adobestock, Fotolia, Vectorstock, iStockphoto, PNGTree & PicFair. - [Web4Sync](http://anonym.es/?https://web4sync.com/) - Forum with DDL links catering to web development, graphics design, 3D animation, and photography. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## P2P-Networks - [eDonkey network](http://anonym.es/?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EDonkey_network) - A decentralized, mostly server-based, peer-to-peer file sharing network + [Server Status](http://anonym.es/?https://edk.peerates.net/servers/online-servers-list) - [FastTrack](http://anonym.es/?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FastTrack) - Protocol used by the Kazaa, Grokster, iMesh, and Morpheus file sharing programs - [Fildo](http://anonym.es/?https://fildo.net/android/en/#) - Android music streaming app which fetches files from third party MP3 search engines. - [Gnutella](http://anonym.es/?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnutella) - P2P network behind the popular LimeWire file sharing app - [IPFS - Distributed Web](http://anonym.es/?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/InterPlanetary_File_System) - Peer-to-peer distributed file system that seeks to connect all computing devices with the same system of files - [Kad](http://anonym.es/?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kad_network) - The Kad network is a peer-to-peer (P2P) - network which implements the Kademlia P2P overlay protocol. - [Napster](http://anonym.es/?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napster) - Peer-to-peer file sharing Internet service that emphasized sharing digital audio files, typically audio songs, encoded in MP3 format. - [Peer-to-peer file sharing](http://anonym.es/?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer-to-peer_file_sharing) - Detailed Wikipedia page about file sharing - [TiviMate IPTV player](http://anonym.es/?https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ar.tvplayer.tv) - A popular Android app for watching IPTV on Android set-top boxes. - [YouTube Vanced](http://anonym.es/?https://vanced.app/) - Vanced is a well known modded version of YouTube with many features such as adblocking and background playback and many more. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Ripping, Transcoding, Converting - [Automatic Ripping Machine](http://anonym.es/?https://b3n.org/automatic-ripping-machine/) - The A.R.M. (Automatic Ripping Machine) - detects the insertion of an optical disc, identifies the type of media and autonomously performs the appropriate action - [DVDFab](http://anonym.es/?https://www.dvdfab.cn/) - DVD/Blu-ray ripping tool, alternative use AnyDVD HD. - [ffmpeg](http://anonym.es/?https://ffmpeg.org/) - A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. - [Handbrake](http://anonym.es/?https://handbrake.fr/) - HandBrake is a tool for converting video from nearly any format to a selection of modern, widely supported codecs. - [MakeMKV](http://anonym.es/?https://www.makemkv.com/) - MakeMKV is your one-click solution to convert video that you own into free and patents-unencumbered format that can be played everywhere. - [sickbeard_mp4_automator](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/mdhiggins/sickbeard_mp4_automator) - Automatically convert video files to a standardized mp4 format with proper metadata tagging to create a beautiful and uniform media library. - [The Encoding Guide](http://anonym.es/?https://encoding-guide.neocities.org/) - An in-depth guide on video encoding. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Cloud Storage - [/r/PlexACD](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/PlexACD/) - Discussion about unlimited cloud storage for Plex libraries - [Connect Your Plex Server To Your Google Drive](http://anonym.es/?https://bytesized-hosting.com/pages/plexdrive) - This tutorial will help you connect your Google Drive to your Plex server using Plexdrive. - [google-drive-ocamlfuse](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/astrada/google-drive-ocamlfuse) - FUSE filesystem over Google Drive - [plexdrive](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/dweidenfeld/plexdrive) - Mounts your Google Drive FUSE filesystem (optimized for media playback) - [rclone-gdrive](http://anonym.es/?https://bytesized-hosting.com/pages/rclone-gdrive) - Wiki page on setting up Google Drive with rclone cache and crypt - [rclone](http://anonym.es/?https://rclone.org/) - Rsync for cloud storage. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## File Renaming and Tagging - [/r/datacurator](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/datacurator/) - Subreddit for discussion about the curation of digital data. Be it sorting, file formats, file encoding, best practices, discussion of your setup, tips and tricks, asking for help etc. - [Beets](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/beetbox/beets) - Beets is a music library manager. - [docker-filebot](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/coppit/docker-filebot) - A docker container for FileBot - [filebot-node](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/filebot/filebot-node) - a client-server application that'll allow you to run filebot commands - [FileBot](http://anonym.es/?https://www.filebot.net/) - The ultimate tool for organizing and renaming your Movies, TV Shows and Anime as well as fetching subtitles and artwork. It's smart and just works. - [iFlicks2](http://anonym.es/?https://iflicksapp.com/) - Useful for adding metadata to movies and TV shows - [MediaElch](http://anonym.es/?https://www.kvibes.de/mediaelch/) - Media manager for Kodi. Metadata & artwork retrieval, as well as renaming. - [MediaInfo](http://anonym.es/?https://mediaarea.net/en/MediaInfo) - MediaInfo is a convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files. - [MediaMonkey](http://anonym.es/?https://www.mediamonkey.com/) - Manage a movie/music library from 100 to 100,000+ audio/video files and playlists - [Metatogger](http://anonym.es/?https://www.luminescence-software.org/en/metatogger.html) - Metatogger is the new generation of tag editor allowing you to rename, tag and easily sort your audio files. - [MP3TAG](http://anonym.es/?https://www.mp3tag.de/en/) - Mp3tag is a powerful and easy-to-use tool to edit metadata of audio files. - [Picard](http://anonym.es/?https://picard.musicbrainz.org/) - Picard is an open source cross-platform music tagger written in Python. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Mobile Apps - [4PDA.ru](http://anonym.es/?https://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?act=idx) - 4PDA is the biggest Russian forum about mobile devices. You can find endless amount of APKs and Mobile software there. For download registration is required, [this might help you to solve the captchas](http://anonym.es/?https://doorsgeek.blogspot.com/2015/08/4pdaru-loginregister-captcha-tutorial.html). - [AiOwares.com](http://anonym.es/?https://www.aiowares.com/) - RePacks, mods and other software. - [Android Republic](http://anonym.es/?https://androidrepublic.org/forums/public-mods.24/) - Android Republic is similar to Mobilism, provides mirrors to various apks. - [Android Zone](http://anonym.es/?https://android-zone.ws/) - koumkouat website for Android APK's/Games/GPS. - [Android-1](http://anonym.es/?https://android-1.com/en/programmy/) - Provides apps & app mods. - [AnYme](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/zunjae/anYme) - Unofficial Anime App for MyAnimeList. - [AppCake](http://anonym.es/?https://www.appcake.net/) - AppCake is also known as AC Market and provides free apks. - [apk4free](http://anonym.es/?https://apk4free.net/) - Android apk mirrors and patches. - [APK Mania](http://anonym.es/?https://apkmaniafull.com) - (needs adblocker) - Apps, Games, Themes, Wallpapers & Widgets. - [APKDot](http://anonym.es/?https://apkdot.com/) - APKMirror clone website. - [Apkmos](http://anonym.es/?https://apkmos.com/) - The Best App Store For Download Android Apps, Android Games, Android Themes, Android Wallpapers And Much More For Your Android Smartphone. - [Baltagy's Website](http://anonym.es/?https://baltagy1.blogspot.com/) - Apps, Mods, RePacks and portable releases. - [Blokada](http://anonym.es/?https://blokada.org) - Blokada is a compact app that transparently blocks unwanted content like ads, tracking, malware and other annoyances. - [Cygery AdSkip for YouTube](http://anonym.es/?https://labs.xda-developers.com/store/app/com.cygery.adskip.xda) - Automatically click on the "Skip ad" button in the YouTube™ app when it appears. - [FilePursuit Pro](http://anonym.es/?https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.filepursuit.filepursuitpro) - FilePursuit provides a very powerful file indexing and search service allowing you to find a file among millions of files located on web servers. - [Haxoff](http://anonym.es/?https://haxoff.net/) - Haxoff provides cracked games & Android APK's. - [HiAppHere](http://anonym.es/?https://www.hiapphere.com/app/index/index?sort=update) - [MyJDownloader](http://anonym.es/?https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.appwork.myjdandroid&hl=en_US) - enables you to remote control your desktop JDownloader from your pocket while you're on the go. - [nzb360](http://nzb360.com/) - (insecure) - nzb360 is a full-featured NZB manager that focuses on providing the best experience possible for controlling all of your usenet needs. - [Ombi](http://anonym.es/?https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tidusjar.Ombi) - Companion app for Ombi to request Plex content - [Perfect Player](http://anonym.es/?https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.niklabs.pp) - Perfect Player is set-top box style IPTV/Media player for watching videos on TVs, tablets and smartphones. - [Platin Mods](http://anonym.es/?https://platinmods.com/) - As the name says, provides several mods for apks's & games. - [ProSmart](http://prosmart.by/) - (insecure) - ProSmart is a russian site which provides several apks, mods and games. - [Release-APK](http://anonym.es/?https://release-apk.com/) - Balatan's APK page. - [Tachiyomi](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/inorichi/tachiyomi) - Tachiyomi is a free and open source manga reader for Android. - [Tautulli Remote](http://anonym.es/?https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.williamcomartin.plexpyremote) - Mobile version of Tautilli for monitoring Plex on the go - [Trashbox](http://anonym.es/?https://trashbox.ru/) - Trashbox is the russian Mobilism. - [YMusic](http://anonym.es/?https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/apps-games/app-youtube-music-sound-stream-youtubes-t3399722) - YouTube Music Player & Downloader **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### XPosed & Magisk - [Magisk](http://anonym.es/?https://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/magisk/official-magisk-v7-universal-systemless-t3473445) - Root & Universal Systemless Interface. - [Systemless Xposed For SDK 27 (Android 8.1)](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/Magisk-Modules-Repo/xposed_27) - Magisk Xposed version (needs Magsik). - [VirtualXposed](http://anonym.es/?https://virtualxposed.com/) - Xposed version for non-rooted devices. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Android License Verification Patcher - [LuckyPatcher](http://anonym.es/?https://www.luckypatchers.com/download/) - Patch applications, remove ads and install a modded Google Play Store to bypass Google's license verification. - [Jasi Patcher (also known as Uret Patcher)](http://anonym.es/?https://jaspreetsingh.store/jasi-patcher/) + [[ToolKit](http://anonym.es/?https://jaspreetsingh.store/index.php/jasi-toolkit/)] - Patching tool for android intended to bypass restrictions in the apps & games, it includes custom patches, support patches, universal patches, offline emulation, spoof, hooks, tools and utilities. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Streaming Apps - [99kubo](http://www.99kubo.tv) - (needs ad-blocker) - (insecure) - 99Kubo is a paradise for movie buffs,couch potatoes & social networkers. - [AniméGlare](http://anonym.es/?https://animeglare.xyz/) - (needs ad-blocker) - Let's you stream any anime for free. - [AniméVibe](http://animevibe.tv/) - (insecure) - Watch Anime Online Free HD both Subbed and Dubbed on AnimeVibe without Advertisements! - [AOS TV](http://anonym.es/?https://aostv.app/) - Watch More than 1000+ Live TV Channels free on your Android Phone from across the world. - [ApolloTV](http://anonym.es/?https://apollotv.xyz/) - Open-source aggregator for various online video content. - [BeeTV](http://beetvapk.me/) - (needs ad-blocker) - (insecure) - Watch movies & tv shows for free on Android device, Amazon Fire Stick, Fire TV, Nvidia Shield, etc. - [CKayTV](http://ckaytv.com/) - (needs ad-blocker) - (insecure) - Allows you to stream free videos from across the web directly on your Android and Firestick devices. - [CinemaHD](http://anonym.es/?https://cinemaapk.com/) - (Ads) - FireTV Stick, Nvidia Shield, support Real-Debird, external players, Trakt.tv, series Guide. - [Cinema](http://anonym.es/?https://forum.mobilism.org/viewtopic.php?t=2786441) - A lot of Movies & TV/Shows to watch and download. - [DreamTV (Terrarium Clone) - (now called Redline)](http://dream-tv.xyz/) - (insecure) - (needs invite) - Download various Movies. - [Exousia](http://anonym.es/?https://exousia.app) - Watch Live Tv & Movies, Sports. - [Fildo](http://anonym.es/?https://fildo.net/android/en/) - Yet another Music streaming app. - [Filmix](http://anonym.es/?https://filmix.site) - Watch movies and TV shows using AndroidTV or mobile devices. - [Glaz TV](http://anonym.es/?https://www.glaz.tv/) - (RU) - Online TV for Android devices. - [Kokotime](http://anonym.es/?https://www.kokotime.tv/) - Kokotime is an addon-based, simple, free and elegantly designed app that will let you watch all your favorite media content in a unique and elegant user friendly design. - [KrakenTV](http://anonym.es/?https://krakentv.app/download/) - Watch dozens of different TV channels from the comfort of your Android device. - [Liveflix](http://anonym.es/?https://store.ioob.pw/) - The app allows to watch your favorite channels easily, with a very simple UI. - [Mega Shows](http://anonym.es/?https://megashowsapk.com/) - Watch & Download your favorite movies and TV shows. - [Mobdro](http://anonym.es/?https://forum.mobilism.org/viewtopic.php?f=429&t=2720792&hilit=mobdro) - Mobdro constantly searches the web for the best free video streams and brings them to your device. - [Orion TV](http://anonym.es/?https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=rs.maketv.oriontv) - (SH) - Allows you to watch live TV channels and recorded selected shows (72h Catch-up TV). - [PhoenixTV](http://anonym.es/?https://www.phoenixtv-distribution.com/) - Morpheus Fork - [RevTV](http://anonym.es/?https://lotstv.com/) - (es-ES) - Live TV, Movies, TV Shows in Spanish - [TVPato2](http://anonym.es/?https://tvpato2.com/) - (es-ES) - Spanish Live TV App. - [TVZion](http://anonym.es/?https://tvzionapp.live/) - + [Reddit](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/TVZionApp/) - [TeaTV](http://anonym.es/?https://teatv.net/) - App for Android, Windows, and macOS for watching 1080p movies and TV shows for free. - [UnlockMyTV (Cinema Clone Ad-Free)](http://anonym.es/?https://unlockmytv.com/) **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Big Media Libraries - [/r/BestOfStreamingVideo](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/BestOfStreamingVideo/) - Reddit, random streaming sites. - [/r/MovieStreamingSites](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieStreamingSites/) - Reddit, random streaming sites. - [123Movies.ooo](http://anonym.es/?https://123movies.ooo/) - Watch & stream full HD movies & TV series online for free. - [2TwoMovies](http://anonym.es/?https://two-movies.net/) - Watch Free Movies Online. TwoMovies is a free online video service that offers large collection of full length movies. - [5Movies](http://5movies.to/) - (insecure) - Watch FULL HD Quality 1080/720p movies and latest tv series online for free, download the latest movies without registration at all. - [8Putlocker](http://anonym.es/?http://www1.8putlocker.com/) - (insecure) - Watch Movies HD Online for Free, you can watch all movies here. All TV Series, Asian Dramas, Anime & Cartoons. - [Afdah](http://anonym.es/?http://afdah.to/) - (insecure) - Afdah is a web scraper coded to crawl and index online movie sites. - [BS.to](http://anonym.es/?https://bs.to/) - (GER) - (insecure) - German Video-on-Demand-Website for TV-Shows, Cartoons & Movies. - [CafeHulu](http://cafehulu.com/) - (insecure) - Best Place To Watch FREE Tv Series And Cartoons. - [dokujunkies](http://anonym.es/?https://dokujunkies.org) - Provides several documentations, movies etc. Links are shared via uploaded. - [EZTV (EZTV.AG)](http://anonym.es/?https://eztv.io/) - Well known group for movies and series. - [filechef](http://anonym.es/?http://filechef.com/) - (insecure) - Search Direct Downloads - [FreeMoviez](http://anonym.es/?https://freemoviesz.online/) - Watch free movies online. - [Los-Movies](http://anonym.es/?http://los-movies.com/) - (insecure) - You can stream High Quality movies and cinema films without any redirection. - [nima4k](http://anonym.es/?https://nima4k.org) - A well-known platform for ducmentations, series & movies. - [M4UFree.TV](http://anonym.es/?http://m4ufree.tv/) - (insecure) - Unique design, HD server with backup and additional hosts - [Movie4k](http://anonym.es/?https://movie4k.io/) - Yt another huge Movie/TV Library. - [Primewire](http://anonym.es/?http://www.primewire.is/) - (insecure) - Free Movies! Wow! - [Putlocker.onl](http://anonym.es/?https://www3.putlocker.onl/) - Watch movies and TV Series for free, watch series full episodes online free with HD quality on Putlocker. - [Putlockerfreely](http://anonym.es/?https://putlockerfreely.online/) - Watch your favorite movies online free on Putlocker. Discover thousands of latest movies online. - [Putlockeri](http://anonym.es/?https://putlockeri.club/) - Watch your favorite movies online free on Putlocker. - [Putlockertv](http://anonym.es/?https://www3.putlocker.onl/) - Watch movies and TV Series for free, watch series full episodes online free with HD quality on Putlocker. - [Sharemovies](http://sharemovies.net/) - (insecure) - Watch Movies in Theatre, Anime & Cartoons and TV Series in HD 1080. - [Sockshare](http://sockshare.ac/) - (insecure) - Huge Movie/TV Library - [SolarMovieHD](http://anonym.es/?https://solarmoviehd.to/) - Watch Movies Online and Watch Tv-Series online On Solarmovie without Registration. - [Solarmovies](http://anonym.es/?https://solamovies.cc/) - SolarMovie claims to be the biggest Library of free movies and tv shows. - [Streaming Multireddit](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/user/nbatman/m/streaming/) - Reddit, random streaming sites. - [TORRENTDOWNLOADS](http://anonym.es/?https://www.torrentdownloads.me/) - It’s a no-nonsense index that provides torrents to millions of users each month. - [Viooz](http://anonym.es/?https://vioozgo.org/) - (RU) - Discover thousands of movies, watch your favorite movies online for free on VZM, Viooz. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Navigation Software - [China Rns](http://anonym.es/?https://www.china-rns.com/forum) - (Ger/EN) - German/English forum around navigation software & updates. - [Digital Eliteboard](http://anonym.es/?https://www.digital-eliteboard.com/forums) - (Ger) - Help forum around various topics and provides some tutorials. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Sports Streaming (MMA, MMO, Football etc) - [r/MMAFights](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/mmafights/) - [All The Best Fights](http://anonym.es/?https://www.allthebestfights.com/) - [Arconaitv](http://anonym.es/?https://www.arconaitv.us/) - [Couch Tuner](http://anonym.es/?https://www.couchtuner.cloud/) - [CrickFRee](http://anonym.es/?https://crickfree.org/) - [Footybite](http://anonym.es/?https://home.footybite.com/) - Footybite provides latest news, live scores, stats, betting odds comparison, and much more. - [First Row Sports](http://anonym.es/?https://firstsrowsports.tv/) - [GOMOSTREAM.com](http://anonym.es/?/https://gomostream.com/) - **The .org URL is abandoned!** - Free Live Local TV Channels Sky Sports 12345, Btsports 123 ESPN, Eurosports 12, Star Sports 123, ITV beIN, Fox, Ten, Digi, PTV Sports Online Streaming. - [MamaHD](http://anonym.es/?https://www.mamahd.org/) - [MMA Core](http://anonym.es/?https://www.mma-core.com/videos) - [MMA Versus](http://anonym.es/?https://mmaversus.com/) - [More Live Sports Sites](http://anonym.es/?https://www.tipsformobile.com/top10-free-sports-streaming-websites-to-watch-sports-online/) - [ProjectFreeTV](http://anonym.es/?https://www8.project-free-tv.ag/) - [Siptveu](http://anonym.es/?https://siptveu.com) **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### 720p Streaming - [123GoMovies](http://anonym.es/?https://123gomovies.net/) - [123Moviesuk](http://anonym.es/?https://www.123moviesuk.to/) - [123NetflixPro](http://anonym.es/?https://www2.123netflix.pro/) - [1movies](http://anonym.es/?https://www1.1movies.is/) - [bmovies](http://anonym.es/?http://bmovies.to/) - (insecure) + ([Mirror](http://anonym.es/?https://bmovies.life/bmovies.is)) + [Mirror](http://anonym.es/?https://bmovies.se/)) - [CafeMovie](http://anonym.es/?https://cafemovie.live/) - [ddlhub](http://anonym.es/?https://ddlhub.xyz/) - [Fmovies](http://anonym.es/?https://fmovie.info/fmovies.is) + ([Mirror](http://anonym.es/?https://fmovie.info/fmovies.se)) + ([Mirror](http://anonym.es/?https://www6.fmovies.to/)) - [Flix555](http://anonym.es/?https://flix555.com) - [Flixtor](http://anonym.es/?https://flixtor.to/) - [Full YouTube Movies](http://anonym.es/?https://bestonlinestreamingsite.blogspot.com/2017/10/youtube-movies-to-watch-full-lenght.html) - - [GOMovieshub](http://anonym.es/?https://www.gomovieshub.se/) - [HackIMDb](http://anonym.es/?https://hackimdb.com/) - [HDeuropix](http://anonym.es/?https://hdeuropix.io/) - [HDVix](http://anonym.es/?https://hdvix.com/) - [ILoveToWatch](http://anonym.es/?https://ilovetowatch.online/) - [IWannaWatch](http://anonym.es/?https://www.iwannawatch.is/) - [Khaanflix](http://anonym.es/?https://khaanflix.com/) - [MegaDDL](http://anonym.es/?https://megaddl.co) - Various movies via Mega, 1Fitcher, Openload and other file-hoster. - [MovieGlide](http://anonym.es/?https://www.movieglide.com/) - [Movies24](http://anonym.es/?https://movies24.top/) - [MovieZion](http://anonym.es/?https://www.nicemoviezion.pro/) - [Niter](http://anonym.es/?https://niter-movies.com/) - [pahe.in](http://anonym.es/?https://pahe.in/) - Streams via Uptostream, Google Drive, Openload or Mega. - [ProSpice](http://anonym.es/?https://prospice.surge.sh/) - [Solarmoviez](http://anonym.es/?https://solarmoviez.ru/) - [StreamDreams](http://anonym.es/?https://streamdreams.org/) - [TimeToWatch](http://anonym.es/?https://www.timetowatch.video/) - [TFPDL](http://anonym.es/?https://www.tfp.is/recent) - [Tubi](http://anonym.es/?https://tubitv.com/home) - [TVMovies](http://anonym.es/?https://tvmovies.to/) - [ULMovies](http://anonym.es/?https://ulmovies.com/) - [VidCloud](http://anonym.es/?https://vidcloud.icu/) - [WatchFree.ac](http://anonym.es/?https://www3.watchfree.ac/watchfree.html) - [Watchfree.at](http://anonym.es/?https://watchfree.at/watchfree.html) - [Watchfree.movie](http://anonym.es/?https://www1.watchfree.movie/) - [WatchOnline.al](http://anonym.es/?https://watchonline.al/) - [XMovies8](http://anonym.es/?https://xmovies8.ru/) - [Yes! Movies](http://anonym.es/?https://yesmovies.to/) - [YesMovies.fun](http://anonym.es/?https://yesmovies.fun/) - [ZMovies](http://anonym.es/?https://zmovies.top/) - [SeriesFree](http://anonym.es/?https://seriesfree.to/) - [Send It](http://anonym.es/?https://sendit.gg/) - [SeriesTop](http://anonym.es/?https://www.seriestop.net/index.php) - [StreamAll](http://anonym.es/?https://stream.allsprk.tv/) - [TVZion](http://anonym.es/?https://www.nicetvzion.pro/) - [Vidlox](http://anonym.es/?https://vidflox.me/) - [VipBox](http://anonym.es/?https://www.vipbox.live/) **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### 1080p Streaming - [0123movies](http://anonym.es/?https://www.0123moviesback.com/) - [CineBloom](http://anonym.es/?https://www2.cinebloom.com/) - [Crackle](http://anonym.es/?https://www.sonycrackle.com/out-of-region.html) - [Cyberflix](http://anonym.es/?https://cyberflix.me/) - (Android) - Claims to be 100% free from virus and malware. Direct Download Links are avbl. - [crawler](http://anonym.es/?https://crawler.to/) - [Daxiv](http://anonym.es/?https://daxiv.com/) - [Fembed](http://anonym.es/?https://fembed.com/) - [Filmxy](http://anonym.es/?https://www.filmxy.one/) - [HD Europix](http://anonym.es/?https://europixhd.net/) + [Mirror](http://anonym.es/?https://topeuropix.net/) - [HD Multireddit](http://anonym.es/?https://old.reddit.com/user/nbatman/m/streaming2/) - 1080p Openload, Google Video & Vimeo,.. - [Kodi](http://anonym.es/?https://kodi.tv/) - + ([Setup guide](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/Addons4Kodi/comments/93porc/requests_recommendations_basics_august_2018/e3f6i12/)) - [LeonFlix](http://anonym.es/?https://leonflix.net/) - [MovieJagg](http://anonym.es/?https://www.coolmoviejagg.pro/) - [MovieStreams](http://anonym.es/?https://moviestreams.org/) - [OneMov](http://anonym.es/?https://onemov.net/) - [OnMovies](http://anonym.es/?https://onmovies.to/) - [StreamMango](http://anonym.es/?https://streammango.com/) - [Streamplay.to](http://anonym.es/?https://streamplay.to/) - [TeaTV](http://anonym.es/?https://teatv.net/download/) - [TopEuroPix](http://anonym.es/?https://topeuropix.net/) - [UWatchfree](http://anonym.es/?https://www.uwatchfree.tv/) - [Verystream](http://anonym.es/?https://verystream.com/) - [Videospider](http://anonym.es/?https://videospider.in/) - [Vmovee](http://anonym.es/?https://vmovee.ws/) - [Ymovies](http://anonym.es/?https://ymovies.tv/) **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Wrestling & MMA specifc - [Fight-BB](http://anonym.es/?http://fight-bb.com/) - (insecure) - [MMA Releaselog](http://anonym.es/?http://mma-releaselog.com/) - (insecure) - [WWE-TV](http://anonym.es/?http://www.wwe-tv.com/) - (Ger) - (insecure) **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Video Streaming link search engines - [Anonembed](http://anonym.es/?http://anonembed.xyz/) - (insecure) - Search Engine for Openload,Streamango,Rapidvideo, Google Drive, Google photos, Verystream & more. - [FilesLoop](http://anonym.es/?https://www.filesloop.com/) - Search and download torrents and files from various file hosting like Uploaded etc. - [ololo](http://anonym.es/?https://ololo.to/) - Enjoy millions of streaming links for the newest movies and TV shows. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Torrent Apps (Android/iOS) - [/r/moddedandroidapps](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/moddedandroidapps) - User modified Android App(s). - [aTorrent](http://anonym.es/?https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobilityflow.torrent) - Another popular torrent client for Android. - [BiglyBT](http://anonym.es/?https://f-droid.org/packages/com.biglybt.android.client/) - Free, open source torrent client for Android phone, tablet, Chromebook, & Android TV - [Flud](http://anonym.es/?https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.delphicoder.flud&hl=en) - Flud is a simple and beautiful BitTorrent client for Android. - [LibreTorrent](http://anonym.es/?https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.proninyaroslav.libretorrent/) - LibreTorrent is a Free as in Freedom torrent client for Android 4+, based on libtorrent. - [Transdrone](http://anonym.es/?https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.transdroid.lite) - Transdrone allows you to manage the torrents you run on your home server or seedbox. - [Trireme for Deluge](http://anonym.es/?https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.deluge.trireme/) - A Deluge thin client for Android. Written in Flutter. - [Vuze](http://anonym.es/?https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vuze.torrent.downloader) - Lightweight & powerful BitTorrent app. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Discord Client alternatives (without logging/telemetry) - [Ripcord](http://anonym.es/?https://cancel.fm/ripcord/) - A closed source no tracking or analytics Discord client (without electron framework part). **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## Discord Servers - [/f/MEGAlinks (Snahp)](http://anonym.es/?https://discordapp.com/invite/xk7HEE3) - Official /f/MEGAlinks Discord server. - [/hbg/ Homebrew General](http://anonym.es/?https://discord.io/homebrew) A Discord server that shares _newer_ Nintendo Switch Games. - [r/PkgLinks](http://anonym.es/?https://discord.io/PkgLinks) - Reddup game sharing Discord Server. - [/r/soccerstreams](http://anonym.es/?https://discord.gg/geyTtth) - Official Discord server for the recently-killed /r/soccerstreams subreddit. - [9YearOldPirates](http://anonym.es/?https://discord.gg/3YCF8u) - Official Discord server for the 9YearOldPirates relaese group. - [AniméGlare](http://anonym.es/?https://discordapp.com/invite/RMjHm4F1) - Official AniméGlare Discord channel. - [AniméVibe](http://anonym.es/?https://discordapp.com/invite/4QGvkw8) - Official AniméVibe Discord channel. - [APK'S 2 Day](http://anonym.es/?https://discord.gg/2qWqzN8) - This is a discord server that acts as a hub for numerous streaming apps. - [ApolloTV](http://anonym.es/?https://discordapp.com/invite/DT9SgYE) - The official ApolloTV Discord server. - [DoujinStyle](http://anonym.es/?https://discord.gg/z2QDFdA) - Discord server with Doujin related materials. Things such as Japanese doujin music & games. - [DreamTV](http://anonym.es/?https://discordapp.com/invite/FQkQz6g) - A Discord server for the official DreamTV Android app. - [legal acquisition club](http://anonym.es/?https://discordapp.com/invite/UmWJVvH) - A piracy server to discuss and share movies, tv and apps. - [Morph TV (Morpheus Fork)](http://anonym.es/?https://discordapp.com/invite/gVxP2Gq) - Morph TV (Morpheus Fork) official Discord channel. - [piratesonline](http://anonym.es/?https://discord.me/piratesonline) - Official piratesonline.us Discord Server. - [PlayStation Homebrew](http://anonym.es/?https://discord.gg/JJnvEN8) - Home of /r/ps3homebrew and /r/ps4homebrew. - [The Eye](http://anonym.es/?https://discordapp.com/invite/py3kX3Z) - Official Discord server for the-eye.eu - [The Ratio](http://anonym.es/?https://discordapp.com/invite/wab3Qag) - A community of seedbox enthusiasts. Buying advice, application setup, and automation help. - [WarezNX](http://anonym.es/?https://discord.gg/d6xxuPq) - Nintendo Switch Warez community server. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## IPTV + DVR - [/r/IPTV](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/IPTV) - Subreddit some may find helpful for gauging the current state of IPTV providers. - [/r/iptvresellers](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/IPTVresellers) - Promotions and advertisements from IPTV providers. - [/r/IPTVReviews](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/IPTVreviews) - Reviews of IPTV service providers. - [2019 Oscar DVD Screeners](http://anonym.es/?https://whereyouwatch.com/articles/here-are-the-2019-oscar-dvd-screeners/) - List of DVD screeners for 2019's Oscars. - [Academy Awards 2019 Screeners Megathread](http://anonym.es/?https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/aaqc0b/academy_awards_2019_screeners_megathread/) - Post by /u/idoideas listing all available DVDSCR releases for 2019. - [allsprk.tv](http://anonym.es/?https://stream.allsprk.tv) - Channel-hoppable live streaming site with a chat room. - [antennas](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/TheJF/antennas) - HDHomeRun emulator for Plex DVR to connect to Tvheadend. - [IPTV Community](http://anonym.es/?https://iptv.community/) - Technology and IPTV discussion website, useful for finding an IPTV provider/reseller. - [IPTV Providers list](http://anonym.es/?https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ehpk3OCkqj4QgF71v410avGpGC5bQ_lOLl5ppRb3Q9s/edit) - A recently created list of 40+ IPTV providers with notes. - [MythTV](http://anonym.es/?https://www.mythtv.org/) - Free Open Source software digital video recorder. - [PIPTV](https://github.com/schwifty42069/piptv) - Python IPTV client with over 80 channels. - [Piracy and automation, an overview Guide by /u/JukeCity101](http://anonym.es/?https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TwUrRj982WlWUhrxvMadq6gdH0mPW0CGtHsTOFWprCo/edit) - [STBEmulator](http://rocketstreams.tv/stbemu) - (insecure) - Popular Android app for using IPTV streams with EPG. - [telly](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/tellytv/telly) - IPTV proxy for Plex Live written in Golang. - [tvheadend](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/tvheadend/tvheadend) - Tvheadend is a TV streaming server for Linux supporting DVB-S, DVB-S2, DVB-C, DVB-T, ATSC, IPTV,SAT>IP and other formats through the unix pipe as input sources. - [UlstreaMix](http://anonym.es/?https://ssl.ustreamix.com/) - Live TV streaming site, predominantly sports. - [xTeVe](http://anonym.es/?https://xteve.de/) - M3U Proxy for Plex DVR. - [Xtream Editor](http://www.xtream-editor.com/) - (insecure) - Xtream Editor allow you to create, edit and sort m3u playlists online. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### Acestreams - [aceproxy](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/ValdikSS/aceproxy) - Ace Stream HTTP Proxy. (abandonware) - [acestream.org](http://acestream.org/) - (insecure) - Ace Stream is a peer-to-peer streaming application that lets you stream live sports and other content - [AceStreamSearch](http://anonym.es/?https://acestreamsearch.com/en/) - Ace Stream Broadcasts Search - [FireDrop](http://anonym.es/?https://firedrop.com/) - 100GB free cloud storage. - [iktason/aceproxy](http://anonym.es/?https://hub.docker.com/r/ikatson/aceproxy/) - A docker image to run aceengine + aceproxy, e.g. to watch Torrent-TV.ru. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ## IRC - [autodl-irssi](http://anonym.es/?https://autodl-community.github.io/autodl-irssi/) - autodl-irssi is a plugin for irssi that monitors IRC announce channels for torrent trackers and downloads torrent files based on user-defined filters. - [XDCC Tutorial](http://theloadguru.com/xdcc-irc-beginners-guide/) - (insecure) - XDCC Downloading For Beginners: Do It Like A Pro! - [XDCC](http://anonym.es/?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XDCC) - XDCC (Xabi DCC or eXtended DCC) - is a computer file sharing method which uses the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) - network as a host service. - [ZNC](http://anonym.es/?https://github.com/znc/znc) - An advanced IRC bouncer. **[`^ back to top ^`](#)** ### IRC Networks - _Beast-XDCC_ `irc://irc.abjects.net/BEAST-XDCC` - One more XDCC source. - _irc.irchighway.net/ebooks_ `irc://irc.irchighway.net/ebooks` - A nice, friendly irc channel for trading ebooks. - _irc.undernet.org/bookz_ `irc://irc.undernet.org/bookz` - For downloading ebooks (use `@search