The most interesting part:
* Reddit does not bother to sort through their DMCA notices and complies immediately whether the content is infringing or not.
* Release titles are considering copyright infringement.
* Sharing a streaming site URL is considered copyright infringement.
* Asking if a streaming site is down is considered copyright infringement.
* Sharing guides on installing programs and not providing links is considered copyright infringement.
In other words, the whole internet is copyright infringement.
-> Why does Google show or allow URLs if they are copyright infringement material?
-> Why does dnslookup tools and services ala dnslytics doesn't block file-sharing platforms or streaming services?
-> How is someone takes this serious and how you want to archive this, blocking and banning all URL's and who has the right to say what is copyright infringement?
-> Why are e.g. YouTube Creators permitted to use Thumbnails from e.g. google search and don't receive any punishment?
-> Why are URLs and questions/tutorials illegal if everyone can decide to use it or not?
-> How does blocking solve any of it? People will find their ways around and just create the same on other platforms.
-> How do you control linked content if in the meantime the site/content/owner changed - do you expect to monitor all links/content 24/7?
This is about censorship and monetization and nothing but it. It's bad for ad revenue so they strike it ....
> I don't have the time or motivation to continue working on this. I have other things to do and there are other activators. Consider this abandoned unless I say otherwise. I don't even use Windows anymore outside of a VM and haven't for the last 5 years.
Why are other torrent clients removed?
There is a simple explanation, they don't have the ability to bind a specific IP/adapter or network interface which is the only reliable solution to prevent possible leaks in case you VPN fails to bind an IP address. This ensures 100% that only the VPN connection is allowed to download something.